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First Lieutenant
Mar 19, 2005
This is my first AAR.

It will have a rather high level of abstraction. Every ten years the high counsil will have a meeting, this group of noblemen will roughly symbolize the player. Their titles are assumed to be inherited, thus they will always have the same names. Their names come from the default names of the Swedish colonels. Other events will be commented by me, raw comments regarding the game will be in brackets.

Since I'm a Swede myself, I would like to issue a warning: Besides gameplay, I base this AAR on some facts and on some things I've made up myself. Thus, it will probably contain a mix of real historical facts and anachronisms. As an example, at a given time the members of the high council may be either from families that haven't yet moved to Sweden or families that are extinct. I haven't done any research.

To give a Swedish touch, I will use Swedish names where their English translation is obvious. I might drop that idea later.

I play vanilla EUII, with the exception of two events I added to reflect Swedish expansionist policies.

I appreciate all comments.
Monthly income: 7 ducats.
Army: 18k - 5k - 0
Navy: 10 - 0 - 5
BB: 0

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting regarding the future.

Chairman Eka began to speak.
-"What do we want to do?"
-"The Kalmar Union is not a very successful concept. We must end it!", Gatenhielm shouted, slamming his hand into the oak table.
-"What then?"
-"We should have a long term strategy." The intelligent strategist Sture began to speak.
"If we just end the Kalmar Union our many enemies may crush us. Danmark are becoming more and more uncooperative and they continue sending us evil bailiffs which the peasants detest. Norway is just Danmark's puppy - we can't trust them any more than the Danes. However, the old Viking tales about a foreign land on the other side of the sea are interesting ones if they are true. We know the scrolls are still located in Oslo. We should try to get a look at them as well as the charts over the northern seas. This must not be forgotten as it may lead to unexpected opportunities in the future. If an unsettled land exists beyond the sea, we should be there to settle it! Back to the long term strategy. We should strive to unite all Scandinavian people. The Kalmar union is obviously the wrong way - we should unite them under the Swedish flag! Then we have the Ugric people, not just in Finland but in the realms of Novgorod and the Teutonic Order. They should be included in our country as well. Finally, we have the issue of the Baltic trade. We should control it! The cities in northern Germany are rich. We should try to seize some of them, with Lübeck as the main objective."
-"How would we - a poor country in the north - be able to achieve all these goals?"
-"They are long term goals - if we are determined and have a strategy then we may one day succeed."
-"What about the near future? Does anyone have a situation report?"
-"Of course." Åkerhielm was chief of security and intelligence.
"Danmark is rich and strong, Norway are as poor as we are but they still control old Viking settlements and they are loyal to Danmark. Together they surround our southern, western and northern borders. They also have a mighty navy. In the east, Novgorod is not as strong as it once has been. Instead, the city of Moskva is getting stronger and stronger and we believe they will annex Novgorod. If they do, we will have a powerful enemy in the east. Therefore we should try to secure as much as possible of Novgorod territory. On the other shore of the Baltic Sea we have the Teutonic Order, Preussen, Poland and Lithuania - two powerful nations - and some minor German nations. In Europe, England seems to have the upper hand in France. Castile has almost defeated the Moors. In Eastern Mediterranean, the Ottomans are getting stronger and stronger and now they are threatening Konstantinopel. The Italian cities are reluctant to help Bysantium and we can do nothing about it. This is the situation in Europe in the year 1419. Far away, there is a nation called Kina and a nation called Indien. We know that they are very rich trading goods such as spices and porcelain, but the way to those countries are blocked by moslem nations, mountains and deserts. There are also mongol hordes, their nations begin beyond Moskva and stretches far to the south and to the east. South of the Mediterranean there is a big land called Afrika. Arabs live in the northern part, then there is a big desert and somewhere is a great christian king. On the western coast, south of Kap Bojador, we believe there is a monster."
The room was silent for a minute, then Sture presented a strategy to successfully end the Kalmar Union and emerge as the strongest of the three nations.
-"I have a cunning plan. We believe that Norway will be get an even tighter bond to Danmark if we leave the Kalmar Union, right? We also believe that Norway doesn't want a war. If we attack Novgorod Norway would probably let us down. That would give us a casus belli on them. If we strike Norway instead we should be able to cripple them seriously enough to conquer most of their territory and Danmark can't do anything about it without violating international law. Meanwhile, Novgorodian troops would probably lay waste in Finland but they wouldn't reach further. Once we have a peace with Norway, we should be able to drive Novgorod out of Finland and take the war to their territory. When fighting them we should use the winter to our advantage. Then we could try to get some of their unsettled land to prevent it from falling in the hands of Moskva and being settled by people loyal to them. If we can accomplish that, our eastern border should be relatively secure in the future. It would also provide us with a buffert zone of defence. What do you think?"
A unison "YES" was heard in the room.
Everything went according to plan and in spring 1420 Sweden was at war versus Norway and together with Denmark versus Novgorod. In the summer of 1421 Oslo were captured and the Swedes got their hands on the old tales of Vinland. However the scrolls didn't mention how to get there. Meanwhile, a small commando force made an intrusion into Novgorod and captured the colony Karelen. In the winter of 1425 peace was signed with Norway, a peace where Sweden got all their possessions on the Scandinavian mainland except Östlandet.

