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First Lieutenant
Oct 19, 2006
Hello everyone...this is my first AAR, as well as my very first time playing Europa Univeralis (one or two). I want to make this interesting, and fun for everyone reading, so i've decided to make this an interactive, living report. What do I mean by that?

Well, I will set this story up so that people can help me play the game. People can volunteer for positions advising me on strategy and tactics and can take satisfaction (or consternation) in the results we have on Europe. Let's get started, shall we?

Grand Campaign Jan. 1st, 1419 - Dec. 29th, 1819

Long-term Goals Reform the Holy Roman Empure under the flag of the Osterreich, through any means neccesary. Possibly bring the West Frankish Kingdom under the realm as well, but mein eyes are sliding Eastward.

Short-term Goals SURVIVE! Erm...vassalise as many of my neighbors as possible, or at least forge a Südliches Deutsches Bündnis between Austria, Bavaria, Würtemburg, and Helvetia.

Part One - 1419-1422

Part Two - The Abortive War

Part Three - Tranquility Be Thy Name (1424-1429)

The Imperial Counsel of Advisors shall comprise the following positions (more can be added later):

The Foreign Policy Advisor(s) shall offer counsel on the intricacies of the Reich's relations with the outside world, including belligerency, the forging of alliances, royal marriages, and offers of vassalisation.

Position held by: Duke of Wellington

The Development Advisor(s) shall offer counsel on the Reich's position about the quelling of rebellions and what to focus our economic wealth on research- and development-wise. Upgrading civil servants, fortresses, markets, et cetera.

Position held by: Grundius

The Religious Advisor(s) will give more faith-specific counsel, andsering important questions such as "Should we blow one thousand Ducats on declaring ourselves Defender of the Faith before we've even begun?" and "how much should we tolerate X religion," X being of course not-the-official-religion-of-the-empire.

Position held by: Fulcrumvale

The War Advisor(s) shall offer counsel on strategy to persue when the game of diplomacy fails, including what types of troops to call up, how best to deploy them, and what the overall strategy of the prosecution of the war shall be. Tactical advice is always welcome as well.

Position held by: Meynolds

The Trade Advisor(s) shall offer counsel on which markets to most focus our merchants on, where to send our traders to establish trading posts, and where, if anywhere, to send our colonists that might best benefit the Reich. They will also have a say in which manufacturies are developed in which provinces.

Position held by: Leumatiello, Cozimo de Primo

The Perennial Emperor will be me, in all my different guises, throughout the four-hundred-year history. I will take counsel seriously, considering my lack of experience, but I understand that this is a game and that it's up to me to make the final decisions and, most of all, to write the story of the game in an accessable and fun manner.

Any volunteers? Suggestions? Comments?
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Can I be your religious adviser? It will be my job to insist that you slaughter heretics and avoid confrontation with fellow Catholics at all times.
Welcome to the forums. I hope you have as much fun AAR-ing as the rest of us have had. I look forward to seeing what tug of wars take place in your cabinet, though in that I will only be an onlooker (not that will stop me from making suggestions of course!) ;)
Good luck Riptide... I hope that you will enjoy the game...

I won't be able to assist you as one of your state secretaries, but I can throw in some words of wisdom from time to time should you be in need of some...

I could be the trade advisor of the Reich. My first words: More merchants to Veneto!
Wow...I didn't think I would recieve so many responses so soon. I *might* be able to get a post up tonight, but if not, one will definately come tomorrow.

Duke of Wellington, Fulcrumvale, Leumatiello, and Meynolds are hereby ordered by Imperial decree to take up the positions of Foreign Policy, Religious, and War advisors respectively.
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Walks in slowly and bows...

"My Emperor, we have discovered an assassination plot on your royal person, I earnestly advise thee to mobilize your army and make ready for war against Bavaria as soon as possible, to destroy those enemies and take what is rightfully yours"....

Your loyal servant...

Count Deal


Good Idea....Hope that you have fun with the aar and learn alot along the way... :)
We accede to the wishes of the archduke! My lord, your first order of business must be to suppress the Hussite heresy in Bohemia and restore the rule and peace of God. Any and all means necessary must be used to insure that more souls are not lost to this grave threat!

