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Mar 15, 2001
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Settings: hard/aggressive, no missions, played as Novgorod.
Goal: create a different Russia (I don't know in which way, but different from Russia created by Moscow).
The differences are somewhat apparent in the beginning. Novgorod is a republic, ruled by City Council made up of merchants. People are more free than in the rest of Russia, the war doctrine is more defensive (I'll put an end to this nonsense) and just a bit more oriented toward quality (in comparison to Moscow). The society is less aristocratic. Novogord still is led in battle by Princes, but in the peacetime they are always controlled by the City Council.

Intro: Sovereign Great Novgorod

Sovereign Great Novgorod. The last free city of old Rus'. Ruled by a merchant, led in battle by a Prince and defended by the axe of a freeman. The mob of the city has more courage than the ancient Romans and the merchant elite has more gold than any other city in Eastern Europe. The goods flow into the city from as far as India in the East, White Sea in the North, France in the West and Egypt in the South. The values of the city are mixed, this is true. On one hand we have freedom loving people, on another gold-hungry traders. But above all they love Rus' and would hate to see it ruled by foreign invaders or Muscowite autocrats. The people of Novgorod would do anything to preserve their way of life, whatever it is and restore Russia to its former glory. After all, it was them who saved Russia from Vikings in the battle at Neva River. It was them who defeated Teutons at Lake Peipus. It was them who preached the same old lesson to enemies of Russia again and again: come with a sword, die by a sword.

Part I: Two Cities

Year 1419. Two cities stand against each other, each eager to bring all of Russia under their command. The first, Novgorod, stands for old Russia: free and respected by others, with Princes having as less control as possible. The second, Moscow, is ruled by ambitious rulers, whose goal is to create a new Russia, modeled after its former conqueror - Golden Horde. They dream of creating an empire that would rule over the rest of the Orthodox world and where a Prince, or Czar, would have the absolute control of all of his subjects.

The battlelines are drawn rather quickly. Moscow and Suzdal' cancel vassalization with Golden Horde and ally against Novgorod. Novgorod is forced to seek allies among other Russian principalities. Pskov is the only one that agrees to side with the City. In many ways Pskov is like Novgorod, only less powerfull and, thus, more ambitious. By 1420 two alliances are at war, with Muscowites gaining an upper hand over smaller armies of Novgorod. Novgorod's merchants are reluctant to support large armies and the city pays for it dearly. Pskov, on the other hand, diverts all its resources to the war effort and prevails over its enemies. In 1423 Pskov army enters Vladimir, the capital of Suzdal', and the principality surrenders to the conqueror. By that time Muscowites are besieging Novgorod itself and Novgorodians expect Pskov to aid them in struggle. All in vain. Not only Pskov makes peace with Moscow, but it also drags Novgorod in war with Tver'. Novgorodians swear to avenge this treacherous behavior, but at the time they are too busy trying to survive Moscow's onslaught on the gates of the City.

Meanwhile, the old Russian foe makes a move again. As Ryazan' declares its independence from Golden Horde, the latter retaliates and invades the principality. In 1424 they sack the city and annex the province. However, as all of Russia mourns the fate of the city, Ryazanians revolt and after a year of strugle win their independence again. Ryazan' comes back on the international arena stronger than ever: it controls not only the province of Ryazan', but Voronezh, Tambov and Saratov as well.

In 1426 Novgorodians settle for white peace with Tver and merchants finally decide to let go off their gold. New armies are build, but they are still no match for Moscow's forces. The Novgorod's force captures Vologda by miracle and proceeds to besiege Moscow, while Muscowite armies besiege Volodga and Novgorod. In a race against time Novgorod's men manage to capture Moscow first, only days before Novgorod would be forced to surrender, and are able to dictate to Moscow the terms of the peace treaty. As Vologda joins Novgorod lands, Pskov annexes Tver' and brings the wrath of all of its neighbors upon itself.

