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Lt. General
Aug 6, 2004

Well, seems like everyone has made an AAR, so guess I'll also have to make a try. Just hope I finish the game :D . Seems to be a habit of most not to.
I'm not using the vanilla map, but as you see in the thread, I use MYMAP. Also I've never played Portugal yet, so don't know what to expect. Haven't read any AAR on Portugal; just going with the flow
Now, what are my goals: make an interesting game (no WC), having fun, ... I don't know, the general...

Now, to keep things interesting, I made up some rules (DA should love this):

1. make logical choices, even if I know the map. This doesn’t mean I’ll automatically try to follow in the footsteps of historic Portugal. And play without knowledge of events such as ToT.

2. never look in files (such as leaders/monarchs).

3. refrain from reloading: you win, you win; you lose, you lose.

4. peeking ahead in the events sector is allowed BUT ONLY LOOKING AT TREASURY (to prevent getting loans), NOTHING ELSE; no peeking in events of other nations or own events that don't concern treasury (I know, a little cheating, but most people know all the events of nations they play; I don't know any... :eek: I must be :wacko: if I don't know any, but hey, that's the way I like it. In one eye and out the other without passing through the brain).

5. never take a loan (not even caused by event; that's why I've got to peek in the events sector for events with treasury involved); offering loans is also not allowed.

6. map trading is allowed.

7. royal marriages are allowed.

8. raising war taxes is not allowed.

9. trade embargoes and trade agreements are also not allowed.

I can hear you think, this must be the most boring game ever. Well for your sake I hope not :D :rofl: .

10. disbanding land or/and naval forces is not allowed, if I have too much, so be it.

OK, now lets get to the goodies ;) .

11. military (naval and land) maintenance always at 50%.

12. inflation must, at all times be kept at 0.00% (unless of course if some event gives me inflation); this means I can't ever invest in treasury but am forced to invest in technology or stability.

13. building manufactories is not allowed.

14. building fortresses is not allowed.

15. only allowed to conquer non-european provinces; nothing else.

Well, that's all. I hope I haven't forgotten any.
So, what do you think of this so far (besides :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: ). Any rules I forgot to mention? :D

one last rule to make things a little more difficult:
16. destroy Morocco before 1500
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Nagel said:
5. never take a loan (not even caused by event; that's why I've got to peek in the events sector for events with treasury involved); offering loans is also not allowed.

9. trade embargoes and trade agreements are also not allowed.

10. disbanding land or/and naval forces is not allowed, if I have too much, so be it.

11. military (naval and land) maintenance always at 50%.

12. inflation must, at all times be kept at 0.00% (unless of course if some event gives me inflation); this means I can't ever invest in treasury but am forced to invest in technology or stability.

13. building manufactories is not allowed.

14. building fortresses is not allowed.

First of all, let me say: WACKO!!!! :p

Just kidding, if someone made me play with these rules i would say he is inhuman and none can play like this. I detect a small trace of masochism.

Number 5 is, IMO impossible. You can never predict random events. And you can never have enough money in your treasury to be prepared for EVERYTHING, without reloading, which is a no-no according to another of your rules. :)

Number 9 is very difficult for a trader country such as Porto.

number 10 is murder for Portugal which can at given times have a lot more than its support limit can handle. The military is an unnecessary strain on your economy, but i guess you can also make them march into the Sahara, right? :rofl:

Number 11 is also going to be tough, but since you will be fighting a lot of under-developed pagans and heathens, i guess you should not have any problems. Still, rebels and pirates can be a pain at these settings.

Numbers 12, 13, 14: Sir, you are MAD! MAD, i tell you! Honestly, a colonizer can't not mint, IMO. And a colonizer usually fortifies its colonies. And a trader needs refineries. And... And... And the list could go on.. :D

I will be blunt: It takes real man balls to attempt something like this. :eek:
I would never ever try it. That's why i will be foloowing this AAR.
Fnuco said:
Number 5 is, IMO impossible. You can never predict random events. And you can never have enough money in your treasury to be prepared for EVERYTHING, without reloading, which is a no-no according to another of your rules. :)

Well, I'll bypass this problem easy. AGCEEP gives option to turn random events off. That's what I'll use.
Definitely! And it'll be interesting to see if you can maintain these rules you set for yourself!

