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Mar 27, 2006
The white Steppe


The prinicpalites that exisited by the year 1419

The land of the Rus has been a varied and diffiring history, and for years no single nation was to even dream of uniting the land of the Rus into one kingdom, Russia. But as the years apporched the 1400s this dream started to appear and mabey this could be a reality. but many obstacles stood infront of this dream of unity. The first big obstacle was the Golden Horde. The golden Horde was the last heir to the great Mongolian empire that invaded Russia years before. But by 1419 the golden Horde's golden age was over. Eairler Timiur the lame invaded the volgan regions but he never got to the muscovite lands. Timiurs invasion of the region was a benifit to the prince of Muscovy for it all but wiped out the Golden Horde, and was propled to a state of anarchy. The two principalities that both had dreams of unifing the land of Rus was Novgorod and Muscovy. It was soon becoming apparent the Muscovy was going to be unifing Russia but for as long as their was no Russia both would think they could unify. And so begins the tale of Muscovy...

I am playing Muscovy in the grand campign. Mods I am using AGCEEP, and sprite changer which once russia gets unified will make the soliders have a more russian look, same goes for the cities. I am playing on normale/weakling.
I do like Muscovy AARs. Will look forward to it.

Once your empire starts to expand, I'd crank up the difficulty, though.
stnylan- thanks
Fulcrumvale-AGCEEP improves the ai so that weakling is meant to be th normal diffuclt level.
Duke of Wellington- I will try not to be hard on them, but most likly they will fall apart after a while.
Will you reach the Soviet Union's mark of greatest world nation? Let's see.
The last years of Vasily I

Vasily the I has had an extordiany reign. Already by 1419 He had taken over the principalites of Nizhyny Novogorod and Murom in 1392, and the principalites of Kaluga, Vologda, Veliki Ustyug and Komi peoples land in 1397-1398. but that was long ago for by 1419 he still had control of the lands.

The door to where Vasily the 1st was opened up and due to the fact it was in the middle of winter of 1419.
"Will You shut the damn door, Yuri." Vasily told His General and friend, and Yuri did as what he was told.
"I have came to tell that Your Father-in-law is at war with the Golden Horde." Yuri responded to His grand prince.
"This is day just got good." Vasily told Yuri.
"Why he is your father-in-law, didn't you marry Vytautas the greats only daughter?" Yuri asked.
"Why yes, But the damn man decide that marriage meant he that could Vyazma and Smolensk, I want them BACK!" Vasily shouted.
"Also Yuri, It is good thing that he is fighting the golden horde, I can let them kill each other off." Vasily said almost immediately after finishing his previous sentence.

In Winter of 1422 Vasily had to deal with heretics, the Stigolnik Heretics. Yuri Patrikeev was told to Crush these Heretics with no mercy. The city of Vologda was were the decide to stage this attack. early when Vasily got news of this Heretical cult attempting to attack the province.
"Damn them, I just hope that This doesn't become as bad as the Hussite wars are becoming." Vasily said.
"Hussites," Yuri asked confused and then spoke,"I heard of them just not sure where."
"Their Bohemia and they have been able to gain control of a good portion of the kingdom." Vasily told Yuri. "Yuri I want you to go to Vologda and Crush these damn Hertics." Vasily said angerly.
"I will aslemble my men imiditally." Yuri said and then left to attack the hertics at Vologda.
"You are in god's grace now Yuri." Vasily said to Yuri as he left to attack the hertics.
Yuri Had gathered his force of 24,000 men and marched from town to town to Vologda. Getting their was annoying as they had to cross the freezing Volga river. The Heretics fell almost immediately once the might of the Gaurds of Moscow came upon them. They were basically made up of peasants and farmers who couldn't fight anyways. Yuri also discovered a useful tactic of deafting rebels that he once He came back to Moscow told the Grand Prince of Muscovy of his strategy.

