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Poland, New and Improved and now with Screenshots

OOC: Please do not read if you are easily offended, this AAR is written in character thus by the end of it, it should have offended most people of most nationalities. I welcome all comments on how to make this better, if certain things offend too much, please let me know and I will try my best to tone it down, but try to remember I am playing in character as well.


Chapter 1: The First Teutonic War

Time: Does not apply.
Place: Another plane of existence.
Event: A poker game, between myself, Ari, Big J. and Jes. The teams were set from the start Ari and me were playing against Big J. and Jes, we won. It was good that we won, we would have had to give up planar concessions, but now Big J. had to give something up, I asked for unrestricted rule of one nation on Earth, I chose Poland; Big J. got to choose the play time, he chose 1419, not a problem, although this will be a bit of a chore, I am willing to take the gamble. I have 400 years to change history, let the races begin.

Please allow me to introduce myself,
My name is Lucas, that is Baron Lucas to all of you peasants out there.

Status: Poland
Ruler: King Wladyslaw II Jagiello
Army: Late Medieveal (1) 35,000 cavalry/23,000 infantry/0 artillery
Navy: Medieval (0) Zilch, nada, zero, what is a navy?
Treasury: 500GD (Golden Ducats, in thousands)
Peasant and Nobleman happiness: Happy (Stability +2)

Aristocracy (+5)
Centralization (-4)
Innovativeness (+1)
Mercantilism (+4)
Offensive Doctrine (+3)
Land (+3)
Quality (0)
Serfdom (+4)

Jan. 1, 1419 A royal marriage with the kingdom of Bohemia.

Jan. 1, 1419 We chose to concentrate on our land forces.
Land (+4)

Apr. 8, 1419 We have gained military access to Lithuania.

Jun. 23, 1419 A royal marriage with the kingdom of Hungary has been sealed.

Jul. 6, 1419 Magdenburg is no more, it is annexed by Brandenburg, we are pleased, as this means fewer nations to annex in the future, and our reputation will not fall a much if we are not annexing all of these Catholic Nations. This war begun Jan. 3, 1419, we thought nothing of it then, after the annexation we still think nothing of it now.

Sept. 12, 1419 Bohemia became a vassal of Austria, they broke their royal marriage with us.

Nov. 1, 1419 A royal marriage with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Feb. 1, 1420 Our nation's stabilizing factions have reached their maximum for the very first time, everyone is very happy (stability +3).

Mar. 1, 1420 Our national trade levels have reached Early Renaissance, we send our merchants to Danzig, as this will not only gain us trade income, but also tax income, it is good to have a Center of Trade, as these provinces gain a lot of income for their owners, and the more merchants are there, the more taxes you can get from them.
"Greed is Good"

Jun. 19, 1420 Ragusa has been annexed by the Venetians, good for them, the war started

Jan. 2, 1419 and it has finally come to its conclusion.

Aug. 6, 1420 The Ottoman Empire has annexed Candar, who cares, not like anyone is really interested in what the heathens do. Their war begun Jan. 7, 1419.

Oct. 1, 1420 Our national infrastructure has also reached Early Renaissance, this is a great opportunity for us, I promote all of our bailiffs to the rank of tax-collector, the training costs me a bit of money, and they walk around happy that they have been honored, in about a year they will all realize that they have been trained so that they can work more, but I don't think I will inform them of this just yet.
On a side note we have begun to train another 13,000 cavalry in our capital, Krakow.
23,000 infantry/48,000 cavalry

Nov. 20, 1420 Albania has been annexed by Tuscany, maybe this will add some balance of power among the Italian city states, we can only hope. Their war begun on Jul. 11,
1419, it was originally started by the Duchy of Athens but it was the Tuscans who finished the job.
"Never send a Greek Orthodox to do a Catholic's job," I say. Actually the Balkans really don't interest us at this point so I give a whole lot less than would be imagined.

Nov. 22, 1420 A royal marriage with the royal house of Mecklenburg.

Jan. 1, 1421 We muster another 8,000 cavalry in Krakow.
23,000 infantry/56,000 cavalry

Feb. 1, 1421 Novogrod hands over Olonets to the Muscovites, we don't want them to become to powerful too soon, but we are willing to accept this state of affairs for now, as we can do nothing else.

Feb. 5, 1421 Pskov is annexed by Tver, the funny thing this is the first time the non-aggressor has annexed the aggressor, the war begun on Jan. 3, 1420. We are pleased, as this means that the Muscovites won't be swallowing these two provinces as easily as they could have.
On a side note we have married into the royal house of Wurzburg, may they perish in peace or pieces, when their time comes. I did not like Duke Mazowiecki's daughter anyway, the little slut can now pollute the German bloodlines, instead of our own.

Mar. 21, 1421 New land has been claimed in the province of Poznan, our internal growth policies are paying off. The city of Poznan has gained 5000 new inhabitants, the taxes from the logging industry there will feed our coffers for centuries to come, and as a side note the 50,000 new settlers in the cleared lands are very patriotic, which has increased our manpower in the province. (Pop. +5,000; Manpower +1; and Basic Tax Value +1)

Mar. 26, 1421 Granada has given up the province of Gibraltar to Aragon, we could not care less, but that is due to our negligence, the significance of the event becomes evident later on. The war begun on Jan. 4, 1419 with Castile leading the attack, but Granada got there first.

Apr. 21, 1421 Fez is annexed by Portugal, boy o boy those Iberians sure are busy, but their petty wars do not affect us in the least.

Jun. 2, 1421 We have entered into a royal marriage with Siebenburgen, it is good to make friends with the Austro-Hungarian military alliance to the south, even if we are not a part of it.

Sep. 2, 1421 We entered into another royal marriage, this time it is with the Helvetian nation, it is not really significant, but I like the time-piece I received in return for arranging this wedding, they call it a pocket watch.

Oct. 1, 1421 Our navy has reached the Late Medieval stage of its development, we do not care much about the navy, but we are always pleased with internal entrepreneurs who do their best to serve their country.

Dec. 3, 1421 Another royal marriage, this time it is with Castile, what am I a match-maker.

Jan. 1, 1422 We raise 10,000 more cavalry.
23,000 infantry/66,000 cavalry

Mar. 1, 1422 That's right another wedding, this time with Holstein, I am pleased to do it though, because it is Katarzyna Jagiello, 'the king's ugly daughter', and all of the nobles have been avoiding showing up at court, not that I have a fetish for young noblemen mind you. Normally I wouldn't care, but those same single noblemen are also the commanders of Poland's armies. And I am not building those armies for show, I have a campaign in mind. The Holstein prince was quite willing to take Katarzyna as his wife, not that he noticed that she was 'ugly', the little sodomite. Once again we are sending the worst of Poland to the best of Germany, maybe I am acquiring some anti-German sentiments among the Poles, I don't worry about it too much though.
I also conduct a marriage between Poland and Denmark.

First War of Reunification
We declare this war against the Teutonic Knights who have stolen many lands from the Kingdom of Poland in the past. There is some unrest among the nobles, but the peasants are pleased that Poland will try to reclaim its glory. We begin this war with 30,000 cavalry in Mazovia; 23,000 infantry in Podlasia; and 36,000 cavalry in Krakow. Normally I would not bore you with my tactics, but I think this will properly show how all future wars of Poland will be fought.

Apr. 1, 1422 Poland declares war on the Teutonic Knights, they will be joined by the 'cast of Friends,' Prussia, Mecklenburg, Pommern, Bremen, and Holstein.
I send the 30,000 knights against Prussia, and my 36,000 Krakow cavalry heads for Mazovia.

Apr. 13, 1422 My 30,000 cavalry meets the Prussian forces 51 infantry/8,000 cavalry, from now on I will only note it as 0/30,000 vs. 51/8,000.

Apr. 15, 1422 The Prussians have been annihilated, we lost some 400 knights. We send the rest on to Memel.

Apr. 21, 1422 Prussia: Poland 0/29,600 vs. 5,000/0.

