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Mar 15, 2001
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Primary objectives: Achieve and maintaine the title of the Defender of the Faith, while acting like one. Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and hold the title for years to come. Third, and the most important as I am testing the new possibilities here - to conquer Jerusalem in 100 years (I know what you all think - bah, big deal!.. wait a sec, would you?) without building a single warship, galley or transport.

The AAR will be written in a way I wrote my English AAR long ago: timeline with comments on strategy. Occasional screenshots.

Part I: The Ninth Crusade

Year 1419. In the East the indfidel Turks stand at the gates of Constantinople and, if the swift action is not taken, the city will fall in a decade or two. In the West English and French continue to murder themselves for the right to rule the land of ancient Gauls. The Duchy of Burgundy is currently allied to English. However, it is already decided that the Duchy's goal will not be the victory of either England or France. If a balance of power is to be reachd, Burgundians should intervene only at the very last moment to prevent both kingdoms from gaining an upper hand.

In the same time a new Duke, Phillipe III le Bon, with the support from Rome tries to organize the ninth crusade, which is destined to prevent Muslims from overanning Eastern Europe. His ideas are not met warmly in France and Germany, but receice support from Burgundian allies: England and Aragon. The truce in France is quickly reached with minimal losses from Burgundian side and preparations are started for the long march east.

By 1423 Burgudian envoys with the help of Burgundian gold convince both Austria and Hungary to allow Burgundian troops to pass through their territory. Swiss are less lucky as it is Burgundian cavalry that delivers the message. By the end of the year Swiss are forced to become Burgundian vassals and cede Schwyz, from where a crusade will be launched in the near future.

Year 1425. Military access through Wallachia.

May of 1425. War declared on Turkey.

Burgundian army is divided in two to reduce attrition, while marching through foreign lands. First, seven thousand knights reach Wallachia, followed by 12,000 infantry. Turks, curretly at war with Moldova, abandon the siege of Dobrudja and hurry to Bulgaria, where they receive a first in long series of harsh beatings at the hands of crusaders. Soon all Turkish lands west of Bosphorus are taken by Burgundians. English and Aragonese troops are fighting the Turkish ally Teke.

Year 1426. The Byzantine Emperor is convinced with gold to allow crusaders to Asia Minor. Meanwhile, more reinforcements arrive and the victory is no longer doubted by anyone. After 5 years of long fighting Turkey cedes Smyrna and Anatolia and Teke is forced to become Burgundian ally and pay 250,000 ducats in war indemnities. The ninth crusade fullfiled its objective, as very soon all but two Turkish provinces will be taken from her by the neighbors.

Year 1433. Brabant becomes part of the Duchy (event).

Year 1435. Helvetia is annexed by Savoy, which looses it soon to Swiss former ally - Milan. Milan holds three provinces alltogether: Milano, Bern and Piemonte. The Duchy obtains military access through Milanese territory. No longer wishing to fight against French Burgundy joins the alliance with Pope and Venice.

Year 1439. English diplo-annex Navarra and completely cut off French from the Atlantic ocean. French diplo-annex Auvergne and Provence. Bourboness will soon follow.

Year 1440. The Emperor of the East wages war on his neighbors. First, the Duchy of Athens, then Albania, Ragusa and Bulgaria follow. The people of Bulgaria try to rebel and form their own kingdom. Their revolt is drawn in blood.

Same year. Burgundy proclaims itself the Defender of the Catholic Faith. New alliance is formed with Burgundy as the leader and Luxembourg, Mainz and Baden as the secondary members. In years to follow Luxembourg will follow the lead of Brabant, while Mainz and Baden will become tributary states.