Vasily the I didn't have anything eventful happen for the next 3 years but on the 7th February 1425... The grand Prince of Muscovy laid dead. He was no more. He was dead. The succession of who would lead Muscvy was interesting but. that shall be told later. He was burried in the royal grave yard of Moscow. He was 54, His reign expanded Muscovys borders farther and made Muscovy the second Major Principaltie in Russia who could of achive the dream of a unified Russia, But that dream would fall to other Grand Princes.
Just a note: When you say normal/weakling, 'normal' is the difficulty and that may be what Fulcrum wants you to ramp up. It's up to you, of course. I usually play on normal just fine.

Weakling is the ferocity of the enemy AIs. It's not a question of AGCEEP's AIs being superior - though I know they've been working on them. It's more that the more ferocious the AI, the more likely history's going to start taking REALLY weird turns....I remember more than one game where the Danes took out the Papacy for example. AGCEEP goes for a more historical/realistic perspective and that assumes the AI's going to behave.

Your AAR is off to a great start! I like your depiction of Vasily and his concern with the heretics....pulling in the Hussite 'problem' was a nice touch, it reminds us of the rest of Europe and I could certainly see Vasily drawing a link between the two.

I also wasn't aware of his relation to Vytautas, only that when Vytautas had been younger his mother wanted him to marry into Muscovy and become Orthodox. It's interesting to see how the 'royal'/ducal families of the east interrelated.

Good luck!
Russia is always a fun one to play, and I've never read an AGCEEP AAR for them so this should be interesting. Nice going so far.
I am sure his heirs will raise the standard of Muscowy to undreamt of heights. But all grand spectacles need a solid foundation, which he has surely provided.
Duke of Wellington- I hope so
CatKnight-thanks I will probley turn the AI up to normal around the time Ivan the terriable comes I will have to decide if I want to add it after he dies though.
coz1- thanks
SunZyl- Novgorod will die just don't want to kill them too early plus currently they are in a war with the danes, sweds, and norwigins.
stnylan- provided that the brother of the dead king doesn't claim the throne.
Succession Crisies

The death of Vasily I was a day of mourning all over muscovy. The Grand prince who had lead them to glory and expanded their principality was dead. Vasily's brother Yuri had thought the he might be able to make his own name for himself and lead Muscovy to glory, maybe even unite the Russian lands. The only issue with that wish was that the throne was going to Vasily's 10 year old son named Vasily II. Yuri gathered all the men who would rally behind him and started to make his demands. He was threating civil war.

In the city of Moscow, The snow was raining hard but not alot. The gaurds to Yuri marched through. None of the peasants and farmers knew what was going on. Yuri marched to the Kermiln, where Vasily II was residing. The door swung open when Yuri stormed in dressed in his armor and acompiend by 4 of his most loyal soliders.
"You little damn brat," Yuri bellowed at Vasily II.
"Uncle what doing you yelling at me for?" Vasily II said stunned and cunfused.
"I have waited years to become the Grand Prince." Yuri thundered at Vasily.
"I am the Grand Prince, the tradition is for the son to reign after his father dies." Vasily said very nervous.
"To hell tradition, I will be back nephew and I will take my Crown." He barked and then stormed out of the Kermilin. Vasily after waiting to see until he was gone for good spoke up to his court members.
"Oh, what I am going to do about Uncle Yuri?" Vasily pleaded with his court.
"To hell with him! You are the rightful heir crush this traitor." one of Vasily II's court members spoke out.
"Calm down Petor, I agree that He should rule not Yuri but we should make peace with your uncle." Another court member spoke.

