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Aug 21, 2006
Its fields are full of good things and it has provision for every day
Its granaries overflow, they reach the sky.
Its ponds are full of fishes and its lakes of birds.
Its fields are green with grass and its banks bear dates.
He who lives there is happy,
And the poor man is like the great elsewhere.


It was after a drunken New Years party, al-Muayyad Sayf-ad-Din Tatar woke up too quickly and smacked his head against the top of Imperial bunk bed.
A servant heard this pathetic cry for help and rushed into the room. When Muayyad regained conciousness, He demanded to see Ra.
"Ra doesnt exist Caliph. The only god is Allah" said the servant.
But it was no good.....

Ok there's your introduction. First post will come in a week because I'm away from home at the moment. I'm Playing:
Vanilla EU2
Latest patch
Difficulty: Normal/Normal

This is also my first AAR and my first post so If I dont play too good, you know why
Are you modding game at all? Rename Mamelukes to Egypt and change their religion to pagan?

Good start by the way. And welcome to forums and AARland.
Welcome to the joy of AAR writing. Looking forward to the start.
Indeed. Welcome on board, and good luck for the AAR. :)
Sounds good, and good luck with your first AAR. :)
The Reign of Intef IX (1419-1421)

“Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? / Where are they? where are thy wise men? and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.”
- The Bible

On becoming the new Pharoah, al-Muayyad took up the name Intef IX. Intef decided to move Egypt towards Innovateness. He hoped to quickly build up an advanced Egyptian army.

Egypt in 1419.

The people of the region of Cataract were Orthodox which meant they were a sizeable minority that could easily revolt against the new religion. Intef ordered a missionary to convert the people to the one true faith, that of Ancient Egypt.

In August 1419, Intef ordered 20,000 soldiers to march to the Tunisian border. He then sent a declaration of war in hieroglyphs to the Caliph of Tunisia. Against Intef, Tunisia had just 9,000 men. A heated battle took place near Benghazi. However, when Intef ordered his cavalry into a wedge, The enemy formation was destroyed. During 1420, Egyptian soldiers besieged Tripoli and by the end of the year, it was only just holding on.

However, on January 17th 1421, Intef died suddenly in his sleep outside Tripoli. His body was put in his own pyramid near Cairo.
Not wasting any time, I see. Well, Tunisia had it coming, right? ;) Good luck on this and welcome to AARs and the forum. :)
The Reign of Ramesses XII (1421-1422)

For every joy there is a price to be paid.

- Egyptian proverb

Ramesses was an agressive Pharoah and also quite big-headed. He rode to his troops outside Tripoli the day after becoming Pharoah and finished the siege. He then moved on to Tunisia itself. At Gabes, his forces were routed by 2,000 brave Tunisians. Ramesses was so angry at his troops cowardice, he had 200 and their general executed.

He then ordered them to march straight back or be killed. The second battle of Gabes ended in victory for Egypt and Ramesses had a temple constructed to Montu to celebrate the victory. Tunis was sieged and surrendered in November. Tunisia was forced to become a vassal and give up it's Libyan possesions.

In April 1422, Ramesses was killed by an Egyptian assasin who was a relative of one of those slain at Gabes for cowardice.
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It seems that being Pharaoh at this time is a rather high-risk, short life-expetency position!
Funny start. You plan to go for great conquests with high innovativeness? Because that can be trouble with war exhaustion and lack of missionaries. Looking forward to the rest.
My, he certainly didn't last long, did he? Hopefully his successor will have some better luck.
Curious to see where it goes... I generally prefer literary AAR, but this is quicker to read, especially in english :D

I will certainly come here from time to time to see how it develops.

Have you made any editing to actually restore the one true egyptian faith?
The Reign of Intef X (1422-1438)

Soldiers! From the top of this Pyramid, 40 centuries are looking down on us

- Napoleon, 1798.

Intef's reign started uneventfully. However, in 1425 a nasty chain of events struck which brought Egypt's stability into serious minus levels. When, in 1426, Egyptian soldiers left Tripoli, a revolt began. Egyptian soldiers had to quickly rush back to Libya and smash the rebels.

In 1427, a almost forgotten war re awoke. Fez and Morocco had both been allied with Tunisia and Fez attempted six landings known as the Aleppo landings between 1427 and 1432. In 1433, The Fez navy was destroyed at the battle of the Lebanon Coast by the former Tunisian navy which had become Egyptian after the war. This ended any chance of any new landings. The war was ended in 1437 with white peace.

Cataract also converted, in 1429, to the religion of Ancient Egypt much to the glee of Intef. It was also under Intef that Egypt managed to get a merchant into the Alexandria market. However, due to Intef's poor economic abillities, the merchant was knocked out of the Center by competition from Cyprus in 1427. Another attempt in 1431 succeded but was again knocked out. Egypt's stabillity began to pick up in 1434 but when a noble was assasinated, it was not until 1438 that it was made up for.

In 1434, Egypt entered an alliance with Algiers. It had been in alliance with Oman but Oman snubbed it in the Tunisian war so Egypt had been left alone. The next year, Intef became bed-ridden and a regent had to take over. In 1437, It was noticed that the Ottoman Empire was growing in strength. However, the Ottomans were being beaten by the Knights and Venice. A chance was taken and war declared.

Sivas was besieged and quickly taken. Meanwhile the Ottoman army had been destroyed at Syrmna by a Venician army. Egypt then moved onto Angora, but an Algierian commander took over the siege so the Egyptians left. In March 1438, peace was made by Algiers in which, on behalf of the alliance, Sivas was given to Egypt. The ill Intef was overjoyed to hear the news. Just three months later, Intef passed away in his sleep.
A successful reign. Sounds like you are coming out on top of all the regional scraping.