In 1430's and 1440's the West wages another crusade: this time against the Orthodox Byzantine Empire. Led by Pope, mostly Italian and Iberian in composition, the crusaders defeat the Byzantines and divide the spoils amongst themselves. Hellas goes to Rome, Morea- to Tuscany, Ragusa - to Spain, Albania - to Modena, Bulgaria - to Serbia and Thrace - to Aragon. Burgundians wage war on Karaman and in two years subdue the infidel kindgom. Karaman becomes yet another vassal of Burgundy, ceding Adana and paying 100,000 ducats. At last the Duchy has a common border with infidel Mamelukes, who hold in their unholy hands the City of God.

Year 1450. France is divided between Brittany, England, Burgundy and France itself. France annexed Lorraine and cuts Burgundy at two. A costly conversion of Anatolia succeds (Thank God for missionaries) and an attemp to convert Smyrna is made.

Year 1458. Joan d'Arc is long dead. The witch was burned at the stake. However, French still hope for victory. As English struggle to maintain control of their French territores, France and Savoy declare war. Brushing away the opposing English forces, they take Orleans and march west and south. God only knows where will they stop...
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For all of you curious minds...

My government policies are as following: I try to hold on with free trade until later and promote mercantilism . Of course, when events pop up I just go with a flow. As far as centralization goes, I just don't care. Burgundy starts as a completely decentralized country. When an event threatens to make it even more decentralised I laugh at it's face. However, sometimes it just happens that I am forced to move one or two steps toward centralised society. I don't fight it. Since I am trying to play the game with no fleet whatsoever, my aristocracy slider is all the way to the right. I also try to concentrate on offensive doctrine and land force, while freeing my subjects/B] and going for a high quality army.

My investements are directed mostly into military land technology. Some money goes to trade and infrastructure. Almost nothing goes to treasury. Nevertheless, I have high yearly income that allows me to spend money freely.

Since the game does not allow wreckless expansion any more, I focus on improving my dukedom (or should I say kingdom by now?). I built refineries and fine arts academies and foritfy every province to the maximum. Finally, true to my status as the Defender of the Faith, I try to convert every province within my realm to Catholic faith. So far with a great success.

Now, on with the story.

Part II. The City of God

In year of 1458 French are again at war with English. This time they are winning. Sadly, not for long. Duke Phillip III Le Bon finally reveals to the world his sacred plan. He declares that Burgundy is no longer a part of France even in the name and proclaimes himself a King of a new kingdom. In the same time the armies of Burgundy and here allies - Baden and Mainz - move across the French border. Some 60,000 Burgundian troops (20,000 knights) defeat French armies in three separate battles at once and besiege Paris and other cities of the French North. Alarmed with Burgundian expansion Cyprus declares war, supported by Brittany, Cologne, Palatinat and Kleves. The King refuses to call upon his allies and decided to deal with new danger himself.

By this time French make white peace with England and beg for peace with Burgundy, offering her Lorraine. Phillip agrees and the unification of Burgundy finally takes place. From the Alps to the Northern Sea there is one King, there is one country, there is one nation.

Superior Burgundian forces quickly end the war in the east. All German states at war with the kingdom quickly sue for peace. Palatinat is forced to give up military access and pay 234,000 gold in war indemnities. The rest are off the hook for the awhile. Cyprus agrees to a white peace shortly after.

Year 1461. Kleves joins our alliance. Refinery is finished in Bourgogne. Ah, the famous Burgundian fine...

English-French conflict grows beyond the borders of France. Aragon joins the English, while Castile sides with France. The next war again brings only humiliation to the French nation. France is forced to cede Languedoc and Picardie to Aragon.

Year 1463. Phillip, feeling that his time is coming, decided to fulfill the dream of his life and take the banner of the cross to the City of God - Jerusalem. With 5,000 knights he travels across Europe. Picking up reinforcments in Anatolia, he ends up in Adana with 22,000-strong army. However, the long journey takes its toll on the health of the old king. He begins to feel very sick and has to be taken back home, where he dies in four year. All people of Burgundy mourn his deah. He will always be spared a special place in the hearts of all Burgundians. Forever will he be remembered as a raging crusader, devote Catholic and, above all, a good King to his people. He defended the Christianity in the East, defeated the infidel Turks and unified South and North Burgundy into one kingdom. He also left behind a son, who is eager to continue his tradition. The King is dead, long live the King!