Novgorod had moved the war to Swedish soil capturing Nyland and Savolaks and sieging Österbotten. They had also signed a peace conceding Kola to Danmark. The war raged for two more years. Swedish forces eventually recaptured the lost territory and captured Ingermanland.

Summer 1428: Peace at last! After capturing Ingermanland, Novgorod agreed to concede Karelen.


Sweden 1428. Pre-war boundaries in pink.

Monthly income: 10 ducats.
Army: 8k - 0 - 0
Navy: 10 - 0 - 5
BB: 11.9

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Chairman Eka started speaking.
-"We have taken all provinces in Scandinavia except for Östlandet. Now we should recover from the war and then end the Kalmar Union."
-"I agree", responded Bielke. "We should implement European standard tax collection in all provinces in order to increase our revenue. Then we are in a position to end the Kalmar Union and maybe fight Danmark."
-"Åkerhielm, any news from Europe?"
-"Not really. England has conquered most of Ireland but that shouldn't affect us."
a different approach from the usual 'get Mecklemburg' starting strategy.

good luck creating a seaborne empire, but watch that BB.

will be following.
Just a little bit of presentational advice. For dialogue it helps if you put a clear line between each speaker, so the little piece of dialogue at the end of your current update might look thus:

-"We have taken all provinces in Scandinavia except for Östlandet. Now we should recover from the war and then end the Kalmar Union."

-"I agree", responded Bielke. "We should implement European standard tax collection in all provinces in order to increase our revenue. Then we are in a position to end the Kalmar Union and maybe fight Danmark."

-"Åkerhielm, any news from Europe?"

-"Not really. England has conquered most of Ireland but that shouldn't affect us."
It really makes things much clearer and easier to read on the computer screen. This is especially true for larger blocks of dialogue such in the first post.

Otherwise a very promising start.
Thanks for the feedback and encouragement!

The BB is pretty high and rising. Those lousy kings combined with my high plutocracy settings are not making things better.

stnylan: Thanks for the advise, I will try it.

New years eve, 1436.

The night is ice cold. One hundred men equipped with torches are marching towards castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The leader is nobleman Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson. As they approach the castle, they demand to speak with the king. After an hour of waiting outside the castle, the king opens a window.

-"What do you want?"

-"We want you to end the Kalmar union. Right here, right now. We won't be leaving unless you do."

-"But that's not possible!"

-"We control Västmanland and Dalarna [V+D ~= Bergslagen] and we have supporters throughout the country. Unless you end the Kalmar Union, the mines in Västmanland will seize functioning. The copper mine in Falun will not produce any copper. There will be revolts. We will occupy Västergötland and the ports of Norrland. We will support Norwegian freedom fighters in Jämtland. You must do as I say."

-"I will summon the high council."

-"I will be waiting."

Luckily all members of the high council are present at the castle.

-"How do we counter this demand?", Eka said.

-"He is true", Åkerhielm began. "They have vast support among the people and our country may erupt in a civil war unless we comply."

