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3 Badges
Aug 19, 2005
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • 500k Club
This is my new aar. If, you can call it an aar. It will not be as my other ones, at least not in the beginning. This story may not make any sense at all, but I just feel like writing something, so Well, let´s just were this thing ends up!

Somewere in Småland,Sweden

The year is 952, the wikings have terrorized all of europe for some years now, and a lot of people, especially the Irish and the English are getting tired of their constant raids. So, an Irish mercenary called "Kýll Som Norremans" and an English Longbowman have infiltrated a Longboat, hoping to get to Norway and have their revenge on the barbarians! The problem was, they got on the wrong boat, and instead ended up in Sweden.

The Longboat had made a stop in a small port somewere in Småland, and the invaders quickly ran into the nearby woods.

"So thes es Norway"! Kýll said.
"I suppose"!
"Time to kell some barbarians then".
"Aye, let´s find them"!

So, Kyll raised his sword, while the English prepared his Longbow.

"On mye commend!....FIRE"!!!

An arrow fled through the air and hit a barrel filled with bombs!

A giant explosion later, and the Longboat was history, as well the entire Wiking crew, and all the food, and the supplies, and the maps showing that they had been to New Zeeland.

"What have ye done, out transport is blown away"!
"It was´nt my fault, you ordered me to do it"!
"I ded not"
"Yes, you did".
"Are ye calling me a liar"?
"As a matter of fact, I am"!
"Stupid English dog".
"Rotten gaelic bastard".
"You little...Ded ya hear that"?
"Yes, I did...

Something came towards them from the woods...something big...

End of part one.

What will happen to our brave heroes? Will they bury their ancient dislike of each others nations, and how will the Swedes react when they realize that one of their Longboats are missing? And what exactly is coming from the woods? Stay tuned and you will get the answers!

Part 2

The shadow came closer...

-What are we going to do, Kýll?
-Let´s us fight to the bitter end!
-Yeah, I will fight until I die!!

But then, the shadow came so close, so that you could se what it was.

A giant man, like a mountain, raised his hand. He spoke in a language unknown to our hereoes.

-What? Did you get that Kýll?
-I think he said something like, "come closer".

They took two steps towards the giant man. He looked confused.

-Who are you?
-Ohh, I know what he said, he told us to follow him, Kýll said.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, I´ve been studying norse languages for years, I know what he´s saying!
-What are you guys talking about?The giant man said.
-He wants to know our names!

Kýll pointed at himself and said, Kýll. Then he pointed at the English...but realized...

-What´s your name English man?
-Err...My name is Robin, Robin of Loxley!

Did he hear that? Robin of Loxley? The giant started to think...maybe I can use them to my advantage...

What will happen? Who is this giant man, and what are his plans? Stay tuned!

Thanks for the replies everyone! Since the gaming part has´nt began yet, there´s no chance that this aar is going to be abandoned, :D

And Duke, who knows, maybe Kýll and Robin will visit asia some time...
Part 3

-What? Are ye Robin of Loxley?
-Why does everyone react like that when I say my name?
-Meybe because you´re not supposed to exist until some 400 years from now!
-...But...what am I doing here, then?
-Gods will I suppose...

-Herr hem!

The two men were startled, they had completely forgotten about the giant!

-He´s still here, Kýll!
-I can se thet!

Another man approached our heroes, he was much smaller than the giant, and had some kind of book.

-Hello, everyone!
-You speak english?
-Yees, I am not a translater.
-Ohh..solly, I AM a translasere!
-"cough" Not e vey good one "cough"
-Did you say somethang?
-Who are you guys, the translater asked!
-I am Kýll, and this is Robin.
-I am Benny of Birka, and this is Erik III, chieftain of the Swedes.
-So, thes giant men is king of Sweden?
-No, he is chieftain of the Swedes.
-Is de same theng!
-No, it is not!
-Yes it is!
-No...Robin grabbed Kýlls arm and whipered something...

-Eff course it´s the same theng...

The conversation continued and Erik invited our heroes to Birka, were they would be his guests.

Meanwhile In Hedeby, southern Jylland, Denmark

Harald Bluetooth was having a tooth ache again, and this always made him hate his northern neighbour, Norway.

-Yes, master.

The guard stood up after being used as a stool by Harald.

-Wohoo...time for war...again...

And so, another conflict was about to start...May god be with the Norwegians...

What will happen to our heroes in Birka? And what will happen to Norway, can they be spared? Stay tuned, and you will see....

SunZyl said:
Norway will kick us evil swedes, won't they? Please... :(

Hmm...maybe or maybe not. Norway will however play an important role in this aar. BTW, I am working on the next update now, and I will add some screenshots to let you see the political situation in Scandinavia!
Part 4

Kýll and Robin har arrived in Birka, and were wandering around in the "chieftains" err...castle...

