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Second Lieutenant
Nov 7, 2005
So it begins!

this is my first AAR. i will be starting in 1419.

Objectives: make a greater Habsburg Empire.
Stop The Turks.
If i have time launch a crusade to Liberate Jerusalem and maybe capture mecca and medina and convert them to christianity. :cool: :cool: :cool: :rofl: :wacko: :cool:
That sounds interesting, good luck :D
Ohh...And welcome to the forum... :D
Excellent. I look forward to seeing where you take this. Enjoy being the Big White Blob. :D
coz1 said:
Excellent. I look forward to seeing where you take this. Enjoy being the Big White Blob. :D

:rofl: :rofl: i have heard legends of it! by the way, austria does get a hungary annexation event dont they?
Oooh, another Austrian AAR...

Well, i have done very poorly in my early years...

Are you playing AGCEEP or plain vanilla(normal EU2) ?
My recommendation is to lie low for now. In 1419 you're puny. Yeah, you can change that...but really there's no need. Time is on your side thanks to all the annexation events. (I forget when Milan is, as they're usually gone by then.) You eventually have a shot at Burgundy, and a virtual guarantee of Bohemia in 1526 and Hungary in 1540. Once you become the Big White Blob, THEN it'll be time to go on a rampage or eight :)

@ Wellington: im still quite new to he game but i pretty much know the basics and most of the advanced concepts of the game.
@ Semi-Lobster: Im gonna need it
@ Cat Knight: Good. i Doubt i could take them through war. im planning to stay low maybe get a few small provinces etc. ;)

Glad im getting attention. first part will come in a few hours

Quite eventful so far. i have a good alliance with hungary, bohemia and luxembourgh and a royal marriage with bavaria :D
An Austrian AAR

The Venician War

Good King Albert V looked out upon the city of wien (vienna). he saw a bustling little city full of traders and merchants. He had ruled since the Year Of Our Lord, 1404.
"who are our allies and friends?" he asked his foreign advisor who was looking through sheets of boring looking papers.
"Hungary is a good friend of ours" the foreign advisor advised
"Brilliant, send a ambassador to them"

In 1419 Austria was a small,poor little country. It allied with Hungary(The big bad boss of the alliance) which also brought into alliance with Bohemia (The alliance idiot), Sienburgen(the complete wannabe of the alliance) and Luxembourg(both of the above)

However there was a catch.....
Hunagry was at war with venice and through the alliance austria declared war on venice. at first things went well and a siege was started in Istria. The Hungarians joined in but the winter of 1419 was bitter and harsh. hundreds of soldiers died of frostbite. eventually the hungarians said "stuff this" and walked off leaving austria siegeing it. so we were forced to withdraw. most of the rest of the war was spent with inaction and venicians and austrians having a staring contest over the border. Austria sucsessfully defended croatia 5 times, but seeing as the hungarians refused to send their big army to help we accepted venices offering 200 gold for peace. croatia was crushed and annexed soon after. Zsigmond, emperor of the holy roman empire and king of hungary ended up making peace shortly after. Sadly, Bohemia came under the sway of some heretics known as the hussites who left the alliance and cancelled the marriages they had.

A short peace

Only two months were at peace in the between 1419 and 1430. The only thing that really happened was that a royal marriage was signed with bavaria and relations improved with wutemberg and baden.

The Great Italian War

Austria, miffed about its failure against venice, declared war on milan because of an incident involving a plastic action man toy which was illegally chucked onto austrian land. Savoy, Genoa and mantua all honoured their alliance with Milan. i began siegeing mantua and took it. i annexed mantua which finally gave me a coastline. however the milanese and savoians had taken tirol. i took it back and signed white peaces with savoy and genoa. me and hunagry captured milan and guess what? HUNGARY GOES AND ANNEXES MILAN!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Sorry this came a bit late. bye for now
Good one, especially the bit where you joked about your alliance... :rofl:
I wouldn't worry too much about what Hungary annexes. In fact, you should let them take all they want and stay very friendly with them. That way, Hungary suffers from BB while you stay safe until you annex them through event.
coz1 said:
I wouldn't worry too much about what Hungary annexes. In fact, you should let them take all they want and stay very friendly with them. That way, Hungary suffers from BB while you stay safe until you annex them through event.

very good idea, but that requires inaction, and austria will not stand for inaction!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Austria may want to learn inaction or Austria will get its butt handed to 'em. :D

I agree with coz: I would consider letting Bohemia and Hungary do whatever they bloody well please. Your job is to keep THEM healthy. Yeah, that may not sound glorious but you'll have the last laugh in the 16th century. Once Bohemia gets over its Hussite trip try to protect them....and keep an eye on your friend Hungary. If the Ottomans DoW them, then you probably should jump in: The weaker the Turk, the stronger you'll be in the long run.