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Jul 14, 2003
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Greating all! I have once agian started the Qara Qoyunlu after a long while, but this time, I am using MyMap and whatever it comes with it.

The settings:

Diff: Weakling
Agressive: Coward

This will hopefully start today or tomorrow.
Now that is a lot of Qara Koyunlu! Name, Location, Sig, Title, and Post!
I look forward to it!
Hello All,

Sorry for the delay. Seems there was some corruption with my EU2 files, and I had to do a reinstall. This will go on tomorrow but this time it will be in 1.09 only no mods.
The Era of Qara Yusuf

January 1, 1419

The year was 1419. To be more precise it was January 1, 1419. Qara Yusuf looked out of his tent at the rising sun. It had been a long hard journey to get to were he was today. Indeed he had survived the onslaught of the Timurids, his capture by the Mamluks and finally the on going battles between The Aq Qoyunly and his clan.

He looked towards the west where the distant outline of Tabriz was. Indeed he had lost it when Timur had come and then took it from the Timurid governor who had taken it when Timur had died. The governor died quickly and easily. The Jalayrids who had helped him before but who had now settled in Iraq had briefly taken it over but they were driven back as quickly has they had come. To the North of Tabriz was Azerbaijan, a land of the Turkmen where he felt most at home. While Tabriz was the capital of the realm, it was filled with Persians and some Turkmen but mostly Persians. They had very different rules on what he should do, but most of those advisors where "Settled" somewhere else, unable to assert any power over the people. To his southwest lay the land of Kirkuk, a land of the Arabs. However the Arabs were only the majority by a small number. It was also filled by Turkmen’s and the "resettled" Persians. The Arabs were a fierce and proud people like the Turkmen but they were more inclined to support an Arabic leader rather than him, so he had to maintain a force to quell revolts. He didn't trust them at all, like the Persians.

To the east lay the lands of Timur, now ruled by Shah Rukh and indeed while he claimed to be like Timur, he hardly had any reason to fear him. Shah Rukh was now more likely to deal with the Persian rebellion than come after him, though he knew he would if given the chance. He eyed the land for its profit but realized he would be opening a bee's nest. To the North West lay the lands of the Aq Qoyunlu. These people were not to be trusted and would be killed if they wandered into his lands. Indeed the continuing raids and supporting of the native populations of each other's realm had grown fierce with each coming days. It was harder for Qara Yusuf to play those games any longer, since to establish peace the Aq Qoyunlu Qara had married a Kurdish princess and brought the Kurds along with them. The Armenians where the last native population of the Aq Qoyunlu not to be incorporated in the Qaghanate. This was due to them not wanting to be under the yoke of either tribe. South of Kirkuk lay Iraq controlled by the Jalayrids. It was hardly a threat to be feared due to the vassalage to the Timurids. Beside Iraq, Marmaluk Egypt was also touching the Qara Qoyunlu border but that was hardly a country to care of. They were Arabic for one and besides of the Shia branch. While he could attack them for being Shia, he rather not attack and gain Arab lands. He wanted his Qaghanate to last after all.

*This is the begining, a little description of the Realm and its neighbours.*
A nice little situation report. I would not under-estimate Shah Rukh. Every so often the Timurids shine. Still, overally it sounds like you are surrounded by potential ... opportunities!
Interesing AAR this might turn out to be. Looking forward to see how you hold out against Shah Rukhistan and the Turks.
April 1, 1419

Qara Yusuf was in the Palace at Tabriz. Knowing how the Persian ministers would like to come and plea with him about how he was un-Persian like and how he was not letting them govern effectively, citing that the Seljuk’s even allowed them to govern while they went off in war. To distance these governors from himself, he placed his guards and some soldiers at the entrance to "persuade" them from not coming.

He hated the palace because he found it too hot and mostly he found it inhabited by yes men ready to accept all what he said. He needed men of iron who would stand up and give him their ideas. For this reason alone, he places his sons and relatives in high posts away from those sorts. As he entered the room, he found Jahan Shah and Shah Mohammad, two of his sons, presiding over a map. Jahan Shah was a smart man. Indeed Qara Yusuf knew he coveted the throne for himself and would get rid of anyone who got in his way. He was the sort of man that Kings locked away, but Qara Yusuf let him be, for two reasons. Firstly, he was a good commander, raiding towns and defending the Qaghanate, the sort of man who will defend what he hoped to get and secondly, he was his son. Shah Mohammad on the other hand, was the elder, wiser brother, who didn't act without thinking but carefully laid plans and executed them perfectly. These two were almost the same with the exception of Shah Mohammad lacking the drive to the throne, though he might take it before Jahan Shah if Jahan Shah didn't act quickly.

