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3 Badges
Aug 19, 2005
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • 500k Club
Hello everybody! This is my third aar. Some of you might remember my Taungu aar, which i abandoned even though I said I would´nt, and then it was my khazak aar which i abandond after 15 years of playtime. But this time it will be different. I have already played up until 1492 and for the moment Aytthaya is my favourite nation. I have improved my Eu2 skills a bit since my Taungu aar. For example, I know how important tax collectors are...which i didn´t do before my Taungu aar...

Here are some scenario facts:
Version: Vanilla 1.08
Scenario: The Grand Campaign
Very Easy/coward (I know, I´m a sucker who plays on Very Easy, :p )
Nation: Aytthaya
Goal: A Buddhist Indonesia, converted and all that stuff.

Update coming up!
Charles II: Thank you!

CatKnight: Good to have you around!

Duke of Wellington: Don´t worry it will be better!!! :D

In the game i´ve already played up to 1505, in other words it´s the longest Eu2 game I´ve ever played! And things has starten to get pretty cool...
Saulta said:
In the game i´ve already played up to 1505, in other words it´s the longest Eu2 game I´ve ever played! And things has starten to get pretty cool...

Longest game! Well thats something, good to hear its going well, can we expect an update soon?
Duke of Wellington said:
Longest game! Well thats something, good to hear its going well, can we expect an update soon?

Update on friday, don´t have time before that. But it will be a long one. From 1419 to 1450 I think...Or even longer...
Saulta said:
Update on friday, don´t have time before that. But it will be a long one. From 1419 to 1450 I think...Or even longer...

Wow thats gonna be a long update, will look forward to reading it should keep me entertained for quite a while :p Any hints as to what to expect? ;)
Duke of Wellington said:
Wow thats gonna be a long update, will look forward to reading it should keep me entertained for quite a while :p Any hints as to what to expect? ;)

Hmm...some wars...some colonization...and some maptrading.
Good, I havn't missed the first update. Conquer Indochina and be the buddist nation. All buddist provinces shall be in your relame. (And you know which province I espcially think on)
Duke of Wellington said:
Think further, you're not nearly far west enough....
You've got it. Accually I think it's the most known buddhist prvoince.
(however it is not the first you think on when talning about buddhism)

(yeah, one post left for first lieutenant)
Nice start, we shall be expecting lots of pretty pictures.... sounds like you'll have your hands full.

Snake IV said:
You've got it. Accually I think it's the most known buddhist prvoince.
(however it is not the first you think on when talning about buddhism)

(yeah, one post left for first lieutenant)

Congrats on the promotion :D
SirCliveWolfe said:
Nice start, we shall be expecting lots of pretty pictures.... sounds like you'll have your hands full.

Congrats on the promotion :D
Thanks. And you maybe just became promoted too? In either case you've got a nice number there.

Update today. :D Wonder if Aytthaya is going to unite buddhists or kick some muslims butt.
Part 1

Ayutthayan expansion 1419-1425

Okey, my third aar. I´ve abandoned my other two, but I will do everything to play this game to the end. So let us begin...

In 1419 Ayutthaya was a small Buddhist nation, located in south East Asia. The Buddhists had a pretty hard time. They were surrounded bu moslem states, who were bigger, stronger and richer. And then it was the Konfucian giant to the north, China, which held some Buddhist provinces. King Int´araja I, had no plans to attack China. But Malacca located just south of Ayutthaya, was a threat. They held a CoT, something that Int´araja wanted for himself. So the plan was to ally with Atjeh and crush Malacca. Even though Atjeh were moslems, they hated Malacca more than the hated Ayutthaya. In 1420, after a letter of introduction from Ayutthaya, Atjeh invited them to an alliance. Int´araja accepted and waited for Atjeh to start the war. Tax collectors were promoted.

Mars 1421, Bangkok
The king of Ayutthaya is sitting on his ass on a big chair, when a servant steps in.
-What do you want, sucker. He laughed in a cruel way.
The servant looked sad.
A soldier came in.
-I told you not to upset him you stupid servant. Now tell him what you have to say and never show your face here again.
The servant looking like he had seen a ghost, began to speak.
-I bring news from Atjeh, my king.
-And they want us to join them in a war against Malacca.
-Splendid, send our army down to Perak and begin a siege there.
The soldier took a step towards the king.
-Our entire army? He asked.
-Of course!
-I´ll inform our generals then, he turned around and walked out of the toyal room. The servant also turned around and began to walk, but...
-SERVANT!!! The king shouted.
Y-Y-Yes, my king?
-You shall also fight.
-What? But....
-Great, now move out!!
-Yes...my king...
-Ohh...and Boromoraja!
-I hope you will die. The king laughed his most cruel laugh ever, and threw an apple at the servant, called Boromoraja.
-You wish, he said for himself

