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Cacique Occidens
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Sep 25, 2001
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Bohemian Rhapsody: An Imported AAR 7% Alcohol by Volume

This idea was implanted in my puny head by tales of Johan trying to create Greater Bohemia told by BiB as Poland, and Gandalf’s Czech Please! or Bohemia tries to conquer the HRE

This AAR is dedicated to the random events file and Kleves. Without these two, life would be far less interesting. However, if the brewery in Moravia is burnt down one more time, someone gets hurt.

Hard/Aggressive, Grand Campaign, All Majors but for Austria, 1024x768 resolution, Personal Ethics Off …

Bohemia. A place that should rightfully be vassalized by Austria. Oh well, nothing ever goes to plan anyway.

Time to create a libertine society of, well, bohemian Bohemians, with freedom and fine dining for all. The playing style for this AAR is to make a multi-cultural, multi-religious HRE state that tolerates everybody inside her borders and is well-liked by neighbors. This last clause is the important one. I am not trying to be a warmonger and rule the Continent or supplant Spain in colonizing the New World, I’m trying to make Bohemia the haven that it was on a grander scale with a little nonchalance and humor, while ridding the world of tyrants and BB-accumulating despots.
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I. Bohemia, Land of the Free

Although my country is in an alliance with the oppressive states of Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, and Sienburgen, they are not as oppressive as other states, like the war-mongering Palatinate. Tales have reached the king of revolts in Bavaria, of people starved because of Bavaria’s harsh taxes and thugs of an army. The king, the court, and indeed the entire country sympathize with Nürnberg as the city bravely holds out against the Bavarian armies. The king allows 2000 men to volunteer for the army, paying for their mounts and equipment. The king also torches the royal yacht to show his devotion for our freedom-fighting army versus maritime adventures, then reforms the tax system to place more burden upon the rich.

In June, Bohemia declares war on Bavaria for Bavaria’s violent repression of the peaceful, pitchfork-wielding peasants. However, demonstrators inside the country defend Bavaria’s right to make her own decisions, reducing public support for the king’s action. Our allies respond to our call to arms faithfully, and the campaign begins. Austria, eager to support freedom, destroys the Bavarian army in Nürnberg before we can even march in. They withdraw, and with Hungarian manpower and our superior generalship under Jan Ziska (5/6/3/2 !) we quickly begin to root out oppressive Bavarian forces.

However, the freedom-hating Bavarians march into Ansbach shortly after the Hungarians become homesick and depart. They outnumber us 2:1, but our great general Ziska gives his life for liberty, dying as his personal guard routs the Bavarian right flank. In three battles over all of Bavaria, we pursue the oppressors until they surrender to the forces of justice. In jubilation, the nobles present 200d to the king, while Holý (5/5/2/1 ?) takes command of the army.

Meanwhile- The Traitor Will Not Be King! Our diplomats report increasing warmth from Poland, Austria, and other states, while Brandenburg becomes even cooler. The new king, Zigmunt, rallies the people behind the cause of justice. After the Austrians are paid off by the Bavarians, we march triumphantly into München proclaiming equal rights for all. The Bavarian government, enlightened from their despotic ways, gladly decides to govern under the guiding light of Bohemia, and agrees to let us supervise the city of Nürnberg. They also send a small monetary gift to build a theater in Praha.

A philosophical professor creates waves by claiming the king should be replaced by an elected government. Instead of imprisoning him, the king grants him tenure at the University of Praha, creating diverse intellectual thought but decreasing support for the War of Bavarian Liberation.

War breaks out among the bloodthirsty tyrants along the Rhineland in the year 1421. The Palatinate, Kleves, and Hessen drag the Archibishop of Cologne into a war against Wurzburg and the Bishop of Mainz with careful sophistry, then announce a war against Baden also. Two years later, the Palatinate dictator seizes the lands of the Mainz bishopric, and Kleves absorbs Wurzburg and Baden. I cannot conceal my dismay- the malevolent ruler of Kleves sitting on the border of the idyllic and peaceful Bohemian state.

