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Grandpa Maur
Apr 10, 2001
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Well, this doesn't mean i won't finish Timurid AAR. I just need a break, some small nice little state, with strictly limited objectives, so i won't have 200'000 provinces to oversee:D

I decided to conquer only state culture provinces (will see, if i will restrain myself:D). Well, i was thinking of three states. Burgundy (French, Dutch and German)-too big and powerful. One lucky war, and you eliminated France. Nay.
Navarra. Basque Iberian and French. Nice choice, but i don't want to eliminate Castille (France can go:D), and besides, i will colonize a bit, and their first culture is Basque. I wouldn't stand Basque Africa, for example...

So here goes Navarra. Italian and French. Two richest European regions at the beginning, small enough (though not that hard as Navarra. Hower, one war won by Navarra with alliance against France can make it powerful. Here, i would have to annex someone)
Cool. Let the fight begin!
Ah, i will play coward. I want to see if Denmark will still Dow Ottomans constantly...(and Very Hard, of course). Hmmm, i wonder. Ah, it's not historic game. I won't disband Byzantine armies using Richelieu code:D

Let's see... DP sliders rather shitty, low offensive (my preferred) and also land. Aristocracy, serf and average quality. Mercantilism, average narrowmindeness. (hmm, i will stay catholic, i suppose. I will go for 6 Inventiveness, to get .10 missionary per year, just in case:D) This means only 1 colonists per year, from shipyard. Or should i go for free trade then? We'll see. Though Africa can eat big numbers of colonists...
Ah, and of course i'm decentralized.
Well, i wonder... should i strike and annex Milan asap? I could wait with my army in mountains, or buy some cavalry and try to decimate the on their plains...
Too bad, i don't have any money... just built tax collector... wait then...

Oh, game hunged up... Change of tactic, i will buy cavalry, and go for Milan then. It's sign from Allah (oops, i'm not Timurid, sorry:D)
Ooops, not really. They got some leader, and i won't risk with my lousy leaders and small economy. Some other time, then.

Hmmm, Siena Dowed Papal States... quite close to me, isn't it?

(btw, i hate limits on smiles in one post. It doesn't allow to express myself fully;))
Latest annexations.

Orleans by England.
Granada by Castille (gibraltar goes to knigts :eek:)
Ryazan by Muscovy
Candar by Ottomans

Oh, it's so sad... Papal states Dowed Ottomans. I suppose soon everyone will be after them (meanwhile, showdon between Trebizond and Dukadir, who wins annexes;)). Hmmm, Karaman Dowed Dukadir too. I won't bet on them, then.

Lol. Denmark Dowed Teke. Smart bastards, they though i won't notice that Teke is allied with Ottomans...

Lol, that was funny. Gues who annexed Dukadir in the end? Ak Koyunlu

Hmmm, Muscovy is expanding. They Dowed Tver. Having 52k army, against 10 Tverians, i don't doubt the result...

White peace between Lenape and Creek. Jesus, between what???

It's so sad. I mean, what they want? Ottomans doesn't have rich provinces, why everyone Dowed them?Ah, did i say Portugal got Tangiers? Nice:)

Speaking of it... we have war.. Castille dowed Knights (they hold Gibraltar, remember) but Portugal is allied with Knights...and Aragon also. Though Navarra is on Castille side. As do Naples. We'll see

Aaaarh, Smyrna to Portugal, full annexation of Teke by Bremen... Paradox, what is this? I mean, WHY didn't you made starting relations? Or some CB shields? So not all those stupid Dows? Why France doesn't dow Ottomas? Because they have enough to do at home. Shhhh...
Or Tunisia Dowing Nubia. Fat chance they will get military acces from Mamelukes...

Speaking of it, Byzanines are sieging Dauphine:D. And Tver got annexed by Moscov. Few Seconds after, Lithuania Dowed Muscovy.
Apulia to Portugal. Oh, and i got 100d from random event :)
It's 1426, i have 176d, and those bastard Cagliari seems to be dead. Now, to war!
Hey, Byzantines acutally captured Dauphine. If they will get in peace treay, i'm gonna kill some Swedes IRL:D

JESUS, I AM THAT STUPID? I didn't checked Milan alliances... Cool, Austria and Swiss. Goodbay, Savoy..