"Qara, how pleasant to see you." Jahan Shah bowed low as did Shah Mohammad. "I am sure that you are Jahan Shah. Shah Mohammad, how are you?" "I am well Qara." "I trust Kirkuk does not bother you too much?" "I have my eye on a couple of Arab nobles but they are for the time being staying in line. I do however; have other more suitable candidates set up if they chose some wrong path." "Good, that is how it should be. So what do we have here?" "As per your instructions" Jahan Shah spoke, "the horde has moved to Azerbaijan and has begun to raid more feverishly than before." "Good. This will prove us well for the future. I also have taken the liberty of removing a couple of central figures from the Persian nobility and in place putting respectable merchants in their place." Shah Mohammad and Jahan Shah looked at Qara Yusuf. "Yes I have done what you said I shouldn't go. These nobles need to learn who is in charge and if they wish to rebel or show their discontent, I will show them how I use my blade." Both of the sons looked at each other. "Now, send in Aspand and Abu Said. I want them to take over a look at trade for the Qaghanate." Qara Yusuf turned and left the room. Shah Mohammad looked over at Jahan Shah. "You know what will happen don't you?" "Yes." "Do you want to do it, or should I send..." Jahan Shah raised his hand. I shall do it myself. No need to send so many to do a small amount of work. Do those nobles have private forces?" "Hardly worth worrying about. I shall send over a 100 men to deal with them. The nobles are positioned here and here." Shah Mohammad pointed it out on the map. "Its best if it’s done quickly. We don't need the Persians rebelling. Hardly worth the money and we need them." Jahan Shah just shook his head.

* Centralization +1, Stabilty - 1, Army sent to Azerbaijan*
I agree, some good interpretation of game activity. I look forward to see how you approach other events.
I loved your line about “persuading” the ministers not to visit: very funny. :)
I especially like the line of Yusuf he would use his blade against rebellious nobles and the two sons looking on each other. The second meaning within it is just great. Very well told gameplay all in all, I'll follow.
June 24, 1419

Qara Yusuf had summoned Aspand and Abu Said to talk to them. They were both his sons, with Aspand in charge of trade and Abu Said in charge of Infrastructure. Aspand was also the governor of Azerbaijan, thus granting his two offices and titles instead of the usual one. Aspand was a different man however. His closeness to the Turkmen in Azerbaijan made him the suitable candidate for the governor position. However this also made him a very dangerous person in the Qaghanate. With most of the Turkmen tribes in Azerbaijan, he had enough power to over throw him. For this reason, Aspand was sent mostly on missions to learn about Trade. Aspand also had a vicious temper, made all the more formidable with the troops now in Azerbaijan. He had gathered more men to his father's because thus increasing the army's manpower. This was worrying to him because if he had the ability to summon men on his command, what else could he do?

Qara Yusuf shook that thought away from his head. He knew that Aspand was his son and that he wouldn't dare rise against him but still that worried him. Abu Said however, was more docile and a strange one. He was more of a shadow hanging around whichever brother seemed to suit him, usual this would be Jahan Shah or even Iskander, but his reason for following Aspand was unclear to him. Abu Said was given the Infrastructure because he seemed to be an organized person, his tent usual clean and stacked neatly. This indeed was a good thing to have and Qara Yusuf liked that about him. A page had opened the door and bowed low disturbing his thoughts. "Sire, my most humble apologies. Iskander is here to see you." "Iskander? Where are Aspand and Abu Said?" "Sire, they have not yet arrived." "Why is Iskander here?" "He asked to see you personally." "Fine send him in." The page bowed low and left.

As the door opened, a man in his early 20's emerged from the doorway, dressed in traditional clothes of sheep skins and furs. "Iskander! How good of you to come! This certainly is a surprise!" "Qara, I am deeply honored to have been accepted an audience." "Yes, well, when Iskander has to come unannounced, he usually has news." "I am afraid this news is a little dire my Qara". "Dire? How So?" "Qara, my trip to the Anatolian Turkmen tribes were somewhat of a success. The Ottoman Turks don't seem to like us very much, but our neutral in their policies towards us. The Karaman and Kandar are more accepting and are on quite good terms. Teke is more interested in where the Ottomans and Karaman will strike so I fear they aren't as open as we would like." "And what about Dulkadir?" "Qara, that news is the worst of all. The Dulkadir have chosen to support the Aq Qoyunlu. They have signed an alliance and it seems were rushing to get rid of me quickly before the Aq Qoyunlu diplomat came." "This is dire indeed."

Dulkadir were supposed to be allied to Karaman or Kandar but to Aq Qoyunlu? They must have known what he was doing. But how? His borders with them were filled with fortified towns and forts for a defensive line and the only other region was with the Mamaluks. "What about the Mamaluks?" "The Mamaluks? Sire, they have not supported either of our tribes because they seem to think they are Shia." "Where else shall we get allies from?" "Qara, if I may, I can suggest an empire." "What empire?" "The Kingdom of Georgia." "Christians? Would they ever ally with us?" "From my understanding Qara, they have claims on Armenia and Dagestan. Should we able to convince them to join us, we have them take Armenia while we take everything else." "Don't be foolish. Don't you know what they could expect the same move too? What if they have something similar planned?" "I would not worry Qara; their borders are neighboring the Mongols and the Italians. They would pounce on them if the war wasn't quick and easy. However if they feel the need to claim Turk land, you could show them how you do business with your sword Qara." "Indeed it is easy to say, but hard to accomplish. We do not need to be in a protracted war. However your ideas do have merit. Are you going to Georgia or are you sending your diplomats?" "I just came from Anatolia Qara, if it is your wish, I shall arrange my passage to Georgia through Trabzon." "No, just send your diplomats. I have other uses for you." "Qara?" "Those uses will come soon enough. For now rest and relax." "As your wish Qara." Iskander bowed and left the room. Qara Yusuf bellowed to the page that had entered bowed even lower. "Where is Aspand and Abu Said?" "They have not arrived yet Qara." "Find them! Tell them I am waiting! I shall not tolerate their laziness! Send them to me at once!" "Yes Qara". Qara Yusuf turned towards the open window and thought of his next move.