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Dec 11, 2004
Genoa 1419:

A pretty decorated office in the vibrant and growing city of Genoa, capital of the Republic of Genoa and Venice, a man and a woman are sitting behind a desk

"Welcome loyal viewers"
"Indeed, hello to all those tuning in to Genoa News, which is all of you as we have only just started up thanks to the benevolence of our newest ruler"
"Steve and I are here to provide you, the citizens of Genoa with the latest news that is effecting our glorious country and to a lesser extent, the rest of the world"
"In fact Sara, this is our glorious nation here"

"It sure is Steve, as you can see Genoa controls the major trading outposts in the mediterrean, with Sardinia, Corsica, Malta and Venice all voluntary participants in the Genoese nation. You can also see how the Balereas wants to join our nation too but the cruel Muslim overlords are preventing them, I hope that we do something about that, as do our viewers I am sure"
"I think we all hope that"
"We also control much of the trade on the mediterrean and have a the biggest fleet we know about,"

"For those viewers who don't know what the world looks like *sniggers* we also have a handy map to show the major powers of 1419"

"Cordoba, seem to be the biggest after having taken back Iberia from the Christians, Gaul as you can see is split with Burgundy, Savoy and Brittany holding areas and small duchies holding the rest, Ireland sits at the edge of Europe and is rumored to be going even further west with Scotland in a dominant position on the English island itself. Bavaria profited from the destruction of Austria and its web of marriages secured it much of the HRE (Holy Roman Empire for very ignorant Italians)"
"And above them is the mercantilist Hanseatic league and the Union of Kalmar, which I beleive is fighting the breakaway Norwegians, Hungary and the Teutonic Order are also visible. As well as the Byzantines holding back the infidel in Anatoilia, viewers must remember the Byzantine friendship with Genoa since the Genoese help against the treaherous crusaders and their Venetian allies many years ago"
Genoan AAR in the aberration mod as I am sure you all guessed, I think it is normal/normal but I forgot to check when I started so :eek:o

Will be charting the fortunes of Genoa and Europe through the campaign and I am very open to readers opinions on who to kill next :)

Also thanks to Faello and Cobjor, both of whom I have stolen ideas off :cool:
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Genoa 1426:

"Welcome back, the last 7 years have been truely violent and we are happy to share them with you to increase your support of our new ruler Allesandro Adorno, all praise him"
"He sure has led Genoa to glory, even if our treasury has lost 1000 ducats in those 7 years, I am sure it was for a good cause"
"It was, first of all the evil filthy heathen of Algeria was attacked to claim the islands of Mallorca and Majorca and Ibiza, which the higher echelons of Genoa have deemed absolutely necessary to the continuation of the republics ideals"
"Hey Sara, you don't think they just want it as a holiday resort do you?"
"I do not think that such things can be said to the populace, so shhussshhh"
"Right you are *smiles broadly at the camera* please forget my earlier unwarranted slander against our lawful rulers"
"The war against Algeria was easily won by our troops, with a detachment of men taking the Balereas and another taking the capital with no resistance encountered anywhere, our top tacticians have determined this was because they were afraid of the mightyness and godfearingness of our troops scared the enemy."
"errrr....sure maybe. Anyway the cowardly algerians gave up the Balereas for peace and our men went back to Genoa"

"However the Pope also deserved to die *offstage*anyone got a reason for the invasion of the papacy No?*turns back to the camera* As I was saying the Pope was in league with drunken muslim morris dancers trying to destabilise the country and had to be invaded, now we called our allies but Milan and Romanga had been subverted by the Pope already and so only Sicily answered our call"