Year 1427. Pskov is at war with Lithuania, Poland and Teutons, abandoned by Novgorod for being a lousy ally in times of a great need. In two years the armies of Polish-Lithuanian alliance annihilate the forces of Pskov and conquer Tver' for Lithuania. Novgorod captures Vladimir and, with the aid from Teutons, enter Pskov itself. Pskov is forced to cede Vladimir, pay 100,000 roubles in war indemnities and become Novgorod's vassal. The vassalge does not last long, as two years later Teutons return to annex the principality. While the mob of Novgorod is outraged, the City Council is more than happy, as this allows the City to conquer Pskov later without being viewed as an aggressor by the rest of the Russian principalities.

One may conclude that the time for peace was finally upon Sovereign Great Novgorod. One couldn't be more far from truth. Even before the war with Pskov was over, the Swedes in alliance with Denmark declared war on Novgorod. First two years the Swedish-Novgorod border saw nothing, but light skirmishes. Novgorod even organises an expedition behind enemy lines, which reached as far as Lappland. Later these brave men would be hunted around Sweden until their last glorious stand at Skane, where they would perish to a last man, nevertheless sending Danish army running.

In 1432 the war heated up. While both Vikings and Russians were equipped with more or less equal weapontry, the former had better-trained armies (quality) and better generals too. Novgorod war doctrine called for larger armies, but this time the enemy would outnumber the City's forces 3:1. By 1434 the situation became dire indeed. Swedish forces were in control of all Novgorod cities, but Vladimir and the only hope of Novgorod rested on the shoulders of some 24,000 militia and 6,000 cavalry. The merchants of the City managed to come up with 50,000 roubles to buy Denmark off, and people of Kexholm fortify their city in the middle of the winter, right under the noses of Viking soldiers (event: fortress in Kexholm). While Swedes are busy besieging Vladimir and Kexholm, the militia liberates Novgorod and hunts down small Swedish parties sent to forage. Russian winter can be the worst enemy and the best ally. Novgorod men learnt well how to use it to their advantage during the last war with Moscow. As the cold takes its toll on Swedes, they begin to retreat toward their border. They make it as far as Olenets, where they are ambushed by Russians. With main Swedish force destroyed in the forests of Russia, the King in Stockholm has no choice but to agree to a white peace (victory -28% for Novgorod).

Only then comes the time for peace. Novgorod continues to colonise Russian North, establishing cities in Kola, Arhangel'sk and Korelia. The City Council declares a war on Muscowy, feeling that upkeep of a 42,000-strong force should be justified by the conquest of one or two provinces. Moscow puts up a token resistance, before surrendering Nizhgorod and paying 250,000 roubles. Novgorod does not even demands vassalisation, as it is set on a course to conquer Moscow sooner or later.

By 1438 the tax collectors are promoted in every province udner the pretext that the Republic (for Novgorod is a Republic) needs more money to defend itself against the aggressors. The City enters the alliance with Ryazan' and Ukraine and begins the fortification campaign across the land.

A year later the City Council decides that people of Kexholm deserve a better fate than to die Catholics and, therefore, missionaries are sent to convert the province. They demand a lot of money, as the job of a missionary is a risky one. Evidently, the martyrdom isn't as popular with Christians as it used to be.

In 1439 Ryazan' declares war on Golden Horde. Unfortunately, Novgorod armies don't even have time to make it to the border before the peace agreement is reached. As for the positive news, the Novgorod army adapts more offensive doctrine, which should help them more on the battlefield.

In 1441 the dark news from the West reach the City. Dissapointed with the results of the last war Swedish nobles overthrow their King and pledge their allegiance to Denmark. The peasants raise in revolts across the country, but Danish armies do not hesitate to put them down
with brutal force. The Viking North is united and presents a real threat to the City. The Council sends for the Prince and his family, asking them to arrange a royal marriage with Denmark, and other neighbors, while they are at it. Prince happily complies.

Like Denmark, Teutons too waste little time expanding their domain. The same year they bring the Duchy of Prussia into the Order. Their lands now stretch from Pommern in the south to the gates of Novgorod in the north.

