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May 23, 2006
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This will be an AAR of Brandenburg, Grand Campaign vanilla in 1.09; all settings will be normal.

I have played Brandenburg twice now with one loss and one win so I have no idea how this will turn out. I have only played the game a total of around 6 to 8 times so still consider myself a newbie.

Finally there will be no reverting to save files except in the case of crashes so it is possible it could all end in defeat.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions.

Edit: This will mainly be text based.

1st January 1419 – King’s Council Chambers

King Friedrich 1 calls his advisors and ministers together for a meeting.

“What is the state of the nation and how do we fulfill our dream of uniting the Germanic people under our flag?”

“Well your Majesty, we are a minor power in our region with little influence on larger events at this time. Magdeburg is our vassal. Our nation is poor and ill equipped to deal with war at this time, only mustering 10,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry, and needs to gain access to the seas to construct a navy. We have however come up with a plan for the peaceful union of the German people through a new technique called Diplo-Annexing. Its many benefits include low cost, no loss of life and little threat to our nations existence.”

“NO! We cannot accept this plan! There is to be no navy, it does not fit in with our plans.”

“What plans do you have your Majesty?”

“We have moved our nation one step closer to Centralization and outlawed a navy. We are at maximum tolerance of Catholics, middle ground to Orthodox and we detest the Moslems. Our budget is maximized to the treasury with no other area getting any funding, we require the money to build 10,000 cavalry in Brandenburg province.”

“What are your plans for this new military unit?”

“We are going to enter into an alliance with Mecklenburg along with Pommern, Bremen, Holstein, Prussia and the Teutonic Order to safeguard our Northern flanks.”

“But to what end your Majesty?”

“We are waiting on developments but must be prepared to strike like lightning when an opportunity arises, you shall get your orders in time gentlemen.”

“It shall be as you command!”

8th February 1419 – Alliance signed with Mecklenburg.

13th February 1419 – 10,000 new cavalry in Brandenburg. Cash flow is negative and the king is hoping for a war soon.

4th September 1419 – Bohemia sends a warning to Brandenburg, an insult that will not long be tolerated.

25th October 1419 – Tax collector is ordered for Brandenburg.

2nd March 1420 – King’s Council Chambers

“Sire, the maintenance of the army is crippling the nation, we must reduce our armed forces or face bankruptcy!”

“We shall not reduce the army, I am aware of the situation and it shall shortly be resolved in our favor. Gentlemen, Bohemia has gravely offended us, we are going to war over this matter. They have no alliance and we shall finish them quickly for they are alone and we have many friends. Send the orders out, the army marches!”

“It shall of course be as you say.”

4th March 1420 – Declaration of War is handed to Bohemia, our allies are called upon and all answer the call to end this boastful nation. The Brandenburg army is ordered to march upon Silesia province which is defended by 9901 men, the only force we can see at this time.

19th March 1420 – Combat begins in Silesia province.

23rd March 1420 – The first victory of the war belongs to Brandenburg. A force is left to besiege Silesia province while the rest of the army marches to Moravia province.

11th April 1420 – Forces arrive in Moravia province and commence a siege against no opposition. The remainder of the army begins to march on Bohemia province.

29th April 1420 – A siege is begun in Bohemia province. The remainder of the army marches on Sudeten province. A further 3,000 infantry are ordered in Brandenburg province.

18th May 1420 – The bank forces a loan upon Brandenburg. 7,000 infantry are ordered in Kustrin province.

25th May 1420 – The army arrives in Sudeten province but lacks the strength to besiege it.

7th June 1420 – In Silesia province, the enemy manages to build 7,000 troops who clash with the besieging force.

8th June 1420 – The enemy manages to build 2,000 troops in Bohemia province that clash with the besiegers there.

10th June 1420 – A victory in Silesia province but the siege is broken due to lack of numbers.

14th June 1420 – A victory in Bohemia province, the siege remains in place.

1st July 1420 – Brandenburg province completes the 10,000 cavalry and they are ordered to proceed to Silesia province to restore the siege. A further 4,000 infantry are ordered in Brandenburg province.

2nd July 1420 – The enemy continues to throw troops at the besieging forces. A wave of 1,000 troops are thrown into combat in Sudeten province in a useless attempt to remove the Brandenburg forces there.

12th July 1420 – Victory in Sudeten province. It is now noted by several commanders that enemy forces have all retreated into Erz province and now number some 11,000.

16th July 1420 – 10,000 cavalry finally arrive in Silesia province and renew the siege.

