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Duke of Wellington

8 Badges
Sep 4, 2005
  • Europa Universalis III
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The Ten Kings Of Milan

This is the AAR of the Ten Kings of Milan. It is in the same vein as the Ten Kings Of Poland game. The discussion thread for this game is here .

Currently these are the players who will be involved in order of play.

Duke of Wellington


Snake IV

Uhuh.. Duke.. I just openened an AAR thread... :D...

Your's better, so I'll just delete mine :p.
Grundius said:
Well, you know what they say about great minds.... :D

Kill them young?
Grundius said:
I was waiting for a smart ass remark :p.

But it is true! All the great ones die young, so one must make sure to hunt them down so that the rules of greatness is followed.
The year is 1419, on New Years Day. A new king, Leo Prascisco, has been crowned. Not much is known about this man, his famliy only recently became nobles, so it was a surpise when he was crowned. Even the Pope seem surpized about the new King, during the crowning cemomory...

My Plans...

A. Vasslise and/or annxe another Ilatian state, hopfuly Genoa
B. Either get on the good side of Austria (for help vs Venice or even France), or the Pope (for help vs Spain, Napels), or both!
C. Become MUCH more Centralizated

1419 :

Jan 1 : Moved slider to become more Centralizated, and order 2000 troops, 1000 cavaly

May 6 : Had a Royal Marragie with Genao

Sept 9: Genao Join my allicane, which included Modena and Mantua, YA! (I'm going for dipovassal/annxe)

1420 : At the beginning of the year, I decide to put the monthly taxes in the treasure, instead of infansturce, so that I can build a Tax Collector. I spend the year wondering why I didn't do this during the 1st month, so instead of a 0.9% increase of infaltion to get to 50 gold, it would only be up a 0.1 or nothing, since beinning gold was 49 (crap!). In December, I have engough gold for the tax man.

1421 :

Jan 1 : Naval Tech is now at level 1

Feb 2 : Order 2000 more troops

Feb 16: Horray! Horray! I get Genao as a vassla thru event (the allicane and marragie must of helped)

Now, with thats done, I look out to Europe. Austria not powerful, yet, and I'm not ready to head south. I want to take North Italy, 1st.


Jun 11: I have a Royal Marragie with Modena, Naples, Venice (if they delcare war on me or an ally, they lose 1 stab... I hope), Austria, and Tuscany. A few day latter, I get a random event, and I get a another dipomat. I have another Marragie wiht Daupline (future France... I hope)

1422 :

Jan 1 : I get a new Leader, Torelli. So, I order 1000 troops and 1000 cavalry (all the money I can affored). I spend the last 6 gold to send 3 Merchants to Genao.

Apr : Agraon wanted militray acess, I said no. The troops are ready, so I slipt my main army.

1423 : I began my plan to bride Modena to the point of being a vassal. Also, on May 2, 2 days short of my brithday, I get a defation event, YA!

1424 : We lose our 1st leader, Carmagnola. I gift Modena some gold, order 1000 cavalry, and sent 3 Merchants

1424 : We reach Trade level 2

1425 : I pick "Reinstate his command" in Carmagnola's Threat. I didn't want to allow Venice to get him, and I didn't want to affect Genao in any harmful way. I need a loan, take it, and have 50 left. Carmagnola comes back.

Jun 1 : Infansrtuce goes to level 2. I slipt the infasrtuce with the treasure, hopeing to have 200 by the time I have to pay the loan off.

Nov 30: A noble is assianted. NOOOOOOOO! Stab goes down by 3. I switch Infa with stab. But it quickly recovers.

1426: I get a 3rd leader, Piccinino. I think I should be in a war by now.... The 100 years war heats up with Agraon joining Daupline. Not good for my hopes for a furture were Italy isn't a enemy of France, if they're going to become friends.

1427: Changes of plans. I've deceded vassling Modena now would be better than wait for the bank loan to be paid. I don't think I would of made it anyways. After 1 failed try, and 36 goal, Modena is now my Vassal.

1428 : Slider time comes again. I do the same thing as last time. Militray is now lv 2

1431 : Tried, but fail to annxe Genao

1433: same thing

1443 : BANKCURTUPTED! Inflation now 9.4%!

Mar 4: While looking at the my allicane, I notice something. Mantua was no longer a vassal of Venice! So I quickly brided them to get them to be my vassals, and they accpet on the 1st try, YA!