Apr. 25, 1422 Their army has been annihilated again, we lost about 1,000 knights, our first heavy losses, although I later realize that it is not such a bad loss as I thought. The cavalry marches on to Memel.

May 1, 1422 Attrition claims another 2,000 cavalry, I am not pleased. I send in the 36,000 Krakow cavalry, they head for Kurland, the 23,000 Podlasia infantry is sent north to Mazovia.

May 2, 1422 Another battle in Prussia, my 26,349 cavalry just can't seem to get out of here, we meet 4,528 Prussian infantry.

May 8, 1422 They were all annihilated, AGAIN, we lost 18 men, we now only have 26,331 Mazovian cavalry, I am afraid, afraid that this war is already won.

May 10, 1422 The Mazovian cav. arrives in Memel, they leave 1,200 men to make sure there are no more men being mustered in Prussia, 25,131 cav. march on Kurland.
I notice 7,968 Teutons fleeing Kurland, I hope that my cavalry can reach them before they reach somewhere else.

May 13, 1422 The Krakow cav. arrives in Prussia, they also leave 1,200 men; 34,800 march on to Kurland.

May 14, 1422 The Kurland 8k got out, now I won't get to find out if they were infantry or cavalry, this is highly unsettling.

May 21, 1422 3,961 troops arrive in Kurland??? Why, is beyond me, they should fight me together, not in pieces, but I will take them piece-meal if that is their wish.

May 22, 1422 My Mazovian cav. meets the Kurland defense force, 25,131 Polish heavy cavalry vs. 2,967/994 Teutons, sad really a lot of peasants sent to meet my charging men, I am not calling this one a victory, slaughter is more like it, I will still accept the laurels for this offensive however.

May 23, 1422 The Mazovian cav. lost 119 men, the Teutons were annihilated. We leave 12,000 cav. to besiege Kurland and send the rest on Polotsk.

May 25, 1422 The 34,800 Krakow cav. arrive in Kurland, on to Livland.

May 27, 1422 The 23,000 Podlasia infantry arrive in Mazovia, they will besiege Memel and Prussia next month, let them rest for now.

Jun. 1, 1422 The Podlasia inf. are headed for Memel and Prussia to lay siege.

Jun. 10, 1422 11,062 Mazovian cav. arrive in Polotsk to meet 1,000 Teutonic untrained peasants.

Jun. 11, 1422 My Mazovians took no losses, Polotsk is under siege, I hate beating up on children. Actually I don't really mind, I also enjoy taking candy from a babies, but that is a personal hobby, and not your business.

Jun. 15, 1422 31,320 Krakow cav. enter Livland before 7,889 can cross the Divna River, my attrition losses are greater than the battle losses. If I can win this battle, the war is over, there is 9,953 infantry and 7,889 cavalry, well I found out what those 8,000 running men are. This is the cream of the Teutonic manhood, after this battle, Estland lies open, ripe for the pickings.

Jun. 21, 1422 The war is over, after 6 days of heavy fighting, I am left with 28, 263 of the Krakow cav. left. They have nothing to throw at me now and their allies, well they sent their greetings and good wishes, but no troops. HAR, HAR, HAR!!!
I send 4,266 back to Mazovia and 12,000 on to Estland to take it by siege.

Jun. 23, 1422 Pommern and Mecklenburg 32,000 troops to Poznan, may be the dogs have some fight left in them still, let us hope not.

Jul. 3, 1422 My 11,500 inf arrives in Prussia, the 1,200 cav. are sent to Mazovia. The Krakow cav. arrives in Estland, only 10,560 got there, I hate the attrition costs.

Jul. 5, 1422 3,000 new recruits are sent outside of the Kurland walls vs. my 10,200 cav. They are still new to the game, let us find out how well they acquit themselves.

Jul. 7, 1422 They fought well, we buried them better, right under the hooves of my heavy cavalry charge.

Jul. 7, 1422 Estland sends its 6,000 fresh knights against my 10, 560 veterans.

Jul. 10, 1422 About 3,000 got away. They are headed to Livland, I have another 10,560 cavalry stationed there, HAR, HAR, HAR!!! Let the dogs come, I enjoy kicking them, we lost 300 men exactly, the curs had some fight in them, let the Livland siege force beat it out of them.

Jul. 25, 1422 The besieging infantry arrives at the gates of Memel, I send the 1,200 cav. back to Mazovia.
In Livland 3,624 of the knights survived, let us hope none survive this battle.

Jul. 30, 1422 2,000+ of the Estland knights have escaped our swords, they are headed for Kurland. I like tennis and all, but this game of 'beat them up and send them packing' is ridiculous.

Aug. 7, 1422 975 of those 2,000+ knights arrive in Kurland, 1,500 deserters, smart men.

Aug. 18, 1422 No Teutons or Prussians anywhere. The court jester is playing a funeral dirge for the Teutonic Order, I guess good news travels fast. There are only some 26,000 besieging troops left in Poznan but I see 32,000 on the move from Pommern. Time to send half of the cavalry back to Mazovia and teach the bastards not to mess with Poland.

Sep. 10, 1422 57,000 besiegers in Poznan.

Oct. 1, 1422 48,950 left in Poznan.

Oct. 14, 1422 26,361 cavalry returns to Mazovia from all of the Teutonic lands. Time to teach the German scum not to put their filthy hands on mother Poland. I believe this war has made me quite fanatical about my loyalties to Poland, I will have to have my head examined later on.

Oct. 29, 1422 The cavalry arrives in Wielkopolska, we will wait, they will weaken some more due to attrition. Another 1,000 arrived in Poznan, hehe, my men hate digging graves, so they want to go fight, now, I have patience however, we can wait more. Besides I prefer digging the graves of my enemies over them digging ours, any day of the week.

Nov. 1, 1422 41,000 are still besieging Poznan, some 7,000 lost to attrition, I am willing to wait longer. Winter sets-in in Estland, not good for my troops there.

Nov. 13, 1422 Holstein signs a peace treaty with me, 12,000 besiegers leave Poznan; 27,900 to go. My men are getting impatient, but I have never listened to fools before, why start now.

Dec. 1, 1422 Everyone in Poland is very happy, I am even popular among the nobles again. (Stability +3). 23, 700 left in Poznan, let us wait some more, my commanders are beginning to see the wisdom of my actions.
Winter sets-in in Polotsk.

Jan. 1, 1422 Kurland is now covered in snow.
21,8000 men in Poznan, but I see reinforcements coming, we will wait again. I begin mustering 13,000 more infantry in Mazovia.

Jan. 3, 1423 Prussia fell to siege, the infantry is sent on to Kurland.
Bremen, Mecklenburg, and Pommern all sign hasty peace treaties, now the Teutons and their vassals are ALL ALONE, and Poznan is free. My troops are pleased for not going to Poznan, let the peasants bury the dead, they got out of doing a nasty chore. I am a hero among the troops.

Jan. 22, 1423 The victorious Prussian siege force arrives in Kurland, the Kurland occupying force is sent on to Polotsk to speed up that little victory waiting to happen.

Feb. 1, 1423 The bad weather recedes to Polotsk and Estland only. I send 1,000 infantry from Mazovia to Estland to prevent the siege being broken.

Feb. 8, 1423 The Kurland cavalry arrives in Polotsk.

Mar. 1, 1423 Estland is still gripped by winter cold hard touch. Only 2,800 men left, when I find out I am so enraged I kick a stray dog on the street of Krakow and break my toe in the process.

Apr. 1, 1423 My 13,000 infantry are ready in Mazovia, they make a hard march straight north for Estland, it must fall.

May. 9, 1423 Polotsk falls, the cavalry is set back home to Mazovia.

June 23, 1423 12,356 of 13,000 infantry arrive in Estland, I send the cavalry back home to Mazovia.

Oct. 2, 1423 Granada is annexed by Castile, do you remember I was saying that it was due to my negligence that I did not see the significance of Aragon receiving Gibraltar in the peace of March 26, 1421. Well now Castile has taken the other province in war, the reason I was impressed was because this was the first gang-bang that I have seen any European nations make. First, it was Aragon, who molested Granada now Castile finished the job, quite impressive if you ask me. I am pleased that we have a royal marriage with such sneaky scum, maybe it will rub of on us.

