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First Lieutenant
Feb 4, 2006
sorry for the people who where following my Genoa ARR i stop it cos i was bored of not being able to explore and or create a colonial empire!
The Swedish Empire

This ARR, unlike my last, starts off good with a sizable strong nation as a base with the 2nd Swedish-Spanish war going our way!

The Swedish home empire including Sweden, Finland (great cavalry), parts of northern Germany, Poland and lastly the new realms of northern Spain

The north American colonial empire which had been damaged in the latest war. Sweden’s allies France and Mecklenburg had lost most of their’s in the war.

With one island in the Caribbean.

Also in Sweden’s colonial empire was south America and south Africa.


With a spice island as well we had the flexibility to chose where to go next.

But ultimately Spain’s navy had escaped destruction and Spain still had a MASSIVE empire Sweden now had to step carefully around this giant we had won two wars against them but Spain would not let us win a third, we new that.
10 wins/10 wars. Sweden had taken on Denmark, Russia, Spain, Portugal and Poland and won it was a good position Sweden found its self in. and they liked it!
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Interesting. Many swedish aars recently, don't?
haahaha didnt i say that i am expanding my navy it is nearly 100 warships strong i my navy hasnt lost a battle since o am around 1612 against spain! in the 1st spanish-swedeish war
A snow swept war!​

Sweden found its self slowly losing relations with Russia, Denmark and Austria. Which was bad as these countries had a say on Sweden’s power.

The years passed with no events to right down (no wars just a few marriages) until now Sweden found itself in trouble its army now out dated and to old needed reform. And thus a new reform came along and not a moment too late as a war with Russia broke out. And then in almost quick succession Austria decided to attack now taking hold of our holdings in north Germany.
So we got peace with Austria with the loss of our north German bases held Denmark at bay by stopping their armies crossing the Sund. Then our new model army quickly tried to stop the endless waves of Russians.

Russians firing at a light cavalry charge
They war ended with no losses to the Russians or the Danes the only loss was north Germany to the Austrians
The first loss! In a long time, what could be next the navy losing…
WAR had broken out with Venice this was the TRUE challenge
One win to win them all

It was early morning when the armies of the first Swedish army landed in Corsica and took out with minimal effort the fort in only 3 months. Peace was gained just as the Ottomans declared war and the naval battle of the millennium took place 50 warships of the Swedish high nave went head to head with 53 warships and 12 galleys of the Otto navy. The battle was bigger than the armada, greater than midway, a harder hit than pearl harbour. History would never again see the bravery on this scale men who where fighting for king for country and for the good of Christianity. These men fired faster hard and more powerful than there commanders could wish for.
“Lets bored em come on follow me men” shouts captain von Harnock “ follow me…” “pwwwssssttt…BANG” a gun fires
“arggghhhh “ cries Capt. von Harnock
He falls to the deck and is sliced to peaces by Ottoman janissaries
The Swedish crew stop then shout as hard as there lungs will let them “God, kill these non believers. God save Sweden, long live the king long live Sweden death to all Ottomans CHHHAAAAARRRGGGEEEE” the Swedish ships fought gallantly and their crews bored ransacked destroyed looted every almost all the Ottoman ships but still the black sea would not give them the wind they needed and the Ottomans numerical advantage was pushing home. Till after weeks of windless flat calm weather a storm was mustering. This is when the Swedes pulled back and by the time the storm was a few miles away the Swedes had 12 warships and the Otto’s had 13 warships and 1 galley. Then the Swedish “von Charles” the biggest ship in their navy was sunk but the Ottoman galley that had set its self alight and rammed the “Von Charles.” This almost blew the moral of the Swedish. But just when all was lost the Swedish “Sunderland” fired at the Ottomans 3 imperial ships that where together side by side one blew up setting alight an other that blew up just after… this was enough for the Ottomans they turned and ran back to Africa only to run into the storm and sink!!! It was the biggest victory in Swedish history and was named “the battle of black sea storm!” it was the start of a great war or would the Ottomans turn the war around an ruin our only chance to take many Mediterranean claims!
been away for a while and will be ive got internet but trust me theirs more to see in hong kong than a bloody computer! so im going to enjoy my holiday but dont worry ill be back with the next part...get ready to cry, laugh and jump for joy as sweden trys to get it on in a hard world.