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Admiral of the Kings Fleet
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Jan 3, 2001
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1419-1820 Hungary
Normal/Normal/no missions/

Chapter 6 continued, Luxemburg Family in Hungary
.......Several events took place in 1419 that began to reshape the region. King Sigismund of Luxemburg by this time was Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Hungary. After the Bohemian King Wenceslas IV died in 1419, Sigismund was then also made King over Bohemia as well, given temporal powers over her. Relations between the Luxemburg line in Hungary and the Hapsburg line in Austria were very good at this time and marriages between them were made. The defining moment that changed the course of history some say is when Sigismunds hapsburg wife died and a marriage with a French woman was made. French and Hapsburg blood did not mix well and friction took place in the body of Hungary.

Emperor Sigismund led Hungary with Bohemian and Croatian (a vassal of Hungary) help in conquest of the Principality of Wallachia and Moldavia in the balkans in 1425. The Hungarian King also was given Bosnia by the Serbian Prince who wanted to avoid vassalage. Turkey would lead a seperate war of conquest in the Balkans which would bring much of the remnants of the Roman empire and all of Serbia into to the Ottoman Turk Empire. This did not serve as a dispute between the Hungarian or Ottoman powers until much later.

The real problem for the region came from two family lines in contest for power. The Hapsburgs of Austria saw the expansion of the Luxemburg family in Hungary and so relations between Austria and Hungary soured rapidly. This would lead to the first Emperors War of 1426-1431 between Austria and her allies vs Hungary/Bohemia/Croatia/Transylvania/Luxemburg.

The First Emperors War turned into a debacle for the Hapsburgs as Bohemian and Hungarian armies overwhelmed the Austrian and German defenders. The Hapsburgs lost much of their influence and land at the end of this war. However the Hapsburgs gained the full allegiance of the German Empire leaving Sigismund as a mere pretender to the Imperial throne. Sigismund made a crucial error in the war also. He not only took all of Austria save for Vienna for Hungary. He annexed Lombardia and removed the duke of Milan there. This did not go well with Papal, French, Luxemburgs and many others as any advances into Italy were considered a threat to regional stability.

Chapter 7, covers the fall of the Luxemburg line and Rise of the Magyar line in Hungary.
What nonsense is this! Where's chapters 1 thru 5 and the beginning of 6? C'mon, you can't hold out on the readers like that! They demand to see the forbidden material!

Cough up! Let's go.. be a good sport now...

(Glad to see you back in AAR form J., it's about time)

Its important to note, that at the turn of the 15th century, Hungary was considered the dominant power in the region militarily. This and the fact that Emperor Sigismund married a very influential Anjou French wife leads us to understand why Sigismund lead Hungary on its road to conquest in Italy and the Balkans. The Emperor though not the greatest diplomat must have buckled under his new wifes pressures in a bid for French cooperation. Sigismund was a good military leader and this explains his exacting victories over Austria in the Emperor war.

Whatever hopes Luxemburg had for Hungary were shattered however when Sigismund began his conquests. It changed the way the empire viewed the Emperor and Hungary and it also spawned a military leader that would change Hungary forever. That was Jonas Hunyadi and he was one of the most brilliant military men of the day rising out of the ashes of the Emperor War.

Hungary in 1437 was a Centralized Aristocracy heavily dependant on Serfdom and Mercantilism. Her economy was not very strong at the turn of the century however after the conquest of key Austrian and Balkan lands, not to mention the acquasition of Milan in Lombardia. The Hungarian economy strengthened but had many pressures holding it down. One pressure was revolts in Italy and Moldavia. The stability of the country was weakened and war forced a halt to technology and emptying of the treasury.

Out of this rose a stronger Hungarian faction that began to overshadow the Luxemburg crown. So it was inevitable that in 1437 when Emperor Sigismund died leaving no heir to the throne. The crown was up for grabs and three parties went after it.

Queen D, Anjou, Sigismunds French wife was hungry for power and claimed the throne of Hungary. Bohemia and Luxemburg passed to Hapsburg and Luxemburg lines respectively yet Hungary would have a struggle in its midst. General Jonas Hunyadi would not allow for the Queen to take control and he emmediately stepped in and dethroned D, Anjou and she departed the scene. Next however the Hapsburgs claimed their right to the throne with Albrecht and he was challenged for the throne by the Hungarian Ulaszlo I. 1437 to 1439 would be a turbulent time of two kings and finally the royal squable was ended when Hunyadi expelled the Hapsburg crown and alienated the Empire. Hungary had become a pariah state and relations with others plummeted leaving war on the not so distant horizon. Thus began the years of Hunyadi in Hungary as he overshadowed King Ulaszlo in most matters of state and military.

In Austria at this time of 1439, Ladislas was elected Emperor and he was a big enemy of Hungary. So when Hungary began to defeat Italians (modena) in a war there, Ladislas waisted little time in bringing his Empire into the crusade against Hungary. For Hungary things began to look bleak. Bohemia and Luxemburg rejected the military alliance and canceled marriages. This was followed by Transyvania breaking from the Magyar alliance as well. General Hunyadi knew he was being surrounded by enemies but he was determined to survive.