Year 1466. Fine Arts Academy is built in Flandres.

Year 1468. Upon the death of his father Charles I, later to be known as Charles the Bold, travels in the footsteps of his father to Adana. There, at the head of 10,000 knights and 12,000 archers and pikemen, he proceedes to declare a war on Mamelukes. He begins his march through Aleppo and Syria. In a series of short, but bloody encountrs he annihilates Mameluke armies in Holy Land and besieges Syria and Alleppo. Upon arrival of reinfoircements he then begins his march through the desert toward Jerusalem. By the time he is there the army is reduced in half due to attrition and Mameluke ferocius attacks. Jerusalem is besieged.

The city surrenders within a year and the army marches to Acre to force Mamelukes to sign peace. Once Acre falls the infidels are only happy to give up Jerusalem, which they feel is impossible to hold anyway. Judea immideately revolts - an omen of a long struggle ahead.

Year 1469. Charles travels back to Burgundy, instructing his captains to defend Jerusalem at all costs. Temporarily, Muslims receive the same rights as the Orthodox. Simultaneously, the Church takes charge to convert the infidels in Judea to One True Faith.

Year 1473. The long-term goal is set to bring the Dutch states of Gelre and Friesen to Burgundian sphere of influence. As our relations with above-mentioned states are at -200 this can take some time. The time that we have now, when the City of God is finally at the Christian hands.

Charles plans to resurrect the Kingdom of Jerusalem. However, before this is done, he plans to fortify Jerusalem, convert its populace to Christianity and build a manufactory to improve the economy of the future kingdom. Needless to say, the King of Jerusalem will remain a vassal to the King of Burgundy. It will be his task, with the help from the West, to conquer the whole of the Holy Land.

Some time before this events... The Duchy of Athens declares its independence from Papal States and Tuscany, while Albanians rebel against Modena. The newly created states assist Serbs in their effort to expel Castilians from Ragusa. While they fail, their strength is proved to the world. The map of the Greece is re-shaped once again.

Year 1477. As Swiss were conquered half a century ago, Charles does not die in my version of history. The King lives on and so does the separate nation of Burgundy.


Burgundy in 1468

Burgundian conquests in the East
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WONDERFULL! Crusader Burgundy AAR! Please, don't end it by becoming HRE, Nalivayko! Ýòî äëÿ Ñâîáîäû Íàðîäîâ! And for some other crazy stuff like that example on Russian that will never work out in EUII :D - before Americans that is, atlough they ARE IN EUII, they still were too busy...

Btw, did you saw my Prussia AAR yet? You are the most welcoemed guest there (well actually, everyone IS REALLY welcomed there, too bad that not much people are following it)!
Good aar!
I love it nalivayko! Marching all the way to the holy land.:p :D Keep going and good luck!

Good stuff Nav! If you need the aid of a few mercenaries let me know :D
Good stuff! Do you plan to set Jerusalem free as a vassal (I think that Jerusalem has a tag), and if so with how much territory (will you give them just Judea, or will you grab some more land for them so that they aren't in such danger)?
Sharur, can't give them more than Judea, but I can treat them like my pet and help them to get all of the Holy Land from Mamelukes.

Lord Durham, if you bring the help I woudn't be able to keep from conquering the world. This is a delicate piece of work here, man :)

Storey, how good do you think my chances are to get by land to India?

das, I am reading your AAR. Good stuff. I'd be visiting more, but for some reason I couldn't access the forums lately. I guess DSN didn't filetr through or something... Even now I go by IP.

