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Lt. General
28 Badges
Jun 1, 2003
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I'm rather new to AAR-writing, but I kind of liked writing reports on what happened while you played, so I figured I'd do my own AAR.

The problem is, I can't decide what country I want to play. So perhaps you could decide which country I'll pick and what my goals will be?
Though I'd like to pose some restrictions: Please only European or wealthy Asian nations, I don't have the skills or guts to play pagans yet.

I'll play EP 1.5.1 + my own modifications (no countries added, just events). The difficulty, perhaps EP standard: Normal/Weakling.

I'll start playing this weekend if a country has been voted for until then, and then we're off.
Now, we all know the best country for AArs is Austria.

Or the knights: let he who is without sin kick the first ass! :D
Konungariket Sverige!!!

Also known as the Kingdom of Sweden :D

You start off small and wealthy but spread out with the French, Ottoman, and Spanish threats all growing around you.

Your focus should be first to keep the Turks from getting Byzantium and preserving your Black Sea provinces, and then to play the French and Spanish off so you can grow at their expenses.

Sounds like a little bit of challenge with alot of room for AARing to me. :)

That is a game that require great patiens.
OK. Firstly, I can't play Dakota, it's a pagan nation and besides, it doesn't exist in EP. Wales too.

Current standings are as follows:

Austria: 1
Brittany: 1
Burgundy: 1
Byzantium: 1
China: 1
Eire: 1
Ethiopia: 1
Genua: 1
Japan: 1
The Knights: 1
Scotland: 1
Sweden: 1
Wallachia: 1

Keep your suggestions coming! :)
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A Rebels/Pirates/Mercs/Natives hands-off game perhaps?
Bengal (it is a wealthy Asian country).