Meanwhile, the world stands relatively unchanged. Burgundy demands Nivernais and military access through France, while England is content with some moneys for the king’s mistress. Nothing else of consequence happens, except for one miraculous occurrence. All of the alliances formed by the nations of the world are either regional or historical, except for Eire’s Byzantine connection. Castile, Aragon, and the Knights fight Granada, while Helvetia, Genoa, Savoy, and Milan form the Alpine Pact. Siena stands alone, tyrannically, after annexing the glorious Florentine Republic, while his Holiness, Venice, and Naples attempt Pax Italia.

The status of Bohemia as the happiest state in Europe brings nobles of various countries to marry into Bohemian families in order to have legitimate reasons to stay in our beautiful country. Burgundians, Danes, Austrians, Hungarians, the A/B of Cologne’s niece, the Palatinate heirs, Saxons, Poles, Lithuanians, Savoyards, Mecklenburgers, and Luxembourgers all flock to Praha, among others I do not remember. The king married his son to a Helvetian, while he made me marry a Swedish noblewoman. ‘Every man free’ is the current motto at the court, something I will further in 1429 domestic policy review.
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Petrarca posted:
The king also torches the royal yacht

Damn! I would have taken it!

Great start Petrarca. I like your writing style. Say, you have any of that 7% stuff to pass around... for medicinal purposes, of course ;)
Editor's note: It's now at freezing where I live, something that is against the laws of nature. I think that I will either hibernate or migrate to Costa Rica. Lethargy is starting to set in.
II. Liberty for Germany, and Death to Kleves and All Oppressors

My sincerest apologies. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Count von Eiermann of Bohemia. My father was Austrian, that explains the name, no? The king and I share common views on the future of our grand state, and he has appointed me his Minister Without Portfolio. I am the troubleshooter of the country, arranging marriages in Burgundy, demanding Bavaria cease oppressing the peasantry, and instructing the tax collectors on how to be more efficient. This last does not make me well-liked among certain nobles, but who doesn’t have enemies? The king has lately assigned me to be his roving ambassador to the various parts of the Holy Roman Empire, seeing as how things are so quiet back home.

The people of Europe, seeing ‘the violence inherent in the system’, fight for the liberation of German states. Beginning in 1424-5, Europe rises up against the Kleves autocracy and their allies. The freedom-loving Wurttemburgers march with their 50,000 men against Kleves in April fulfilling their guarantee of Baden’s independence. Following them are their faithful allies Denmark, Sweden, Byzantium, and Ireland. The fierce people of Helvetia, Savoy, Milan, and Genoa then face Kleves, the Palatinate, Hessen, Cologne, and Lorraine. Munster and Oldenburg follow suit, then Bremen, Saxony, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, and Madgeburg.

The Austrian Emperor sees the tragedy occurring in the Rhineland, and moves to end the repression of Kleves. Only Bohemia, Defender of Liberty, honors Austria’s call to arms. However, our increased status in world affairs leaves us in charge of the Freedom Coalition, as our alliance is now called. Hungary is invited to rejoin on the condition that they renounce their cowardice and join in the fight. Seeing the happy giants arrayed against them, Kleves is abandoned by those whom she blackmailed into the war. General Holý on the condition that they renounce their cowardice and join in the fight. Seeing the happy giants arrayed against them, Kleves is abandoned by those whom she blackmailed into the war. General Holý takes a small force that offers their military expertise to the Wurttembergers, and the province of Wurzburg quickly falls. Helvetia and Milan continue to attempt to liberate Baden, but are driven back by the Kleves armies.

Soon, Munster and Oldenburg besiege Kleves proper, and General Holý takes half the army, 9000 men strong, to liberate Baden. There are not enough supplies in Baden, so the other half guards Wurzburg against possible attack. The Saxons soon take the state of Hessen under their wing, forcing the despot out and replacing him with a new leader. The city is under direct control of Saxony. So far, the War of Rhineland Liberation is going strongly towards the forces of good under command of General Holý.

The aforementioned general takes Baden in May. A diplomatic mission is prepared in July that demands the release of Wurzburg to Bohemian enlightened leadership. Kleves, at the end of their rope while Munster besieges their capital, accepts our generous offer. Meanwhile, Madgeburg, Hannover, Holstein, Bremen, and Mecklenburg attack Saxony and her allies Pommerania and Brandengburg in retaliation for Saxony’s overly aggressive annexation of Hesse-Kassel.