In year 1443 the last chapter of the struggle between Novgorod and Moscow is written. A short, bloodless siege convinces the boyars of Moscow to abandon their Prince and give the keys of their city to the Novgorod envoys. A year later Kexholm converts to One True Orthodox Faith and by 1445 all of Novgorod cities are fortified and ready to be defended against possible invasions. All Russian lands, except the ones that are controlled by foreigners, are united in one alliance, where Novgorod is the strongest player. As for Moscow... It still stands proud and beautiful... with Novgorod garrison keeping an eye on the city from behind the walls of Kremlin.
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we meet again

so we meet again. how did i know you would pick russia as your AAR? :D nice to see you still around here. i tried playing my first game of EU2 as novogorod, but i got bumrushed by muscovy, sweden, and a host of other russkie states, and quit as all my cities were going up in flames. good start thus far. i'll definately be keeping an eye on this one, to see the new russia become the master of the orthodox world.
:) Welcome to my thread then. I actually tried to play Muscowy several times, but time after time I was defeated by Novgorod (and I had 4:1 superiority). I thought Novgorod would be easier, but my first war with Muscowy turned into nightmare. You could see for yourself: it was a miracle that I got Vologda at all.

Anyway, my first reason for choosing Novgorod was that I could develop Russian north right away, without having to conquer it. I hate wasting colonists :)
i picked novgorod just to see if i could have an alternate variant of history. but as i said, i got knocked out early in the game by the swedes on one side and all those russian states, led by muscovy, on the other side. so i quit that game and went west, to portugal. :)

the new DP system is great for those non-traditional colonizers, like russia. with no seacoast, it would be difficult to get any colonists at all under the old EU system, unless you got CD or used a random event cheat.
good aar!
Part II: Russian Alliance

Eastern Europe and Scandinavia in 1445

By 1445 the remaining Russian states - Novgorod, Ryazan' and Ukraine - were forged into one alliance that dared to challenge the supremacy of the Golden Horde in the steppes. Suprisingly, it was not Novgorod that would lead alliance in battle, but the city of Ryazan', which suffered the most from the nomads.

Ryazan' first declares war on the Golden Horde in 1446. By tthis time Novgorod's military technology improves and it is more than ready to pick up a fight with technologically inferior enemy. For once Novgorod army would not have to take up guerilla tactics.

The war goes smoothly for all of the members of the alliance. Novgorod captures Kazan', Ukraine gets Crimea and Ryazan' receives Volgograd, Bogutjar and Ufa. Kazan' immedeately revolts and it takes 17,000-strong army to put the revolt down. The problem with Kazan' is that although it's culture is formally Russian, it's religion is Muslim and its inhabitants are Tatars. Even though they gave up their nomadic ways and settled to farm the land, they still reject Russian ruler and want to see their own national on the throne. The attempts to convert the province fail one after the other as Russian priests are cut down in numerous rebellions.

Attempt to convert Kazan'

In 1447 France declares itself the Defender of the Catholic Faith. Novgorod dreams of doing the same for the Orthodox Faith, but the grim reality is that the City lacks funds, which are needed for claiming the title.

In 1450 Serbs diplo-annex Wallachia and find themselves in war with Byzantium and a miriad of Italian states. Novgorod sends rich gifts to support Serb war effort, as it hopes that one day Serbs will overran Constantinople and give Russia a chance to claim itself the center of the Orthodox world.

In 1452 Crimean Tatars leave Crimean peninsula and declare their independence from the Golden Horde in Azov. Astrakhan' revolts as well, but they less lucky then their Crimean comrades. This time White Sheep Turks intervere and annex a newly born Khanate. Atsrakhan' will revolt over and over against their new masters, but with the same sad result.