Cool, 40k allied troops are sieging both of my provinces, while i slaugtered Milano army and captured the city. I noticed Modena is in their alliance to, so i will elimiante them first.

Hehe, Helvetia sues for white peace. Nice :) So only 21k of Austrians sieging Piemont. Meanwhile, Mantua is about to fall. I didn't annexed Milan yet, i don't want any Dows from Papal states, for example...RM all my neigbours, maybe this will stop them from attacking me...

Suzdal got annexed by Lithuania. I have strange feeling that Moscov will follow soon, they have only one province left...Lol, Genoa decided that they want to stop Lithuania... I mean, is this some Risk game or what? I want to play some ROTW nation...Oh, Aragon Dowed Lithuania too. Ragusa too. I think that Suzdal thingie was one of Europe pillars :p

Had to take a loan... with both of my provinces plundered, my income from Genoa Cot was too small to maintain my oversized army...

Scotland Dowed Lithuania. Meanwhile, I annexed Milan:) and Mantua, too. Which means, i have rather bad reputation. I hope i will make peace with Austrians soon...

Ak Konlyu expanded very much, now it stretches from Volga to Tigris. Bremen Dowed me, and Castille Lithuania (good, i would fear the opposite:D)

What a relief!Signed Peace with Austria, only have to pay 50d:)

Ah, i earn 66d in annual tax:) Very, very nice. I will easily be able to repay that loan...

Hmmm, another DP reform... I wonder, centralization (production income) or offensive? I will lay low for a while, but i have quite low offesive, it would take me many decades to raise it to 10... Ok, offensive to 6.
Re: too bad

Originally posted by Ernst
Quite a silly world you're playing in, isn't it ? :D
Hey, what do you mean by that?

Oh, well:

Oh, shit... I was happily watching as Europe bloods herself to death in constant wars (remember, i play coward setting...), when, without a reason (c'mon, i annexed Milan and Mantua ten years ago, do they have that long memory?) Dowed me... needless to say, with Austria too, good that i have some saved cash...
uh, no. Just got that loan to repay. It means, i only have 58d...

Hehe. My army in Piemont beaten back Helvetians:)
Meanwhile, revolt in Mantua, and Austrians are sieging Savoie and Milan. Halvetians demand cash from me, not that much, but i'm gaining upper hand...won four battles already and sieging both their provinces.
oops lost a battle... well, if they will offer peace next time, i won't say no:D
And the did, second later. White peace, to be exact.

I have wrecked relations with all of Europe... Mecklemburg, alone, declared war. Good that I have decent relations with French, they have some 120k armies on my borders...

Mwhahahaha. Byzantium got annexed by Ragusa...Actually, Bosnia and Ragusa are quite powerhouses. Former took Apulia (from mighty Portugal...)

Castille seems to be pretty furious about the Gibraltar possesion of Knights... Dowed them again. And again, Knights are allied with Portugal and Aragon.

Random event, casus belli against Brabant. Sure i am going to use it :rolleyes:. I would like CB against France, they seems to have lost their armies...

Geez, that Mecklembur thingie got some fixation about me... Dowed again...
And then by Knights... well, along with Aragon and Portugal, of course. Not that i'm afraid:D They tend to land in Piemonte, and it's very hard to succesfully disembark in defended mountain province. I mean VERY HARD.

Pommern is real cashcow. It was totally occupied by Poland some time ago (already down to one province), but they aren't annexing them for strange reason. Nevertheless, Pommern is in some alliances, and because it doesn't control anything, everyone at war against it immediatly get 100%. So Pommern starts sending nice peace offers. Like the last one 772d to Muscovy. I think Pommern is supported by some countries then...

Hehe. After losing few battles, Knights paid me 125d. It compensated for my lost troops only, probably.

Ooops, Denmark diplo-annexed Sweden. Sigh...