-"This is not bad news", said Sture. "In fact, this is our excuse to end the Kalmar Union! I suggest we invite Engelbrekt giving him and his men shelter. Then we must send one fast courier to Oslo and one to Köpenhamn."

The Kalmar Union ended January 1st 1436.

Spring 1436. Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Chairman Eka speaking.

-"The political situation in our immediate neighbourhood has changed, Norway has been annexed by Danmark. Should we take any action regarding this? Åkerhielm, Bielke?"

-"Besides Östlandet, they now control the settlements in the Atlantic. If we can cripple their economical base in Scandinavia we may be able to gain the upper hand."

-"He's right. We have the area and they have the wealth. We would be able to strengthen our economy if we capture some of their rich provinces."

-"Of course we would be better off with some of their provinces", Sture said. "We should try to form an alliance and then attack Danmark. Mecklenburg have an alliance with Holstein, Bremen, the Teutonic Order, Preussen and Pommern. They would be a great help. My suggestion is to attack if we can have their support. Regarding Engelbrekt, I've made him a brigadier. He will be a great asset in an upcoming war."

-"Åkerhielm, could you arrange for an alliance?", Eka said.


The first proposal to join the German alliance failed, but the second attempt was more successful. Meanwhile all friendly relations with Danmark was broken.

Summer 1436. Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Chief of security and intelligence Åkerhielm speaking.

-"I have good news from Germany. They will support us in a war against Danmark."

-"I have some bad news", Sture said. "Engelbrekt has been murdered. This is a loss but it won't stop our efforts."

-"So let it be done. Gentlemen, we will be at war versus Danmark." Eka ended the short meeting.

The war begins. Swedish armies crosses the border to Skåne while troops from Holstein occupy Jylland. As soon as Skåne falls, the Swedish main army led by king Karl Knutsson Bonde embarks on the archipelago fleet and sails towards Gotland. At the shore they are met by furious resistance, but they manage to break it and siege the once very powerful city of Visby. German troops are occupying Själland and Östlandet. A small Swedish unit occupies the unprotected Danish province Kola up in the north. In the summer of 1439, Danmark controls nothing but his colonies in the Atlantic. A peace is signed in which Danmark concedes Skåneland, Gotland and Kola.


Sweden 1439 after the war versus Denmark. Pre-war boundaries in pink.

Monthly income: 20 ducats.
Army: 14k - 800 - 0
Navy: 9 - 0 - 5
BB: 17.3

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

-"Things are looking brighter", Eka said. "Danmark has only got three provinces left in Scandinavia. Now we are surrounding them and not the other way around!"

-"Yes", Gatenhielm replied. "We should eliminate Danmark once and for all and thus unite all Scandinavian people under the Swedish flag. It is actually within our reach!"

"I agree with him", Sture said. "We are in a position to crush Danmark once and for all. Next time we should make them our vassals so that we can one day annex them. A problem is that other nations are having a negative image of us. Therefore I suggest that we should settle for less than we can have in our next war. About the Ugric lands in the east and the rich German lands in the south I suggest we wait."

-"He's right", Åkerhielm responded. In courts throughout Europe people are talking about "Viking scum" and "evil barbarians" attacking their peaceful neighbours. They even tell stories about our soldiers to scare disobedient children."

-"Ok", Eka said. "When international praxis permits, we should attack Danmark once more and let's hope the Germans are willing to help us once again! Åkerhielm, have you got any news from Europe?"

-"Yes, I do. Byzantium has fallen to the Turks. Contrary to our belief, however, they didn't move their capital to the conquered city of Konstantinopel.

The German states are in a state of peace.

To the east, the Russian nations Novgorod, Moskva and Suzdal are roughly equally strong. The Golden Horde is holding a lot of Russian territory, and we believe that one of the Russian states will try to take it. When that happens, or if any of them gets the upper hand, there will be a mighty threat.

A Portuguese prince called Henry the Navigator is sending out explorers into the Atlantic and along the African west coast. Very little information about these quests are leaking out, but we know that they have passed Kap Bojador and returned safely."
That's a high BB for so early in the game. Need to start being careful other nations don't decide to ally against you. On the other hand you have nearly united the Scaninavian peninsular. The rest can only be a matter of time.
I don't like the BB points, but there's too few Swedish cores ;)
Actually, it will get a bit calmer. But not this turn.