In 1457 Novgorod's growing empire is all but destroyed by the internal conflict. The conflict starts with merchant faction demanding that more time is spend on naval improvements (land -3), while nobles argue that the state should focus more on the army (land +3). The mob of the City revolts against both demanding less military training (-3 quality) and more freedoms (-3 serfdom). All three factions appeal to the Grand Prince of Novgorod - Yeufimei II, who has the support of the army. The Prince leans toward the nobles, but he also realises that it is in the best interests of the state to keep a fine balance between navy and army improvements, not letting one to take over the other. He also realises that free subjects would fight better for the state and, being a military man, this is all he cares about. The Prince knows that by the time the conflict is over he is not going to have too much power over anything, so he puts his self-interests aside and sides with the peasants. In terms of turmoil it wouldn't have made any difference as the Civil War was unavoidable. Any decision would bring a sharp drop in stability (-6) and increase a revolt risk in every province (+8).

The war lasts two long years. Almost every province revolts and army is forced to abandon some to save the others. 40,000 men is barely enough to keep a lid on rebellions, but in the end the discipline of the army prevails. Yeufimei II does not live to see the end of the conflict. He is killed by an assasin hired by merchants and nobles together, while Iona takes his place. However, the good he's done for the Republic can not be undone. People get more freedom and army gets more motivated soldiers.

Once the war is over the focus of the Republic is again on the international affairs. The merchants of the City are eager to see the fall of Constantinople and they are even siding with infidel Turks to ensure it (war effort funding).

Unfortunately, the Turks fail to gain an upper hand over the Emperor and use all the money to conquer Albania, Athens and Serbia. Byzantines too take their part in the division of Serb Kingdom. While Turks get Kosovo and Bulgaria (Serbia itself some time later), the Romans conquer back Smirna and gain control of Dobrudja.

The fall of Serbia is also helped by the fact that all Serb armies were in the north fighting Poland, in a war that it was dragged into by its ally Lithuania.

In 1462 the Council decides that Novgorod cannot afford to wait any longer with the liberation of Russian cities from Lithuania and Teutons. They also feel that these powers need to be weakened one by one before their combined military might may turn on Russian Alliance.
Their first target is Lithuania. Novgorod suffers a minor drop in stability for breaking a royal marriage and the war begins.

Novgorod army marches southward with enthusiam of the free people set on liberating their brothers from foreign yoke. Little do they know how hard this war is going to be and how long it is going to last.

By 1464 Russians capture Welikia, Tver', Kursk (by Novgorod) and Tula (by Ryazan'). Ukraine does its fair share of fighting and makes peace for a fair amount of gold. It also suprises Novgorod by acknowledging Ryazan' suzerenity. As years pass by Ryazan' grows bored with the war and decides to break the monotomy by declaring yet another war on the Golden Horde (White Sheep Turks, Sibir and Crimea). Novgorod has no choice, but to honor the alliance.

Meanwhile, Lithuanian armies regroup and begin to fight back. Novgorod attempts to capture the enemy's capital, but the siege is lifted time after time by daring Lithuanian assaults.

In the east, Ukraine succeeds with defeating and annexing Crimea, while Ryazan' suffers several defeats and is forced to make peace with both Tatars and Lithuanians. The latter take back Welikia and Kurs and capture Moscow from Novgorod. Novgorod army is forced to retreat to Vologde, where they are reinfoced and reorganized. They manage to defeat Lithuanians at Novgorod and re-capture Moscow. At all times Novgorod is doing anything in its power to not let go off Tver'. Finally, Novgorodians cross the border again and defeat 23,000-strong Lithuanian force that was besieging the city. The war continues, victories changing defeats and visa versa. Novgorod re-captures Tula, but Lithuania still refuses to cede Tver' and offers gold only in return to peace. By 1475 Novgorodian's resolve to liberate Tver' weakens. The war lasted 13 years and Lithuanian spirit is still not broken.

Then comes 1474 and with it the letter from Lithuanian King. He offers Tver', Tula and Smolenks in return for peace. Novgorod accepts.