Dec. 21, 1423 Livland falls, I send 1,000 infantry north to Estland, but the cavalry gets to go home for a well-deserved rest.

Jan. 1, 1424 9,000 infantry mustered.

Feb. 1, 1424 Royal Marriages with Scotland, England, and Savoy, but the French refused like the frog eating scum that they are.

Apr. 1, 1424 I send the 9,000 infantry to break the stalemates, Memel first.

Apr. 24, 1424 Poor Government Policies, when I heard this I thought I was going to kill someone, as a matter of fact I did, I hung 45 demonstrators, who in their enthusiasm for showing me what was wrong with the country attacked our local government offices and merchant's guild, the damages equaled to 500GD. (-1 stability; -250 to infrastructure; and -250 to trade)

Apr. 25, 1424 Memel falls, I guess no need for reinforcements here, on to Kurland.

Apr. 27, 1424 Prussia signs a peace treaty. Poland demands Memel, military access, and 400GD, they agree, the poor fools striped their coffers, bare, all they had was 92GD, we are still pleased.

Jul. 23, 1424 Kurland finally cracks like a rotten egg, "Dear Estland Here We Come" is the song of my marching infantry.

Sep. 11, 1424 The infantry arrives, Estland falls on September 25, 1424.

Sep. 25, 1424 The Teutonic Order signs a humiliating treaty, we demand Kurland, Polotsk, and Estland as well as damages of 500GD. As they march in before our king with their Prussian vassals, our royal jester begins a song composed by me 'Why do Prussians suddenly appear, every time you are near. Just like me (Poland) they long to be close to you.' When Grand Master finally signs the treaty he is introduced to me, he looks me deeply in the eyes, and he sees that his nation will not withstand another decade, he crosses himself and walks away with tears running down his face. Upon closer examination their coffers only had 111GD, but we have reunited most of Poland now, it is time for rejoicing, nation wide celebrations, and a time to rebuild.

Oct. 1, 1424 I am promoted to Viscount, I am not to ecstatic, after the show I put on for the king, but I guess I must be patient.

War Totals:
Poland's casualties, almost 22,000 cavalry lost, 18,000 infantry lost, and one broken toe, mine.
They lost 26,000 cavalry and 23,000 infantry, I am only counting the Prussians and Teutonic Order.

We are left with 42,265 cavalry and 28,582 infantry.

Words of Wisdom: "He who feels with the heart, finds it will bleed. Feel nothing but victory."
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Good job, really. The best part was the beginning.
But I wonder why YOU take something to the east. Leave it to your brothers from Lithuania.
I am not offended, for now, but if you dare to sign the union of Lublin, then I will get offended. :)
the best damn AAR I've read. I'm thinking about incorporating some of your unique humor into an AAR I'll write in a month or two.
and take Lagolas' advice and leave the east to Lithuania, let the outcasts of the slav society have the frozen eastern tundra, Polish horses galop much better on the fertile plains of Poland and Germany.
Originally posted by Hetman Polski
and take Lagolas' advice and leave the east to Lithuania, let the outcasts of the slav society have the frozen eastern tundra, Polish horses galop much better on the fertile plains of Poland and Germany.

First, I am LEgolas, not Lagolas :) This doesn't matter much however.
Second, Lithuanians are not "outcasts" and more, they are not "slavs". We have unique Baltic culture, and we do not want to be treated as slavs.
Third, tundras are great! :D
Chapter 2: The WTF war and the destruction of Pskov


Please allow me to introduce myself,
I am a man of wealth and taste.

My name is Lucas Fernowski, that is Viscount Lucas to all of you peasants out there.
Who told you you could learn to read, go plow my fields!

Status: Poland
Ruler: King Wladyslaw II Jagiello
Army: Late Medieveal (1) 42,000 cavalry/52,000 infantry/0 artillery
Navy: Who cares, do I look like an Englishman?
Treasury: More than enough, none of your business, what are you a spy? (In a whisper "Have him hung.")
Peasant and Nobleman happiness: Very Happy (Stability +3)

Aristocracy (+5)
Centralization (-4)
Innovativeness (+1)
Mercantilism (+4)
Offensive Doctrine (+3)
Land (+4)
Quality (0)
Serfdom (+4)

Jan. 1, 1425 I set up several marriages between the noble families of Poland and Austria, Saxony, and Mainz.

Jan. 1, 1425 Poland declares war on Tver, since our armies have been so victorious in the recent past, we decide to leave our mark on the Russian people.

Sep. 24, 1425 The Muscovites expand at the expense of Kazan, which gives up Tambow, we are not pleased, a strong Russian state in the north would be highly disadvantageous to us.

Dec. 11, 1425 The English have annexed Orleans, this worries us, as it means that the balance of power is being destabilized in Western Europe.

Jan. 6, 1426 The Kazan are annexed by the Golden Horde.

Jan. 9, 1426 The Duchy of Athens is annexed by the Ottoman Empire, those Turks are becoming an annoyance, but they are not our problem, yet.

Jun. 5, 1426 We capture Pskov.

Apr. 1, 1427 Some Ukrainians have declared their independence from the Golden Horde, I doubt they will last very long.

May 19, 1427 Tver falls after a grueling siege and countless battles, we demand Pskov and 300GD, again our enemies pockets come up short, they hand over 127GD but we are still pleased, baby steps now will pay of in the future we hope. Time to rebuild for future conflicts.
Once more Poland enters into several royal marriages, this time with Hannover, Oldenburg, Gelre, Burgundy and Friesland, this is becoming an annoying hobby for me.

Aug. 1, 1427 Our government infrastructure has entered into a period of High Renaissance. (Infrastructure 2)

Oct. 1, 1427 More marriages, this time with Hessen and Kleves.

Jan. 4, 1428 As expected the Ukrainians are brought back into the Golden Horde. Another royal marriage, this time with Bavaria.

Mar. 2, 1428 Marriage with Baden, my annoyance level is increasing, but so are our armies, we are waiting for our peace treaty to expire with the Teutonic Order so that we may soon finalize their demise.

Jun. 1, 1428 Wurtemberg enters into yet another marriage with Poland.

Aug. 7, 1428 The Ottomans expand further by taking Albania from Tuscany, very unpleasant.

Oct. 1, 1428 Bremen and Cologne enter into a royal marriage with us, I am dying of boredom, and this is actually becoming my only pastime aside from watching the grass grow.

Nov. 6, 1429 The English juggernaut forces Provence to give up Main to their expansionist urges.

Jan. 15, 1429 Hungary annexes their vassal Croatia.

Jan. 20, 1429 Another marriage, this time with Munster. I also turn the government towards further increasing our concentration on to our land forces. (Land +5)

Mar. 1, 1429 I receive the title of Count, this is mainly due to the marriages I have set up, I am so ashamed of this promotion.

Mar. 4, 1429 Eire has refused a royal marriage with Poland, well there is something new, they must be related to the French.

Jun. 5, 1429 England forces the Bourbonnais to give up Limousine, I am really getting worried about France and its ability to remain alive for long, I send a marriage proposal to the French king, but he refuses, we are surprised as they have fairly good relations with us.

Jul. 27, 1429 Tver is no more, that’s right the Muscovites again.

Aug. 16, 1429 Another marriage, this time it is with The Palatinat.

Oct. 4, 1429 A marriage with Lorraine, we are not holding out much hope as the Burgundians are currently at war with them.

Feb. 17, 1430 The Palatinat is annexed by Burgundy, oh well, I guess I wasted my efforts on the wrong nation.

The Second War of Reunification (aka The WTF War)
Mar. 1, 1430 We declare war on the Teutonic Knights once more, you guess it, all of their allies have joined in, including Mecklenburg, Pommern, Bremen, Holstein, and Prussia. Poland is more ready for this war than it was for the last one, our forces number 25,000 infantry in Mazovia, which march straight for Prussia; 27,000 in Estland who march straight south on Livland, the capital of the Teutonic Order; and finally 42,000 cavalry in Wielkopolska who await any surprises their allies may wish to throw at us in Poznan.