1445 Arp: I noticed that Agron was at war with the Papal States. I was thinking about starting a war, but I thought at the time, that I had 5 years left, I've choosen to leave that deciedion to the next in line. (opps)

1446 Sept 16: Troyl Declares on my recently vassalied ally, Mantua!


(The Opening shot of this war)


This is very bad news. Not only is my army is still feeling the affects of the Banruptice, it seems I'll be fighting most of Germany!

These year are going to be more "eventful" that most of my regin!

1447: Sadly, I was right...


I choosed the 2nd one, because the slider changes were to exterme for me...


lucky, my might army crushed the peasents! But a log makes me think the wrost is yet to come...

on Dec 22, I had engough, and tryed to end this useless war, but Tryol didn't think this way. After building a large army, it turns out I over reacted. But since Venice has a large army, and a CB over me, I'll keep it. Did I mention it seems that my finances are going down the drain?

On Dec 27, however, Tryol gave me a Chirstmas give not only a peace deal, much a MUCH better deal:


and I wanted just a white peace!

I use that money to again, try to dipoannxe Genao, and Modena. But they reject...

Once again, we go bankrupt. Inflation shoots up to 17.4% All that wineing and dining the vassals seem to cost us. I wonder if conquest would of been cheaper...

Lucky, the econmy is now able to work with out loans.. but a event, "castelo Sforezesco" which would gives us a +1 fortess, and some land investment, I deiced it was worth it to spend the 150 to choose it... even if I needed another loan. This time, however, I can see me paying this loan in time, beacuse I can aculay stop the bleeding of lost revenue (with all my money going to the treasure, and reducing my amry)

1455: I was 40 gold short of paying of the loan...

1456: Genao deceides it was a fight with Cimera. I could take less, but I join my allies anyways. I do no fighting, but I do use the oppruty to take out war taxes, so boost my poor teasurey

And thats the last event of importance in my regin.

Map in 1459; Dipo:


Map; Pol:



1) My treasure isn't going well. I hope the next king has the midas touch..

2) My Merchants are however, doing greatly in Genao's CoT (I ingorned all others)

3) Sadly, I didn't annxe anyone, but I do have 3 vassals. But Alteast I have no true enemies in striking distance (well, Venice, but I'm not surpized)

In the end, I wasn't very good, but good enought that a skilled player could savage the nation. I'd problay be forgetable in history.

Also, 2 weird things happen, all with Agraon:

They lost a war to Birtain and Britainna:


And Tuscany was doing well in a war vs Agraon. But all they got was the province next to them.


The classroom fell silent as the teacher entered the room. Frankly he was quite surprised, only a slight giggling could be heard from the back row, where two girls were apparently discussing the haircut that one of them had done on a friend during the weekend. With a “hmmm” and a “hmmmpf” from the teacher they too fell silent.

Teacher Thome - “Good! ... Today we'll continue our travel through the history of renaissance countries in the Mediterranean. Last time we focused on the rise of Naples and it's relations with the Iberian peninsula. Today we'll take a closer look at another Italian city state from the same timespan. As most of you, especially those who actually do their homework, have guessed, I'm talking about Milano (here teacher Thome made a valiant but less persuasive try at pronouncing Milan in the Italian way, which again made the two girls at the back row giggle).

Just like last time we met, we'll start out in the late 1450's and early 1460's. At this period Milan consisted of the counties of Milan and Emilia and of the vassal states of Modena, Mantua and Genoa, for a map you can look at page 57 in your book. These states made up the Po-Alliance or Po-League, as it was called by historian AP. Jorgenson, in his book “A History of the Italian City States”. Milan was of course the leader of this league, and received yearly tributes from the other members. These tributes were vital for the economy of Milan, and ensured that art and science flourished in the city state at that period. You all know a man like Leonardo Da Vinci.”

(one of the boys puts a hand in the air)

Teacher Thome - “yes Peter?”

Peter - “I read a book about him!”

Teacher Thome - “oh!... you did?”

