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First Lieutenant
Feb 4, 2006
yes a Genoese AAR dont know if its going to be as good as Cyrus_The_Great's but i will try to be as half as good.

Merchants port, Liguria, Genoa rain with strong winds sound of howling wind in back ground.
As a small ship unloads its small cargo in the main port… a man in a raincoat walks up to the captain of this small boat…
“whatt’s the newsss” said the man in a shivery voice
“damn Tuscan’ idiots accepted peace” replied the captain gloomy
“what where t-the con-conditions” the man said still shivering
“50 gold peaces to ’em”
“WHAT! To Aragon!…b-b-but they where…”
“no-no to ’em Tuscans they didn’t fight one battle an’ tey’ get all the gold cos there the leaders booo-hooo hate them”
“didn’t old idiotic up there in his big warm castle demand anything!…”
“naaaa… he let ’em have it”
“MY GOD DAMN BROTHER DIED IN THAT f***ING WAR AND THE TUSCANS GET ALL THE MONEY well you know what F*** you Francesco Maria Visconti F*** YOU TO HELL”
Passers by gasp and turn to look at an young merchant sailor and his friend
“pssss keep you voice down we’ll get clamped in irons”
“NEWS JUST OUT NEWS JUST OUT” shouts a richly dressed man “Tuscany accept peace with Naples and their allies”
“on what terms” shouts an ex-solder
“Naples is vassal of Tuscany and 50 golds to Tuscany and one of Naples provinces to Tuscany”

That was just it Tuscany had taken everything while Genoa (who just before had 3 Aragon’s provinces and one of Naples. Tuscany had done nothing but taken all the rewards.
Next time fight Naples and her former allies without calling on the Tuscans for help. Your armies should still be in place. The Tuscans may laugh now, but they won't when they are Genoese vassals and are soundly whipped.

That peace just offends my sense of justice.

Good start; an injustice to avenge already!
Sir Sean said:
yes a Genoese AAR dont know if its going to be as good as Cyrus_The_Great's but i will try to be as half as good.

Ill have to follow this :D, and thanks. But anyways, itll be interesting to see how/what you do differently, and the turnout.

Just dont embarress me or ill have to kill you :mad: :D

And yes good start, and i hate it when allies do that to you, you end up hating them more than your enemies.
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i cant attack naples is tus. vassal there now in tuscanys alliance and savory (spelling) has a CB on me and is -200 relatoin (with no ready army) i need my allies (for now hehehe)

p.s. i got no money i was on 2 gold and stayed there tuscany gained half as much as i lost fighting aragon
p.p.s. i have no real standing army just my fleet. there will be screenshots maybe not next but there will be.
Venice long hated!

Since the crusades Venice has been a hated nation in the eyes of Genoa. After many wars Venice managed to take control of the eastern Mediterranean cutting Genoa off from east eastern empire and taking meny Genoese land. The people of Genoa hated Venice and all ways will. But in 1425 Genoese-Venice relations where at a all time high Until…
“SHIP TO LARBOURD…SIR” shouted the lookout
“What she flying, boy” shouted 2nd lieutenant
“hmmmm Venice huh…”
“what shoud we do sir” said midshipmen Rando
The men on board the Genoese ship sprung into action all 12 new canons where rolled out.
The Venetian Captain didn’t see this as a danger… his mind was already set. He had his orders to sink any Genoese ship that came close to Venetian land. Even though they where 50 miles of Crete there would be no Genoese left to claim any different.
So ten minutes later he fired off a 30 gun broadside from his Spanish built galleon nearly sinking the Genoese ship but by luck or mistake. The Genoese ship’s sails stayed up… this is where Genoese sailing comes in. the Genoese merchant vessel turn catching the wind at her fasting sailing point and sped off a 10 knots the lumbering galleon had no chance to keep up!
As soon as they reached back home news spread like wild fire. Venice and Genoa where now in a feud. This was how the 1st merchant war started! BUT would this make Genoa or would it break her to be shore king Francesco asked his allies to join…
The Start of the 1st Merchant War

Stared of bad very bad 3 naval loses to Venice Genoa was having to retreat back from the central Mediterranean to the western…

then 3 gashing victory left the Venetian navy wounded but not destroyed when it regrouped it out numbered the Genoese 3-1 but the Fleet of Genoa lead by Benevento managed to hold off Venice’s fleet long enough to let transports unload troops in Crete! The castle was set to fall in 12 months
The leader that changed history

Biagio Assereto was a gifted man who in 1429 took control of the Genoese fleet, which was now struggling alone against the Knights, Venice and there other allies at sea. While Genoa and her allies could and were winning on land. The alliance had no navy except that of Genoa.