That day people of Novgorod come out on the streets. Jars of wine and beer are open for everyone's pleasure. The City gets drunk in a matter of minutes. The same happens in Tver'. People celebrate like there is no tomorrow. " - Brother, do you respect me? - Yes, and do you respect me? - Of course! Do you know what that means? - Noooo... - It means that both of us are respected men..." and so on. The war is over and victors choose to forget about the price as the spoils exceed their expectations.

By 1476 Russian alliance endured three offensive wars: two against the Golden Horde and one against the Kingdom of Lithuania. Together, three Russian states conquered from the enemy nine provinces, with four going to Novgorod, three to Ryazan' and two to Ukraine. However, as the Alliance territory grew larger, so did its ambition. Ryazan' looked to the east, anticipating the total conquest of the Golden Horde. Cossacks in Donestk dreamed of liberating all Ukrainian lands. And Novgorod dreamed of taking to the seas with 5 warships that were built in Narva by patriots of the state.
time of troubles: prelude

yikes! massive revolts, tartar khanates declaring war, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria! :D sounds like a prelude to the infamous "time of troubles" that has plaguedmany a russian player since time began. but you did well to survive that. btw, what is your tolerance for muslims? since most of the provinces that revolted are former muslim khanates, i'm just curious as to what your tolerance level for muslim is.
I think I should take some time here to thank you all for your support. :) I took time to practice (my Brittany and Burgundy aars) and now am ready for any challenges that the game may present.

Nebukadnezar, you are welcome. I am always a sucker for making a Russian aar. My problem is that Constantinople doesn't want to fall (Byzantium has grown to 4 provinces!) and it is still Novgorod, not Russia.

Sharur, thank you and yes, it is in my plans to annex Ryazan' :) Especially since it has grown to the size of 9 provinces (read on).

King of Nines, no the revolts were all in Orthodox provinces (excluding Kazan') I did set my tolerance for Muslims high, since my new conquests will surely bring more of them into the state. However, Catholics around the world seem to hate me for oppressing their own and continue to declare wars (for the record: I have respectable reputation).

All for now, I'll be back soon with another update.
Hello nalivayko, thanks for the hint that you're not Russia :D, but I still knew that. By 'russian' I meant an orthodox country which has a chance to become Russia.
I don't have the game here in germany so I'm stuck with EUI :mad:

Becoming Russia:
Byzantium has to fall, that's right. Maybe you can help a bit. You've already offered some money to the enimies of Byzantium, but what about declaring war on them? You don't have to fight, of course, but consider the situation when they are at war with somebody else. After years of fighting there seems to come a peace and then Novgorod declares war.
They will have some more trouble with exhaustion of war and others nations may be encouraged to declare war on them, too.
The drawback for Novgorod is the stab penalty and higher costs for your army but you can raise war taxes and since your empire consists of orthodox provinces mostly you won' have to invest money into stability.
Well, maybe not the very best idea but it could be worth a try.
(All I know about EUII is coming from this forum)
i didn't know about the byzantium thing in order to form russia. but i think nebu has a good point there: if you don't declare war on them yourself, you could probably convince other nations to do it for you. though in my games the turks have always conquered the byzantines. plus, i think there is an event for the byzantines that will convert them to catholic. if that happens, then it shouldn't matter whether or not they fall, since then by default russia would become the defender of the orthodox faith.
Part III: Among the Giants

In 1482 Ryazan' admits a new member into alliance - Genoa. Novgorodians finally decide to improve fortifications of the city and the treasury is emptied once again. Not a moment too soon as Spanish declare war, bringing with them Aragon and Navarra. Novgorod's elite is puzzled - the City's reputation is outstanding. However, it soon becomes clear that it was Novogorod's attitude toward Catholics that caused the problem. The Catholics receive better treatment, but it is too late. First, Scotland and France, later Rome and Poland, send their declarations of war. Novgorodians welcome them to their snowy homelands and prepare for winter.