Autumn 1444.
Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Grand strategist Sture speaking.
-"I have summoned you today because I believe the time is right for a final war against Danmark. We are allied to Mecklenburg, Pommern, Bremen, Holstein, Preussen and the Teutonic Order. Danmark is allied to Münster, Hannover, Kleves, Gelre and Bourgogne. They think they are safe with their alliance, but none of the Danish allies can reach us by land without marching through the territory of our allies. What do you think?"

-"I put great trust in you and I know you have contemplated over the situation. Starting a war is nothing I desire, but if your opinion is in favour for a war, so be it."

On October 3rd 1444 Sweden, Mecklenburg, Pommern, Bremen, Holstein, Preussen and the Teutonic Order went to war against Danmark, Münster, Hannover, Kleves, Gelre and Bourgogne.

Autumn 1444, one week later.
Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The war council has a meeting.
Chairman Eka speaking.

-"I bring you serious news. Novgorod, Brandenburg and Moldavien have declared war on us!"

-"Our army is crossing Öresund to besiege Köpenhamn. But we will set up a second army next spring. Stay calm, gentlemen. We can handle this situation!", Sture said.

The first Swedish army captures Själland in May, 1445. Then they cross the Bälts to besiege Jylland.

On the eastern front, the new army beseiged Ingermanland in april 1445. In October 1445, Novgorod were able to break the siege of Ingermanland.

In the autumn 1446 the Swedish alliance controlled Själland, Jylland and Östlandet. Under humiliating forms, the Danish king signed a peace in which Danmark became Sweden's vassals.

A new siege of Ingermanland was initiated in spring 1446 and broken in autumn 1446. In 1447, two Swedish armies initiated sieges in Ingermanland and Kexholm. This time they were successful. In the summer of 1448 Olonets were sieged, and in spring 1449 it was captured. The Teutons controlled the last Novgorodian province Novgorod so a peace could be signed where Sweden got Ingermanland, Kexholm and Olonets.


Sweden 1449. Pre-war boundaries in pink.

Monthly income: 27 ducats.
Army: 6k - 400 - 0
Navy: 8 - 0 - 5
BB: 23.2
Science: L2 N1 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

-"We have gained a lot of territory over the past 30 years", Eka started. "Looking back at our long term plan, the eastern buffert zone is secured and we have definitely gained the upper hand in Scandinavia."

Strategist Sture began to speak.
-"Our strategy now should be to improve relations with Denmark so that we can one day get their rich provinces. Our bad reputation must also improve, so we shouldn't start any more wars for a long time and we should hope war don't come to us either."

-"I have some important news", Åkerhielm said. "We know that Portuguese explorers have continued exploring the coasts of Africa with the ultimate goal to find a sea route to India. There is also a rumor that they have found a new land in the west!"

-"Please investigate further. We will offer you increased funding for this", Eka said. "They may have found Vinland."

In may 1449, Muscowy declares war...
Defensive wars are always nice. Take advantage of it I say!
Yeah, defensive wars are good, but maybe you should refrain yourself and only take Archangelsk (if its still a colony) a bb of 22 so early in the game is very bad.
Now I think I've paid the price for my high BB rating... I'm also temporarily speading things up a bit since not much of interest has happened, the most of the time in this update has been spent defending the nation.

Spring 1449. War council at castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm.

-"We don't want any of their lands", Sture said. "Our army is weak and in no shape to fight the Muscovites. Now we should try to use the eastern buffert zone. Let them siege our eastern cities. After the winter, our reinforced army will attack any intruding armies which will surely be in a weak state. When the enemy has gotten tired of the war, we should be able to sign a peace treaty."

The Muscovites started besieging Olonets.

May 19th, 1450. The Swedish army led by king Karl Knutsson Bonde approaches the Muscovite forces outside the town of Kargopor, Olonets.

-"We'll attack early in the morning, the king said to his officers. Troops from Uppland and Närke take the lead. I will take charge of the troops from Uppland. We will sleep in our combat formation. No tents."