Game specs:
EU2version 1.09 + MYMAP + AGCEEP 1.39
Difficulty: very hard (what did you expect?) :p
AI aggression: normal
Random events: off

It is the year 1419. We're a small nation, but with great expectations. Current state affairs are as followed:

João I is our beloved monarch. May he have a long and prosperous life.
Land 1
Naval 2
Stability 3
Trade 2
Infrastructure 1

Aristocracy 7
Centralization 4
Innovative 2
Mercantilism 9
Offensive 5
Land 1
Quality 5
Serfdom 7

Land forces 15k infantry and 12k cavalry
Naval forces 18 warships and 5 transports

This is the world as is known to us today:

These are all our territories:

Each post will advance 10 years. No more and no less.

So, let the games begin :D .
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Portugal AND MyMap! A wonderful combo. I was just thinking about playing the same game. I'll follow you!
Duke of Wellington said:
Good luck you'll need it with those rules. Just a question? How do you plan to always have enough money in your treasury without taking a loan and never having inflation? Until infra 5 I don't see how you can do this :eek:

I think that I won't have any money in the treasury most of the year. The annual paycheck in Januari will be cashed in almost immediately (colonization mostly), meaning I don't have money for the rest of the year.
1419-1429 African & Merchant expansion

It's 1419. We have 4 merchants in our CoT in Tejo + $450
madeira is a level 1 colony, while Cape Verde is a 0.5 colony

Domestic Policy settings: Aristocracy-1 (causes stability drop from 3 to 2). We need to increase our trade and production efficiency; further more, all investments are put to reach Infrastructure 2.

Religion sliders: Catholic to max, Orthodox to min and Moslem in the middle

1-1 Invited Castile to enter our military alliance; offer accepted. In order for an expansion, we need Castile as an ally and not as an enemy.
Also moved army at Tejo (5k cavalry) onto fleet and shipped it to Cebta, forming a massive 27k army.
4-1 Enrique the crusader event (see picture)
13-1 Social Revolution of Joao I event (see picture)
24-1 Enrique the Navigator event (see picture)


25-1 promote bailiffs in Porto, Beiras, Alentejo, Algerve, Cebta using the remaining $250 (Tejo, the capital, already has a bailiff)
1-4 invited Aragon to alliance; we now have a mighty alliance; when I DoW Morocco, ideally Aragon should attack Tunisia, Castile should go for Tlemcen and I take on Morocco. We'll just have to see what our allies are capable of.
1-7 asked and received military access from castile
1-10 asked and received military access from aragon
Note: manpower is 10 and supportable amount is 15; total army size is 27k (paying $7 a month total on military). Truce with Morocco untill 12-2-1420, so got to put up with it (monthly income 16.2). I just hate waisting good money
1-12 stab increase (+3)

1420: +$43
1-1 CoT opened in Cape Verde; no intention of expanding there since profits are very, very low.
I use the money to send 1 colonist to Madeira (successful) and place a merchant at CoT of Tejo (successful), thus increasing my presence to 5.
Note: I’m placing merchants using the principle of open slots. If a slot is vacant and I have the money, I put 1 merchant there; placing 2 merchants cost way too much. This works 4 out of 5 times (sometimes vacant slot is occupied by another nation’s merchant).
1-3 I (with Castile and Aragon ) DoW Morocco (with Tlemcen and Tunisia). I split my army (27k) in 2 and attacked with 13.5k a 9k enemy force in Oujda (the Infantes= 2-2-3-1) and with 13.5k (Pereira= 4-4-5) a 9k enemy force in Tangier. My navy (18-0-5) immediately blocks strait of Gibraltar.
Annihilated both armies in 22 and 24 march (almost lost this one), losing in total 1.3k.