I also finalize one of my last marriages for a long time with Luxemburg.

May 25, 1430 Our 25,000 infantry in Prussia are surprised to meet 4,000 Bremen troops trying to lift the siege.

Jun. 7, 1430 We are further surprised in Prussia when the 4,000 Bremen troops rout our 25,000 infantry. When I heard this, my only words were WTF. I decided enough was enough, I sent the 42,000 cavalry out of Wielkopolska into Danzig to annihilate any other army that may walk out of Pommern against us, and to put an end to the Bremen troops that are in Prussia. We did not have to the Bremen troops headed back for Danzig and my cavalry met them there and exterminated all of their forces a few days later on Jun. 20, 1430.

Jul. 18, 1430 The cavalry in Danzig enters Poznan and destroys another Bremen army of 4,000 a day later.

Jul. 21, 1430 Lorraine is annexed by Navarra, I guess the Burgundians were to slow.

Jul. 29, 1430 The cavalry arrive in Wielkopolska, we await for a peace treaty from the Northern Germans.

Aug. 2, 1430 Brabant joins Burgundy on purpose, why is beyond me, but I will let others try to puzzle that one out.

Aug. 30, 1430 The cavalry arrive back in Poznan again to fight of 5,000 cavalry of Bremen.

Sep. 2, 1430 England wins its war against Scotland, they receive The Highlands, The Grampians and Strathclyde. We are shocked, up to now the English have only been winning small possessions but now Scotland only has its capital left, I do not expect them to survive the decade, something must be done lest the English take over all of Western Europe.

Sep. 5, 1430 The Bremen army is annihilated, I am expecting some peace offers now.

Sep. 8, 1430 Auvergne breaks it vassalization with France, we are saddened to hear it, as we see the end of France in the stars, we offer Auvergne a royal marriage, but they refuse us, I do not expect them to survive long enough to appreciate their mistake.

Jan. 1, 1431 The Italian royal marriages are conducted with Milan, Genoa, Siena and Modena.

Feb. 1, 1431 Our merchants have entered into their High Renaissance period (2).

Mar. 1, 1431 The Northern German states have not offered a peace yet and they are sending 18,000 men to Poznan, I am tired of these charades, I send the 40k+ north to Hinterpommern.
The King "WTF are you thinking, we are going to get our troops slaughtered, we do not need them to eliminate us permanently."
Me "We need to hurt them, they will keep coming and hurting us, we need to win some sort of a battle on their lands."

Mar. 16, 1431 The cavalry has entered Hinterpommern, we meet their 10,000 infantry and 8,000 cavalry, this will be a hard battle, but maybe if we are lucky they will sign a peace treaty with us.

Mar. 19, 1431 Their 18,000 troops are no more, we lost 350 men, maybe I under estimated my knights ability to fight, since Vor Pommern lays open I send them further on, leaving a cover force to hold down the Pommeranian capital, I am hoping to get some large concessions from Pommern now.
The King "What the hell are you thinking, we got lucky pull our troops back"
Me "Maybe if we occupy some of their territories and hurt the other Germans, we will be able to get peace treaties from all the other allies of the Knights."

Apr. 9, 1431 No resistance in Vor Pommern, I send the troops on to Mecklenburg, perhaps the loot will be better there, I leave behind a siege force. 30,000 knights march on.

Apr. 19, 1431 My knights reach Mecklenburg, there is no resistance a minor skirmish against 5,000 men who are all lost by the next day. I see 10,000 troops in Bremen and 4,000 in Holstein, I leave behind 4,000 knights and send the rest to Holstein.
The King and his nobles "WTF, we need our cavalry against other nations, what if they decide to attack us."
Me "We have good relations with our neighbors for now, no attack is coming, plus the other Germans have yet to offer peace."

Apr. 30, 1431 We arrive in Holstein and begin a battle against their 5,600 men, by May 3, 1431.
The king has come into my chambers and asked me: "WTF is going on and why we are entering northern Germany further, are you insane and want to loose this war for us." I assure him that I am attempting to receive better concessions from the Germans, since we have them on the run. When news of the Holstein victory arrives the king summons me and tells me that he is pleased that I have won so much for Poland.

May 3, 1431 I leave behind a siege force and send some 16,000 knights against the Bremen 10,000, I wish to hurt them so that they will join the others in signing a white peace with us. Some peace offers arrive already but I must get the offer from all of the German states.

May 15, 1431 We again destroy a newly created Holstein army and our knights continue on to Bremen.
The Sejm is not pleased as it sees us on a dangerous collision course with the rest of Europe. I assure them that we are just trying to get better concessions from the Germans.

May 19, 1431 We begin the battle against the 10,000 troops in Bremen.

May 23, 1431 We have again annihilate the German forces, there are no remaining German soldiers anywhere. I was hoping for simple peace but in less than 3 months we have defeated 4 other nations, an idea sparks in my mind. That’s right, I no longer wish for peace with my defeated foes, now I want more than they offered, I want their freedom. Everyone of them now sends peace offers, I send my troops to besiege all 5 provinces, there is no more talking now.
The King "Why the heck did you not tell me we were going to conquer new territories, I would have agreed if I knew that Poland was this strong."
The Sejm "Why are we doing this, we do not wish to share the power with new noblemen of German descent, you are attacking our influence."
Me to the King "I did not want to wet your appetite unless we were sure to win."
Me to the Sejm "Shut up you worthless dogs, you are no longer in charge, be careful of how you deal with the King or that 40,000 cavalry will be quite capable of dealing with you."

Sep. 28, 1431 Livland, capital of the Teutonic Knights falls, we offer annexation, they refuse.

Oct. 25, 1431 Prussia falls and is immediately annexed, the world watches in shock.

Nov. 13, 1431 The Teutonic Order is no more, they surrender without one shout of outrage from Europe, the European powers are now breathless, who are these Polish sickos who annex two nations within 2 months.

Nov. 20, 1431 Mecklenburg falls, they refuse annexation and do so several times more, until we have taken Vor Pommern and made it our own.

Dec. 2, 1431 Munster is annexed by Burgundy.

Jan. 1, 1432 The revolutionaries in Arkhangelsk secede from Novogrod and join Muscovy, this is the first time that I have seen such an action, especially from a colony.

Jan. 25, 1432 Bosnia is annexed by Serbia, not our problem, we still have sieges to finish.

Feb. 21, 1432 Bremen falls but refuses just like Mecklenburg to be annexed.

Apr. 8, 1432 Gelre is annexed by England, damn their eyes.

May 23, 1432 Vor Pommern falls, we wait for Hinterpommern to follow.

Jun. 13, 1432 Hinterpommern falls, we demand Vor Pommern as well as money and military access, they agree to our terms willingly, 118GD is pulled out of their coffers.

Jul. 1, 1432 Mecklenburg is annexed now the European powers seethe with hatred for our violation of yet another Catholic nation, I care little for their anger, let them burn in hell for all I care.

On a side note I was promoted to Marquis, I hate this title and I hate the French for inventing it. I sound like some sort of a flower, what am I, a fruitcake? If it wasn’t for the damn French I would probably have received a decent sort of title like Magnate or Hetman. Personally I now have a bone to pick with the French, especially since this is ruining my sex life in the court, plus I really have some vengeance to foster for the fact that I have already been accosted by several young ‘male’ courtiers, I had them hung.

Sep. 8, 1432 We send the next diplomat that we can train to Bremen, they accept our annexation. Only Holstein remains.

Jan. 3, 1433 Holstein falls and is immediately annexed, the war is over.