"Here we have a rare picture of the morris dancers in question"
"Anyway the Sicilians foolishly stole our seiges and so at the end Genoa did not appear to own any territory whilst Siena went to Sicily and the Pope was now in vassalage to Sicily, however we, knowing the evil of Genoa decided to annex them anyway"
"Umm steve, you said Genoa when it was perfectly obvious that you meant the Papacy"
"Of course, freudian slip by me there *looks nervous*"
"After the annexation of the Pope the Sicilians attacked Romagana and we of course joined our allies and sent our best general to take command of the seige to help the Sicilians, however this unfortunately meant the city surrendered to Genoa and our general decided to take matters into his own hands by annexing them"
"Now a map of Genoa in 1426"

"Here is another map showing the situation as it stands in Italy with the fiendish Milanese building troops and being generally evil. Also it shows the glorious Genoese fleet taking a pleasure cruise round Sardinia"

"In world news the hussies in Bohemia *looks pleased at the pun* are being disemblowled by the forces of Catholism in Bavaria and Hungary, Cordoba are attempting to destory the remaining Christian kingdoms in the North of Iberia"
"Yes a big Cordoba could cause problems for us here, but we know that the Genoese army will stop the Allah worshipping mohammdistians"
"Scotland seem to have beaten the Union of Kalmar as well, Jutland is now eating Haggis and wearing Kilts"
"War does some truly horrific things, but I am sure we can hope that a coalition will crush those scots and make everything right in the world"
"Also Byzantium has started fighting the Kingdom of Jeruslem, a strange diplomatic situation as the Kaliphate is eager to eat both of them but...."
"Be sure to tune in at 9 for more tales of how bad Milan really are...."
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El Vito!

This AAR is so good Ive decided to make myself a leader in this great country.

A little boy was running along the small river crossing the beautiful plains in northern Genoa. He was very happy. He ran and ran and ran, he loved to just walk out in the free and look at the nature and admire the work of God.

-Vito! The food is ready! A distant voice called, which turned out to be his mother.

His mother was the best cooker in miles and he loved coming home after a long walk to find all kinds of cheese and hams on the table.

-So, Vito, how has your day been?
-Oh mum! It has been wonderful! I saw birds and bees and the most gorgeous little badger!
-How lovely dear!

And so the days continued, until, one day he heard like thousands of drums...
He looked over the hill and to his despair he saw tired, brutal looking men crossing the little river and moving towards the little village he lived in.
He was paralyzed by fear but when he began to think of his family he immideately woke up from his paralization.

-Mother!Mother! Where are you?

He ran through the burning village in search of his family, but he couldnt find them.
At last, he heard a tired voice calling his name and he ran towards the voice.

-Mother! What has happened!
-Vito..She said, very tired.
Vito, run, you fool!

Vito got even more scared thus he had never heard his mother that firm before, so he ran.
He ran and ran and ran, and finally a city appeared in the horizon, Genoa.
When he got there the war had been over for some time and the victory had fallen to Genoa, as always.
Determined to avenge his mother he search for the nearest recruiting office, he was going to join the army.

-'Ello there, little fella'! A large and robust voice said.
-Hi, Sir! I am here to join the genoese army!

The man laughed.

-Arent we a lil' too young for that, lil' fella'?
-Well, I amy be young but I can fight like a bear!

The recruiting officer, who was a very nice and understanding man, agreed to let the boy try out his skills.

-ARGH!Not me foot! You were supposed to hit the wooden pole!
-Sorry, Sir, I didnt mean to...

The officer let it slip and after that there were no more accidents, but the boy proved to be useless in the fighting skills.

-Well, I cant let you join the army, mate, it wouldnt be healthy for a young lil' fella' like yourself.
-But, Sir, I have nowhere else to go! Please, I need somewhere to stay and I need food!

As previously stated, the officer was a very understanding man, and he let the boy be his assistant and they trained together every day.
In 1419 Allesandro Adorno rose to power in Genoa and the rumours quickly spread, war was coming...
Vito saw his chance and joined the regular army, he was still a bit young but old enough for the army.

His first task was to go to Mallorca and fight the infidels, which he did, with great success. He was immidiately promoted to Captain and then Adorno turned his eyes on Roma, home of the Pope.