1-4 split armies again; 6k (with the Infantes) to Fes and 6k to Kenitra
1-4 traded maps with Norway (they knew 50 in exchange for my 14); this gave me knowledge of the CoT at Astrakhan
5-5/6-5 annihilated 1k fresh recruits at Tangier and 1k at Fes
8-6 4 cities being besieged and attacking Tlemcen fleet (how did they get past us in the Straits of Gibraltar??? Admiral will get fired for this)


16-7 Fes was captured; moved army under the Infantes to Marrakech
23-7 annihilated 3 warships from Tlemcen with my navy and in pursuit (no losses suffered); maybe we'll let the admiral retain his post. Depends if he can destroy the Tlemcen Fleet.
13-8 attacked Tlemcen fleet at strait of Gibraltar
9-9 entire Tlemcen fleet (2-0-5) destroyed after Castile joined with 9-7-2 (no losses suffered)
24-10 Ouzdja fell; moved army to Mellila; at the same time, Djerba (Aragon) has fallen into Tunisian hands (mmm, I hope Aragon can get it together again); 11k Tlemcen army remaining at Oran doing nothing. Fine by us.

1421 +$73
1-1 colonist to Madeira (successful)
1-3 colonist to Madeira (successful)
24-3 Kenitra fell, army moved to Anfa
22-4 Tangier fell, while Cebta is being looted by 2.8k cavalry; army (Pereira) ordered to Sijilmassa via Fes
Meanwhile declining several peaceoffers from Morocco and Tlemcen. We want it all and nothing less.
1-6 looting army at Cebta has retreated back to Oran
8-7/11-7 destroyed 2k Morocan forces at Sijilmassa
16-8 Mellila fell, army (1-9) via ouzdja to Figuig
1-9 Cebta is being besieged by 18k Tlemcen forces
8-9 Marrakech fell, army (the Infantes) moved to Ifni

1422 +$70
1-1 colonist to Madeira (successful)
8-1 Anfa fell, army moved to Safi
1-3 colonist to Madeira (successful)
4-4 Tlemcen fleet (10-0-0) attacking ours and Castilian navy (23-0-7) at Straits of Gibraltar
19-5 two warships destroyed; getting supplies and then going in pursuit
6-6 lost Cebta to Tlemcen; wasn't part of the plan, but looking the overall plan, recapturing shouldn't be that difficult.
23-6 engaged hostile fleet with Castile in the Gulf of Almeria

1-7 Ifni captured; army (the Infantes) moved to Sus
9-7 two warships destroyed; going in pursuit since they’re going to Straits of Gibraltar; Tunisia has begun sieging Malta. It looks like Aragon has been proven a little too light. Oh well, as long as I'm the alliance leader, all is well.
29-7 engaged Tlemcen navy again (6-0-0), whilest Tlemcen is besieging Oujda
7-8 Tlemcen fleet annihilated; no losses
27-8 Sijilmassa fell, moving army to Fes (looting), then via Tangier to Cebta
13-10 Safi fell, moving army to Fes
29-10 Figuig fell; splitting army, 2k cavalry to Tlemcen capital (loot) and 3k infantry to Mzab

23-12 Mzab captured

1423 +$70
1-1 colonist to Madeira (successful)

21-2 captured Ouargla and Touggourt
1-3 moving army to Gafsa (Tunisia)

1-5 captured Sus; all of Morocco is under my control; waiting for peaceoffer from Morocco
15-6 Aragon made a separate peace with Tunisia; Aragon pays $3
18-6 Morocco refuses to make an offer, so we're forced to do so before we lose Oujda. We made separate peace with Morocco (alone) for all 11 provs and $75; am now at war versus Tlemcen alone and versus Tunisia with Castile (BB 20.4)
18-6 colonist to Madeira (successful)
14-7 lost Oujda to Tlemcen
18-7 5 merchants at Timbuktu
29-8 captured Cebta back from Tlemcen
29-8 The infants (16k) engaged 6k enemy unfantry