May 20th was a beautiful day. The soldiers were eager to get up because of the chilly morning. They started marching before the sun was up. Between them and the Muscovite lines outside Kargopor were a field. On the other side, they saw the smoke from the Russian camp. The Swedish forces started advancing. When they were in the middle of the field and the king was about to issue the charge order, a terrifying "URRAAAAAHHHH" was heard from all directions. The Swedish forces were encircled and cut off.

-"Hedgehog defence!!!" yelled the king, and the soldiers from Uppland tried to regroup.

The soldiers were struck with panic as some tried to retreat and some tried to stand and fight. In the middle of it, Muscovite cavalry attacked the disorganised Swedes. At noon, the Muscovites had broke the Upplanders' defence and in a last attempt to break out the king was killed. When the sun set, the battle was over. Not one Swedish soldier left the battlefield. A week later the news reached Stockholm.

Summer 1449. War council at castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm.
Chairman Eka speaking.

-"Our strategy backfired, the Muscovites were more than prepared. They annihilated our entire army and the king is dead. Adding to the bad news, a coalition consisting of the Teutons, Poland, Lithuania and Genoa have declared war on us."

-"We must pray that the Germans are still willing to support us". Sture looked troubled. "But there is no need to panic yet. We will be able to setup another army next spring and I doubt the enemy will make any considerable gains until then."

-"I also have some bad news", Åkerhielm said. "My reports indicate that Danish noblemen are reluctant towards their vassalage. Danmark may seize the opportunity to go aganist us at this difficult moment. I suggest that we invite them to out alliance. Our money bins are empty, but we could maybe play on their Scandinavian feelings. Regarding our German friends, I am not certain of their position."

-"We will send our most skilled diplomat to Danmark right away", Eka responded. "The meeting is over. Let's pray for German help!"

Danmark joined the alliance and the Germans didn't fail to assist.


Sweden were facing enemies from a territory that stretched from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, bordering the heart of the German lands in the west and the Mongol hordes in the east

During 1451, things started to look slightly brighter. An army from Mecklenburg invaded Muscowy and Poland were willing to sign a peace treaty. In late autumn, the new Swedish army invaded Estland.

In 1452, a new Swedish army was setup in Nyland. It traveled by sea to Estland, where it continued to Livland. In a large battle the Teutons were defeated.

Autumn 1453. After mixed Swedish and Teuton victories and a Swedish siege in Livland, Teutons signed a peace treaty where they conceded Estland.

Spring 1454. Muscovy signs a peace. However...

Spring 1454. Novgorod declares war!

Spring 1454. War council at castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm.
Strategist Sture presents a strategy for the upcoming hostilities.

-"Novgorod have a large army and they have prepared for this since our last peace agreement. However, we shall not wear out our relations to the Germans. This war we will fight ourselves. If we can capture Novgorod they will agree to whatever terms they get. However we will not annex them, our reputation is already very bad."

During the next years, Sweden fights against Gelre and Bourgogne, Novgorod and Muscowy. When one war ends another war starts. Sometimes tributes are paid, but no boundaries are redrawn.

Monthly income: 27 ducats.
Army: 10k - 1k - 0
Navy: 8 - 0 - 5
BB: 23.2
Science: L2 N2 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

-"These are hard times", Eka said. "War is haunting our nation again and again, and the population in the east is suffering the most."

-"Our nation is exhausted from all the wars, hence our scientific advances have been suffering. I have nothing to report", Bielke said.

-"At least I have some good news", Åkerhielm said. "We have been very generous to the Danish nobles and our relations have improved.

Elsewhere in Europe, France has annexed some of the southern French nations. England has given up its claims of the French throne, nevetheless they still possess a lot of French territory. Portugal is making progress in their exploration of the unknown seas, but they are reluctant to share their discoveries."

The next decade was characterized by war against Novgorod, the Teutonic Order, Muscowy and Gelre. No land was gained, no land was lost.

Monthly income: 29 ducats.
Army: 14k - 5k - 0
Navy: 8 - 9 - 5
BB: 22.0
Science: L2 N2 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

-"It's the same countries who declares war over and over again. Muscowy are fighting for dominance in the east, and Teutons want Estland back. But I can't figure out why Geldre, this Dutch little city state, keeps attacking us.", Sture said.