Furious letters enter the royal court, every European nation demands an explanation for our actions, 5 Catholic nations annexed in 3 years time, Europe is livid. They can all go to hell and we have an army that can send them there. Europe knows it too, they will remain quiet until we weaken then they will strike, but not today and not tomorrow. We are considered scum by every Catholic nation in Europe and thus it shall remain for a long, long time. No one wishes to enter into any sort of negotiations with us I guess my days as a matchmaker have come to an end, YES!!! Altogether the tally stands at 7,000 cavalry lost, 12,000 infantry and our reputation. I do not yet realize this, but the consequences of what we have done will haunt Poland for centuries to come. We have also gained 5 warships and 10 transports. The kings is not happy that the world hates us but his greed for the new annexed provinces makes him happy with my performance. The Sejm seethes with fury at my autocratic dealings with them and their stupid posturing.

(* The Sejm – A governing body of Polish noblemen, the first semi-democratic parliament of noblemen, origins date pre-Magna Carta. One of their special privileges was the Liberum Veto which I think came about at the Nieszawa Conventions (NOT SURE), but that is a story for another day.)

I have also failed to mention one thing, since Holstein fell and its king commited suicide by stabbing himself in the back. Very unsettling, I have no idea how he achieved this feat, but you know those Germans are very, very tricky; Katarzyna Jagiello has returned to court with guess who, a son. 7 year old Heinrich von Holstein is the result of the union between Katarzyna "the ugly" and the Holstein king, who I still believe was a sodomite; this however is unimportant, what is important is that King Jagiello has placed the boy in my care as an apprentice. The king's grandson is a bright boy and fortunately for him, he inherited his father's looks, whoever he may be, I had his name changed to Henryk Jagiellonczyk and I am proud to say that he has grasped the Polish language quite well, which may mean a fine career for the boy should he serve me, I mean Poland well.

Words of Wisdom: "It's not wether you win or loose, it's how many corpses you leave along the way."

OOC: Need help with setting up my screenshots but I am not sure how to go about it, if someone would like to help me I would welcome an email at aap20687@csun.edu.
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Originally posted by EricSaxon

(* The Sejm – A governing body of Polish noblemen, the first semi-democratic parliament of noblemen, origins date pre-Magna Carta. One of their special privileges was the Liberum Veto which I think came about at the Nieszawa Conventions (NOT SURE), but that is a story for another day.)

Liberum Veto in it's pure form has only come into existence in mid-XVII cty (first used during the Seym of 1652).

Other than that it's an awesome AAR. Can't wait to read more.
Yes this is pleasant reading. Continue please. Nice with an polish AAR, although the board seems owerflowing of polish people I haven´t seen much in the way of Polish AAR´s yet.

And Happy Birthday Jan.
Originally posted by Legolas

First, I am LEgolas, not Lagolas :) This doesn't matter much however.
Second, Lithuanians are not "outcasts" and more, they are not "slavs". We have unique Baltic culture, and we do not want to be treated as slavs.
Third, tundras are great! :D

first of all, in my version of "Lord of the Rings" the elf's named Lagolas:D:p .
when I was talking about "outcasts" I was talking about the Rus tribes, namely Kievan Rus, Muscovites, Belarus, Pskov, Tver, Novgorod, etc...

and yes, I know that Lithuanians aren't slavs, they're sort of like Estonians, right?
Originally posted by Hetman Polski
first of all, in my version of "Lord of the Rings" the elf's named Lagolas:D:p .
when I was talking about "outcasts" I was talking about the Rus tribes, namely Kievan Rus, Muscovites, Belarus, Pskov, Tver, Novgorod, etc...
and yes, I know that Lithuanians aren't slavs, they're sort of like Estonians, right?
1. very weird, really.
2. i got it.
3. Estonians are fino-ugric, as are Finns and Hungarians. Lithuanians and Latvians are Baltic, as were Prussians (they're extinct now). But none of these are slavs.

One question. I don't have EU2 yet, and I wonder how is this reputation thing working? Do you REALLY get messages from other nations when they are angry on you? Please explain, I want to know much of the game before I get it. Thanks in advance.
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Originally posted by Legolas

One question. I don't have EU2 yet, and I wonder how is this reputation thing working? Do you REALLY get messages from other nations when they are angry on you? Please explain, I want to know much of the game before I get it. Thanks in advance.

You probably think about descriptions of your BB rating (i.e. "we are worse than dishonourable scum"). But they don't come from other countries, but are simply reported in one of your country management screens (it's like you hear that from you own advisor).
Chapter 3: The First Ottoman War


Please allow me to introduce myself,
I am a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year,

My name is Lucas Ignacious Fernowski, that is Marquis Fernowski to all you serfs out there. Fine, so you learned to read, this still does not make us equals.

Status: Poland
Ruler: King Wladyslaw II Jagiello
Army: Late Medieval (1) 40,000 cavalry/100,000 infantry/0 artillery
Navy: Late Medieval (1) 5 warships/10 trasports
Treasury: 600GD+
Peasant and Nobleman happiness: Very Happy (Stability +3)

Aristocracy (+5)
Centralization (-4)
Innovativeness (+1)
Mercantilism (+4)
Offensive Doctrine (+3)
Land (+5)
Quality (0)
Serfdom (+4)

Nov. 2, 1433 Suzdal has cancelled its vassalization with the Muscovy States, we are pleased to no end, but the Muscovites will go to work on them in a few days giving them another royal marriage.

Jan. 17, 1434 The French have annexed Provence in a diplomatic ‘coup de grace.’

Apr. 1, 1434 Our Land Technology has reached the Late Medieval (2) period.

May. 12, 1434 An excellent minister joined our court this day, I give him one year, if he fails to screw up I will have him executed, I don’t need competition, grrrr.

Jun. 2, 1434 Wladyslaw III has begun his reign, he is not a terribly inspiring leader or king, but he is no idiot. He is also easily manipulated, a characteristic I find very pleasing in a king. He, like me, agrees on our new minister, he has to go, as he does not wish to be upstaged anymore than I. As for me, he will retain my services for the duration of my life, as he knows that I am hated by the Sejm thus he has no worries about me usurping his crown.

Jul. 7, 1434 Bourbonnais is annexed by France, although I hate my title I still wish them the best of luck for the time being.

Dec. 16, 1434 Constantinople is annexed by the Ottoman Empire, this is grave news. The world watches in shock as the last vestige of a 2,000 year old Roman Empire is absorbed by the heathen scum of Asia Minor.

Jan. 9, 1435 A new trade center has been built in Emperor Constantine’s city.

Jan. 29, 1435 The Ottoman Empire has declared war on Wallachia and their ally Moldavia has also joined them in their crusade against the heathen scum of the east. If the Ottomans do their job right, then I will be pleased, as it will provide Poland with perfect reason to destroy the Ottomans.

Apr. 28, 1436 Wallachia has been annexed by the Ottoman Empire, all goes according to plan. If the Ottomans take Bujak from Moldavia then we shall have a perfect reason for destroying them permanently, we send our troops to the border of Moldavia anticipating their ultimate destruction at our hands, then we shall deal with the dogs of Islam, but we shall be patient for now.

Apr. 29, 1436 Our clergy is unhappy with the freedoms of the populace, fortunately for them we agree. (Innovativeness 0)

Feb. 1, 1437 I think it is time to give the Ottomans some help with the sieges in Moldavia, we declare war on Moldavia and send our troops to rout all remaining Moldavian forces, maybe the Ottomans will take Bujak. Then we shall besiege Moldavia and permanently remove it of the maps of the world. And then we shall have a reason to pick a fight with the Ottomans. HA, HA, HA!!!

Aug. 3, 1437 Our nation gains more manpower in Poznan, we are pleased anytime we are able to gain more ability to make war.

Sep. 6, 1438 A plague has hit Pskov, oh well they are only Russians, maybe this will make it easier to convert them.

Jan. 8, 1439 Finally the Ottomans have captured Moldavia, they have taken Bujak and vassalized them, now we let our troops stay in Moldavia and erase them from the history books, as for the Ottomans, well they have given Poland all the reasons necessary to retake our province in some future war. (Bujak has a Polish CB shield.)