5-9 army destroyed (barely suffered casualties); initiated siege
27-9 lost Gafsa back to Tunisia
27-12 started looting the Tlemcen capital again

1424 +$74
1-1 colonist to Madeira (successful)
1-1 Portugal (leader) offered peace to Tunisia (+6%) for $75; offer accepted, money split between us and Castile
1-1 Portugal offered peace to Tlemcen (+6%) for $75; offer accepted. This war rendered me a total 11 (slightly poor) provinces and $188. Very profitable none the less. Note the war took one year more then we expected, but no harm done. It turned out better then imagined. Both Aragon and Castile have separate wars going with Tlemcen and Morocco. Total losses during the war were 3k. Also can’t send colonist to Cape Verde and the Azores since route there hasn’t been discovered.

I would like to convert, but with success rates of 30%, not worth the effort; our full army of 24k is now easily supported, splendid (manpower remains 10).
1-3 colonist to Madeira (successful); Madeira became a city
1-5 bailiff at Madeira
1-5 Castile is besieging Tlemcen capital with 13k
1-5 using money to steadily fill all known CoT with Portuguese traders (need it to increase monthly income)
1-6 5 merchants at Astrakhan
10-7 bailiff at Tangier
1-8 infrastructure 2 reached; all investments to reach trade3
1-9 Castile is now also besieging Oran with 5k

1425 +$79 (monthly income $30)
17-1 Castile accepted peace with Tlemcen for $58 and Al Djazair They’re still at war with Morocco
1-5 unknown how Aragon is doing, although some eastern provinces from Tlemcen have been looted

1426 +$86 (monthly income $33)
1-1 entered royal marriages with Novgorod, Pskov, Muscovy, Trebizond, Theodoros, Byzantine Empire
1-1 bailiff at Kenitra
1-2 passed the 100VP (3rd behind England and Timurid Empire)
1-8 WP between Morocco and Castile; only Aragon is at war with Morocco and Tlemcen

1427 +$86 (monthly income $33)
1-1 bailiff at Mellilla

1428 +$89 (monthly income $35)
1-1 bailiff at Oujda
1-2 5 merchants at Alexandria

After a great 5 years of territorial expansion, we expanded out trade throughout several CoT's, gaining 5 merchants at Tejo, Timbuktu, Alexandria and Astrakhan. A small empire is rising...
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nice update!

you could maybe make the pics smaller by eliminating the white...

here is what i do about conversions: set tolerance slider to minimum, then do not kill all the rebels, but let them cover your fort, so you population will drop. Get a land connection to Africa, and try building bigger forts.

Good start, hope to see more soon!
Fnuco said:
nice update!

you could maybe make the pics smaller by eliminating the white...

here is what i do about conversions: set tolerance slider to minimum, then do not kill all the rebels, but let them cover your fort, so you population will drop. Get a land connection to Africa, and try building bigger forts.

Good start, hope to see more soon!

Just noted it as I posted it. Working on it. Population at some cities at 1000, but still 29% success rate for conversion. Also, not allowed to build forts (one of the rules; see post 1)
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1429 Update

World news:


Novgorod was attacked from all sides and went from 6 to just 2 territories
France has been destroyed (split between Dauphine and England)
Ottoman Empire is on the move, increasing their territory with several provinces
Hungary has lost a couple of provinces; but still a force to be reckoned with

Portuguese Info
Domestic Policy:
Aristocracy 4
Centralization 7
Innovative 2
Mercantilism 9
Offensive 5
Land 1
Quality 5
Serfdom 6

Land 1
Naval 2
Trade 2
Infra 2
Stab 3

Navy: 18 warships; 5 transports
Army: 12.5k infantry; 11.5 cavalry

Pereira (4-5-4-0)
The Infantes (2-2-3-1)