Winter comes as cold as usual. The foreign invaders in Ingermanland suffer terrible losses to weather, and then to 40,000-strong Novgorodian army. It needs to be said that the enemy forces never exceed 15,000 and the bloodbath they receive is always spectacular.

In 1486 Kazan' finally converts to Orthodox faith. Novgorod's moving toward free trade by denying new tariffs. Novgorod's merchants travel across the world in pursuit of a profit and not everybody likes their trading ethics. In 1489 Khan of the Golden Horde harrasses a company of the City's merchants and Novgorod retaliates by declaring a war. Alliance forces quickly overan the remainants of the Horde's army and lay siege to all the remaining provinces.

In 1492, while the war still draggs in the east, Denmark decides to join Catholic crusades againts Novgorod. Things heat up for a year, as Novgorod is forced to invade Nyland and re-take Ingermanland from Scotland, but in the end Catholics have to settle for nothing or, in some cases, for petty amounts of cash (Novgorod thought it was wiser to pay 20-40,000 roubles than continue the fight they could never hope to bring to the enemy homeland). Those cases are every rare.

In 1494 Novgorodians vassalise Astrakhan' in combat and in 1495 the last city of the Golden Horde surrenders to Russians. Novgorod's elite decides that while the City still enjoys great reputation it is time to turn bad for a moment. The Horde is forced to cede all of its provinces, but the capital one. Novgorod gets Orenburg, Ural'sk, Kalmyk, Kuban' and Lugansk. Four of them are Muslim and immideately missionaries are sent to convert them. Lots of gold is spent at these attempts, but nomads always reject the words of the True Faith and slaugher the missionaries. Their hearts are captured with the promise of the Muslim Paradise. Some of the priests turn Muslim themselves and the attempts of coversion gradually stop. Muslim receive more tolerance within the Republic as more conquests in the East are sure to follow.

In 1498 Ryazan' declares war on the Godlen Horde. Again. This would be the last war with Russia's former conqueror. In 1500 Ryazan' annexes Astrakhan' and Ukraine annexes the Horde itself. Ryazan' continues the war with Horde's former ally - White Sheep Turks and gets the province of Daghestan out of the peace settlement. All the while, Novgorod's merchants settle for money, while fighting the rebellions in the newly conquered lands.

In 1504 rebels almost take Kazan' (an event) and Catholic crusaders once again invade Novgorod's western border. This time it is Teutons with Lithuanians. Once the rebels are routed, Novgorod turns all its attention to Teutonic Order, hoping to liberate the city of Pskov. White peace is quickly made with Lithuanians and the army enters the series of battles with Teutons, from which it emerges victorious. Historians still disagree on what made the victory possible since Teutons had superior weapons. However, it should be made clear that a free man always fights better that an oppressed one. That, and the fact that all Russian warriors were always given 100 gramms of vodka before the battle.

The war still dragged on for three long years. The Order's lands aren't any warmer than Russian lands in winter, so it took some time and effort to convince the Knights to cede Pskov and pay 50,000 roubles in war indemnities. When it happened Novgorod had yet another celebration. Then came the New Year and the news were sunk in yet another flood of wine.

In 1509 Denmark declares itself the Defender of the Catholic Faith.

In 1518 an interesting situation developed in Western Europe. Habsurgs ruled in Spain, which made it a vassal of Austria. Austria, however, was in turn a vassal of French. By that time Spain annexed Aragon, which before annexed Naples... and so on. France took all but three provinces from English in France and held two provinces in England. It also diplo-annexed Eire and would soon do the same to Scotland. It seemed as English had no chance of survival.

In 1519 Martin Luther came along and thus started the Reformation.

In 1520 Poland is one of the first countries to embrace the teachings of Luther.

In 1531 Hedjaz, which by that time has grown to a big empire, annexing the Khaliphate and taking a lot of provinces from Timurids, annexed Sibir.

Novgorodians build Fine Arts Academy in Novgorod and grateful people of Tver' build Weapons manufactory.