19th July 1420 – 7,000 infantry finished in Kustrin province ordered to move to Brandenburg province and link up when infantry is finished.

15th August 1420 – Infantry arrives in Brandenburg province.

2nd September 1420 – Brandenburg province completes the 4,000 infantry and they link up as planned.

16th September 1420 – Silesia province falls to Brandenburg. Enemy forces (11,000 strong) in Erz province begin a march, perhaps to Bohemia province. (5,000 besiegers) In response to this dangerous move 6,000 troops in Silesia province and 4,000 troops in Sudeten province are ordered to converge on Bohemia province to reinforce the defense. The 10,000 troops in Brandenburg province are ordered to march into Erz province.

29th September 1420 – The enemy forces from Erz province enter Sudeten province and catch the defenders on the march.

14th October 1420 – The Brandenburg province forces enter Erz province and battle begins between the 10,000 Brandenburgers and a 582-man rear guard force.

15th October 1420 – Victory in Erz province and a siege begins.

19th October 1420 – The Sudeten province battle ends in a defeat for Brandenburg with the army there wiped out to a man. 3,000 infantry (the last manpower available for now) are ordered up in Brandenburg province.

22nd October 1420 – Force in Erz province is split and half ordered to Sudeten province.

24th October 1420 – Forces ordered on the 16th of September to leave Silesia province finally arrive in Bohemia province.

18th November 1420 – Sudeten province entered but not besiege due to lack of numbers. Field commanders note that over 12000 Bohemian troops are hiding in the Ost-March province and it appears they are now marching towards the Sudeten province, not wanting to lose another force the troops in Sudeten province are ordered back to Erz province.

25th November 1420 – the Sudeten province forces were far too slow and are caught by a far superior force. (12,000 vs 4,500)

2nd December 1420 – Despite the odds a victory was achieved in the Sudeten province. For the loss of 1,000 troops they inflicted defeat and 3,000 losses on the enemy! Orders for this force to move are countermanded.

20th December 1420 – Brandenburg province completes 3,000 infantry and they are ordered to move to Sudeten province to reinforce the survivors.

8th January 1421 – Bohemia province is attacked by 8,000 troops from the Ost-March province.

14th January 1421 – Another 1,000 enemy troops lost and defeat inflicted on their forces in Bohemia province.

1st February 1421 – Another 1,000 enemy troops attack in the Sudeten province.

9th February 1421 – Reinforcements from Brandenburg province arrive in Sudeten province.

11th February 1421 – Victory in the Sudeten province, few enemy troops marched away this time. Sudeten province is at last under siege. All Bohemian provinces are now under siege or controlled by Brandenburg forces.

2nd March 1421 – The Bohemian army is once again in the Ost-March province although it now only numbers some 8,000 troops. Many eyes are turning towards the Ost-March province and wondering why they are there.

19th April 1421 – Bohemia offers 29d for peace, this is refused.

26th April 1421 – Bohemia province is attacked.

5th May 1421 – Bohemia province has the siege lifted by the Bohemian army, Brandenburg forces retreat.

23rd May 1421 – Brandenburg’s retreating army ends up in Moravia province. Brandenburg province orders 7,000 cavalry.

11th June 1421 – Moravia province finally falls to the siege. The victorious forces are merged into a 15,000 strong army. This army is ordered to attack Bohemia province.

2nd July 1421 – Siege in Bohemia province renewed, enemy fled before the army arrived.

6th July 1421 – 6,000 newly formed Bohemian troops try to break the siege in Bohemia province. Voices begin to ask, “Where are our allies?”

8th July 1421 – Attempt to break the siege of Bohemia province fail. 4,000 survivors straggle into the Ost-March.

15th August 1421 – The siege of Erz province finally succeeds. The troops are ordered to Sudeten province.

26th August 1421 – 7,000 new cavalry are ready in Brandenburg province, they are ordered to move to Moravia province to counter the threat in the Ost-March.

28th August 1421 – 10,000 enemy troops move from the Ost-March to Moravia and besiege it. Our counter moves were to late. The cavalry are ordered to move to Silesia province and the force from Erz province is also diverted to that location to prepare a counter blow.

13th September 1421 – Both forces are now in Silesia province and merged into a 12,000 strong army, this force moves to break the siege in Moravia province.

1st October 1421 – Moravia province is entered and battle commences.

17th October 1421 – The Moravian province is no longer under siege, for the loss of only 1,000 troops the Brandenburg army has put the enemy to flight with the death of over 4,000 troops. Again the enemy retreats towards the Ost-March causing much speculation over whether this is where the courage of Bohemia came from to issue Brandenburg a warning.

