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Field Marshal
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Jul 3, 2004
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As no one I have ever heard about have in fact finnalised a Swedish world conquest on the Grand Campaign (Vanilla), I will do my best to try to accomplish just that.

*I will try to add more pictures this time then in other AARs I have made.*

Another Swedish AAR by me (Not finnished, one day I should try to finnish it though.)

The Origin of Civilization
Everything start in 1419 and my objective is simply to make sure the world is one day completly controlled by vegetables.

The game start by me commiting my ordinary strategy. Operation: Down with Novgorod.

To do this I basicly commit about 3 cavalry units to take over Novgorod's colonies and then the rest I split up to try to take Olonets and Kexholm (While I recruit as much cavalry as possible).

Also I begin to start inflation (Which I try to stop by taking down as quickly as the war is over).


The war start as regulary.

Denmark avoid declaring war on Holstein, Norway decline the alliance and I invade a warthorn Novgorod which got it's armies in Muscowy.


As my units avalanche Novgorod's provinces, everything except Ingermanland is soon under my siege, the colonies are occupied and the Novgorod army is slaughtered.


After all Novgorod's provinces are occupied, they surrenders to the might of the Swedish vegetables and surrenders the provinces I want.


Thanks for your support :)

Looks good, count me in. Have you completed a WC before? If so have you done one with Sweden?

Taken everything except Africa twice as Sweden (That means I have colonised everything except Africa too*)

Got NA, Asia and Europe as China, Spain, Russia and France, but I have always given up on them before I finnished the game.
The comming years after the Operation: Down with Novgorod; I spent trying to get my economy running and repaying a loan I was forced upon by an event.

This was soon accomplished by promoting baliffs in all my provinces, repaying the loan and getting as good relations with Denmark as I could.

By 1429 the economy of the nation habitated by vegetables up and running and my army was expanded to new proportions.

Then I started a war with Norway which Denmark quickly supported me in by cancelling it's vassalisation of Norway.

A small army of some cavalry units quickly took over Norway's colonies, my main army went into Östlandet there the Norwegian main army was slaughtered by me and Denmark. Then I quickly sent small units to stop recruitment of units to Norway's provinces.


The war ended in 1432 with all provinces of Norway given over to Sweden except their capital in Östlandet (Still got no idea how I got iceland).


Duke of Wellington said:
All on track so far. Good clear AAR too and nice use of pictures.

Pictures is always nice, :D
As the anger against the evil Danes for eating the poor vegetables (And stealing my income), I grabbed the first possibility I could to destroy this vassalisation, which I did with the help of the Engelbrekt event 1435.


As the Norwegians once again pleaded for Danish occupation, Scandinavia was once again looking the way how it usually goes the times I play (And if the orange just could be removed it would be probably so beautiful so tears would flow from my eyes):


As time passed by I quickly got some better relationship with Portugal and shared maps (To make sure I could later with conquistadors start my colonisation of North America):


As now I am prepared for most things that could happend, one thing I wasnt prepared for (But was pretty much expected), was the Danish declaration of war against Holstein.

I of course agreed to help Denmark and Stettin (Who are my allies at this moment) and sent my troops by boat to the Sund.

There I quickly throwed out my troops into Mecklenburg as their units were helping at the siege of Jylland.

As Jylland fell to the troops of Holstein, so did Mecklenburg and I annexed it instantly, with the effect of getting too bad relationship with everyone and too high BB for my taste (But a CoT is worth it).

Now I marched to Holstein, slaughtered the Holstein(ish?) army, sieged Holstein's capital and as soon as it fell I got peace and a MA (As they already were vassal to Hannover (? :confused: ).


Sadly my fears of my high BB and too bad relationships became reality as Magdeburg together with their ally Lithuania and some small German states declared war on me.

The war was pretty equal, I got my stand in Mecklenburg with 30 000 soldiers who were protected by the river. Sadly Finland was invaded by Lithuanians who murdered my 20 000 army there and they captured Nyland and Olonets.

Luckily I was able to get peace with Magdeburg on the terms: Return to status quos (Could be because I held the Magdeburg's troops at bay and was sieging the Lithuanian occupied Swedish provinces, but I am not sure why they accepted it).



Sweden is a nice nation for WC. Question: Why didn't you take Ingermanland and Greenland when you had the chance?
Sweden is a nice nation for WC. Question: Why didn't you take Ingermanland and Greenland when you had the chance?

Didn't see Greenland on the map and I avoided Ingermanland as I didn't want to have as much fights with the Teutonic order yet as I hope to inherit them by event later on :)

EDIT: Btw, Sweden is a fun nation to play, but it is hard to be a real power with it.

Have never seen an Swedish WC, even though I have seen plenty of Xhosa and Danish ones :wacko:
I used now some years for peace, promoting baliffs in the new conquered areas and upgraded my relationships with my neighbours.

In the 50s this made sure that I could leave my alliance with Denmark and instead ally Poland which I hoped I could use for my baltic conquests.

And soon after my new alliance was agreed on, Denmark declared war on me. Their doom was close.


The war was quickly finnalised by the control of the Sund, occupation of Skåne and quickly occupy the province's Denmark still posessed.


Now Sweden is prepared fully for Baltic conquest and North American colonisation. We just need a conquistador and I think I can consider the world to be mine :)

The comming years were peacefull and I could soon start my constructions of Breweries (To raise my income and boost my trade research).


And after that I thought it was time to try to get a grip in France/England. This was done by waiting until England and France were at war, and then land out troops in England, stopping English troops from returning from France.


With the occupation of London, the vegetables got posession of the maps of the New World, so therefore it is time for me to start my colonisation:


After some years the English army was annihlated by me and the French, Orleans was announced a new nation by rebells and England surrendered to my might and turned over areas for me to take control over England, France and Germany.

(Scandinavia, Northern Russia, Northern Germany, Wales, Calais, Caux and Normandie)


(PS: Now Sweden begin to look like something! I think I never have accomplished to spread this fast as Sweden before though :eek: )
What year belongs to each screen?
What is your BB?
Novgorod: 2 (dow)+2 perovinces*2 BB= 6
Mecklemburg: 7 (annex) = 7
Norway: 2 (dow)+3 provinces*2 BB = 8
Denmark: 5provinces*1 BB = 5
England: 2 (dow) + 5 provinces*2 BB = 12
That would be 38 BB......let's say that you're currently in 1510. Your diplomat rating for your king is rather low during the first century....BB=38-7 = 31?

Do you play at VH?