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*note* I've never written an AAR, so I hope this will be a good enough of an AAR for people to enjoye. Also note that I've been already playing the GC as China for a while now, I think the date is 1493, so I might not remeber everything. I might not get all the dates right and the events right, but will try.

I picked China, beacuse I always wanted to conquer the east and maybe even get as far as Russia. Something about the far east interest me.
I set the diffculty on easy (yea I am scared and a newbie). I start with 2500 ducats and stability of +3

So here goes:

I start with a large portion of land, which is also resource rich and I get a nice big income every year! I see Manchu north of me, with Korea along side Manchu. Diet Vien is south of me and has a considerable land mass, compared to the other asian nations around China.

I set my slider max on land, everything alse to zero, except +1 for the treasury so I don't loose money. This way I will advance in my land military fast. I am basing my strategy on land military, navy is considered behind everything alse.

Then I go ahead add a +1 to my sliders for an offensive army, as I am going on a rampage of expansion and gain lot of land. So for that I need an offensive military.

Next I look for allies, I weight my options and look where my first targets will be. As China's possition is, they are sorrounded by many nations, but most very small ones. So I look for an ally that can actually contribute to my wars. I go for Diet Vie (Vietnam). They control 5 provinces south of me, bordering 5 of my many provinces (I think). So I send them a Personal gift, this improves relations to +125.

So who is the firts target on my first step of conquering the far east. Manchu (Manchuria) ofcourse. They have three good provinces bordering me. They hold iron, cloth and sheep and they pay out good. So those are my war aims, to take the first three provinces north of me. I still have about 2000 ducats. So I add to my already big army of 150,000 troops and 34.000 cavlry.

A year or so passes and I managed to secure a mitary allience with Diet Vie. So I declare war on Manchu, penatly -1 stability, we share the same faith, but I have a causes belly against them. So I send my troops of to battle, they meet fierce resistance and are thrown back to their start lines. But I have reserve, I only send a small fraction of my forces to battle, majority I kept as reserves.
Now, Manchu sends their troops across the border into my teritory. But I have already re-enforced my troops and the odds are 10:1 in my favor. The Manchu troops are defeated swiflty and routed back across the border. I send troops to persue.

The battles rage and I besiege the three provinces, withing a year or so I win the provinces and offer peace. Manchu accept the terms and hands over these three, resource rich provinces.
The first victory of many for the mighty Chinese Empire!!!

Now I look for domestic expension and promote bailifs through out the entire nation. This takes a few years as I only promote about 4-6 Bailifs yearly. This way I keep a reserve of 1000 ducats in my treasury incase of war or anything alse. Once all the provinces have the bailifs promoted I upgrade border forts to level 2. I start with the ones in the south, I HAVE NO STANDING ARMY IN THE SOUTH. But I am not that worried, I have diet vie as my ally and I can quicly raze a massive army.

Bassicly right now, I am on a plan to expand my economy to it's fullest. Thanx to my land tech bar being up max, I already gained +3 in land tech. So I see as being plenty, other nations are only at 2 or still at 1. So I change the tech sliders to max on trade, I want my trade to be better than anyone alses. And I want to gain monopolys before anyone alse.

So a few years go buy, I invest most of my money to improving the economy, investing in trade and land tech. I also built up better realations with other nations, so I can share explorations. As china I have very limmited explored land I can see. So need I other nations' maps so I can see what I can conquer in the future wars.

Diet Vie gets into several wars with it's bordering nations, including burma. I send aid in the form if troops and money. Diet vie wins the wars it started (thanx to me) and gains three new provinces, which are resource rich and pay out good income. All the best to Diet Vie. They are becoming a powerfull nation in front of my eyes. They will become a valuable ally in the future.

I try to vassalize Diet Vie, but after 4 tries nothing, so I give up, but proclaim a gaurantee. If anyone declares was on Diet Vie, I get an auto-Causas Belly against the Agressing nation. This should come in handy in my quest for conquering the far east!

Well this is it for now, hope you enjoye it. Till next time....
Good work for your first time.
I await your next installment :)

Here is a recent screenshot of the mighty Chinese empire so far. I will provide another AAR later, so far only the shot.
Btw, china is all of the brown provinces.


As you can see, the Chinese Empire has grown quite big and is only getting bigger.
Should be interesting to see how far you get. Keep up the good work.

The year is 1492 and I accquired most of Manchu, my economy is doing great thanx to my 20 year plan of economic expension. I accquired monoplys in three different CoTs and I promoted all my bailifs. So the next step is to upgrade the army as fast as possible so that no nation can match it.

I set my land tech to max, I research a new level of tech in about 2 years on avarage. I also change add +1 to Land vs Navy in the nation profile. My infantry costs 4 ducats per 1000 soldiers. It started as 9. My Cavalry is down to 9 from 14. I am going to keep the slider on max till I reach muskats.

During this time I also improve my relations with other nations and I brake the allience with Diet Vie. I want to ally with Nippon (japan) but for some reason I can't be allied to Diet Vie and Nippon at the same time. Won't even let me ask for an allience, even though both countries have +200 realtions with me.