Munster finally takes Kleves proper, while the Bohemian Army takes up station in Wurzburg and Ansbach, each with 8/7 in troops. Peace has come, and will stay for a while. Hungary, however, declares war on the Serbs, and the first of the False Wars begin as Pskov and Ethiopia join Serbia against Hungary, Austria, and us.

In March of this glorious year 1427, Kleves drives Munsterian field armies out of Kleves. Burgundy launches a blitzkrieg against Lorraine, declaring war and annexing them in six months. Munster, Helvetia, Milan, and France all find that some of their nobles have emigrated to Bohemia, establishing ties to our great country. Saxony continues to muddle along, as now all of the North German and Rhineland states have denounced her and begun mobilizations. The Palatinate succeeds in breaching the walls of the Saxon garrison in Kassel, while Brandenburg annexes Madgeburg in a trend of growing oppression in North Germany. Perhaps we should engage in war of liberation, to steal a Soviet phrase. But the king wants to wait until someone else declares war on us so world opinion will be on our side.

A state gift from our emissaries has improved our relationships with the ruling families of Wurttemberg (+99 > +133) by a small margin. We hope to make Wurttemberg a Bohemian satellite of goodwill.

Editor’s note: My goals are starting to sound more and more like Soviet Russia. I think that I will lay off the international front for a while and just watch, before the megalomania gets to me.

Anno Domini 1428, 1 April- The Austrians accept 98d from Serb leaders to end the war which has seen Austria occupy Belgrade. The peace talks, held in Praha, are down the street from the former Bosnian-Serb negotiations. Bosnia demanded, and received, Kosovo yesterday. The Serb people will remember this infamous day, and the imperialist Bosnians- oops, sounding like a commie again- the greedy Bosnians will face Serb wrath.

May- Forget about that Serb wrath. Hungary absorbed Belgrade after a short invasion that saw heavy losses on both sides. Meanwhile, on the home front, a bishop has been preaching for an end to the multicultural pluralism that the state allows. I tell him that his pluralism is the problem, not our pluralism, and public support for the government drops. The king tells me privately to shut up, and the matter slowly fades away. The king sends a personal gift to the Pommeranians, and relations increase nicely. The Pommeranian nobles add us to their Christmas card lists.

Several generals in the Rhineland countries appear to be drunk, as Munster and Kleves each besiege the other’s capital with no resistance from standing armies, only the city garrisons. Each field army is a few day’s march away from each other, attacking the enemy capitals, yet they refuse to confront each other.
Very nice AAR, Petrarca. Well done.
Very nice writings mate.
But one question : Only 7%!!???:D
5% is the limit to be called beer in my state. I'm already over the limit.:)

Damn! I would have taken it!

Great start Petrarca. I like your writing style. Say, you have any of that 7% stuff to pass around... for medicinal purposes, of course
The king didn't burn *my* yacht though. Of course, the next DP change, there's fire again, and I'm not talking about Jan Hus. Spirits are on the house today.

nice:), "Book the first" heh
Stolen from my good friend Charles Dickens, who I am being forced to read in class. I don't like his books (despise is a better word), the characters are so boring.

And a few statistics- Yearly income is ~67-68d, inflation holding steady at 4%, research is terrible with my monarch's 3 administration value (I want breweries now!), so hopefully he'll die soon. He's Zigmunt, which is odd, as I swore I selected 'The Traitor will not be King." Bug, apparently. I've played about 15 years ahead, enough if I miss a day of playing and still want to post. Austria will need to be dealt with- Burgundy is kicking ass, and I don't want Austria owning half of the HRE after the 1470s. Plus the arrogant jerks keep on trying to vassalize us.
Ahhh... another Bohemian AAR. I like, I like. I'm glad mine could inspire such a good writing effort. Keep it up Petrarca. :cool:
I just updated to v.1.1, the save game still works, and Zigmunt finally died. This next section is a little short because right after it is a rather large amount of related material- I don't want to split it up.
III. La Vie Boheme

January, 1429- Serfs on the king’s lands are given their freedom by a royal decree. A Florentine condottieri agrees to instruct our military in new advances, resulting in an increased emphasis on the quality of our troops and offensive warfare. This costs a pretty penny, though, and the chancellor is forced to take out a loan with local bankers to pay the Italian and his comrades. Our own military leaders, jealous of this foreign influence, propose several advancements in technology and technique in the military that will increase the efficiency of the army overall. The Austrians, hoping for some luck in their war against Kleves, fail to find any good fortune in three running battles over Baden in the span of four months.

