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I like all African AARs since I read tom's XHOSA. one pagan minor nation takes over the world.

Good luck with the Ashanti. just make sure those Portugese don't reach you unprepared. :rolleyes:
Not everyday you see an african AAR. Hope you complete it!
Part 1

Somewhere in africa

The Ashanti

In the year of our lords (well i am pagan arent I?) 1419 the ashanti were a small 2 province nation that produced Ivory. and lots of it. I suppose i know now why it's called Ivory Coast.

Everybody needs good neighbours

..Which unfortunatly Ashanti didnt have. to the north were two warring muslim nations, Mali and Songhai. to my immediate west was terra incognita and a bit of Mali which stuck out. To the east was the Nation of Dahomey (Referred to as the Elephant People affectionatly cause of their flag) and to the east of that Benin, which Had a CoT in Ivoria(Ivory Again!) Ashanti,Benin and Dahomey were all pagan and didnt plan to convert to Mohamedism any time soon.

Immediate Editing

As soon as i had checked my boundaries i ordered the construction of a 5k army in my coastal province and put quality up some more on the DP sliders. this was going to be my immediate protection force. it consisted of 4000 infantry and 1000 cavalry. I decided on Dahomey as my first victim. but before i could get a diplomat they signed an alliance with Benin which was 3 times bigger than me and alot richer and stronger. Dang.But then! Dahomey invited me to their alliance.i joined their alliance. To the north Songhai and Mali were beating eachother up. aha! i said. as soon as my army had done i DoWed Mali (which was losing) and marched my army into Ninai (or something like that) and began a siege. Mali was too busy and i took Ninai after 6 months. i built a warship. my army moved onto the next province and took that, then took the capital. Songhai agreed to peace in exchange for a province off Mali and 6 gold. however this province cut me off from the other (I think it was called something like Wadhraninsk). i got military acsess and took the other probvince. in the peace i demanded all their provinces (including the cut-off one) except their capital plus vassalization. they accepted. The Chief of the Akan Council(Akan council is my monarch) was paraded through the streets of Kumasi, my capital. i couldnt believe my eyes.


I exchanged maps with benin and they revealed one of their provinces north of the Niger river. I signed a royal marriage with dahomey too.

The Economy

Ashanti was now the top producer of Ivory and slaves in the whole world. i have 206 coins left. (600 at the start)

Extract from the history book 'the rise of the Ashanti'

The Akan Council met at Kumasi in 1420.
"Let us smash and pummel our neighbours!" yelled the bald and fearsome Warlord Kuti
"But who?" asked the elected chief Butyasi.
"I suggest Mali" said Warlord Kamati "they are weak and are distracted because of their war with the Songhai"
The council agreed. only two warlords voted against it, Malasi and Natas.
"So it is then!" Butyasi said.
The Council burst into cheers and laughter.

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as i did playing it :D . screenshots coming soon.
Duke of Wellington said:
I am enjoying this :) Never read an AAR of the region (or even played it) before so looking forward to this. Good luck. BTW can you see as far as Morocco?

I cannot see morocco no. i think its about 6 provinces away from my northernmost province.
British Patriot said:
I cannot see morocco no. i think its about 6 provinces away from my northernmost province.

That ain't so great. Must be suffering a pretty bad isolation penalty. Are you planning to make friends with Morocco when they arrive? They seem to have a nasty habit of conquering all of West Africa. If you do make friends with them I hope its to stab them in the back later :D
@DukeWellington as soon as morocco is found they shall be conquered and added to my empire (hopefully :D )
@abdul Jabar glad your enjoyijng it.
@Grundius A united states of africa maybe? :rofl:
@Fiftypence The screenshot looks nice
Part 2

War with songhai

Now that Mali had been shown who the boss was, i decided to crush that other muslim superpower of that region, Songhai. I DoWed them in 1438 and my allies joined in. they had the biggest army in west africa so i was cautious and sneaked into towns where their army wasnt going. they took my northern province that was separated but i took bambuk,bure and say. Dahomey took one below that and the Songhai agreed to peace giving up bure (which was vital because it made gold) and 178 Ducats for peace. The other allies got nothing but a thanks off me :) Now Songhai was split into isolated parts and they didnt like it very much.

Diplomatic Events

To celebrate the crushing victory, I Diplo-Vassalized Dahomey. i also signed a royal marriage with benin.

Letter, Professor John Guilding to Professor Bill Smith

Dear Bill,
Recently while on a expedition in West africa i recovered a ashanti spear in Bure. I always thought that bure was Songhai, but maybe, just maybe the Ashanti took it. We also found Ashanti pieces of clay with writing in Twi (Ashanti's Offical Language) which look like they were used for a Book.

A Algerian Merchants report on Akan Council

The Tribal leaders are always clad in armor and carry long spears. Their illegible language sounds very strange and bizzare. They Follow their own beliefs and not the True Beliefs of Allah. They seem to know nothing of the art called trading and when i asked in my rather bad Twi they thought i was mad. They are a Uncivilized nation.

Extract from the history book 'The rise of the Ashanti'

Now that the ashanti had grown so strong and had enslaved the people of Mali and vasslized Dahomey, they were now almost the strongest power in West Africa (They were about on par with benin at the moment) They seeked to conquer more to the north and reach timbuktu.