More stuff coming later.
Part III: Kingdom of Jerusalem

Year 1480. The heretics in Judea are finally converted to Catholic Faith. The Burgundian King is back to managing two religions only. By this time under his control live and prosper the people of various cultures and it is crucial to give them something common to rally together. All in all, Burgundian lands are populated with 8 different peoples: French, Germans, Dutch, Swiss, Greeks, Turks, Armenians and Arabs.

Year 1483. Kleves agrees to become a vassal. Our other vassal - Karaman - annexes Teke (yet another vassal) and fights Turk expansion in Middle Asia to a bloody stalemate.

Year 1484. Fortifications in Judea are improved and a Fine Arts Academy built. Cologne joins Burgundian alliance.

In 1485 a new war breaks out in France. French are supported by numerous allies: Spanish (Aragon a vassal), Milanese and Scotts. England stands alone with Navarra. At this unfortunate time Charles the Bold passes away. He will be forever remembered as the King, who restored Jerusalem to Christians. His place is taken by his 8-years old son - Phillipp IV.

Year 1486. The Kingdom, ruled by Regent Council, goes to war against French. French allies are not hesitatant to make peace, leaving France alone. French, however, grew stronger since the last war. Their armies inflict heavy casualties on Burgundians before retreating. Some battles are won, some are lost, but in the end French make peace with England and we make peace with France. With status quo restored we have some time to prepare for yet another war with France in the future.

Year 1487. Austria diplo-annexes Bavaria and works hard on putting down rebellions. We continue our fight against stubborn Milanese, until their whole territory is occupied. Milan is forced to cede Bern, giving us all former lands of the Swiss Confederation, and agrees to acknowledge itself as a vassal of Burgundy.

Year 1492. England finishes it's war with Scotland, which looses all of its lands, but the capital. In the same year King Phillip decides to restore the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which agrees to forever remain a vassal of Burgundy. This comes as an easy price of independece. No moral compromises have to be made as it is no shame for the Kingdom to be a vassal of the country, which Kings hold the title of the Defenders of the Faith.

Mamelukes waste no time in declaring war on Jerusalem and overan the Kingdom in three months. Burgundy aids Jerusalem with large amounts of money and, soon, joins the war against infidel. During the war Burgundy becomes the first country in Europe and beyond to use artillery in large numbers on the battlefield. By the end of the war combined forces of Jerusalem and Burgundy control all Mameluke territory east of Cyrrenaica.

Jerusalem agrees to peace in return for Lebanon - a smart choice as it is the only province with Catholic population that Mamelukes control. The latter buy peace with Burgundy as well. The province of Alleppo gives us a common border with Jerusalem - it will be easier to aid the Kingdom in later fights with the infidel. Mamelukes also have to pay 100,000 in gold. They consider themselves lucky.

By 1504 both Adana and Alleppo convert to Catholic Faith. There are no heretics left in the Kingdom.

Cologne agrees to vassalization.

Our alliance expires and we create a new one with Jerusalem. By this time all of our German allies are vassalized and will remain in our sphere of influence. All in all, seven states pay tribute to Burgundy: Baden, Kleves, Mainz, Cologne, Milan, Karaman and Kingdom of Jerusalem. More will follow. As the King contemplates on how to deal with France in the future, he decides that to let France be as the independent kingdom is to invite trouble. He decides upon total elimination of the Kingdom of France. However, he is hesitant to bring more lands into Burgundy, as it might spark the wars with the rest of Europe. And so, the plan is made to liberate the numerous Duchies of France and take control of the country by splitting it between Burgundian tributory states.

Burgundian and Jerusalem forces in control of the Holy Land

Note missionary in Adana and Burgundian flag west of Sinai.
I echo Sharur's words "I think your solution to France makes more historical sense". You may set a record for the most vassals held at one time. Is there a limit to the number one country can have?

:) Let's just say this is my solution to EU2 in whole: If anyone acknowledges me as a vassal then I pretty much conquered the world, right?