24th November 1421 – Moravia province is attacked from the Ost-March province again!

27th November 1421 – A victory, Moravia province remains under Brandenburg control.

4th December 1421 – Bankruptcy and a revolt in Kustrin province by 6,000 people.

17th December 1421 – The army in Bohemia province is attacked by the last 3,000 enemy troops from the Ost-March.

28th December 1421 – The army in Moravia province is ordered north to deal with the rebels in Kustrin province.

13th January 1422 – At last the final forces of the enemy are crushed in Bohemia province!

26th January 1422 – Allied forces begin to flood into Brandenburg and head towards Bohemia province now that it is all over.

28th January 1422 – Kustrin rebels attacked.

5th February 1422 – Kustrin rebels defeat the army of Brandenburg. 9,000 new cavalry ordered in Brandenburg province.

15th March 1422 – Sudeten province falls to the combined might of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg armies. The forces of Brandenburg are sent to help out in Bohemia province.

7th April 1422 – King’s Council Chambers.

“Sire what has happened that requires this meeting?”

“For two long years we have battled against the Bohemian devils to our South, on the verge of victory we have been betrayed!”

“Who betrayed us Sire?”

“Our so called allies! They have agreed to peace terms with the Bohemians! Our men fought bravely and died for nothing!”

“Surely not Sire, what are the peace terms?”

Bohemia accepted the offer of Mecklenburg. Peace returns for the sum of 31d plus we get Erz and Silesia added to our nation.”

“Yes sire, you are correct, we could and would have had so much more alone.”

“Well we shall be alone soon. For now there is to be no new military construction, a tax collector is to be built in Silesia province and I want the rebels dealt with swiftly!”

“The tax collector shall be done immediately, construction shall cease now and the entire army shall head to Kustrin province to deal swiftly with the rebels and end the siege.”

16th June 1422 – Rebels attacked again.

26th June 1422 – Again the rebels hold off our army, the only positive news is that losses have forced them to abandon the siege.

3rd July 1422 – 20,000 troops are ordered into the attack upon the 4,000 surviving rebels.

29th July 1422 – The rebels come under attack from the bulk of the Brandenburg army.

2nd August 1422 – The rebels are defeated.

29th August 1422 – King’s Council Chambers

“With the return of all troops into Brandenburg province the Bohemian war is officially listed as over Sire.”

“What is our state at this time?”

“Well Sire we can only support 15,000 troops but currently have 36,000 on hand. Our nation has had numerous loans forced upon it and is running at a loss of quite a substantial size.”

“Disband all but 15,000 cavalry and lower the maintenance to 50% immediately!”

“Yes Sire. Further we have been offered to join a war against Pskov by the Teutonic Order, how shall we respond?”

“Accept but send NO troops to the war, that is their reward for their help in Bohemia!”

“Yes Sire.”

9th September 1422 – Another loan is forced upon Brandenburg. A tax collector is ordered for Erz and Kustrin provinces.

3rd April 1422 – Brandenburg is bankrupted again.

17th May 1422 – King’s Council Chambers

“You requested our presence Sire.”

“Yes, we have some news to inform you of. We have undertaken Royal Marriages with France, Magdeburg and Muscowy. Inflation is running at 19.2 % but at last the nation is making a small profit which is being shunted into infrastructure technology.”

“That is good news Sire.”

“Yes it is, and it means that now YOU must all plan our next possible moves against those who plot against US! Most of all though, do NOT forget the Ost-March incident in your deliberations”

“It shall be done Sire.”
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Those two bankruptcies are serious, auto. Very serious. That inflation rate's going to kill you.

You might want to go check out the economic FAQs before pressing too far ahead. In the meantime...let me see:

Your BB probably isn't too bad, so there's no real reason to lie low. Pick on a German minor next, a quick war can do wonders.

You really needed to go all out with Bohemia, but try not to have an army so large you can't keep up even with minting. That's how your economy falls apart. Even minting isn't ideal, but better 1% per year than...lessee, you're averaging 6.7 per year. You simply can't keep that up or you won't be able to buy anything.

Definitely tax collectors - mint to get them if you have to. They're simply too useful. Reduce your army - which you did. If you bankrupted again, that means your loans are paid off...good. Now sit back for awhile - your troop morale right now is really bad cuz of those bankruptcies. (Troops get mad when they don't get paid.) Let it recover for a few years.

Good luck! Oh, and welcome to the party!
Ouch! As CatKnight says that could have consequences down the line. Tax, tax, tax, and full centralisation!