Such is the consul of the Archbishop of Salzburg.
The Emperor was shocked at the news of the planned assassination attempt by the Bavarian royalty, but he knew he had no proof. His word, as good as it was, would not pass for a true cassus belli among his own people nor the wider world. So, as infuriating as it was, he would maintain normal relations with the Bavarians.

On the issue of the Hussites, he said, "I know how you feel my friend. I too wish to see the heathens of the North brought to justice and the souls of the people saved, but I must confer with my Counsel on the matter as a whole. To commit to war in any realm, at present, would put the Eastern Realm at grave risk. From Bohemia especially, since they are closely tied to the Magyars. War with one would mean war with the other, and I do not believe that the Reich could survive such a list of enemies."

Later the Counsel was convened, or as much of it as had yet been appointed. Several advisors-without-portfolio were in attendance as well. The Emperor stood tall at the head of the gathering, behind him a map of Europe with all of her states hanging from the wall.


"Gentlemen," the Emperor began, looking at each one of them gathered. "You are all, together, the most important men in Austria. Perhaps the most important in the whole of the world...but we shall get to that in time. I have gathered you all for a general counsel on the state and direction of the Reich.

"Seperately you have come to me with your concerns. His Holiness Archbishop Fulcrumvale has impressed upon me the need to save the souls of Bohemia that are currently in turmoil. I feel that this is a noble cause...but Count Deal, a trusted man in the Empire, has also pressed concerns over Bavarian inclinations on my throne.

"I have had thoughts of forming a military alliance between Austria, Bavaria, and Wurtemburg...possibly leading to the political annexation of those two states into the Reich, in several years' time. The Bavarian question throws this into doubt, however. So too the Hussite question in Bohemia troubles me, for the Bohemians are tied to the Magyars in Hungary. I would like to know if our military can stand up to the double front of Bohemia and Hungary if it should come to open conflict, and what we should do to prepare for that conflict."

With that the Emperor sat down on his smaller throne, eager to listen to his advisors state their ambitions and buttress them with reasons.
Tall (slightly shorter than his majesty), dark, powerfully built, intelligent and handsome Count Deal steps forward ... :D

No we cannot hope to stand against the powerful foes of Bohemia and Hungary together your majesty, as great as our armies are, we would not last against such a coalition.

I determine that your royal majesty should send an offer of alliance to your vassal Baden and the small state or Wurtenburg, before striking at the Bavarian state (casus belli or no makes little difference at this time as the Austrian diplomatic office needs something to do + we have good relations with Bavaria and it will only cost 2 BB to make war).

Then with great cunning and mischief we shall double cross Wurtemburg and let the Bavarian state crush them and annex them, before we move our armies into place and smash Bavaria, taking the two provinces off Bavaria, while making them a vassal also...later bringing them into our alliance....

Your name shall then strike fear into the mortal hearts of any who dare to consider opposing your will, when they remember the fate of the Bavarians.

your humble servant...

Count Deal
I concur with Count Deal. An attack on Bavaria and subsequent vassalisation offers the best means to move forward. I also suggest that if they have not already been gained a royal marriage with both Hungary and Venice. This should secure our backs while we deal with the Hussite threat. Of course even though we are Catholic marriage is not forever and we can turn on them at a later date.

Duke of Wellington
Count Deal assumes that Bavaria will attack Wurttemburg. Bavaria wants Austria, not Wurttemburg. Before the attack is made on Bavaria, would it not be prudent to see with whom Bavaria has a military alliance or could form one? Bavaria is known for its anti-Hapsburg alliance building.

The mere sight of Imperial Knights will cause those heretic Hussite peasants to flee home!
The angry mob might turn against you if the example of the Hussites is allowed to continue.
I can't agree with Count Deal. We have no absolute proof that the Bavarians tried to assassinate you, and why should they? Aren't they fellow Germans just like us? Now I ask you, don't you rather believe the thieves in Venice tried to murder you? Aren't they steeling our Tyrolean Silver? Aren't they robbing our mines for their profit? No, as long as Venice is not in Austrian hand, there shall be no peace with them!