-Can ye reallt call this a castle? It´s barely a house!
-shh...Keep it down...they can hear us!
-Really, thes whole place looks like one room in the castles beck home!
-I know, I know, but we are their special guests so just be nice!

A loud noise came from outside. Seconds later the main door was opened, and a danish messenger ran towards the "chieftain".

-I bring news from Harald, he demands that you declare war upon the Norwegians.
-Yeah, We have to get rid of that tooth...
-I guess we´l just have to honour the call, then...Benny!
-Prepare my army, we´ll ride for Västergötland tomorow!

-Whet es happening?
-It seems like we´re going to war with Sweden.
-Yes...but should we help these barbarians?
-If we help them, meybe they will stop their raids on our homelands?

Erik turned his head, and walked towards Robin.

-What is it?
-I thenk he said...Will ye follow me into battle? S
-Yes, we will, you can count on us!
-We well follow you to the bitter end!
-I think he understand me more than you Kýll...

Robin took his longbow and began to Pretend he was in a battle.

A broad grin on Erik´s face showed Robin that he understood.

-You. Battle?

Political maps of Scaninavia:

Southern scandinavia before the war.

Northern scandinavia before the war.

What will happen in the war? Will the alliance beat the Star of Scandinavia, our is a change of powers at hand? Stay tuned!

EDIT: Note that Kýll and Robin thinks that they´re fighting with the Norwegians against the swedes...this may (will) have consequences...

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SunZyl said:
What eventual mod and year is it?

Also, could you make the pictures bigger or make them thumbnails or something like that?

1. It´s my own modified mod. It´s still in the early phases...what you can see on the pictures are pretty much all that exist for the moment.

2. I´ve tried to make them larger, but I just don´t know how to do...But...maybe...I have a friend who is pretty good at such stuff, maybe I can get him to enlarge the screenies?

EDIT: Better? :D

EDIT 2: The year is wrong, but who cares,:p The actual game is going to start in 1419...which means that this "prologue" will be rather...long?
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Saulta said:
1. It´s my own modified mod. It´s still in the early phases...what you can see on the pictures are pretty much all that exist for the moment.

2. I´ve tried to make them larger, but I just don´t know how to do...But...maybe...I have a friend who is pretty good at such stuff, maybe I can get him to enlarge the screenies?

EDIT: Better?

EDIT 2: The year is wrong, but who cares,:p The actual game is going to start in 1419...which means that this "prologue" will be rather...long?

Ok. Own mods is always interesting. ;) The pictures is much better now.
Duke of Wellington said:
Toothache as a CB?! Oh well its original. The mod looks interesting I hope you get those uncolonised provs before anyone else. I also hope you do get to Asia as well. I'm sure this will be fun.

There actually were a Danish king whose name was Harald Bluetooth, and he did invade Norway because of that,:p Kýll and Robin will travel a lot, so a trip to asia will most likely occur! The mod will develop and change until 1419. The screenies you´ve seen are just some...err...prologue maps?
Part 5

Eriks war log


We have taken almost entire Västergotland. Most of the people here were Swedes, so they simply just gave up without a fight. It seems that Harald has taken Bergenshus by a naval assault. We´ll march for Christiania (Östlandet) tomorow.


It seems that Harald got here first, we´re heading for Jämtland instead.

August, 952

We had our first battle last day. Some 200 angry Norwgians attacked us when we were about to assault a small village. The battle was hard, but in the end we were victorious. All of Jämtland will soon be under our control.
But one thing worries me,I haven´t seen Kýll and Robin since we left Christiania...Wonder were they are...

October, 952

About half of my army were killed in a battle today, we still won, but teh moral of my men could´nt be worse...I have no idea how we´re supposed to take Tröndelag...


We arrived at Tröndelag today...I can now see why it´s called the pearl of Scandinavia...however...rumors are that 1500 pissed off Norwegians are waiting behind the city walls...Even with Haralds army, I cannot see how we´re supposed to win...


Harald arrived today, we now have about 700 infantry and 100 cavalry...Haralds fleet is blocking the port, no more supplies will arrive from there...but still...they have a large storage...

January, 953

It´s a miracle, the city surrendered. The fleet released it´s oarsmen (or whatever it´s called, people who rows a boat!) and managed to open the main gate. We stormed the city. It was a hard battle, half of our combined Swedo-Dano army was killed along with most of the "fleet people" but we won! It seemed that the grand Norwegian army is stuck in a campaing in Vinland. I wonder what will happen when and if they come back...

February, 953

A peace was reached, Norway...is gone...

(To all angry Norwegians, don´t worry, you WILL have you revenge, believe me...The alliance will wish that they´ve never started that war...

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Fairly wacky and pretty interesting.
It seemed that the grand Norwegian army is stuck in a campaing in Vinland