After I brake my allience I ally with Nippon, I also offer the vassilation, but they refuse, repeatedly, about 5 times. So I give up on trying to vassalize Nippon. In the mean time I build up and re-enforce my existing army in the north, to finnish off Manchu and take all their land. But there are setback, stupid clergy and nobles want to go back to old times, but not me so I decline all their dumb requests, I suffer -3 stabillity and I spend several years regaining my stability. They request stuff like -1 centralization and such, and I need the tech bonus and production bonus for later.

A few years go by with nothing major going on. But I again switch alliences. After my allience with Nippon experies I ally with Diet Vie again. Diet Vie and China are great parnters in Global domanation! After another few years of inactivity, DIET VIE declares war on Manchu, which is great for me as I was ready to do the same. I quickly over-run the capital and sack up the rest of the country. Diet Vie send troops in to help, but they are not needed. Diet Vie settles a peace with Manchu, and I get all the provinces except the capital, damn one province rule is anoying in global conquest. No matter, I'll wait 5 years and will take the rest.

The provinces I snatched up, 4 in all are all resource rich with Iron, cloth, copper etc. I promote all the bailifs and upgrade the forts. So I wait 5 years and I declare war once more and get the last province, with it is the end of Manchu and get a province with iron. This will come in handy, I need as many Iron/copper provinces as possible for my armies in the future. This will help my economy and help me research land tech faster than ever.

With the end of Manchu and the north frontier secure and no other nation bordering me in the north, I only keep an army of 25,000 troops and 3000 cavalry in the north, just in case of a revolt. The rest I send across the enire nation south, for an offensive to expand west and reach Europe. Also a General emerges from the ranks, with high ranking and good bonuses. I send him south and he will be the main attack force.

In the mean time I've finally researched muskats for my troops, level 14 land tech. I am far ahaed of anyone alse right now, in Asia or Europe. So I switch to infrastructe research, so that I can promote my legal counsels. My navy tech is still only at 2, but I don't mind sense I don't need a Navy.

So I spend several years inactive again and waiting to be able to promote my Legal Counsels. I look for another target in the meantime, but mostly I wait, build up and upgrade my forts to level 3.

My next target to "libirate" is......
If he wants to reach europe then the most direct route is through the "Silk Road" which is owned from begining to end by the Chagatai Khanate. Of course he could cut through Tibet or Arakan and then subjugate northern India and then rip through persia, mesopitomia, and anatolia strait into the balkans. Of course thats the far less direct route but considering he is playing China on easy settings it should be quite do able.
Nippon it is!

Alright might bext target is Nippon, I will provide you guys with an update as soon as I can. And I already conquered 3 other countries east of me.

But sense @Home (the ISP) is bankcrupt I don't have a conncetion in my house. I will provide an update when I get back on line.

Untill than, cheers!
Re: Nippon it is!

Originally posted by Rommel22
Alright might bext target is Nippon, I will provide you guys with an update as soon as I can. And I already conquered 3 other countries east of me.

But sense @Home (the ISP) is bankcrupt I don't have a conncetion in my house. I will provide an update when I get back on line.

Untill than, cheers!

Cool! I'm playing China too at furious AI and hardest difficulty. I started off the same way as you did, invading Manchuria and annexing the three resource rich provinces of Liaotung, Jehol and Baicheng in 1421. :)

Likewise, I have European ambitions too! It'd be cool to see the Chinese army marching into England and prevent the Opium War from ever happening :). This will unfortunately, be hindered by my failed invasion of Tibet (doesn't it ever stop snowing there?? :mad:). Tibet will have to wait until we have discovered Artillery. Being unable to explore the Silk Road, it looks like the only path left for us is the Myanmar/India route to reach the West ...

Speaking of which, China had been using the Silk Road for trade since the Han times (200 BC), so how is it that they have no knowledge of it in the game?? During the Ming Dynasty, China should have knowledge of the world from Persia to India to Nippon, as Chinese traders frequented those parts of the world!

So here is the promissed update:

Since conquering Manchu I have spent most of the time improving tech, mostly infra tech. I want to build lots of Manufactories, this will give me a better income. It takes a while, I was already at 7, so it only took me 4 years to get level 8 and built manufactories. After that, I switched to max treasury, I wanted to buil as many manufactories as fast as possible. At the same time upgrading all the forts to level3 and promoting mayors through out the nation. This took about 4-7 years in all.

So with upgrades done I raised new armies and re-enforced my existing ones with artillery cannons. I added about 40 to each army. I decided to attack all 3 nations south of me, west of Diet Vie. (I forgot their names, sorry). The three nation together were fairly large and had decent armys, but were only at level 5 in land tech and I was at level 18 or so. All three countries had an allience with each other, so just declaring war one got me in a war with all. Which I wanted!!!