So the next day The army of Ayutthaya began it´s march towards Perak, with poor Boromaja in the front line. By the 12th of april the army had reached Perak, and began to siege it. It all went well, except that the Malaccans made a counter attack and pushed the Ayutthayans vack in their core lands. In october the Ayutthayans were on the move again, and rushed into Perak. A month later they were on the run again. By now Ayutthaya had swithed maps with Delhi, and had knowledge of the great Timurid empire. Int´araja began to befriend them for further map trading. And the siege of Malacca was going great, until Malacca made another counter attack, and the Ayutthayans were on the run. Again. Luckily, not to many men had died, and even the servant still lived. So in 1422 the last attempt to take Perak was made. Ayutthaya moved in with an 8k army and killed the 500 Malaccans who were unlucky to be stationed there. and so the siege of Perak began, for the fourth time.

By now, 2000 crazy Atjeh soldiers landed in Johor, Malaccas southest province. But they were killed. But in october, Perak was taken, and the Aytthayans moved further south, to the capitol of Malacca. They met no resistance as the Malaccans were busy dealing with constant Atjeh landings in Johor. But then the Malaccans let Atjeh land on Johor and retreated back to Malacca, were they overwhelmed the Aytthayans and pushed them back to Perak. And so, Ayutthaya recovered. Recruited more men and in june 1424 attacked Malacca, and slained the 1200 Malaccans who protected it. The siege continued...But the Malaccans were´nt beaten. They had killed the few Atjeh soldiers who covered Johor, and recriuted some more men, and made a desperate attack to push back Ayutthaya.

The woods of Malacca July 1424
-Sir, just two more months and then they will have to surrender.
-Good, very good. And Boromoraja?
-Yes sir.
-I want you by my side for the coming battle.
-But....what battle?
-Turn around.
Boromoraja turned around. He wished he had never done it. Hundreds of Malacca soldiers rushed towards them, with the swords high in the air.
-Prepare for battle, the general shouted. He turned towards Boromoraja. Today...In this battle...the Holy Goat will arise. He shall bring victory to Ayutthaya. One of the soldiers in our army will become the next king.
-CHARGE!!! The Ayutthayans started to run towards the Malaccans. Ten seconds later they clashed into each other, and a bloody fight followed. The Ayutthayans fought like crazy bastards, but they were outnumbered. They were slowly pushed back by the Malaccans. But then, when the Ayutthayans were about to be beaten, their general died. This made Boromoraja so angry that he rushed right into the enemy line. His allies saw him and followed. The Malaccans were shocked by this, and their moral began fell like a goat who jumps down from a mountain. Boromoraja were in the lead and slained everything in his path. By the end of the battle, the Malaccans were on the run back to Johor, and had lost 5000k soldiers. Ayutthaya had lost 2000k soldiers and their general. But. One of the soldiers had stepped up and had taken the title, "Holy Goat", and when Int´araja signed the peace, taking Perak from Malacca, this, "Holy Goat" claimed the throne.

October 1424, Bangkok
The servant walks in. The king looks like someone had stabbed him in his back. The servant had 20 soldiers on his sides.
-I claim the throne, sucker.
-HaHaHaHA, what can a simple servant do to me?
-I am the Holy Goat, Boromoraja II, the rightful king of Ayutthaya.
-So you are the one who won the battle of Malacca. The king sounded a bit nervous.
-That´s me.
-Well go to hell, were you belong.
-The throne is mine, and you know it.
-I know a lot of things, and I certainly know that you are no king servant.
-Ok, have it you way. Soldiers, you know what to do.
The soldiers took the king and threw him of his "royal" chair. Two soldiers held him, while the other 18 took Boromoraja and put him there instead.
-It´s not your chair anymore!
-No need to call the guards, they´ve all defected to me.
-Silence! Put him in the dungeons, were he belongs.
-Shut up, you´re giving me a headache!
And finally a guard came in. The same guard who insulted Boromoraja before the war.
-Sire, you...Servant, what are you doing on the kings chair?
-My chair, you mean.
-No, I meant...what? Your chair?
-Yes, I am the Holy Goat.
-The what?
-The Holy Goat? Haven´t you heard of me?
-Then of to to the dungeons with you.
The soldiers took the former king of Ayutthaya and his last loyal soldier, and dragged them down to the dungeons.
-We don´t obey you anymore, you stupid Apskaft!!!
Int´araja finally closed his mouth. At last, he knew his reign was over.
Int´araja's regim of terror is over. Now Boromoraja's regim of te.. e um peace and wealth is about to begin.

Hope you finish this one.

(tip, do not use but so much as you do and you maybe should not use gamey words as CoT)