Bremen is going colonial. They got Teke, and Danzig(!). Poland, in retribution, annexed Pommern finally...
Meanwhile, i assimilated Milano and Mantua. And Europe doesn't hate me anymore. So i can think about France now...:D
I have 900d in treasury, decent income (especially taxes) and offensive slider moved 4 times, so now i have shock 3 commanders and better morale. I will wait till France Dow someone, then..

btw, it's strange. In all my games, Benin is doing very good. Havard tradition?:D
Hehe, i even married my arch-eneimes, Mecklemburg... :rolleyes:

I got CB against Auveregne. Speaking of it, why can't i acces other screen when i have event? I would want to know what to choose, it depends who Auveregne is allied to...

Lithuanians are really fond of trashing Muscovy. They got Nizhorod and Pskov, Muscovy is down to two provinces... I wonder, can Lithuania become Russia?:D

Got into alliance with Aragon. Might be useful against France:)(i hope they will soon get some more members)

Muscovy has gone nuts... Dowed Novgorod... They will trash them, surely.

Got random event, 5 warships. What for i need them? Anyway, i won't disband them (as i did with those 15 galleys). I have now much higher income, i can afford it. And i think wof stealing rutters:) (i actually have naval strategy, so quite high naval morale)
Aragon get Austria and Portugal into our alliance:) Cool

Aragon Dowed Ottomans. The bad news are that Austira dishonored:(. Ah, and don't expect me to participate in this stupid crusade:D. Good news that they rejoined second ago:rolleyes:
France annexed Auveregne. Which means two things:
1)Bad-more troops in France.
2)Good-I have CB on them for two years

Which won't be needed, because... France DECLARED WAR ON ARAGON!(actually, those are bad news. I suppose they will sign peace, and i will get nothing. Nevertheless, i will join. Maybe i will try to sign peace with France ally, so i will wage this war myself)
Oh, and i'm unprepared to. Only 23k army, and i don't have much manpower (8k per year, 17k currently)

First battle in Savoie, killed their 15k army:)

Mine is now 36k cavalry. My upkeep skyrocketed to 5d per month :eek:. I have big treasury, though.
Hehe, i even married my arch-eneimes, Mecklemburg... :rolleyes:

I got CB against Auveregne. Speaking of it, why can't i acces other screen when i have event? I would want to know what to choose, it depends who Auveregne is allied to...

Lithuanians are really fond of trashing Muscovy. They got Nizhorod and Pskov, Muscovy is down to two provinces... I wonder, can Lithuania become Russia?:D

Got into alliance with Aragon. Might be useful against France:)(i hope they will soon get some more members)

Muscovy has gone nuts... Dowed Novgorod... They will trash them, surely.

Got random event, 5 warships. What for i need them? Anyway, i won't disband them (as i did with those 15 galleys). I have now much higher income, i can afford it. And i think wof stealing rutters:) (i actually have naval strategy, so quite high naval morale)
Aragon get Austria and Portugal into our alliance:) Cool

Aragon Dowed Ottomans. The bad news are that Austira dishonored:(. Ah, and don't expect me to participate in this stupid crusade:D. Good news that they rejoined second ago:rolleyes:
France annexed Auveregne. Which means two things:
1)Bad-more troops in France.
2)Good-I have CB on them for two years

Which won't be needed, because... France DECLARED WAR ON ARAGON!(actually, those are bad news. I suppose they will sign peace, and i will get nothing. Nevertheless, i will join. Maybe i will try to sign peace with France ally, so i will wage this war myself)
Oh, and i'm unprepared to. Only 23k army, and i don't have much manpower (8k per year, 17k currently)
First battle in Savoie, killed their 15k army:)

Mine is now 36k cavalry. My upkeep skyrocketed to 5d per month :eek:. I have big treasury, though.

BASTARDS! Aragon signed white peace... I suspect they were actually bribed by France, for i now would have to break truce...
I will do it, i wonder, if it mean higer BB penalty...

Had 6, now i have 7. Which means that DOW with CB, same religion is 1 BB point. Ah, Austira dishonored. Dows lower your relations, dunno if with all countries, or specific ones (like married to victim). Nevertheless, i'm pretty much alone. I have strange feeling that those Aragon cowards will sign peace soon...

