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Dead William

Undead Dutchman
68 Badges
Mar 30, 2004
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What I did during my Holidays: A Dead Bastard’s view of another man’s world


It was Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Actually it was a few minutes before ten in the evening, but if you write it was sometime before ten in the evening in the Garden of Good and Evil, people don’t take you seriously. They don’t take you all that seriously anyway if you write things like “midnight in the garden of Good and Evil” but it sounds more poetic. In case you are wondering, my name is William, and I am Dead.
I am also a bastard, which basically means my mommy and daddy were not married at the time of my birth. Once I was a great king. A warrior who slew hundreds, a conqueror of nations, a killer of kings, a breaker of hearts, a man to be reckoned with. Now I am sipping vodka martini’s under a leafy tree in a bower filled with the smell of fruit blossom and nubile young women. Such is life. Or more to the point, such is death. I hung around my old realm for a while, but it got depressing. Not only was I accompanied by more and more fools who happened to be my descendents, the descendents of my dependents seemed mostly interested in sheep, manure and combinations of the two. Up here, I get respect. Or at least, as many vodka martinis as I can drink, as long as I don’t show up in the classier parts of the afterlife. It is sad if your offspring and descendents in the nth degree think of you as a bit of an embarrassment.

Anyway, the fact that I was alone in said garden, which come to think of it, was mostly good, at not exactly midnight but a less poetic hour meant that I was more susceptible to the offer that was made. If this had been a movie, it would have been made by some dame, but regrettably film noir is dead. Also the Vodka was running low and the ice was gone. And they call it paradise.

But like I said, I was sitting under this tree, sipping martini without ice with bits of fluff from apple blossoms feeling sorry for myself in some stupid shrubbery when HE showed up. Now normally, I have about as much to do with HIM as, well, actually I just knew HE existed from stories told by those who do get into the classier regions up here. And HE spoke to me.

First, HE asked for a drink. I think HE did it more to make me feel comfortable. I have always talked better with a glass in my hand, and when the other guy has a glass as well, the talk just flows. The problem with flowing talk is, that it tends to flow places it should not go. I was a king. I have been dead for eternity and a day. I should know these things.

I gave HIM the drink. HE made a statement regarding the fact it had no ice. I pointed out to HIM that the service was lousy. In retrospect, that might not have been the wisest thing to say.

HE gave me a look. And then HE smiled. And if you think that should have lightened my heart and made me feel the glories of Heaven, well, it made my heart drop into my stomach and my tongue dried in my throat. Then came the proposal. Well, no. A proposal is something you can refuse. Anyway, I ended up as a ghost in the Tower of London in an alternate timeline, where my line was extinct and the great Empire which spanned the galaxy and where an entire moon had been carved into my likeness did not exist and would never exist. That in itself was a nightmare. Then I was told I had to guide this nation to greatness.

This nation of snivelling morons who wanted to be able to have a say in government and felt that the king was not the font of all power and where the pope actually thought he had something to add to the whole mess. This nation with its Magna Carta, its Habeus Corpus, and its INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND!!! Ehem. Sorry. I still get very excited thinking about that.

Anyway, HE said that I was the ultimate Englishman and therefore had to expand Englishness across the globe and beyond. I pointed out to him that: A) Most people seemed to dislike the English on this world, as they had on mine and that B) I was Norman-French. C) The first time I had three hundred years extra.

He told me to stop being an idiot and to start guiding the nation. It would make for a bit of a change, a bit of a holiday. Maybe if I had not used an expletive at that point in time describing HIM, HIS ancestry, if any, HIS Son and the Mother of HIS Son and the fact that HE had not as a matter of fact married said mother of said Son, things might have gone…differently. Actually, it was more like several expletives. More like a tirade. Anyway, the story really begins in January 1419…

The game is EU II, vanilla, latest patch. Setting Normal/normal.
Very rarely I might make a game play note in green like this.
I will not save and reload unless an event fails to fire, I will not use cheats and will not use any mods whatsoever.

The country is England, though that might change if the whim takes me. The narrator is William the Conqueror, deceased. Mighty hero, Liberator of Iberia, connoisseur of Beetroot mash, Mangelwurzel wine, Hangover mouth and drunk. Previously encountered in my finished CK AAR, see the link in my signature. Any characters depicted herein are entirely fictional, except for the fact their names correspond to real persons.

Edited to add some game info, reduce typos and the glaring error of 1619… I shall go stand shame facedly in the corner now.
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Can it be true? Is Dead William reviving the Bastard series? Praise be! Now get to work!
Episode 1: War in France

The good thing about being dead is that very few people can see you when you don’t want them to. This meant that my appearance in the village was not noticed by anyone save an old, drunken knight. When I say “village” I really should say “Frozen mud-puddle with many unspeakable ingredients added.” The weather was filthy and the people ugly, so I immediately assumed I was in France. A large banner hung limply in the cold air over the only building in the place not built out of greying weather-beaten wood.