-"Our initial expansion gave us a bad reputation and unfortunately, our kings are bad diplomats", Åkerhielm replied. "This reputation will keep haunting us for decades, if not centuries I'm afraid."

-"That may be the case. Regarding the future, what are your opinions?"

-"Our only goal should be Danmark", Sture said. "By offering their nobles luxuries, our relations have improved tremendously. Nice job Åkerhielm! Hopefully we will be able to annex them in the near future. There will surely be jealous nations declaring war on us for this, but the Danish lands are so rich that we can't afford not to have them. Imagine a Swedish army of 25k infantry and 15k cavalry... it could be a reality."

-"We would also acquire the old Viking settlements making the northern seas as Swedish as the Baltic Sea!", Bielke added.
next time Novgorod declares war on you, Vassalize them. They are Orthodox, so you can annex them later on. And the COT is very nix as long as its there. And don't forgett, Colonies don't bring anny bb when you gain them in war, so You can take Archangelsk from Moskowy.

But other than that: good work on staying alive and not being eaten up by rebels through all hese wars ;)
Good to keep everything intact, but I rather suspect it is going to be more of the same until that BB comes down. Unless that is you are prepared to sacrifice a few provinces.
Iche_Bins: I forgot to tell, Archangelsk is no longer a colony - it even has a small fortress. Until it became a city it was on my list of eastern expansion.

Rebels are no issue in Scandinavia - the provinces are small so the amount of rebels is small. Secondly, when winter comes they think it's too cold and decide to go home instead (or they freeze to death - but I prefer the former explanation).
Last edited:
This is the last update of the 15th century containing an important milestone and the preparations for another one.

July 1474. The Swedish king makes his entrance in Köpenhamn, former Danish capital. There are people on the streets, and all noble families of Sweden and Danmark are present.

-"My dear inhabitants of Köpenhamn, now our countries are united. You will hereby be considered Swedish citizens, as such you will have the same privileges and duties as other Swedish citizens. ... Tonight, there will be free wine for everyone!"

Later in the evening there was a great banquet at Köpenhamns Slott. People from all corners of the new Scandinavian great power were present: the mayor from Nye Själland, a small colonial city on the giant arctic island Grönland, Eskimoes, Laplanders, mayors from cities such as Reykjavik, Bergen, Reval and Kargopor, representatives from all noble families and the most prominent people of Köpenhamn.

1474. Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

-"Cheers!" Chairman Eka exclaimed, holding a glass of champagne in his hand. "Now we are not merely a nation, but a Northern Empire! Our rule stretches from Olonets in the east to the edge of the known world in the west, and all of the northern seas are ours! Surely we have got many new enemies but our only achilles heel is Jylland. Nobody is able to threaten us from the west or from the north. Let's hope we finally can have some peace, though I doubt it."

-"From a military perspective, we have made a great addition to our navy. From now on, we should definitely be able to control the entrance to the Baltic Sea.", Sture said.


Sweden after the annexation of Denmark and a down scaled map of the possessions in the northern Atlantic.

Monthly income: 39 ducats.
Army: 18k - 14k - 0
Navy: 31 - 9 - 21
BB: 27.1
Science: L3 N2 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

Chairman Eka:
-"Our Scandinavian objectives are achieved and almost all Ugric people live in our country. Looking in an old document written 60 years ago, these were our two of our main goals The other two goals was to control Baltic trade and to increase our influence in northern Germany. Bielke, Sture?"

-"We are not a good trading nation today. Our merchants are less skilled than those of other countries. I believe such ventures would only create a hole in our vaults."

-"Throughout the past decades, we have almost doubled our territory. We should consolidate our gains and try to have a long period of peace. Our reputation doesn't permit more expansion."


-"Great powers are forming in Europe. Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, France and England are all great nations.

However, the most exciting events take place in Portugal. In the markets of Lissabon, there are huge amounts of sugar from what apparently are Portuguese colonies across the sea. A warm climate is required to grow sugar cane, which indicates that these colonies are not located in Vinland but somewhere else. Nevertheless, a high priority would be to have our own colonies producing sugar because it is a very profitable commodity."

-"How could we do that?"