Monarch = João I

18 cities
1 colony

Other info:
Badboy 19.5
VP 113
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1429 +$91 (monthly income $36)
Inn +1 (now at 3); stab –1 (now at 2); Portugal needs to stay ahead in Trade and improve the other techs
We've changed Religion sliders; Orthodox stays at min, catholic + moslem have the same amount. This is due to increased revolt risk if religion remained unmodified. A pity, didn't count on that.
I’ve got 5 merchants at 4 CoT’s and several solitaire merchants scattered around, but maintaining this, costs me around 1-2 merchants a year. If I try to put 5 merchants in another CoT, I think it would cost me too much just to keep them there and would fail eventually (Portugal gains 4.4 merchants a year). When I reach Trade3, I’ll probably try to fill every CoT around; having the edge in Trade, should make this possible (I hope).
I'm thinking of trying Novgorod to place 5 merch in because the level of competition there is quite low.
Decided to save the money for colonization and not to put more merchants in CoT’s or converting.
An interesting thought is that Morocco has 31k at Fes and they’re not in any alliance (since they refused to join Tlemcen and Tunisia in a war against Kanem-Bornu, some African nation just south of Tlemcen and Tunisia). Should I or shouldn't I take the oppurtunity... (could increase my army without training troops). We'll have to sleep on this one.

6-7 New CoT at Sjaelland; can’t let this opportunity pass by
6-8 5 merchants at Sjaelland; earning $7.4 each year (total cost $5x5=$25); if they can manage to stay at least 4 years, it was worth the money

1430 +$84 (monthly income $36)
No changes. Just trying to keep 5 merchants at the 5 CoT's and save money for colonization. Just noted that Aragon isn't at war with Tlemcen anymore. When did they get a peace? Oh well, no provinces has been lost or won by either sides.

1431 +$84 (monthly income $36)
2-4 General Pereira passed away. He’s given a state funeral for his services.
1-9 alas, Morocco joined alliance with Tlemcen and Tunisia. I should have attacked them when I had the chance (and the general).

1432 +$84 (monthly income $36)
1-1 Explorer Gancalo Velho entered service (2-1-1) with 3 ships (sent 2 of the warships to Cebta)
4-4 Explorer Gancalo Velho cleared route to the Azores
4-4 colonist to the Azores (successful)
27-7 established new colony at the Azores
27-7 colonist to the Azores (successful)
12-10 colonist to the Azores (successful)

26-12 Cape Bojador event:

27-12 colonist to the Azores (successful)

1433 +$84 (monthly income $36)
1-1 Explorer Gil Eanes entered service (3-1-1) with 3 ships (sent 2 of the warships to Cebta)

25-1 260000 event:

1-3 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)
12-3 colonist to the Azores (successful)
27-5 colonist to the Azores (successful)
12-8 colonist to the Azores (successful)
15-8 Duarte became the new ruler (a lazy monarch who's more interested in his own pleasures than ruling a country; oh well…)

1434 +$95 (monthly income $37)
1-1 colonist to the Azores (successful)
16-3 colonist to the Azores (successful)
1-6 colonist to the Azores (successful)
16-8 the Azores became a city
26-8 We discover the Americas (50VP)

1435 +$96 (monthly income $38)
1-1 General Avranches entered service (3-3-3-0)
1-1 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)
1-3 new CoT at Danzig
18-9 Explorer Gancalo Velho passed away

26-12 Henry’s Captains Event

1436 +$96 (monthly income $38)
1-1 Explorer Affonso Gonçalves Baldaia entered service (2-2-2)
1-1 bailiff to the Azores
1-1 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)

10-2 Tlemcen declared war (+Tunisia, Morocco and Kanem-Bornu; Kanem-Bornu was at war with them 5 years ago and lost some territory to Tlemcen and now they're in the alliance??); Castile and Aragon joined.

