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Hi everyone, my first AAR so be gentle, i have a few things to say to begin with.

Although i will be using the historical AGCEEP mod for eu2, i will not in anyway be portraying history/fact :p

At the beginning is the hussite revolt, making the start of this AAR VERY warmongering but i plan as the AAR move on to try and create a 'permanant' hussite bohemia - this is the challange.

And finaly, suggestions for strategy VERY welcome as AAR progresses, ill think of you as my war council of bohemia :p


For the glory of Bohemia! : Rise of the Hussites

Part 1 - Chronicle of August 11th 1419

Bohemia province population 40043
Income 9.9


King Vaclav the 4th, neither an economist nor a tactician, a just and pious man he is not.

The people all but ready to revolt against the weak and most displeasing king, all they lack is the strong leadership of a man of god and a leader the people can respect, long have the Bohemian people been oppressed by the decadent royalty, but alas! in the darkness the rightous scheme and plan while the ignorant king is blind to all.

August 17th 1419


The king is dead! his traitor brother claims the throne that is the responsibility of the hussites, war will soon come to bohemia and when it does the romanists must be crushed so that we may live in peace, and harmony with our god.
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Always watching for a good Bohemia / Hussite AAR myself, especially since I've tried several games for that. In fact, one of these days I ought to write an AAR myself...

But I digress. Hope to see a new update shortly :)

And as for advice: The one thing I can say is: Be aggressive. Once you get your leaders (Zizka, et al), put them to use. Try to seize as much Romanist Bohemian territory as you can. Send out an occasional 2000-man "raiding party" to loot* non-pillaged and undefended provinces belonging to Hungary (but be careful to avoid any armies--using cavalry works well, since they're fast). Divide the rest of your army into two "halves," with a leader in each--use one to defend your territory against any "interlopers" (Hungarians, Austrians, etc.) and the other to seige the Romanist provinces. Aim to capture all Romanist provinces, and take Erz, Sudeten, and Moravia in the peace settlement (if you can't get all 3, just take any 2 you can get). Of course, most of this stuff is only meant to be a guideline--you'll certainly develop your own strategies as you go from your own experience, so if something appears to work for you, go with it.

*If an army is standing in an unpillaged province belonging to your enemy, that army will "loot" it, adding some gold directly to your treasury. However, once a prov is looted, you have to wait another 13 months to loot it again.
All or nothing. No point in sitting back, because you'll eventually get swamped.
One other tip: While you should most definitely be aggressive, you should also try to conserve your manpower where possible. While their armies are powerful, the Hussites almost never have a numerical advantage, so make the most of every man you have. If an enemy starts besieging one of your provs and it doesn't look like it's in danger of falling any time soon, wait for attrition to do its thing (especially in thw fall / winter; don't remember which provs in Bohemia get snow, but you should let the winter snows work their magic, then hit 'em in the spring). Similarly, if the snow hits during one of your sieges, leave behind a small covering force to cover the city (hit "Cover" twice--if you only hit it once, you'll leave behind a 1,000-man army which will automatically withdraw once it falls below 1000 men) while you withdraw your main army to friendly territory. Then, once the snow's gone, bring your main army back in. That'll allow you to conserve both your troops and your siege progress.
Excellent start to this AAR. Will follow.

I agree that you must act soon, I tried Bohemia and was swamped after trying a more pacifist aproach.
I agree with specialist and rest about the agressiveness, i played as bohemia once before and annexed austria romanist bohemia and eventualy annexed hungary, problem thereafter was by wiping out my former enemies i made a load more (poland, bavaria mostly), ok time to begin :p
Sound the battle drums!
That comment reminds me of something I read a long time ago. If I can find the book, maybe I'll post it here...

Ah, here it is. From Geoffrey Regan's Military Anecdotes, (c) 1992, Guiness Publishing, Ltd.:

During the German crusades against the Hussites in August 1431, the German commanders took up position at the top of a hill overlooking the road by which they expected to see their enemies approach. Seeing nothing of the enemy they were astounded to see some of their own wagons beginning to drive off in retreat. Only then, and with the Hussites still several miles away, did they begin to hear the sound of the enemy war-carts creaking and rattling, as well as the song of the Hussites, "All ye warriors of God," sung by thousands of voices. At this the German army turned and fled in panic, without firing a shot.
The War Postponed

Due to the hussite regency needing to do coursework in preperation for exam, the AAR writeup for 1414-1430 (so far) postponed 48 hours (saturday)
TheSynergy said:
Another AAR to read, cool. :D

I like Bohemia, but for some reason in my Germany games the Hussites always seem to survive :confused: and even prosper :eek:

They almost always prosper. I´ve even seen a Reformed Hungary and Austria! The Hussites are wild!
Never seen Hungary get converted, (!) but Austria's gone Reformed a couple of times in my games, too. One time, oddly, the Hussites had force-converted Austria, but then they went Catholic without reverting to Bohemia (???) and shortly thereafter Austria returned to the fold as well.

It was strange--for a couple of days, the Hussites were Catholic, while Austria was the only Reformed state in Europe.