The banner I recognized, due to an intensive training on matters concerning the state of the kingdom I was going to guide to greatness the night previously, as belonging to the current king of England, that is, the current king of England in this quantum corner of the universe.
(For those of you who say from a background in physics: “There are no quantum Universes!” I say, “There’s more between heaven and earth than is dreamt of in your philosophy. So there.)

Anyway, the current king’s name was Henry V. He was young and obnoxious; two states of being that seem to be often linked, to my mind. He was a competent soldier and a fair diplomat, though of course he could hold no match against a member of my own exalted (and extended) family.

The mighty army was billeted in a series of villages and small towns down the French coast. The only thing more depressing than the French coast is the French coast in winter. I have always wondered why the French are so fond of France. The place is frankly, a mess. Having been born there does not help.

I decided to reveal myself to the king of England, so I floated into his bedroom, which was occupied aside from the king, by three young ladies, who by their behaviour and shapely form were probably all called Bambi. Knowing how it feels to be disturbed whilst working on fraternization with the natives, I once again left the presence of the king. Returning several hours later I started to get a whole new appreciation for this upstart king, since he was still actively engaged upon his policy of fraternizing with the natives, but now he had three different natives to fraternize with. I left once more, resolved to return no earlier than the morning, when his day of ruling would start.

Two days later I collapsed the bed on the randy little bugger.

Then I set fire to the bed sheets, chased of his women and formed and ectoplasmic body and proceeded to put the fear of me in him.



The little bastard was cleaning his nails. And he had never taken his boots of, I now noticed. I cannot be accused of being a prurient man, but that sort of thing pisses me off. It’s bad for the bed sheets. Which admittedly I had just set on fire, but that is not the point. There are certain rules a man should live by.


“Oh, God. Another family ghost. Which one are you then?”

I admit this was not having the effect I had hoped it would.


And that that was not he world’s strongest repartee.

“Look old fellow, no offence meant, but family ghosts sort of wander through here on a daily basis. My dad shows up every other evening shouting about my profligate lifestyle and Edward Longshanks keeps shouting at me about the English Longbow. So, before I kick you out, or at least, get the priest to do it, who might you be? Richard the Lionhearted telling me to go on crusade?”

At this point I set fire to the bed hangings as well as shattering an earthenware ewer standing on a sideboard.


“William? William who?” The sad guy who got murdered by his huntsman?”

I decided that a well aimed kick in the googlies would make the boy more attentive and less offensive, so I proceeded to give him a good one. Then I solidified myself some more, grabbed the kid’s hair and took his nose in a lock.

“No. The Conqueror. Some called me a Bastard, and I tried to live up to the name. Now you have promise kid, but together, together there is nothing we cannot achieve.


“Except, possibly, riding a horse the next few days.”


“Now kid, Tell me your plans for the further conquest of France.”


“Oh, very well, I’ll be back tomorrow. Don’t be occupied. Do we understand each other? Nod once.”

He enthusiastically nodded. I saw the calculating gleam in his eyes and knew the cunning little brat was planning something. Probably involving priests. I released my nose lock and let him drop, sending a chill wind through the room to put out the fire.

“I’ll be back tomorrow kid. Don’t do anything stupid.”

That of course, was an idle hope.
J. Passepartout: Yeah, doing something about Scotland is going to be very high on Bill the Bastards list of things to do. Welcome to this AAR as well. (Belatedly)

Catknight: England? Popular. Wherever did you get that idea? 1419. Urr, yeah, I meant to say that.

Duke of Wellington: Yeah, well, at the rate this AAR has gone so far, Don't hold your breath. though I hope to seriously pick up the pace on this and the other one. Thanks for reading, hioe you will be back!

Dublish: The Bastards will be somewhat revived, though I am not quite certain about the format yet. ( Probably fewer cameos.. Also, fewer sheep will probably be involved.) And currently working.

Thanks for reading. Please come back!


(Boy, that looks pathetic.)
Cool! I'll be reading this one! Good luck with the King's evil plotting :D
En success met die lieve "natives" :D
It seems a bit dramatic to burn a King's bed just for wearing boots to bed. It's not Henry's fault the French bambis cannot work out how to take his boots off. He's got some good ideas, but planting English colonies in the sea of, erm, French is a far safer way to secure the lands.

William's priority ought to be keeping Henry alive foras good as this king is, the next is diabolical, in the sense of less than useless.
Okay, Bill the Bastard promised to be back but I haven't seen him make an appearence. His he off indulging in so many vodka martinis that he forgot the time... again? ;)

I hope I didn't just catch this one to see it up and die, DW, that'd be a great shame. Get to it, old son! :D