1-3 all enemy forces (including 26k of Morocco's finest) seem to be going to province of Al Djazair; better for me
1-4 split army in two and send both armies marching to Fes

9-4 260002 event:

16-4 attacking 2k enemy forces at Fes and annihilated them within 3 days
18-4 sieging Fes, while Figuig is being looted by 3k forces from Morocco; Al Djazair is being besieged
1-5 moved General Avranches with half of the army to Figuig
27-5 attacked and annihilated 2k looting force from Morocco
1-6 returned to help sieging Fes
1-8 seeing 20k of Moroccan forces moving towards Oujda; General Avranches was dispatched to intercept the enemy
16-8 attacked enemy forces at Morocco; the battle lasted 10 days, but we managed to win
9-10 Explorer Gil Eanes passed away

1-11 moving General Avranches from Oujda to Figuig to intercept 14k Moroccan force

27-11 intercepted force (lost 1k, destroyed 3k); battle was won in 3 days
8-12 attacked by 3k Tlemcen force at Figuig; destroyed within 3 days
19-12 naval fleet (26-0-5) attacked by Tlemcen navy at straits of Gibraltar

1437 +$96 (monthly income $38)
1-1 Military leader the Infantes passed away
1-1 Explorer Affonso Gonçalves Baldaia passed away
1-1 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)

1-1 moving General Avranches to Oujda to intercept 14k Morocco enemy force

8-1 won naval battle (no ships lost or destroyed), supplying at Cebta and starting pursuit
16-1 tot 27-1 battle at Oujda, barely won
16-1 naval fleet (26-0-5) attacked by Tunisia navy (7-4-0) at straits of Gibraltar
27-1 won naval battle (joined halfway by Castile) against Tunisia in Straits of Gibraltar no ships destroyed or lost
1-2 moving General Avranches to Figuig to attack looting Tlemcen army
25-2 General Avranches attacks 4k Tlemcen raiding party at Figuig
27-2 Tunisian fleet (0-4-0) attacked coalition fleet (36-10-7) at Gulf of Almeria
28-2 Tunisian fleet (0-4-0) destroyed
13-3 General Avranches (8.6k) looses battle and forced to retreat to Sijilmassa
12-4 Portuguese fleet (26-0-5) attacked by enemy forces (9-2-0) at Gulf of Almeria
17-4 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)
1-5 ordered General Avranches to join army at Fes since Moroccan army (7k) was on route from Tlemcen capital to Oujda
18-5 captured Fes; Morocco annexed (badboy now 21.5); gained 7k Moroccan forces. A bit disappointed (expected to increase military forces by at least 10k of the 31k Moroccan army). Forces 28k in total, so won only 4k since start war

1-6 Attacking looting army at Figuig with main army (21k) at Fes and with 7k at Oujda

2-6 naval battle won at the Gulf of Almeria; no ships lost or destroyed; retreating to Straits of Gibraltar
22-6 Portuguese fleet under attack at the Straits of Gibraltar
27-6 28k Portuguese army attacked 2.5k Tlemcen army at Figuig; destroyed within a day
1-7 Portuguese army at Figuig again under attack from Tlemcen (2.5k); also destroyed within a day
10-7 naval battle won, supplying at Cebta, then in pursuit
10-8 joining Castile (27-0-5) in naval battle in the Gulf of Almeria against Tlemcen/Tunisia (8-2-0) and won that same day; enemy fleet heading back to the Straits of Gibraltar, going in pursuit
1-9 Al-Djazair has fallen in Tlemcen hands;
8-9 Portuguese Fleet (28-0-5) attacking enemy navy at Straits of Gibraltar (8-2-0)
24-9 naval battle won, destroyed 1 warship and 1 galley, resupplying at Cebta and again in pursuit towards Gulf of Almeria


20-10/21-10 destroyed 1k at Figuig
24-10 joined Castile (28-2-5) in Gulf of Almeria against enemy fleet (7-1-0)
4-11 Oujda besieged by 17k enemy army
12-11 won naval battle, enemy navy (4-1-0); heading, again, back to Straits of Gibraltar, in pursuit; another 3 warships destroyed
2-12 attacking navy

