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Field Marshal
Mar 28, 2001
Mother Russia: Triumph of the Czars

Europe Aflame. In the west, France and the Dutch fight England and their lackies, Spain, Austria, and Prussia. In the New World, the fledgling United States is in a life-or-death struggle with England.

As I enter the grand chamber, I observe our great czar, EKATERINA ALEXEEVNA, observing some maps. Lately, she's been observing maps of Finland and the Balkans. I've been trying to get her to turn her gaze away from our eternal enemies, The Swedish and the Turks, and get her to pay attention to central Europe. Prussia: Economically strong and military dominant. However, they don't have the population base to support protracted war. Austria: Guardians of the Holy Roman Empire. They are fairly strong, but their main weakness is many unstable religions. I hope I can exploit this instability.

In order for Russia to be great, we must crush English power. For too long, they've been the master of Europe and held the crown of India. We must focus on destroying England once and for all!

Goals: 1. To improve our relations with Sweden and Turkey.
2. To have an alliance with either Sweden or Turkey.
3. To expand our colonies down the American west coast.
4. To advance as far into Europe before 1819.


Our Great Czar Catherine.
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Ah, my favorite scenario, and playing as my favorite power of the time. This will be interesting to watch, especially, as you take a wholly different approach on tactics than I did in my AAR War and Peace: befriending the Turks and Swedish, and crush the English. And it seems you're out for world conquest, whereas I was more intent on creating a sphere on influence and eventually de-throne Napoleon (in which I failed). What's your stance towards France? Just another enemy?
Just one point: I don't know what the title of this AAR is supposed to be, but in my browser it appears as "Ìàòü Ðîññéÿ: Òðèóìô Öàðåé". If you're using characters outside the normal ASCII set, they can appear differently on different systems.
Yeah, that would do it - I don't have Russian language support installed for my browser, and no Russian fonts on my PC either. It can be very difficult to code a web page in multiple languages (I've done it, and it's a pain); most browsers can be reasonably expected to handle accented Latin characters and basic Greek characters, but not much beyond that.
Chapter 1

January 1, 1795

As I sit at my desk, my aide runs up to me shouting. "Sir, our diplomats have successfully established an alliance with the Turks and Swedes!" "Our relations with them have never been higher!" (+150)

Since 1790, we've sent diplomats to them to improve relations.

After my aide leaves, I enter the grand chamber of Her highness, Catherine the Great. I inform her of the latest developments.

"Trusted advisor Dan, what information do you have for me", she asks. "My czar, I have been informed that we've established an alliance with the Turks and Swedes." "Wonderful", she states. "Now is the time to show the world what Russia is all about. You know what to do Dan."

Border States

We are bordered by the pathetic state of Poland, Our glorious allies, and by hated Austria.

Phase 1

January 10.
We've been increasing our military strength. Our quality sucks but we have the manpower to back that up. I see that Prussia's getting a little too much of Poland. That will have to change..

On January 20, Russia declares war on Poland...
Brave... I wouldn't have had the guts to attack an ally... but I guess that is paving the way for your new alliance and changing the partition once again.

Give Napoleon more Russian territory to have to cross as well...

Polish War

It takes our forces a full month to invade Poland. No worries, because Poland's army is pathetic.

Feb 23. Our forces seige Lithuania. It falls due to assault two weeks later.

Feb 30. Our forces seige Krakow. This proves to be a tough nut to crack but it too falls.

We notice that Prussia has a large army under Blucher heading towards Warsaw. Not good. NOO! They've stolen the seige from us!!

On April 25, Poland has unconditionally surrendered to us! :D

screenshots later.
I don't know Dan. I must confess that it's not my cup of tea for AAR style...but you already know I'm an overly verbose guy and prefer a pretty turn of phrase.

I'll confess I've never played this scenario so I don't know what the starting conditions are like, what the armies are like, what tech levels you're at, what countries are around to threaten or aide you. All of that kind of thing.

Other than Catherine giving you free rein to do what you will, the announcement that you have engineered an alliance with Sweden and Turkey, and your DOW on Poland; the only other things I know are that it took about 5 months for an indeterminate number of your forces to assault and take Lithuania and Krakow and then (after Blucher's army steals your siege) you get an unconditional from Poland. I don't know if you fought the Polish army or not...I really don't know much at all. Perhaps I should go and check out the scenario and I'd appreciate it more, but I'd have to say that for someone unfamiliar with it, it just doesn't excite me.

Sorry. I was trying to find something constructive to say but I fear I've failed miserably. You don't have to write a novella, but a little more information would probably help a great deal, whatever form it takes.

Just my 2 ducat's worth.
Its rare when someone posts in my AAR... but I don't complain. You just have to build an audience...

Originally posted by Dan Cook
Well I've never written an AAR before so I'm not sure what to do.

How about telling us what you were thinking when you decided to back-stab Poland. That's a biggy (I take it) so giving us some build-up to it would be interesting.

Did you end up fighting the Polish army? What kind of forces did they array against you? What did you counter with? Did they have a leader of any note? Did you?

So Blucher muscles up and steals your siege...and then you got an unconditional! That must have taken some serious game play...um...like how did you achieve that miracle?

What's next? Who's pissing you off now (other than me)? What are you going to do about it? Are you suffering from domestic unrest? What kind of events (scripted/random) are you contending with?

Anything else interesting happening? Was Napoleon defeated by a small band of Farters, Cows and Cowtapults(TM) or did he win the day and crush some nasty enemy? What are you going to do when he comes a-knocking?

What else is Catherine up to? Sending out merchants? Exploring? Something involving her favourite stallion? Other attempts at making friends? Enemies?

What are your allies doing? Is Sweden helping/hindering? How about the Furniture Empire...err...Turks? You've courted them...did you use them?

Stuff like that...maybe...
Re: Mother Russia: Triumph of the Czars

Originally posted by Dan Cook
Europe Aflame. In the west, France and the Dutch fight England and their lackies, Spain, Austria, and Prussia. In the New World, the fledgling United States is in a life-or-death struggle with England.

As I enter the grand chamber, I observe our great czar, EKATERINA ALEXEEVNA, observing some maps. Lately, she's been observing maps of Finland and the Balkans. I've been trying to get her to turn her gaze away from our eternal enemies, The Swedish and the Turks, and get her to pay attention to central Europe. Prussia: Economically strong and military dominant. However, they don't have the population base to support protracted war. Austria: Guardians of the Holy Roman Empire. They are fairly strong, but their main weakness is many unstable religions. I hope I can exploit this instability.

In order for Russia to be great, we must crush English power. For too long, they've been the master of Europe and held the crown of India. We must focus on destroying England once and for all!

Goals: 1. To improve our relations with Sweden and Turkey.
2. To have an alliance with either Sweden or Turkey.
3. To expand our colonies down the American west coast.
4. To advance as far into Europe before 1819.


Our Great Czar Catherine.

Oh my, I think some mod must sticky all my suggestions to anyone making an AAR of Russia. First off, Czar is for male, female is Czarina, or if you want less Anglicised spelling, Tsaritsa. Third, beginning with Peter official would be Emperor and Empress. :)
Don't worry about your style...about at the same level as my oldy Timurid AAR (Gem, honestly, given that I managed to survive and even grab some territory :) ).
Hello again!

I hope that you there still remember me! I had some problems with my EU II and my Internet. Well, I now can never finish my Prussian AAR, but I hope to repair my EU II sometimes in February...

Anyway, Ìàòü Ðîññèÿ: Òðèóìô Öàðåé has been written on Russian when I was looking on topic list. Btw, are you also Russian?
Welcome back, das. I had actually been wondering where you went. :)