Part IV: France Divided

Year 1511. Burgundy admits English into alliance. French feel surrounded and decide to break the blockade by getting Languedoc and Picardie from Aragon. Spain, Scotland and Milan come to her aid.

However, being Defender of the Faith gives Burgundian King a casus beli against any nation that attacks another Catholic nation. Burgundy immideately declares war on France with minimal loss of stability.

War is resolved rather quickly. French allies abandon her soon and Burgundian armies triumph on the battlefield. France is forced to cede Berri and Auvergne. The King sets the Duchy of Bourbonnais free and allows its Duke into alliance with England and Jerusalem. Rebels overtake Auvergne, but the King does nothing, as he also plans to set this province free when the opportunity presents itself.

Year 1517. Austria joins our alliance.

Year 1518. Black year for the whole Catholic world. Teachings of Reformation corrupt the hearts of many northern countries of Europe. In 1520 Bohemia is the first nation to denounce the power of Rome and declare itself a Protestant nation. Burgundy, occupied with the affairs of France, allows this treacherous act to go unpunished.

Year 1519. Carlos I of Spain (Charles V of Austria) becomes the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. He decided to rule from Vienna, thus making Spain a vassal of Austria.

Year 1522. Aragon declares war on France. We decide to be easy on an aggressor and declare war on France as well. The war lasts for long 6 years. When the dust settles, French are forced to cede four provinces: Provence, Lyonais, Nivernais and Champaigne. The first province serves as the foundation for the Duchy of Provence. The latter three together with Auvergne are used to form an alternative Kingdom of France. Led by a brilliant general, Duke de Guise, the Catholic League of France is born under the protectrate of the Kingdom of Burgundy.

Year 1525. With the Fine Arts Academy in Flandres burned to the ground, the fortune decides to favor us again and we obtain a weapons manufactory in Bern. We also build another refinery in Alsace.

Year 1526. Charles II succeeds to the throne. Austria inherits Hungary and Bohemia (the latter only as a vassal). It is good that we have her on our side.

Turkey continues its war with the Duchy of Athens and Karaman, while Myscowy finally units all but one Russian principality. Ryazan' is still independent, although it is already a vassal of Moscow.

Europe in 1528

Things to note: French Duchies, Bohemian expansion east of Austria-Hungary, expansion Brandenburg, Lithuania and Denmark. Also note how intact are England possessions in France. Their turn will come in a due course.
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This is great stuff Nav. I can see you walking around with a t-shirt and a finger pointing with the caption: Vassalise This! :D
Thank you, guys. I am glad you are enjoying it as much as I do :D This is completely new experience to me: the whole vassalization thing rocks! I do plan to incorporate more territory into my realm. I still have CB shields on Gelre and Friesen. They will go down without a doubt. I also eye Constantinople (this cheeky Aragonese have to be punished once in a while) and the remains of Turkey in Asia Minor (I want to bring all of it under my direct or indirect control).

I wished Austria did not grow so big so fast. I planned to vassalize it too. Imagine this: Aragon is a vassal of Spain, Spain a vassal of Austria, Austria a vassal of Burgundy. Oh well, it might not be too late for it yet. I'll try diplomacy this time.

More stuff is coming today/tomorrow.

P.S. I finally got my hands on editing and this is what I found (are you excited? 'cause I am). You can now easily change the color of one country. I gave Burgundy a purple color of Byzantium - looked very presentable. I changed it back, but decided that from now on all my vassals will receive the same (let it be purple) color to show the extend of my power on political map.

I also extended the expiration date of some of French Duchies and gave'em couple of extra provinces (see no reason why I shouldn't be able to give my vassal any province I owe). Guyenne will receive Bearn, for example. I wished I paid more attention to this before - French Catholic League would never existed. Auvergne would go to Auvergne. Too late now, but I'll keep it mind.
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Part IV. Whip and Carrot

Year 1531. England goes to war against Scotland. Since English are our allies and all we decide to join them. Besides, Scotts are allied to French and... well, you know the drill.