1438 +$96 (monthly income $39)
1-1 battle won, total enemy navy destroyed; navy docking at Cebta for repairs
1-1 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)
30-1 peaceoffers to both Tunisia and Tlemcen have been declined
1-4 We (leader) offered Kanem-Bornu (alone) a WP (0 warscore); offer accepted
17-4 colonist to Cape Verde (successful)
1-7 moving 10k under Avranches at Figuig to Tlemcen capital for looting and sieging; moving 3k cavalry to capture Mzab
6-8 We have captured Mzab; split army in two to capture Touggourt and Quargla (no enemy in sight); 20k army still sieging Oujda; retreating remaining army (9k infantry and 6k cavalry) at Figuig to Fes
10-9 Afonso V became the new ruler; I’m glad to see a better ruler
11-9 We have captured Touggourt and Quargla
15-9 Sieging army at Oujda retreats; destination and reason unknown (Oujda would have collapsed within an estimated 3 months)
18-9/19-8 defeated 1k while sieging Tlemcen capital
27-9/28-9 defeated 1k while sieging Tlemcen capital

1-11 current situation:

All things considered, not bad. One personal comment. I had 20 pics stored for 1419-1429 and 20 for 1429-1439. And discovered after post 1 that you can only post 10 pics. This really sucks. Oh well, you just have to do with these ones. I'm not going to change from a 10year post to a 5 year post since I really don't need the extra work and I doubt you would like that.
So, in total, this AAR will have 40 posts of 10 years each and another 40 with an update at the beginning of each session (reason for the 40 update posts is that this way you still get a nice amount of pics, instead of just 10).
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1439 Update

World news:


Novgorod exists no more (annexed by Muscowy).
Ryazan exists no more (annexed by Muscowy).
A new nation called Kazan has rebelled out of the Golden Horde.
Burgundy controls almost the entire Low Lands.
A new nation called France has emerged out of Dauphine. They’ve engulfed Foix, Orleans and Bourbonnais. France is on the road of becoming a serious threat to our alliance.
And, of course, Hungary has again lost several provinces.

Portuguese Info
Domestic Policy:
aristocracy = 4
centralization = 7
innovative = 3
mercantilism = 9
offensive = 5
land = 1
quality = 5
serfdom = 6

Land 1
Naval 2
Stability 2
Trade 2
Infra 2

Navy: 28 warships; 5 transports
Army: 16.8k infantry; 10.8k cavalry

Avranches (3-3-3-0)

Monarch = Afonso V

19 cities
1 colony

Other info:
Badboy 21.3
VP 251

Explorations the last decade:
Explorer Gancalo Velho (2-1-1) 1-january-1432 - 18-september-1435:

Explorer Gil Eanes (3-1-1) 1-january-1433 - 9-october-1436:

Explorer Affonso Gonçalves Baldaia (2-2-2) 1-january-1436 - 1-january-1437:
died in pain on the way home due to some strange disease; his crew made it without him and appears to be in good health; seeing the lack of supplies, the Navy Admiral suspects cannibalism, but there is no proof.

Another personal note: I might have some trouble maintaining my fleet, since I'm not allowed to disband any, and I really really really REALLY hate to waste naval/land forces. This means that an explorer is always (always!) on his own, without ships as back up. So, could happen that a explorer goes a bridge to far, ...
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sainte-therese said:
Me too, this is certainly an interesting one.

I want to thank you all for the enthusiasm.

As you all know,
without an audience, no show.
So stick around,
and pray I don't get burned to the ground.
Seeing all those rules,
you must consider me one of the greatest fools.
But I shall not despair,
and hope to win fair and square.

Incredible. These words just went right out of my fingers through the keyboard onto the screen. If you knew me, you'd drop dead from amazement.

Now, what about the applause?

I can't hear you...

I still can't hear you...

:D :D :D
*remains very silent*


Wow, Nagel, actually you're doing very well. This AAR is a good advert for the MyMAP mod...I was wondering how it came out in game action and your AAR & screens look very interesting. Any chance we'll have a Kasperus Map AAR soon?