What transpired between 1439 to 1446 was a massive european crusade lead by the Emperor against Hungary. Infact, Hunyadi did not declare war on one nation instead they all invaded Hungary. So much war infact that Hungaries most loyal of allies, Croatia, jumped ship and became neutral in the chaos. Hungary was alone now.

The Great Hungarian Wars included the following nations against Hungary. (Austria, Castile, Aragon, Cyprus, Eire, Ragusa, Helvetia, Bavaria, Sweden, Portugal, Naples, Poland, Lithuania, Gelre, Genoa, Luxemburg, Bohemia, Transyvania, Trabizond, Georgia, Tuscany, Savoy, Papal States, Lorraine, Brittany, Palitanat and some others)
All joined at one point to push Hungary out of Italy and Austria and defray the Hungarian menace. They failed!

Though Hunyadi was near defeat in Italy and all of Hungary was overrun by enemy forces in 1440. Slowly the General used every bit of treasury and loans to nip away at enemy and rebel armies. Only his skill and leadership was the saving grace for his army. No less than 250,000 Hungarian men died in the wars however after the dust settled Hungary was much more powerful than before.

Modena, Tuscany, Papal States and Transyvania were all annexed and Croatia was again made a vassal. Hunyadi had hoped to make Genoa, Austria and Bavaria vassals but the German army was pressing and he was forced to make peace. Hunyadi was brilliant in his tactics of making peace one country at a time and the treasury payed dearly for that peace.

Though the wars had ended by 1447, the rebellions had not and Hunyadi and Hungary would fight revolt after unending revolt further draining the economy. Inflation rose to 22%. After a brief uneventful war against the Teutonic alliance Hungary finally enjoyed total peace by the year 1453. Now Hungary could enjoy the spoils of victory as the economy blossomed and the treasury and debts were filled.

General Jonas Hunyadi not only built a new Hungary, he had shaped a new Europe. Now only time would determine if Hungary could keep it together.

(off to play more of this cool game, glory to Hungary:D)
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Screenshots please.

Good AAR!
Thanks all for your compliments, this AAR is being writen as pages in a history book. I am 50% going in the game and 50% using real history to write the details and events. Its a bit different from what im use to but its fun and i am learning much about Hungary in the process while enjoying a jolly good game!:D


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Originally posted by Carolus Rex
So, I take it you wont conquer the world? :D

Hey, was part 1-5 your first Hungarian AAR? :)

No! Part 1-5 doesnt exist because i cant write about game before year 1419. I use the parts for two reasons.

1. I portray the fact that this is an ongoing history of Hungary as read in a fantasy history book. So i pick up the alternative history at year 1419 in my book and thats what your reading.

2. If eu3 comes out with years playable prior to 1419 then i might fill in the missing parts (thats a long shot though)

I had time for one screenshot
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The 1450s was a time of general peace among nations for Hungary. Hunyadi and Laszlo V made efforts to restructure the Army and increase the Navy some now that they had viable ports to use. The King and General went hand in hand in leading Hungary forward however rebellions came in great numbers, draining to some extent the economy and treasury.

1456 Hunyadi died in Bologna and a year later King Laszlo V also died, this left Hungary not only vulnerable but without a leader. The successor to the throne was not readily apparent. Eventually Matthais Corvinus was thrust to power by the increasingly controlling nobles of Magyar. Matthais was as they would find out not at all a pushover but a real leader, just as his father Hunyadi was. Matthais was the youngest son of Jonas and carried on his brilliance.

Matthais used the treasury for the country in several ways. He began to build on infrastructure within greater Hungary. He was also a great military leader and was able to squash revolts with a strong army. By 1465 Matthais had decided he had enough of the Emperors threats to power and the Venetian choke hold on regional trade. Hungary launched a massive invasion of Austria and her ally Croatia annexing both of them in short order. This gave the King of Bohemia the Emperiad. Once Austria and the Hapsburgs were eliminated, Matthais invaded Venice in 1467.

The Hungarian army was very large but still struggled against tough Venetian opposition. A new Hungarian general Pal Kiniasi helped to siege and take most Venetian territory. Even the Hungarian fleet of 12 ships put up a good fight against the Venetians. The war would have been a failure had Hungary not had the treasury to constantly funnel new men into the war machine. Losses were heavy due to rebellions and attrition.

By 1472 Venice was beaten and forced to give up Dalmatia, Bosnia, Istria and Mantua to Hungary. This was such a massive turn of events that Sweden and Denmark declared war on the growing Hungarian Empire. Matthais simply payed them off with gold to avoid further war. Hungary at this time was never so powerful but the winds of war loomed over the horizon as nations recognized the threat Hungary posed to them. It would only be a matter of time before a new challange would come.
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Great Stuff as usual Warspite!!!!:D
I have received my EUII pack just a short time ago, and managed to play a bit this week, so I am gonna come out with another Hungary AAR!
In the mean time keep us entertaining!!:D

Cherioo:D :D
CHAPTER 8 : cont...