In 1536. Hedjaz secretly makes allies with some of the nobles. When it becomes clear the Council decides to press the issue and declare a war on Hedjaz (stability drops anyway). The war lasts 8 years. At first Novgorod's army is successful in taking three former Sibir's cities by storm. However, the appearance of some 30,000 Hedjaz camel riders turns the tide of war.

By the end of eight years of fighting Novgorod is forced to hire mercenaries as manpower in Orenburg and Ural's is too low and it takes too much time to transfer the troops from Kazan'. These mercenaries defeat several Hedjaz armies and lift the siege of Kustanai. Hedjaz offers Kurgan and 450,000 gold. The offer is accepted.

The war did not bring the desired results (an access to unoccupied lands of Siberia), but did manage to move the City one step closer to its goal of finding a way to China and India.

During the war, and after the decades of intrigues, bribes and threats, Ryazan' finally agrees to become Novgorod's vassal. Genoa is long gone from the alliance, which assumes it's original form: Novgorod, Ukraine and Ryazan', with Novgorod as the leader.

In 1545 Byzantine empire comes out victorious from the war with Ottomans, getting the province of Konya. Yet another blow to Novgorod's plans to claim itself as the Third Rome. Therefore, as Byzantines (in alliance with Novgorod's friend - Georgia) go to war with Karaman, Novgorod's merchants decide to support the latter (in alliance with Novgorod's enemy - Hedjaz) with cash. Novgorod becomes Karaman's best friend, but Muslim fail to reach the walls of Constantinople, although Russian money may have saved their independence).

In 1548 Bohemia (empire of Bohemia, as it earlier annexed Bavaria, Wurtemburg, Baden, Wurzburg, Saxony and couple of other German minors) becomes the Defender of the Protestant Faith. Couple of years later Hedjaz claims the same title for Sunni Muslims. Novgorod dreams of becoming the Defender of the Orthodox Faith, but money are needed elsewhere now.

In 1552 Georgia harrases Novgorod's merchants and Novgorod decides to go to war, as it will bring it in direct conflict with Byzantine empire. The war is short-lived, as Novgorod still has no access to the Black Sea. However, it does bring some good, as Russians force Georgia to cede Sochi to Ukrainian Cossacks.

In 1554 all attempts by the City Council to centralise the state has failed (events). The country is very decentralised and there is no hope for the change. However, Novgorod's policy of improving quality and offensive doctrine did bring results as the leadership of the army improved dramatically.

In 1560 a man of Cossack origin appears in Kazan', who expresses his wish to explore Siberia. He is sent to the eastern border to explore the former lands of the Khanate of Sibir.

Empires of the West

Empires of the East

I have a little confession to make: today I edited monarch file. As Novgorod seized to exist in 1478 I needed to create an additional monarch as the game was still using Feodosiy (and he isn't the best of them). I created a "City Council" with strong diplomatic and administrative values, but rather weak military ones. Tried to be as historic as possible :) Ironic, as I am trying to create alternative history
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Interesting AAR Nalivayko. If you want the Byzantine Empire to fall I think it's going to take more direct action on your part. Either military access from those between your two countries or just conquer your way at least to the black sea and then launch an amphibious assault against Constantinople. Easy isn't it.:D So come on stop stalling and go for it.;)

interesting that the byzantines in your game are still hanging around. in my game, they're long dead, and muscovy became russia and is now the defender of the orthodox faith.

on a side note, no one in the game is protestant yet. the reformation came in 1514 and i'm now up to 1518 and no protestants yet.

maybe you can bribe the turks or someone into taking out the byzantines....
I am writing an AAR on Byzantium and the Muscovites 'took on the Byzantine mantle' and became Russia anyway despite my being very much alive. Oh well with the Original Roman Empire, Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire I guess there is always room for another :D ! I think in version 1.02 they changed it to where Byzantium doesn't have to fall...because it would be silly for the Russians to WANT the Muslims to conquer Constantinople yes?
Dammit, I must've been blind! The patch is out already? That hurts. I wrwas just recently researching the events and this is what I've found (1.01): in order for Novgorod to become Russia he has to owe province 270 - I guess it is Moscow - and Russia and Byzantine must be unexistant.