Stupid froggies:D. They assembled 50k army in Languedoc, and attacked my siege force (which i quickly reinforced, so it was 20k cavalry) in Provence. DOesn't they know, that one shouldn't attack mountains on the other side of the river? No one survived. Of them, of course. Ah, btw, Aragon signed peace. I'm yet to see more decadent people. Only Might Portugal stand alongside with me (They got three provinces in Asia Minor, though lost Oporto to Spain)

I want to capture their coastal provinces. It's 1465 already, and i don't want to own French colonies later (needles to say, France itself has to go:D)
The bad thing is that England, despite having +83 relations, doesn't want to give me military acces. I won't even ask Burgundy, i have -80 with them...

Uh, i have 7d per month military maintenance... and income is only 10d per month. It's costly war, indeed.
On a side note, Benin annexed Dahomey. Havard, are you there?

Anyway, war is going easily. Already captured two provinces, sieging five more, no sign of French army. Cool:cool:

Oh, Scots are sieging Piemonte:eek: they must have slipped in there past my fleet...

Meanwhile, Poland diplo-annexed Brandenbur. Expanding into northern Germany again, and people wonder why they so often turn protestant...

Random event, Manpower in Lombardia +1. That's the kind of random event i like:)
Oh, and Danes landed, too. Sieging Savoy...

I attacked Scots in Piemonte. Barely lost, but at least there aren't enough of them to continue siege, and the fort was about to fall. I will attack them soon again. Danes, who have 12k force, would probably capture my capital, though...

Well, most of France's provinces fallen, so i gathered my troops and attacked Danes. Lost, of course. On a bright side, my fleet sunk Scotish one:), so i was able to sign WP

Oh, i have 99% victory over France. I doubt i will get much more:D, so probably time to sign peace?
Lol, just noticed that Denmark have EXACTLY the same flag as i. Does it mean i should like them? So why they are attacking me?

Oooh, France accepted 98% peace:) I got Vendee, Berri, Auveregne, Lyonnais, Dauphine, Provence and Languedoc. Geez, that's much. I can expect 30 years of rebellions then...

Ok, here it goes, summary.

Navy: 5 warships (25 Supportable) 0,6 upkeep
Army: 26'000 cavalry (48 supportable) 1,0 upkeep
Manpower 36'000
Income: 24,6- i had 11 before the war:)
i also get 158d in census taxes.
Tech is 3/2 Slightly behind, most have 4 or 3, Swiss and Mecklemburg have 5
and 2/3-pretty high, i don't have much neigbour bonus for that
DP settings (after last reform this year, centralization)
Aristocracy 9
Centralization 2
Innovativeness 4
Mercantilism 8
Offensive 9
Land 4
Quality 6
Serfdom 7

I pland more centralization and free the peasantry next.

Ah, and reputations went from slightly tarnished to very bad. So my relations doesn't raise anymore, instead they are beign lowered. Well, i'm not surprised i quintupled my size in past fifty years:D

(ah, Zamojski, coward?I said, i will TRY to restrain myself:D-seriously, i meant i've choosen coward option in startup menu (you know, coward, normal, furious, agresiveness setting). And you can see i'm not the one who start those wars. Actually, Europe wars are no different from furious setting. And i only started two of them)
Lol, Timurid empire got in first place with VP:eek: 400! I was below zero with them, until i conquered India...

Hah, i'm Timurid at heart i think. England Dowed Scotland, i had +120 relations with England, so i left my Aragonese alliance (cowards!)and joined English one. Which means i'm again at war against France:D

Oh, on a side note, 55k Venetian army is marching into Mantua. Knights Dowed me again...

i'm in desperate need to make peace with Kleves or Cologne, but i suppose i have more time now, England won't make peace with Scots that quick.

Ah, did i mention i have almost no standing army? Got killed fighting the rebels...:D

What do you think, what is better, offensive or defensive strategy? Venetians are sieging mantua with 55k army, but only about 3k cavalry... They have siege bonus, so they have high defensive. I have offensive 9, and i'm going to attack with 22k cavalry. Mantua are plains. Any bets?:D
Actualln, when i arrived, there were 65k of them, 10k cavalry. Guess what? I lost 6'000, they lost 40'000 of troops...

This is nuts... Scotland rejected my peace offer, 15%, i offered them 350d...