Peter - “Yes. The Da Vinci Code”

(the whole class bursts into a laugh, with Peter blushing)

Teacher Thome - “Peter, I hope that was a joke. “The Da Vinci Code” has nothing to do with reality, it's pure fiction. But let's get back on subject. With as much as a third of Milan's income consisting of tributes from it's vassals, it was important to keep these vassals within the League and dominance of Milan. The tributes also helped to do this. Keeping the vassals at an economic level where they could be suppressed if necessary. But the League was not only a political and economic alliance, it was also a military alliance, and in the late 1450's this alliance was put at a test. It was fighting a war against the Ottoman Turks of Asia Minor, who were expanding into the Balkan peninsula. The Turks was at war with almost every Christian nation in the region including the Po-League. With no land connection to the Turks most of the war was fought by Genoa, who was the only member of the League with a naval tradition, and in fact harbours big enough to support a navy. Even though Milan did not actually fight in the war, the effect of it, was clearly seen on the economy of the city state. The duke of Milan had to take a huge loan from rich landowners in the Po valley and bankers from the city of Milan. The inflation rate was high and poverty and starvation among the lower classes was a distinct possibility if the war raged on. The primary target for the Duke would therefore be to end the war, pay back the debt and expand the economy so that it would be possible to survive another war without having to rely on loans.

Unfortunately the war had gone into a stalemate, with the Genoese fleet in command of the sea, but with the Turks controlling on land. With neither side willing to give ground in the continuous peace negotiations the war dragged on. It was therefore of out most importance that the economy was given a boost, and how did you think they did that back then class?

(complete silence)

Does no one have an idea?

(still silence)

well... they did exactly like we do today. Raised the taxes! This would give money, but also had two major setbacks. First of all the inflation would rise, which it also did. But perhaps more important. More taxes demanded more people to collect these taxes, which would again cost money. So the Duke had to find a way to collect the taxes without having to pay for it. Several solutions was considered, but the one that was chosen was quite ingenious. The right to collect taxes would be put up for auction. In each Parish the title of tax collector was put on auction and people would bid for the job. The bidder who “won” the auction would get the rights to collect the taxes from that Parish, and if he collected more than he had bid for the title, those extra money would be his pay. Of course this also meant, that if he could not collect what he had bid for the rights, he would have to pay the rest out of his own pocket. This system is very different to what we know today, but it worked! Soon the treasury was filled and the debt could be repaid.

Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have... (teacher Thome waits for a question for a few seconds)... no one?... well, then I'll move on.

These taxes mostly hit merchants and landowners. Especially the merchants felt that they had been singled out and forced to pay for a war that already hurt their business, which was undoubtedly also correct. In desperation they sought better centres of trade nearby. Genoa, the obvious choice was not a possibility as they were also at war. They therefore turned their attention to nearby Savoy, who at that time was an independent Duchy allied to the Duchy of Switzerland. With a growing number of merchants moving away from his realm, the Duke of Milan found that the amount of taxpayers was quickly dwindling, and saw no other possibility than to declare war on Savoy, who took the merchants to it as it's own. On the second of March 1461 Milanese troops supported by a regiment of Mantuan allies invaded Savoy. On that same day Austria, Bayern, Tirol, Steirmark, Wirtemberg and Mainz also declared war on Savoy and Switzerland, thereby leaving them with barely a chance to defend themselves against the superior numbers, and soon Bearn and the eastern part of Savoy was occupied by Milanese troops, while the capital of Savoy was conquered by Austrian troops and the part of Switzerland not already occupied by Milanese fell to the invading forces from Mainz. And so the two duchies were divided between Austria, Milan and Mainz as you will see on this overhead.”

(Teacher Thome turns on the overhead projector)

School kid - “but mr. Thome, were the Milanese still at war with the Turks?”

Teacher Thome - “Yes the Milanese were still at war with the Turks, but they wanted to get out of this war, so they paid the Turks a small tribute in order to get this peace. The money that was needed for this was taken by selling the land that had been owned by the Duke of Savoy.

Another school kid - “But why did they take the land from the Swizz and the King of Savoy? After all they only went to war to get their merchants back, couldn't they just have demanded that and then given the land back?”

Teacher Thome - “He he... Well... You see. The are sounding the City of Milan is not that defendable, so the Milanese figured that if they should stand a chance to defend themselves against invading armies, they'd need more defendable sorounding the Po valley. The areas they conquered in this war, which later became known as the War of the Merchants, gave them control of the mountain passes leading into the Po valley, and these passes were much easier to defend than the lowland. It was also during this war that they build the big castle of Saint Roberto in Emilia to stop marauding Turkish and Moroccan pirates from plundering the hinterland of that province. When we go to Italy in the next semester you will see this castle, or at least what is left of it.