The generals of Kleves (Klevians? Kleveburgers? Klevese?) succeed in penetrating the city defenses of Munster before their enemy counterparts complete the task in Kleves. Munster surrenders unconditionally, and the city is absorbed by Kleves. In other news of peace breaking out, Brandenburg signs treaties with the Palatinate and Bremen, ending useless wars. Saxony, a country full of incorrigible jerks, takes the king’s personal gift to them and claims that it was stolen by highwaymen. I hate their stupid little country… the food was terrible, and the wine tasted like watered-down beer. Fortunately, I get to travel away from that horrid little princedom. The Swedes are the next target of the king’s overly generous diplomatic gift program. They take the cash and seem sincerely grateful for it. When the time comes, they could be very valuable allies. However, we have not sent any diplomats that far north in quite some time, and to my amazement, I find that the nobles have pledged fealty to the Danish king. More surprises await me on the trip home. I learn that France has annexed Provence, and the Livonian Knights absorbed the Prussian duchy.

Peace negotiations occur in Ghent between Saxony and the Palatinate. We are not invited, but learn from informants that Hesse-Kassel has been ceded to the Palatinate. The Palatinate also joins a military alliance with our former allies Luxembourg. Saxony’s enemies now have no way to reach her except through military access rights.

The king fired the foreign minister today. I reported that Castile had taken 100d from England for peace. The king responded that he did not even know that their was war between the two. Needless to say, not knowing of a conflict between two superpowers angered him. I asked for the job now that it was open, but for my curiosity the king appointed me Inspector of Spirits for the realm. He thinks it’s funny, that I will be so sozzled I won’t be able to do anything else besides puke and lie drunk. I pass the responsibility on to a cousin, who gladly accepts the job.

Diplomacy rules this round of the ongoing class struggle-driven conflicts throughout Europe. Kleves, Austria, the Palatinate, Savoy, Helvetia, Genoa, Cologne, and Brandenburg have all left the negotiating table more peaceful countries. The Palatinate did the most diploming, apologizing to Savoy, Genoa, and Helvetia for its ill-fated Ligurian expedition, which didn’t quite make it over the Alps in one piece. Meanwhile, the Count of Brabant (at least I think he’s a count) anoints the Duke of Burgundy as his heir. And promptly dies, leaving Burgundy with Brabant. The Habsburgs, always insolent, offer the king a chance to submit to their rule. The king announces rather brusquely that he pledges fealty to the office of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, not to Austria. I suspect the Austrian ambassador had a little much to drink, but I cannot prove this.

1431- Patriotism has swept the nation, as the peace talks remind people of our prosperity and peacefulness during these wars. The nobles donate 200d to the treasury. Immense fortifications are constructed in Wurzburg and Silesia as defenses at the extremes of our country. Non-compete agreements are soon signed with Venice, Portugal, Genoa, and Mecklenburg. Peace breaks out in Germany as most of the wars are resolved. Hannover absconds with Anhelm (sic?) after peace talks with Saxony, now reduced to an impotent rump of a state. Still, that rump is allied with Brandenburg, whose entire able male citizenry of 80,000 is up in arms.

Elsewhere, the world is not so enlightened. England declares war against Athens, and the Spanish-speaking countries, Naples, and the Knights of St. John engage in war against Burgundy and Navarre. Apparently, these ultra-Catholic countries are vengeful about Burgundy’s murder of Jeanne Darc, whose advice the king of France accepted during war. Although I am confused about how the war was still going on a decade after the peace treaties, the only thing I know is that France will someday make a good ally. For those skeptics, I believe it impossible that the Castilian kings would declare war on Navarre and Burgundy for mere land; instead, they are so pious they seek justice for that crime.

1433- I took a year off and cruised Italy. Things are going pretty well there, peace is holding up. As I come back, I order the construction of a fort in Sudeten. The peasants in Sudeten promptly rise up. I find out that the temporary Minister-Without-Portfolio threatened to build a fort enforce taxes on the peasants. Together with my smooth talking and General Holý’s 17,000 armed men convince the peasants everything will be all right.