Another battle against venice. This time my 12k cavalry against their 35k. Not that good this time, i lost 10, and they 30:D
Also, hired court painter. Inventiveness +1:)

Castille turned into Spain. and btw, Venice managed to take Mantua almost immediatly:(

Oh, Papal States entered Venetians alliance. Everyone has CB against me now... Oh, not that i care:D
Well, after slaugtering 60k Papal army in Milan, i feel that i should vassalize them:D.
I have real problem with Venice. I want their Cot, but it means i would have to get all their lands before. Land which i don't want at all. Like Korfu. But i suppose if not i, nobody will put end to their sorry existence:D
Uh... Venetians took advantage of my expedition to Papal States, and blitzed through my Italian possesions, took Milan and Mantua in no-time... I have rather evil idea:D When multiplaying, there is unbeatable alliance. One player should have high Offensive, and Other Defensive value... First goes ahead and sweeps clean enemy armies, and second blitz their fortresses. Cool:cool:

Got dowed by Denmark. What is funny, i didn't noticed that France, my beloved France(or rather French rich provinces:D)is allied to them. Only after they began getting into my country, i noticed it...
Well, that's three real wars going on at one time. Not that i fear that, of course:D. But inflation is at 5% (in case of that nice event:)), i won't raise it more . We'll see, i think it wouldn't be a problem. After vassalizing Papal States, I will turn my Mongol Hordes on France. Ooops, i think i'm Timuridian, really:D

Oh, Tuscany Dowed me. Must...show...restrain... Don't annex them, this, along with wrecking France totally (my priority), and Venice (second priority) will ruin my reputation for long years...

Naaaah, Genoa too. I can't stand it, i HAVE to have those provinces:D

Let's face the truth. you're warmonger, Maur:D

(hmmm, why i'm already annexing them in my mind?They have 150k army together, nay, o don't care:D)
Re: Re: Re: Re: too bad

Originally posted by Maur13

Ouch. Don't be so bad, me no good English, no:D;)

....nice! - and yes I think that in MP it will be pretty powerful to have one country go totally offensive and another defensive....the same with Land/navel....England and Russia against the world ...muahahaha:D
Hmm, 1494. I overrun whole France, though they still hold Friesland. I'm feeding Burgundy with cash, so they will give me military acces, though:D.
Annexed Naples and Tuscany. Another bad news are that Modena just declared war. It seems we will have another annexation soon...
Anyway. Timurid are still first. I would really like to have their maps, usually they get severe beating... Soon, they will turn into Mughals, though...
And Muscovy is down to one province. Which make me wonder, will they be annexed by Novgorod before turning into Russia, or after? It's not so acedemic question, you know...
Ah, Venice is offering me four provinces in peace, because i won over forty battles with them :D
Well. How i coulnd't annex them, when they Dow me, and i wanted to annex them later? Anyway, there are no Italian states anymore (except my ally, Genoa, and Venice, with only capital) France is only Isle de France:D. What else?I'm working on Aragon. I mean, Sicily, Messina, Sardinia and Rousillion. 8 BB points more, and i'm alreasdy worse than dishonorable scum...

Btw, i have common border with Poland. I own Pfalz, and they Hannover. As usual, expansion into Germany. Hmmm, which reminds me that not all is lost, because i want to lose about 6 of those new provinces.. Though i don't want to create Holland yet, i don't want to see it with capital in Friesland, no offense:D(i want to have Holland as ally, really)

Ah, and i got excellent commander, Bayard. 6 shock! With him, i will be able to capture Sardinia:)

Ah, and my research is laggin very much. Some countries already got arquebuses (fire phase), and i can't even assault yet. Some budgetin for past ten years... (i got two inflation decrease events, so it's still at 5%:))-now i'm switching to research, i will catch up very quickly, i suppose

Bayard is walking genius. I managed to defeat 35k Aragonese soldiers, with 23k cavalry. And it was against all rules of using cavalry, disembarking into mountain province...

Ok, war is over. Got those four provinces. Well, still only worse than dishonorable scum:D I wonder how much time will it get me to dishonorable scum:D

Anyway, i'm hoping i will get random something (conquistador or explorer), and colonize Africa. And, well, i will modernize country, too. And try to stay out of war. (though i will honor my alliance. Only people who don't hate me are England, Genoa and Bremen...)
Hmmm, France is still alive. I wonder, will we see French revolution in Ile de France?:D