The geonese armies task was once again enlightened by the appearence of a young captain.
He fought the papal soldiers with great succes and therefore he recieved the rank of Lieutenant General.

In a matter of years, the little farm-boy had become one of the most brilliant leaders in the genoese army, at the chocking age of 24,6!
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the genoese general died shortly after peace had been signed with the Papal States and thus he recieved the rank of General.

Who knows what plans Adorno now has for him..?
Cool Absolut, taking an idea from Fnuco's AAR (I steal too much :eek: ) , I'll add you in as a leader, well you have been made into a 4-2-2 leader, (cos you run fast apparently :) )I will be sure to list your *cough* exploits */cough* :cool:
An amusing beginning! I see a showdown with the evil Milanese in the future.
CatKnight said:
An amusing beginning! I see a showdown with the evil Milanese in the future.

Well I played on a bit and killed the Milanese and their 40K army (damn AI bonus) then got killed by Savoy and Bavaria with General Absolut running to Venice in terror ;) . So a new strategy seems to be called for :)
bluelotus said:
Looks good Bob ;) I want to see a unite italy by 1450 from you :D Oh yeah I'm very good at everything IRL so put me in as a base 6-6-6-2 leader :D

*Drops jaw to floor* That's even better then Nappy!
"Breaking news from the front, where brave Genoans are fighting against the numerous and evil Milanese"
"By god they have a lot of men, looks like Italy really is the land of baby creating *winks*"
"I am not going out with you Steve, anyway first into the fray was general Bluelotus, a superb but rather foolhardy general, here we see his first battle against Milanese troops, it looks like he is charging 50,000 men with only 8,000 of his own, what happens?"

"As you can see from the map below he had the advantage of surprise, but would that be enough?"

"It turns out he and his army were killed in less than a day"
"Too bad"
"Stay tuned for more news from the Milanese-Genoan war"
Genoa 1430:

"Welcome back, today was the historic day when we have finally secured peace with the last of our enemies, who had hoped to stop us in our righteous goal of uniting Italy, and although many died for these small gains made by our Doge it has been worth it."
"And the heroes of this war, General Absolut and General Gattelma have returned to a parade spontaneuously held by our populace."
"The war began with a strike on Mantua and Emilia by the forces of Gattelma and somonelse who we can't remember, whilst the Milanese army moved on our capital trying to take our mighty city."

"Whilst we were seiging Emilia General Absolut took the vanguard of the army into Milan itself and took it with few casulties"
"However the fleet was being repeatedly beaten by the Milanese and Savoy fleets"

"Savoy? were they in that war?"
"Well yes, you see people became annoyed at our expansion and during the milanese war Genoa in fact were fighting: Milan, Savoy, Burgundy, Bavaria, Styria, Swabia, Baden, the Hansa and the Kalmar Union"
"Quite impressive"
"But Genoa is peace-loving really for all those foreigners out there, so no need to attack us again"
"Yes, very peaceloving, so here is the result from the surrender of Milan, Genoa is being seiged by Savoy here as well"

And here is one of Geneal Absolut's victories, where his army killed 20,000 of 23,000 Bavarians who had attempted to intervene"

"ahhhhhh......I have such a crush on that general he is so cute"
"Lets keep on subject here Steve, with Absolut and Gattelma slaughtering the enemies troops they were soon forced to come to terms with Genoa and recognise their possesion of Mantua and Emilia as well as paying indemnities for the cattle they scared while marauding round the countryside."

"In international news nothing happened, well Cordoba did lose part of their evil filthy heathen ridden country to a independence movement and Bohemia got properly 0wned by Poland and Hungary and Swabia. See you folks next week and remember to watch Great Military Blunders in an hour, this week General Bluelotus's charge"
Dr Bob said:
See you folks next week and remember to watch Great Military Blunders in an hour, this week General Bluelotus's charge"

*Puts a tape into the VCR*