Sture presented a plan.
-"I have a cunning plan. It would require some help from a coastal nation in Europe, and an army larger than anything we've had up until this day. We would simply make a Viking style attack on Lissabon and take their maps to uncover the location of their colonies. This would of course hurt our reputation even more. It is nothing we should try to do today, but maybe one day we will be able to launch such an attack."

-"We should all strive towards making this possible", Sture said.

Spring 1479. England declares war and for the first time the Swedish navy plays a desicive role by intercepting an English taskforce outside the western coast.

Monthly income: 41 ducats.
Army: 16k - 13k - 0
Navy: 31 - 14 - 21
BB: 26.0
Science: L5 N2 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Chairman Eka is giving a situation report.
-"Our reputation is still very bad and our diplomacy is not successful at all. Otherwise we are doing fine. We have also developed assault tactics, which we believe will make our armies much more effective. When we are sieging we can now take the initiative and attack the city at once, hence we don't have to wait."

-"I've got some news from Europe", Åkerhielm said. "Venice controls four provinces on the Italian mainland south of the river Po, including Rome. There is also a rumor that a sailor called Columbus has been hired by Spain to find a western route to Kina and Indien. That could be really interesting."

1496: Scottish king James IV is persuaded to give Sweden military access.

Monthly income: 43 ducats.
Army: 16k - 13k - 0
Navy: 31 - 14 - 21
BB: 24.9
Science: L7 N2 T2 I2

Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.
Chairman Eka speaking.

-"20 years ago, a plan was made to get the Portuguese maps. Do you have any news regarding this?"

-"Indeed", Åkerhielm replied. "After some negotiations Scotland is giving us military access."

-"I've also got some news", Bielke said. "We have developed a prototype of a new type of weapon called arquebus. It's like a small handheld cannon. Currently we are developing tactics that will make good use of this weapon. We are also teaching a selective group of gunsmiths how to build them. We believe this weapon, used with proper tactics, will give us an enormous advantage. In a couple of years we will have troops armed with that weapon. Portugal won't, because we are in the edge in the field of land warfare and they aren't. An advice though is to strike while we still have this advantage."

-"Excellent", Sture responded. "I will develop a plan for an assault on Portugal."

-"Maybe we should strike against Spain too", Åkerhielm said. "Spanish merchants trading sugar has been observed, and we have seen ships with settlers leave Sevilla. This indicates that Spain also has some colonies."

-"I'll include Spain in the plan. This will however increase the resources needed."

-"While we're talking about colonization, I should mention that westbound English ships have been spotted outside Grönland."

-"In the direction of Vinland", Eka said. "That land should be ours. Maybe the Pope can arrange a settlement?"

-"I'll see what I can do."

-"Ok, let's leave the colonization business for now. Åkerhielm, do you have any other news?"

-"Yes. Moldavien has captured Rumelia and Thrace from the Ottomans. Once again the great city of Konstantinopel are in Christian hands!"

Spring 1500. Castle Tre Kronor, Stockholm. The high council has a meeting.

Chairman Eka speaking.
-"Our main topic today is the attack on Portugal and Spain. However, Åkerhielm has a report from Rome."

-"Yes. The pope won't help us settling the Vinland issue and the English are uncooperative. I suggest we'll drop it for now."

-"Sounds reasonable. Back to the plan. Sture?"

-"I have planned this for a year and everything has been taken care of. We leave Älvsborg for Glasgow. There some of the ships will make landfall and resupply. Then we set sail for Iberia. Once we arrive, we'll have to improvise - we will probably be unable to beat their navies, so we'll have to sneak in where it's possible. Troops from Hälsingland, Gästrikland, Uppland, Värmland, Västmanland, Savolaks, Ingermanland, Tröndelag, Jylland and Blekinge have been summoned, a total amount of 22000 cutting edge infantrymen and 7000 cavalry. Only the highest ranking officers know where they'll be going at this point. Åkerhielm, Bielke and I will go with them as agreed. We will leave on midsummer night. "

-"Good. I wish you all good luck on this daring adventure!"

Midsummer night, 1500. In the not-so-dark night a large naval task force leaves Älvsborg, sailing towards a new era in the history of Sweden. On board the ships are not only soldiers, but also priests, educated men speaking the Iberian languages, scientists and diplomats.