Feb. 3, 1439 The laws of Poland have become less pleasant for the peasants, more than they have already been. (Serfdom +5)

Mar. 1, 1439 My generous king has promoted me to the title of Duke, a fine name, better than Marquis in oh so many ways. As a celebration I find me the 3 prettiest court ladies and…, well I won’t go into the details, besides what I do in my off time is none of your business.

Jul. 12, 1439 Today I had an uncooperative thinker imprisoned. I would normally not care that much, but he was a heretic to boot, something about a golden age of pacifism, I almost choked on my wine when I heard about his ideas. (Innovativeness -1)

Dec. 26, 1439 Moldavia falls and is annexed, now I begin Poland’s preparations for a war with the Turks. I order the castle in Moldova expanded, as I believe that we need an increased manpower in the province in order to have a launching platform for our troops when they go to deal with the Ottomans.

Mar. 8, 1440 Henryk Jagiellonczyk, aka Heinrich von Holstein, my student and protoge has turned 14 this day. His studies have now stoped as I wish for him to pick up the sword and make himself known not only as a scholar, but also as a warrior. His tutors have spoken well of him for the last 7 years, his promise of intellectual strength has blossomed into something remarkable, he is a genius.

Oct. 7, 1440 Once more I prove my dedication to the ‘church’ as we spend 50GD to suppress a regional heresy. (Innovativeness –2)

Feb. 1, 1441 We are finally prepared for a war with the Ottomans, 40,000 cavalry stands ready in Moldova, 50,000 infantry is waiting to enter Moldova to besiege all territories cleared by our knights. War is declared, our cavalry launches into all of their surrounding territories.

The First Ottoman Campaign
This campaign unlike all the others up to now, WAS boring, so I will just explain what we did and why. First off, the Ottomans were totally unprepared, as they were fighting a war with some other heathen dogs in their immediate neighborhood. In four months I had all of their territories occupied by my cavalry, which left cover forces in all of their territories while the 50,000 infantry followed in slowly and simply reinforced all of the cover forces to siege status. The Ottomans had allies in Teke but they quickly signed a white peace with us, around May 8, 1441.

Mar. 14, 1441 Kazan, a petty land with petty kings, has taken Suzdal from the Golden Horde, in a peace treaty. We are pleased at the prospect that the Muscovites will have to deal with one more annoyance in their neck of the woods.

Jun. 13, 1441 Navarra is vassalized by England, we are not pleased, but we believe that the French are now strong enough to deal with their problems alone, after all of the annexations that took place in the last 10 years

Oct. 16, 1441 We settle a boundary dispute with Brandenburg as we consider healthy relations with our neighbors to be a plus, especially during a war.

Oct. 23, 1441 Bulgaria falls to siege. Province 1.

Jan. 8, 1442 Dobrudja falls to siege. Province 2.

Jan. 27, 1442 Rumelia falls to siege. Province 3.

Feb. 18, 1442 Wallachia falls to siege. Province 4.

Feb. 25, 1442 Hellas falls to siege. Province 5.

Mar. 30, 1442 Macedonia falls to siege. Province 6.

May 15, 1442 Thrace falls to siege, I was getting impatient for another victory, but I will subjugate the whole countryside before I agree to a peace with the Ottomans.

Aug. 4, 1442 Bujak falls to siege. Province 7.

Aug. 18, 1442 An indulgence peddler has robbed half of the countryside in Poznan, I am mad as hell and send out soldiers to find him and bring me his head, unfortunately he runs for Germany, I will have my vengeance in the future, for now I will bide my time. (Poznan Taxvalue –1)

Sep. 7, 1442 Anatolia falls to siege. Province 8.

Nov. 27, 1442 Angora falls to siege. Province 9.

Dec. 19, 1442 Smyrna falls to siege. This year is turning out to be quite good. Province 10.

Jan. 19, 1443 Morea falls to siege. I guess they just don’t make empires like they used to, such a shame. Province 11.

Feb. 2, 1443 Kastamonu falls to siege, we begin to negotiate for a peace with the Ottomans but they steadily refuse our offers of peace, we keep sending them offers but they still control Albania and a province in the petty nation they are at war with. Province 12.

Jun. 22, 1443 I knew when the last Ottoman province fell to siege, that this was a good year, but I did not know that this was an exceptional year until some of my tax collectors begun to bring in the revenues for the last month. (Double Tax Values for 12 months.)

Nov. 16, 1443 Albania falls to siege, ok we finally hope to settle this peace once and for all, but the Ottomans still refuse to give in to our demands. Province 13.

Mar. 28, 1444 We decline to sell offices in Danzig as this would hurt our revenues in the long-term, but we are sure that our decision was the right one.

Apr. 17, 1444 The Ottomans agree to our peace offer, we take half of their country, not a bad trade, for them, if you consider that we owned all of it for quite a while. We took Wallachia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hellas and Morea. That’s right, less than half of all of the provinces, but at least they are the richest ones. The Ottoman Empire is left in shambles as its population is on the verge of a revolution because of the constant refusals of the Ottomans in our negotiations. They also still retain Bujak, which means that we have a good reason for going to war with them in the future. Altogether, we lost about 10,000 cavalry and almost no infantry, such are the fates of war though. The vultures begin to take a greater interest in the Ottoman Empire, as it becomes quite evident that they are no longer a threat to anyone, but their remaining 8 provinces still look dangerous enough, that no one is foolish enough to try a war with them.

Words of Wisdom: "When you loose control of the situation, just keep lashing out until you feel important again."
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I will post the next segment after I come back from work. The reason I have to become a crusader is because having to many religions in my country is really messing with my revolt risks. So for now I will focus on Europeans until there are no Orthodox people left, then I will be able to be more accepting of the Islamic faith in my nation.
Chapter 4: The Second Ottoman War


Please allow me to introduce myself,
I am a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year,
Stole many a man's soul and faith.

My name is Lucas I. Fernowski, that is Duke Fernowski to all you peons out there. Yes, I am a defender of the people, but that doesn’t mean we’re best friends so keep your place.

Status: Poland
Ruler: King Wladyslaw III
Army: Late Medieval (2) 40,000 cavalry/100,000 infantry/0 artillery
Navy: Late Medieval (1) 5 warships/10 trasports
Treasury: 600GD+
Peasant and Nobleman happiness: Very Happy (Stability +3)

Aristocracy (+5)
Centralization (-4)
Innovativeness (-2)
Mercantilism (+4)
Offensive Doctrine (+3)
Land (+5)
Quality (0)
Serfdom (+5)

May 1, 1444 I was promoted to Regent of the Realm by king Wladyslaw III, finally a title that truly captures the essence of my nobility, however I will still be called Duke.

Jun. 3, 1444 Bohemia has cancelled its vassalization with Austria, good job for my southern brothers, we are pleased to hear it.

Aug. 18, 1444 Teke which consisted of the province of Antalya has been annexed by Karaman, the Ottomans now have one less ally. We are pleased to hear this.

Nov. 2, 1444 We once more enter a royal marriage with the kingdom of Lithuania, may our union prosper for many years to come.

Nov. 11, 1444 Kazimierz IV has risen to the throne of Poland, he is not a particularly bright and shinning star, but I am sure he will be just as easily manipulated as his predecessor.

Feb. 1, 1445 Our ground troops technology has entered the Late Medieval period. (Land Technology (3))

Nov. 1, 1445 The rebels in Vorones have defected to Lithuania, we are pleased for our brothers, may they rule them in good health.

Jan. 13, 1447 Our king organized a royal hunt, the nobles from Bavaria, Pommern, and Wurtemberg, were treated to a royal feast, however the lords from Saxony and Denmark felt slighted that the king did not pay them enough attention.

Mar. 8, 1447 Henryk my old protégé and confidant has returned from his military training this day. On his 21st birthday our fine king has deemed to knight him and elevate him to the position of military advisor. I am pleased to see him once more and I prepare him to take over my functions and inform him that in two years I will retire to a convent in the Alps. I also tell him about my family history and how I am a native Italian. He is pleased to know that I have a family and a son, who will take over the reigns of my governing in 2 years. For now we spend our time talking about the status of the nation and about what Poland needs for the future years. The boy has acquired some particularly disturbing views in his time in the cavalry. I guess that much time with the noblemen of Poland has had some strange effects on the boy but I hope to cleanse his mind in the coming months, of the filth and rubbish that has filled his head.