The expiration date for it is 1520. I've changed it to 1614 (hm, secret's out - I did annex Byzantine in 1613), and it worked like a charm. However, there are many settbacks. Russia has bunch of other neat events that I missed on, such as Claims to the Steppes and Poland. I don't know if it is worth to play further, as it takes the whole fun out of the game. I will post my last post, and will restart the aar with the patch.
Yes, 1.02 is out. The new requirements for forming Russia, if I recall, vary slightly for each Russian minor, but you need to own Muscowy, your capital, and one other province, I think. No more need for Byzantium to die. The event now has a startdate of 1520.
Originally posted by Grunthex
Yes, 1.02 is out. The new requirements for forming Russia, if I recall, vary slightly for each Russian minor, but you need to own Muscowy, your capital, and one other province, I think. No more need for Byzantium to die. The event now has a startdate of 1520.

also, novgorod can still exist. that happened in my game. muscovy became russia, and novgorod is still around. it doesn't necessarily have to be muscovy. i think any russian state can become russia, just like you said, they have to occupy moscow.

The Empire of Russia#
event = {

id = 3403
trigger = {
owned = {
province = 270 # Moscow
data = -1
OR = {
owned = { province = 268 data = -1 } # Vologda
owned = { province = 272 data = -1 } # Nizhgorod
OR = {
owned = { province = 448 data = -1 } # Ryazan
owned = { province = 271 data = -1 } # Vladimir
owned = { province = 274 data = -1 } # Novgorod
owned = { province = 277 data = -1 } # Pskov
owned = { province = 278 data = -1 } # Tver
NOT = {
exists = RUS
atwar = no
random = no
country = MOS
name = "EVENTNAME3403"
desc = "EVENTHIST3403"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1520 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1820 }

action_a ={ #Take over the Byzantine Mantle#
name = "ACTIONNAME3403A"
command = { type = vp value = 200 }
command = { type = stability value = 3 }
command = { type = population which = 270 value = 5000 }
command = { type = country which = RUS }
action_b ={ #Leave it on the Floor#
name = "ACTIONNAME3403B"
command = { type = vp value = -100 }
command = { type = stability value = -3 }

that's from the events file.
Well, it seems like I am doomed not to finish a single aar on this forum. :)

In brief, Novgorod was able to vassalize Ryazan' (although they were still refusing any annexation proposals) and conquered its way to Siberia through Uzbeks. A long war with Poland-Lithuania (united) gave the City two provinces. Next, I brought Georgia into my alliance and got access to Byzantine lands. In two wars I conquered the city and was able to become Russia only to find out that I will not get CBs on Poland and Steppes. This is where I quit.

I still think the old event was more proper. Byzantine should have fallen before somebody can pick up their mantle, right? As for the feelings it gives to any Russian player...

1. Well, consider this: there is a document written by Russian, which describes the fall of the Byzantine. Its tone is, if not full of joy, then of suprising restraint when it comes to the description of Turkish onslaught on the city. It gives one the idea that Russians were glad to see the city go (maybe becuase of its conversion to Catholic Faith).

2. There were rumors between Russian historians that Ivan whatshisnumber got himself Byzantine Princess as a trophey for helping out Mehmed II to capture Constantinople.

3. Russian state seals carried both Russian and Turkis coat-fo-arms in the late 15th century. Go ahead and try to explain this.

4. If one had a chance (I did) to explore the coat-of-arms of Russian and Ukrainian cities, he would find out that there are a lot of them that have both the cross and the crescent. Mariupol, my own city, has two symbols in the same time. I think it implies that before Russian-Turkish wars in 18-19th centuries there was a friendship between Turkey and Russia, Islam and Orthodox people.

5. There is a theory out there supporting all this. I can give you the name of the author if anybody's interested.