A few events took place between the beginning of King Corvinus rule (1457) and the Meteor of Valyadi (1477). The last part of the Roman Empire in Constantinople was being sieged by Ottoman Turks. Many historians agree that the Roman Empire (byzantium) would have passed into obscurity had it not been for Venetian and Hungarian intervention at key moments. Venice with some allies kept Turkey busy during the 50s and 60s and then King Corvinus of Hungary made a crucial alliance with Poland-Lithuania (1474), this gave him security enough to launch an invasion into Ottoman territory which was repulsed for a year in 1480. Ultimately by 1482 the Ottomans were defeated and much of balkan territory passed to Hungarian christian control. Venice and Constantinople were spared defeat at the hands of the turks and the Ottomans from here on were on the defensive. King Corvinus proclaimed he would carry on the dream of Hunyadi to push the muslims out of Europe completely just as Portugal and Castile did at Granada in 1465.

France and Burgundy were not yet powerful enough to challenge the authority of Hungary over Italian provinces. Castile began a hostile takeover of most of Portugal and Aragon struggled to keep its mediterranean empire together. The Germans were still cowering to Hungarian power amid Mattheas Corvinus threat to destroy the Empire all together. Thus, Hungary was for the time firmly in control of the region but she had many enemies and King Corvinus knew it. This is why he swallowed his pride and sided with opposition nobility to ally and marry into Polish and Lithuanian nobility. Corvinus was a tactful politician and a cunning military mind. He spent 2/3rds of the state treasury to improve relations with his allies and won their unfailing allegiance. This is what gave Hungary the balance enough to wage a large war against the Ottoman Turks while at the same time keep Hapsburg and Italian revolts at bey.

The Ottomans called upon Muslims to help against what they called a Christian crusade. This is what sparked the Crimean war of 1483. Hungary joined its allies Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania against a reformed Golden Horde, Crimea and Al koyunlu. The war would not last long and the muslims capitulated briefly.

Matthais then again made a constructive change in his policy and began to improve relations with key german members starting with Brandenburg in 1485. Now the Emperor in Bohemia was alarmed as the fingers of Hungary extended into his realm of power. This would be the spark that would cause the Second Emperors War in europe 1485.

more later.....
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CHAPTER 8 : cont......

One thing the muslim wars did for Hungary, is it helped them prepare for the next war against the German Emperor. The Hungarian Empire by now held a firm grasp on most of Italia, much of the Balkans and all of Austria including the Hungarian Kingdom. Matthais didnt consider himself an Emperor by any means, but he did consider himself the rightful Heir to the Holy Roman Empire. The real Emperor in Bohemia didnt like this at all and after Hungary began to gain German allies such as Brandenburg, Bremen, Holstein in Matthais' bid to win over the German states to his allegiance. The Emperor decided he had enough and declared war on Hungary. Joining the Emperor was England, Aragon, Spain, Denmark, and the german states that allied to Hungary now dishonored the alliance.

The Hungarian Army was very powerful at this time and it would lead to a catastrophy for the Emperor and his Allies. Poland and Lithuania joined Matthais in a limited way but they didnt even need to. English and Spanish invasions were slaughtered in Italia and Dubrudja, while Matthais swept through Naples and sicily forcing Aragon to peace.

The Second Emperors War lasted only four years 1485-88 and it was an overwhelming Hungarian victory. Matthais did not gain any territory though, instead he got some extra money to build up his army again for a greater plan. His dream, to wipe the Balkans clear of all Muslim control.

1490 came and Matthais was literally at the borders of the Ottomans with his army to invade. The great mans dream was not to be however as he died just days before the invasion. This left the throne of Hungary empty and no heir apparent. The turks and Europe waited anxiously for who would fill the seat.

"Corvinus is dead, Justice has gone" rang throughout the land......
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With King Corvinus gone without a son to claim the throne it left the nobility with a choice. Either go back to Luxemburg or the Hapsburgs or turn to their allies the Polish to fill the throne. The choice was obvious for most and Ulaszlo II of the Polish Yagiello family was crowned King of Hungary 1490. What was more is that this also tied the Hungarian crown to Bohemia.

Ulaszlo II was expected to carry on the great tradition of the past three rulers of the century. HOwever the nobles got something totally different, they got a nightmare. Ulaszlo was not a man of the people and cared less for further expansion. He wanted what he wanted and the rest could pay the bill. Thus he raised the taxes and expected much more of the nobility and serfs. Within a year the entire Hungarian country was up in arms. Revolts began to spring up all over, the army was payed far less than before and attrition was high. Pal Kiniasi had died leaving the army with no effective leadership. Losses were high and the treasury was drained and taxes stiffened. Dark times began to descend upon the once blessed nation.

At one point in 1493 all of the Balkans and most of Italia was lost to rebels. The army was in such disarray that the Polish army had to come help squash the rebellions. It would only be a matter of time before the Ottoman Turks and Germans saw an open door to invade the now weakened Hungarian Empire.
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About Hungary

Well quite nice what you did. The funny thing that you annexed Transsylvania which was a part of Hungary since 1016. Croatia also was a province of REAL Hungary since 1100.
Nevermind, you just gave the country the power it really held.