Year 1534. English become Protestant. We break our alliance with them. The Defender of the Faith would never be allied to Protestant dogs. Scotland is annexed and French Catholics join our alliance.

Year 1540. Yet another war with France. (The previous ended with French paying tribute).

Year 1544. Aragon wages war on England. Palatinat declares war on Mainz. We intervere on the behalf of our vassal. The war ends in the vassalization of Palatinate. We, however, gave Mainz every chance to annex their foe. They refused.

France cedes Cevennes and Dauphine to Catholic League. Burgundy gets Savoie and immideately liberates it.

Year 1546. All our efforts to avoid paying for the navy are helpless. Our Dutch subjects decide to build 5 warships in Holland by themselves. They are useless to Burgundy, but it would be stupid to destroy them. And so they continue to rot in the docks until better times.

Year 1547. The war between England and Aragon continues. English are finally able to field large army in France. Aragonese, however, hold more territory. We declare war in England in hope it will give Aragon a chance to grab more territory from the heretics. All to no avail. Aragonese end up accepting the white peace with London.

Year 1551. Just as we are about to conquer every French province from England, Austria declares war on Saxony. Saxony by that time had grown out of proportion. In addition to its two original provinces, it helds now Wurzburg, Hessen and Munster. Burgundy is eager to convert the rebellios state and make it yet another German vassal, but later. Not when all of Burgundian armies are fighting English in the west.

Year 1552. Peace with England. We get Orleans, Gascogne, Guyenne and Bearn. The last three provinces are used to re-create the Duchy of Guyenne. Even though they adapt Reformed Protestantism as their state religion, the King is glad to see it independent. The province of Orleans is used to re-establish the long gone Duchy of Orleans.

Year 1553. English Queen Mary marries the King of Spain Felippe. England converts back to One True Faith. The Huegenots in France raise numerous rebellions, proclaiming a birth of a new power in war-torn France.

As a result of all these wars Burgundy reputation decreases to extremely bad and only the creation of Guyenne improves it a bit. Burgundy begins to grant money to all its vassals in order to improve relations and ensure their obediance.

Burgundy and its vassals in 1553

Note: All Burgundian vassals are purple.
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Well Nalivayko since your becoming the expert of creating vassals I have a question.:) What is the relationship between you and a newly created vassal. I mean is it +200 or far less. Do you have to spend much money to maintain good relations with all these vassals? Any of them cancel their vassalage with you? Give me time I'll think of more questions.:D

Very nice! Just vassalize Gelre, Friesen, and France, and set free the rest of English France, and you're all done :D

I like the gameplay style you've adapted w/ the vassalizing. I might just have to try it out myself.
Storey, I think your relationship depends on number of factors, but it never really is +200. More likely it is a default relationship that newly created country has with yours. However, this has to be tested more (i.e. I did not really give a fig, paid no attention whatsoever).

And yes, it costs money to keep your relations up. Of course, you can play it up by arranging alliances (RM will cancel vassalization), but it's too long. As far as money goes, with all my allies I receive some 134 ducats yearly. Sometimes I spent more than that on relations, but overall it pays out. I think. The only time a vassal canceled vassalization was when I got "extremely bad reputation" and our relations were near 130+. It was newly created Savoie (the comp crushed, so I didn't get a chance to punish them properly. I just took a notice and played it wiser afterwards). Now, some vassals seem to not care about the relations at all (Karaman -200). Milan never got out of French alliance, so it wages war on me constantly. More questions?

One more thing: your reputation increases when you grant a province to vassal. However, it still costs you bb to conquer the needed provinces. My reputation now is very bad and I am slowing things down for another 20-30 years or so.

Sharur, Gelre and Friesen will have to go. The rest of English France I hope to give to Brittany. If they manage to take advantage of my help.