“FIRE” shouted Alonzo
“RELOAD” shouted Alonzo again
“clean….brush” said the gun captain to his crew “Powder…. Canon ball”
“LOADED” shouted one gun crew “LOADED” shouted an other “loaded”
“this city will fall just like the one on Crete” said Marco to Alonzo “don’t you think”
“yes, sir READY FIRE”
Ionia was set to fall in an other 12 months this would bring the war into its 5 year with the fleet demanding no power at sea, Ionia could get back up at any time. But this seamed not to be with Venice’s army out stretched between two wars Genoa was raking in easy victories Crete, Ionia and the 5000 against 1000 men in Genoa. It seemed that even being out numbered 2-1 nothing could stop the Genoese.

that will be tha last of the updates today maybe one more later tonight (my time when brain hurts from looking at too much french

is that better Evilsanta
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lol no its the sound inside the ship of the spanish long gunsthe 6 foot thick oak hull ment from where he was standing he couldnt hear the guns as the end of the barrel stayed out side the ship... that is one of the resons the spanish armada fail to reload spanish long guns you had to clime out of the gun port (its hard to explain) but basicly he could only hear the push back of the guns (he was blockading the city port if that wasnt clear) if it bugs you so much ill change it lol
Nice update so far, although they seem to be winning at sea, they havent touched a finger on land yet, and all their men seem to be in duchy of athens, so take advantage while they are occupied there, although sometimes teh AI will take a whole war there.
The Venetian navy is certainly doing you no favours...
i do too but my navy is compleatly distroyed now (well its hardly powerful) ive played 20-30 mins on and some bad news comes just wait im wrighting it right now
oh and i love seeing venice die too but i have givern up wid tuscany youll see why and you will see what happerns when they lose me lol
They may get it all but WE LIVED

The fall of Tuscany was no matter to Genoa now after Tuscany made peace with Venice for 50 gold’s to Tuscany, Genoa left the alliance, Tuscany fell to the papal states easy!…
For years and years Tuscany sat there and watch powers rise and fall…
But this wasn’t enough with Genoa still with a weak navy and army…
The alliance with Denmark, Burgundy and yes the ancient enemies Venice was just in time as Muscovy and Georgia declared war. Then Sweden and Lithuania declared war… Lithuania then took Kaffa which was given to them for separate peace…
In the year 1468 Genoa was attack at home in Liguria! By a Georgian Fleet the victory was long awaited… then as the Genoese fleet was chasing Georgia away news came that Sweden had landed troops and more where coming the 10 warships 3 galleys and 4 transports (the transports where not meant to be there) turn and took on 22 warships 6 galleys and 4 transports (the Swedish weren’t joking around) the battle was long and hard.

“CCCCAAAAPPPPPTTTTAAAIIINNN” shouted 2nd officer Gonzalez
“What is it now” replied the captain
“Swedish Warship coming along side…”
“Go down the… gun decks and lead the gun crews…HURRY”
“DON’T REPLY DO IT we must live this…”
Down in the smoky gun decks…
“she’s going to the bottom” shouted a marksmen”
“HIPPPP HIIPPPPP HURRRRA” shouted every body together
And this was repeated all over the battle outnumbered but they still won…
It was the Genoese navies Finest hour… So far maybe more to come… who knows but for the first time since 1420 the navy has single headedly Saved Genoa BUT it looked as if Kerch was going to fall…
Pleasant victory, but from what you've just said I somehow feel a defeat is just around the corner.