Jan. 25, 1448 The nobles demand some of their old rights back, we refused, I even sent some assassins to deal with their families, however this has upset many others who have no proof but are armed with suspicions, most of the nations is watching wearily. (Stability 0)

Mar. 8. 1449 Tonight after Henryk’s 23 birthday, I leave for parts unknown, informing my king that my son will soon arrive in Poland from his travels abroad, for now I set certain events for the days ahead of me and I leave to join a convent in the Alps.

Mar. 12, 1449 We reform the demands of our armed forces to only select good quality soldiers into our ranks. (Quality +1)

Mar. 13, 1449 A monopoly company has formed, the royal coffer benefited by 100GD from the bribes.

Sep. 8, 1449 A young blond man arrives at court, there is something familiar about him but not many can put a finger on it. He shows the guards at signet and is ushered before the court at Wawel castle. He speaks: "Hello Your Majesty, my names is Duke Lucas Ivan Fernowski II and I am here to take over my father’s duties." The king smiles benignly as he doubts the abilities of this new minister but as a gesture to ‘my father’ he allows me to take ‘my father’s’ place, he also warns me that he shall be watching me carefully so that I fulfill my father’s high recommendations of my skills. (I have now taken on a similar appearance to my old body, but decide that a change in hair color would be a nice change so that none of the court suspects anything is amiss with my longer than usual lifespan.) I receive some dirty looks from the gathered nobles, but they keep their opinions of ‘my father’ to themselves, I mark them out as I realize that some of these fools will try to make problems for me in the future. I also look to speak with Henryk, but he is not around as the king, in his generosity placed him in charge of Holstein for his services to the crown, both military and ministerial. Apparently he got married a month after I left to a fine court lady of one of the leading noblemen and has decided to build his own dynasty in the far northern German province.

Apr. 21, 1450 Burgundy breaks its royal marriage with us and declares war on our fair nation, while many of our troops are away in the Ottoman lands, joining this fray will be England and Navarra. However only England will be helping in the rapine and pillage that shall sweep our territories.

Nov. 3, 1450 A wave of obscurantism strikes Poland, curse these damn heretics, they always cause trouble in the middle of a war.

Feb. 3, 1451 Mehmed II Fatih has risen to the throne of the Ottoman Empire, good luck buddy, I am not expecting for you to rule anything by the time our armies get done with you, but for now stay of our border.

Sep. 27, 1451 After a devastating war between ourselves and Burgund and England, where they got nowhere, I might add, we have signed a peace treaty where Poland pays them 25GD to appease their wounded ego. May they all rot in hell.

Jan. 7, 1452 The Nieszawa Privileges ‘Conventiones Particulares’ are requested of the king, with a threat of rebellion. We refuse and have 6 leading families of the Polish nobility take arms against their rightful king. Their demands were fairly simple, turn over a part of the taxation into the hands of noblemen or we will fight and loot the royal possessions. I hate threats especially when our nation has a mighty army that can deal death in the name of the king. I hate these noblemen and I decide to ride with the army so that I may dispense the King's Justice as I see fit.
(-2 Aristocracy (+3)
-2 Serfdom (+3)
+2 Centralization (-2)
-6 Stability (-3)
+8 Revolt Risk
We had to fight this treaty or we would also have lost –2 to tax income in 6 provinces, this way we gain +1 to income in 6 other provinces.)

Aug. 28, 1452 We have been insulted by Brandenburg, but we can do nothing about it as our country is burning and a civil war rages throughout Poland.

Sep. 1, 1452 Our national stability has become less than fully rebellious, we are looking forward to a speedy recovery, but the rebellions rage on. (Stability -2)

Oct. 29, 1452 Good news from England, they have lost Navarra as a vassal, may their whole navy sink in the English channel.

Jan. 4, 1453 After a successful siege of Bremen, we carved half the provincial nobles into dog meat, this should mean fewer grasping hands and our taxes in the province are looking better than previously.

May 1, 1453 Our national stability has once more risen and our revolts grow fewer, however the nation is still in the grasp of the civil war. (Stability -1)

Jun. 4, 1453 We have taken Moldova back from the hands of the rebellious lords, I had the 3 primary families impaled for the rest of the nobles to get the point. Once more the king has gained further rich possessions.

Jun. 8, 1453 Macedonia has fallen to us after months of siege, their noblemen follow their Moldovan compatriots, I send some 50 nobles to hell in a grand bonfire. The king only grows richer.

Jul. 24, 1453 We settle another boundary dispute with the Lithuanians and the general populace is ecstatic with the kings wisdom and peaceful nature. (Stability 0)

Aug. 19, 1453 Galizien has finally cracked, not being much for sympathy, the Polish nobles follow in the footsteps of the other rebels, several hundred are strung up at torn apart between the horses of our Tartar mercenaries. If I keep going like this the king will be richer than God, hehe.

Dec. 1, 1453 Once more Poland has moved in to become a fairly calm land, although some provinces are still under siege. (Stability +1)

Feb. 2 1454 Livland falls to our troops, we finally capture the main orchestrators of this rebellion, it was some Holstein nobles, who were trying to gain their independence. I gave them freedom, then I sent my troops to Holstein and gave their families freedom as well, by the time I freed all of them, I was short several thousand people in the province, oh well, live and learn. The king was pleased though, as he has become quite wealthy from all this fighting. The civil war is over, now we just mop up the rest of the rebels and rebuild before anyone else takes it into their head that we might be a tempting target.

Jul. 1, 1454 Our population is almost at its pre-war comfort level. (Stability +2)

Jan. 1, 1455 The whole nation has now been pacified and it is once more faithful to the king. (Stability +3)

Mar. 20, 1455 Luxemburg is annexed by the Burgundians, I hate those dogs, they are the reason why this civil war was so hard to fight, it is because of them that we had fewer troops in the field because we had to fight that war against them, may they all boil in hot oil for that.

Jul. 16, 1455 A ‘saint’ preformed a miracle this day, if you consider mouth to mouth resuscitation a miracle, but the peasants are happy, so why ruin their ignorant bliss.

Apr. 12, 1456 What I predicted a decade or two ago, has finally come to pass, in The Highland Peace accords, the capital of Scotland has been annexed by the English, this is a great day of mourning, for the Scots are no more and the English grow in power.

Apr. 30, 1456 We had to jail an uncooperative thinker this day, I would normally have allowed him to run free, but the country has seen enough instability for the last few years, that we need time to breathe, not consider revolutionary ideas.

Aug. 1, 1456 Our land forces have become better due to the discovery of new tactics and better weapons. (Land 4)

Jan. 1, 1457 Once more we go to war against the Ottoman Empire, since our troops have recently been issued their new weapons, I thought it fitting that we test them on someone, and the Ottoman Empire was willing to kindly provide us with a field test. I was also motivated to take the Rumelia province from them, as I saw it being converted to the Islamic faith, and well, I just did not wish to see this happen. I would later learn, that even though we took their province before they were able to convert the province, it still fell to the heathen faith. (A BUG I am sure)

Jan. 11, 1457 We begin to fight the only major engagement of the war in Thrace, the next day our general exterminates all 15,000 of their defenders and we send our troops to besiege all of their territories so that we can force more concessions from their infidel hands, holding what is rightfully ours, Bujak, is a mistake they won't repeat in the future, not that they have a future mind you.

Apr. 26, 1457 Karaman has joined our game of beat up on the Turk, they are welcome to have some fun, since we now are besieging all of the Ottoman territories.

May 20, 1457 We grant some export licenses which cost us some 50GD.

May 27, 1457 Smyrna has fallen to siege.

Jun. 27, 1457 Anatolia has joined Smyrna.

Nov. 23, 1457 Bujak now lays under our control.

Dec. 12, 1457 Thrace is once more under the Polish heel.

Dec. 23, 1457 Merry Christmas, our troops celebrate inside the gates of Kastamonou.