In 1433 a few years after the argument Yuri had with his nephew. Yuri found Causs belli against his nephew. His sons Vasily the Cross-eyed and Dmitry Shemyaka stormed out Vasily II's weeding as his mother supposedly pulled Vasily the Cross-Eyed's golden belt. This infurated and stormed out of Vasily II's wedding.
"We have came here to honor Vasily the second's weeding to Maria of Borovsk." an orthodox presit said to the crowed, and then Vasily II and Maria said all the vows that were needed to be said.
"You, may now kiss your bride." The preist said talking to Vasily. the two Vasily's kept out of each others way even though they were related. then Vasily II's mother did the unexpected she yanked the golden belt of Vasily the Cross-eyed.
"What the hell are you doing you women!" Vasily shouted to Sophia.
"YOU STOLE THIS FROM MY FATHER IN LAW!" Sophia shouted holding the belt up for everyone to see.
"I didn't steal this!" Vasily the cross-eyed shouted.
"yes you did." Sophia spoke to him.
"lets go Dmitry, apparently we arent even able to witness a weeding in peace." Vasily the cross-eyed said in disgust. He and Dmitry left giving their father Yuri what he been serching for a reason for war!.


In 1433 Yuri decide to bring his army after his nephew. At first he thought he could win as the famed Moscow gaurds were caught off gaurd but once they relized what was going they attacked and defeated Yuri's Rebels. With these battles over Vassily II was now able to rule Muscovy in peace, or so he hoped.
Good to see Yuri put in his place.
Duke of Wellington- thanks and I wouldn't want to be part of it as well.
stnylan- I put him in his place after he decided to destory almost all my country.
SunZyl- I think so, yes the weeding was confusing Sophia, Vasily II's mother, was on Vasily II's side. Vasily the cross-eyed is the son of Yuri brother of Vasily I He was the one who had his golden belt ripped off. Hope that clears it up.
The Aftermath and tartars

Yuri's Uprising devastated the country. Most of Russia was destroyed and much money was loss in the rebellion. Vasily II was able to rally his supporters and defate his Uncle. The only problem was that this rallaing cost money and with the destruction of most of Muscovy, money was in ruins. Vasily II tried to save Muscovy's finances but to no avial. They went bankrupt. This bankruptcy devastated the country. The morale of the Army plumated to levels of despair that had not be seen in years. Vasilly knew that for him to get more revenue to finance any expansion he would have to wait for a while.

The door to the Kermiln opened up sometime in August, 1438 a chill was in the air, it had not began to snow but was getting near to the season of snow. A messenger came who had just recently been at the principality of Novgorod.
"Vasily, I have news on the war between the Scandinavians and Novgorod." the messenger said.
"Well, what is it?" Vasily asked the messenger.
"Peace has been signed between them." He said with a sigh.
"What were the terms?" Vasily said intrigued.
"Much of the principality was split up between the Danes and the swedes, and they are a vassals of the Danes." The messenger told the grand prince.
"Damn the Scandinavians they will be delt with evantaly." Vasily said and he sent the messenger away to deal with other things that messengers do.

The years and winters would go and come, the wars between tver and Pskov would continue to destroy the two principaltiy. The Tatar hordes proved to be a problem for a raiding party was able to capture Vasily II. "Look what we got Here." A tartar horsemen said to his allies laughing darkly.
"This shall be useful, Hahaha" another tartar horsemen said. The horsemen started run around in circles
"We are told to take him alive!" another tartar said and obivously of higher rank then the others.
"Why? He is the grand Prince after all." one of the lower rank horsemen said laughing.
"His taken alive to the Kahn, don't care if he is hurt though make sure he is alive or you won't" The high rank tartar said and rode off the others followed after taking Vasily II alive and brought him before the Kahn.
"This is excellent, Sayyid Ahmad, You shall be reward for this."the Kahn said laughing in his deep voice.
"You better have the money, prince" a tartar solider said tauntly at Vasily II. during this time Vasily was unconscious and he finally regained it and surveying the grand hall, He saw the many hides that adorned the hall along with all the weapons and the winter snow was on the ground.
"I will send a message to your faimly if they want you they will pay up" the Kahn told Vasily and he was right a message was sent to his family and he was able to be paid for his ransom but this further delayed any help for getting out of the bankruptcy. Their was a suprise though waiting at Moscow...