I didn't even bother starting sieges on the provinces, I made sure each army was at least 20k troops and I assualted the Forts right away. I wanted to end the war as fast as possible. Of course this would lead to lot of casulties but I had lot of reserves ready.
So the first attacks went off with out a hitch. I conquerd the northern most nation, south of Tibet in about a year, so I moved south. Same thing, assault right away and ignore losses. This strategy worked perfectly, becuase the forts were usually only 5000 men strong. I conquered the rest in about th next 3 years of war. I got all the province except 3 capital provinces, I was going to declare war in 5 years again.

The provinces I snatched up were all fairly rich, and also contained a copper province and I think one or two cloth provinces. In these I will build manufactories.

After my victories I had to re-enforce my armies, they were completly wiped out, some barely had a 1000 men in them. I had to establish border gaurds and such, but I kept only 3 armies now. So as to keep the cost down for my armies. I wanted as much money available to upgrade the conquered lands and promote officials.

Five years go by of me upgrading my new lands and I declare war again and gain all but one province. The third falls to Diet Viet. Because of my land expansion Diet Vie has no where to expand close by. I aquired all the land around Diet Vie. They'll have to fight some where over seas no to gain land, which they are already doing. I can't really expand any where over seas as I have no technology in naval tech. My navies are only at level 3, but I don't care, I don't need no stinking navy. But I'll need on to cross the big buddle to Nippon, that should be no problem though, they don't have much of a navy either.

So that is it, my next target will be Nippon, after that, most likly Tiber or Chagatai Khanate (north of Tibet). I will aslo post a screen shot soon.

Till then....
Re: update

Mind telling us how much you need to spend to increase stability by 1 point? I'm playing a similar scenario where I have overrun Vietiane, Cambodia and Dai Viet and this has resulted in a sudden jump in my stability costs. Thanks!

Originally posted by Rommel22
So here is the promissed update:

Since conquering Manchu I have spent most of the time improving tech, mostly infra tech. I want to build lots of Manufactories, this will give me a better income. It takes a while, I was already at 7, so it only took me 4 years to get level 8 and built manufactories. After that, I switched to max treasury, I wanted to buil as many manufactories as fast as possible. At the same time upgrading all the forts to level3 and promoting mayors through out the nation. This took about 4-7 years in all.

So with upgrades done I raised new armies and re-enforced my existing ones with artillery cannons. I added about 40 to each army. I decided to attack all 3 nations south of me, west of Diet Vie. (I forgot their names, sorry). The three nation together were fairly large and had decent armys, but were only at level 5 in land tech and I was at level 18 or so. All three countries had an allience with each other, so just declaring war one got me in a war with all. Which I wanted!!!

I didn't even bother starting sieges on the provinces, I made sure each army was at least 20k troops and I assualted the Forts right away. I wanted to end the war as fast as possible. Of course this would lead to lot of casulties but I had lot of reserves ready.
So the first attacks went off with out a hitch. I conquerd the northern most nation, south of Tibet in about a year, so I moved south. Same thing, assault right away and ignore losses. This strategy worked perfectly, becuase the forts were usually only 5000 men strong. I conquered the rest in about th next 3 years of war. I got all the province except 3 capital provinces, I was going to declare war in 5 years again.

The provinces I snatched up were all fairly rich, and also contained a copper province and I think one or two cloth provinces. In these I will build manufactories.

After my victories I had to re-enforce my armies, they were completly wiped out, some barely had a 1000 men in them. I had to establish border gaurds and such, but I kept only 3 armies now. So as to keep the cost down for my armies. I wanted as much money available to upgrade the conquered lands and promote officials.

Five years go by of me upgrading my new lands and I declare war again and gain all but one province. The third falls to Diet Viet. Because of my land expansion Diet Vie has no where to expand close by. I aquired all the land around Diet Vie. They'll have to fight some where over seas no to gain land, which they are already doing. I can't really expand any where over seas as I have no technology in naval tech. My navies are only at level 3, but I don't care, I don't need no stinking navy. But I'll need on to cross the big buddle to Nippon, that should be no problem though, they don't have much of a navy either.

So that is it, my next target will be Nippon, after that, most likly Tiber or Chagatai Khanate (north of Tibet). I will aslo post a screen shot soon.

Till then....
here is the screen shot

You can see how much more land I seized. China is now to big for me to display on one screen. So I showed all of the new land I got and half of original China it self. The light greenish color, that Diet Vie.

There ya go...

I already did! Most of them are only small colonies but they are mine. Indonesia, yes I will try to conquer everything all the way to europe. I wanna reach at least Austria by the end of the GC.

Rebellion, none so far. I had some religion problems when I acquaried some budhist and shiet religions. But I to compansate I chnaged the sliders so I don't have rebelions. It will be tough when I get to nations that are christian or anything alse.
Originally posted by amleth
Do you have stability problems, managing such a large empire? Did you try using missionaries to convert the non-believers to your one true faith?

Yea a little bit, nothing to bad, I am usually at +3 but often it does drop to +1 or +2. I don't get any missionaries at all. I think because of my DP sliders. Thats ok though, like I said, nothing I can't manage, at least for now.