After this war Milan experienced a period of relative peace and harmony with it's neighbours. Though a small war was fought by it's ally and vassal Genoa against Theodoro in the Crimea. This war was though so far away that the ordinary Milanese citizen hardly noticed it. And it was also soon ended when army Genoese laid siege to the capital of Theodoro, after which a peace was signed which gave Genoa and Milan a small tribute. A revolt in the town of Bearn was quickly suppressed in the spring of 1475 but else than that peace ruled the land.


Peace time hunting in the forests of Lombardia

These times of peace were used to expand the economy by supporting new merchants and using new agricultural techniques, which included the use of what with an old word is called “koples”. The dividing of fields into four pieces, where only three are used at a time. But I'm sure you'll learn more about this in your geography classes. As i mentioned before the merchants received support from the Duke of Milan during this period, giving them a better starting position when competing with the merchants from other Italian city states. This especially harmed the Duchy of Venice who relied on their trade income to support a great fleet that was needed to keep their overseas “empire” under control. They therefore started a trade embargo against all merchants from Milan, causing a major crisis and cold air between the two countries. A war between the two city states looked imminent, but were somehow avoided when Venice stopped it's embargo only a year later. What made them do this is not certain, but historians have guessed that the Duke of Milan had to promise the Venetians not to interfere in case the Venetians tried to expand their empire eastwards.

The embargo though showed the Milanese that they were vulnerable to trade wars, since they relied on the import of certain goods such as weapons. It was therefore decided to build an arsenal and weapon producing manufacturer in Milan in the case of a new trade war. The manufacturer stood ready only a year later.

In 1489 the Swiss people living in the part of former Switzerland, now occupied by Mainz rebelled and declared themselves independent. Their war of independence against Mainz, Bayern, Tirol, Wirtemberg and Austria was in the beginning financially supported by Milan, who wanted to later include the rebellious province as a vassal and ally in the Po League. When it became clear that The rebels were loosing the war, the Duke of Milan therefore saw no other option than to declare war on Austria and it's allies. A corps from Modena quickly took control of Tirol and another from Mantua invaded Baden while Milanese forces occupied the Austrian half of Savoy and laid siege to Vienna. Soon most of Austria was occupied by forces from the Po League. Seeing their country invaded the Austrians offered the Swiss their independence if they would help them defeat the Duke of Milan. So the people who the Duke had wanted to free was now his enemies, and he had now no reason to keep on fighting. The Austrians was forced to sign a humiliating peace giving their part of Savoy to Milan and Tirol to Modena. Since the fiercest battles in this war was fought in the province of Tirol, it became known at the Tirol War or War of Tirol.

(a new overhead is put on the projector)


In the aftermath of this war Milan was struck by a series of revolts which were believed to have been supported by the count of Kleves, who had close family ties with the former count of Tirol, and claimed his lands. Modena who had been given these lands saw these as theirs and this resulted in yet a war, this time with the Po League against Kleves and the Duchy of Burgundy.

(the school bell starts to ring)...

Teacher Thome - “Class is over kids... we'll leave the rest for later... Remember to read chapter 5-7 about the Grand Duchy of Albania 'til Monday. “

Thoughts on the game:

My main objective at the beginning of my 40 year rule was to strengthen the economy of Milan, and to get it out of the war with the Ottomans. After that I would focus on expanding the empire at any given opportunity. I hoped to be able to take out either Venice or Tuscany but they were always much stronger than I, so I had to look north for “Lebensraum”.

My biggest failure was not to be able to get rid off (or at least stop) the growing inflation in the country. I tried my best but the inflation still rose by (if I recall right) around 10-14%. I hope the next King will be able to deal with this, and expand the empire. I'm sad that I had to leave him a country in war and with rebels in the country side (though these are now under siege and should soon surrender).

Biggest surprise during my playing was that Albania has grown to be one of (if not the only) the dominant countries in the Balkan area. Controlling most of Greece and Macedonia. Austria have suffered badly in wars against Milan and Hungary (who is now the greatest power in Europe).

With this pass on the realm of Milan to the next King.
Nice job Christensen.You recovered country nicely.Inflation problems are bad through.It will hamper possibilites of future rulers.
So that is how we arrived at things when I took up the game! I should post the first portion of the AAR tonight.