Jan. 23, 1458 Angora shares the same fate as Thrace.

Feb. 17, 1458 Rumelia is now serving Poland.

Mar. 1, 1458 Bogutjar has defected from the Golden Horde to the Kingdom of Lithuania, we are extremely pleased for our Lithuanian brothers.

Mar. 15, 1458 Today the people have sighted a meteor, this is not good news, but I think we can ride it out. The superstitious peasants are speaking of bad omens however.

Jun. 2, 1458 Dobrudja has fallen to our siege machines, only Albania still remains strong.

Aug. 4, 1458 Albania is finally ours, but the Turk refuses to give up all of his provinces in a peace treaty.

Sep. 5, 1458 The Ottomans agree to give up Albania, Smyrna, Anatolia, Rumelia, and Dobrudja; somehow they got to keep Bujak again, the Sejm is a bit miffed, but I guess five new provinces is easing their tempers a bit.

Words of Wisdom: "If at first you don't succeed, kill, kill, again."

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nice, but why do you actually have all that many turkish wars ? just kill them all asap and go for moscow ! :)

best regards,

My reasoning

The Turks were a strong nation, that was only bound to grow stronger, while Moskwa has only 5 provinces. But I do go after them in the next 25 years, I promise, the problem is the Russians have a poor technology and I take them out in a war or two, without putting out to much effort. I prefer taking out strong opponents and doing the weak ones as a side effort, when my troops are bored and someone gets stupid enough to insult me.
Chapter 5: The Thrid Ottoman War and The Novogrod Expansion

Please allow me to introduce myself,
I am a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year,
Stole many a man's soul and faith.

Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name?

Status: Poland
Ruler: King Kazimierz IV
Army: Late Medieval (4) 40,000 cavalry/100,000 infantry/0 artillery
Navy: Late Medieval (1) 5 warships/10 trasports
Treasury: 600GD+
Peasant and Nobleman happiness: Very Happy (Stability +3)

Aristocracy (+3)
Centralization (-2)
Innovativeness (-2)
Mercantilism (+4)
Offensive Doctrine (+3)
Land (+5)
Quality (+1)
Serfdom (+3)

Oct. 12, 1458 The damnable Bergundians have declared war on us once again, may their hearts be boiled in a steaming cauldron, their only allies, Baden and Mainz have dishonored their peace treaty with them though, so it is just us against them.

Oct. 27, 1458 Castile with the help of Aragon, Portugal and Navarra have also declared war on us, knowing that we can not fight a two front war, we offer them 150 GD and they accept our offer.

Mar. 13, 1459 We further increase the quality control of the army. (Quality +2)

Apr. 3, 1459 We have formed another monopoly company. (+100 GD)

Sep. 9, 1459 The war against the Bergundians has not been going well. Today Meckelmburg has fallen to them, we keep fighting.

Oct. 25, 1459 The Mameluks have declared a war against us, we call in our allies the Lithuanians, to come to our aid and they faithfully join us.

Nov. 20, 1459 Brittany has given up Bretagne and Armor to the Savoyians.

Feb. 4, 1460 Milan is diplomatically annexed by the Austrians.

Apr. 18, 1460 We hire a foreign drill instructor today as well as his officers to retrain our army, we pay some 250GD but it is well worth the investment.(Quality +3, Offensive +4)

Apr. 19, 1460 We have finally taken back Mecklemburg, after countless battles defending our siege positions. We hope that this will soon end this war.

May 15, 1460 The Ottomans have given up Angora to Karaman.

Oct. 1, 1460 Our naval technology has reached a new level, I think I will have someone executed for funneling cash into useless technology developments. (Naval Tech: Late Medieval (2))

Dec. 10, 1460 We cough up 50GD to the Bergundians just to end this useless war.

Jan. 1, 1461 Maine has defected to France, may the English choke on that one.

May 20, 1461 Mantua is now an Austrian possession due to the Austrian’s excellent diplomatic skills.

Jul. 23, 1461 The Mameluks have lost some battles to us, and have accepted peace with us but we had to pay 200GD for it, but our nation was becoming destabilized so we had to accept peace soon or face the consequences.

May 9, 1462 We have hired a court painter to do paintings of all of the king’s relatives, normally I avoid such stupidity, but I guess a nice paining of me would be quite impressive to all visiting noblemen. (-50GD Innovativeness -1, up from -2)

Jan. 16, 1463 France in a peace resolution annexes Brittany.

May 17, 1463 We have been insulted by Hungary, but we are in no position to act on it, as we are still putting down 20 kinds of revolts, due to our recent acquisitions.

Jun. 1, 1464 We have received a gift to Poland from the Catholic clergy, we are pleased that they consider fire insurance to be important, hehe. (+100GD)

May 1, 1465 Burgundy has annexed Mainz today.

Sep. 20, 1465 Someone reformed the navy while I was away on holiday, I haven’t caught the culprit yet but when I do, I will have him roasted on an open flame, just like a chestnut.(Naval Technology +250)

Nov. 13, 1466 We have settled a boundary dispute with Hungary today.

Nov. 5, 1467 In a diplomatic move we have increased our relations with several nations this day.

Dec. 8, 1468 We have declined to help out a noble family and our popularity has suffered, let the noblemen take care of themselves.

Mar. 13, 1469 We have pushed through some legislation to increase the servility of our general population. (Serfdom +4)

Jan. 24, 1470 We had to spend 100GD trying to eradicate corruption from our government, which made our officials less than pleased.
(-100GD –1 stability)

Feb. 1, 1471 We declare war on the Ottoman Empire also known as the 3 province empire, we plan to take Bujak and Kastamon and only leave them with their capital.

Oct. 7, 1471 We have refused to sell offices to some of our noblemen.

Feb. 21, 1472 Bujak falls.

Mar. 16, 1472 Thrace falls.

Jun. 21, 1472 Kastamon falls, we demand cash, Bujak and Kastamon, we get all of them including 205GD.

Mar. 1, 1473 We cancel our military access to Pommern, we wish to deal with them permanently, we will begin next January.

Jul. 17, 1473 We pay dearly for granting export licenses. (-50GD)

Nov. 1, 1473 Mainz has defected from Burgundy to Hessen, we rejoice at the news.

Jan. 1, 1474 We declare war on Pommern, Novogrod, Hessen, Sieburgen, Cologne, and Kleves join in the fun, let the games begin.

Jun. 22, 1474 An unprovoked revolt happens in Danzig, our war against the alliance has come down to only Pommern, Novogrod, and Siegurgen, we should soon begin besieging Sieburgen and most of Novogrod, I however first have to clean out all of the resistance.

Aug. 23, 1474 Hinterpommern has fallen, but they refuse annexation, I guess they hold out hope for their allies, HAR, HAR, HAR!!!

Aug. 27, 1474 France has annexed Savoy in a diplomatic masterpiece.

Oct. 1, 1474 They once more refuse annexation, I hate stupid people who hold out hope for nothing.

Jan. 19, 1475 Novogrod falls to siege, this war will soon be over.

Jan. 24, 1475 Novogrod offer Kexholm, Ingermanland, Karelia, and Kola, we take what they offer, there is only Novogrod left now, let the Muscovites take it from them, so that we have something to take from the Muscovites, HAR, HAR, HAR!!!

Mar. 3, 1475 Pommern surrenders to annexation only Sieburgen remains, I guess the fat lady has sung, we also gain more ships for the navy 7 warships/2 transports.

Apr. 1, 1475 The government of Austria has fallen and Milan and Mantua have declared their independence.

Jun. 1, 1475 A gift to the state has been received from the Jewish bankers in Krakow, may someone bless their good souls, now we have to work on our Armenian merchants, perhaps they too can be convinced to make a gift to the state, hehe. (+200GD)

Jul. 22, 1475 Transylvania has fallen to siege and Siedburgen is immediately annexed.

Yours Truly, Duke Luc I. Fernowski II, Lord and Regent of Poland.

Words of Wisdom: "Never buy, what you can take by force."

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