The English king should have his head examined. 7000 of his troops have begun a siege of Venice. He has better things to do, such as invade France. The Venetians laugh off the attack with the help of their army's 20,000 men, and a peace is signed shortly after. More peace, as Albania is annexed by Athens. We send an emissary congratulating the Greeks, who shrug the events off as the rightful course of history.

Fortunately, the king excuses me from the duty of organizing a state funeral for the late General Holý. He died in his sleep in the Sudeten, patrolling the forest for bandits.

More peace and other news- Venice vassalizes Bosnia after winning the war against England, Castile and Burgundy settle for peace, and Burgundy declares war against Luxembourg, with the Luxembourgian army driven out of their country, quickly capturing Champagne though. Burgundy prevails in the end, though, annexing the small territory that we once were on such good terms with. Benin annexes Dahomey, wherever those two are.

1437- Another year passes, and I could care less. Life is good for me, the king doesn't know or care that the treasury has been skimmed by some noble, probably someone high up... Our royal ties stretch to France all the way to Lithuania, except for Brandenburg and Kleves- I don't like either of them, and neither do the other nobles. I consider for some time the possibility of bringing Hannover into our aliance, something possible a few years from now when their allies go their separate ways. Burgundy declares war on Gelre, Friesland, Kleves, and Oldenburg. The war will drag on for a long time, siege after boring siege...

August- The nobles accept Zigmunt's conncessions as acceptable- for a good reason. This option makes Zigmunt 'forgotten'. They've got things screwy again, but nonetheless we hire two murderers and dispatch them to his house. Nothing more is heard from the murderers, but Zigmunt continues to rule. I give, up, when will the man die?

On the international front, I am present in Krakow when Pskov formalizes their conquest of Tver, reach Aix-la-Chapelle in time to see Auvergne and Bourbonnais settle their differences, and show utter indifference when Portugal is vassalized by Castile. France joins the Alpine Italian alliace, while the British and Swiss besiege Baden and Cologne in their war against Kleves and its former allies.

1438- War is declared between Castile and England after their allies become embroiled in a territorial dispute. The war ends a year later, with England paying indemnities and no border changes. Utterly predictable and boring.

Speaking of that year later- the Italian states make peace with all of their enemies. Entire hotels are filled with visiting diplomats as mounds of treaties are created, while in the North, Burgundy absorbs Oldenburg. I hate the Burgundians, they exceed the Austrians in the level of annoyance caused. A painter from Italy passes through and receives a sizable sum in commissions for portraits of various members of the court, making everyone more open to new ideas. I force into early retirement several colonels supporting the slow and steady strategy, making the army more aggressive in its attacks.

Bremen receives compensation after occupying Hannover and Munster in a few different peaces. No territroy changes hands, unsurprisingly. The English, being the morons that they are, declare war on His Holiness. The Papal fleet trounces the Royal Navy every time in the Mediterranean, and the Pope laughs.

Local nobles in Wurzburg revolt when they see that we intend on creating a tolerant society. General Holý's old corps of 17,000 takes care of the situation. Just across the hills, Burgundy besieges Baden in an offensive in conjunction with a siege of Kleves. Burgundy, in one of the oddest combinations I have seen, joins the French and Italians in an alliance. Let bygones be bygones, and let Champagne stay Burgundian.

As of Anno Domini 1440, peace reigns throughout Europe as Friesland and Burgundy uneasily come to terms, and Burgundy receives Baden for peace. Our alliance expires, and we recreate it, except without Austria:).

Of course, Austria sees the need to break the peace. They declare war on the reclusive Swiss, and their English and Swedish allies, and several battles in Tyrol eventually fall into stalemate, both sides reluctant to advance in the face of fierce resistance. At the Imperial Congress, we condemn Austria's aggression and withdraw our ambassador and other nobles from the country.

Relations drop with Austria, but they still think of us as somewhat erratic friends. The people aren't stupid, and they lose some of their faith in the government, but stability is easy to recover now. This is because of an excellent minister who has been given the reigns of the government- me:) ! Perhaps the Austrians finally get the message when we cancel our treaty of military access, and our relations finally drop below +100.
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Arrrrgh- Texas lost to Colorado U. No Rose Bowl this year, it seems.

IV: Bohemia Est Imperare Orbi Germania

Vladislav I Pohrobek, a Habsburg, wants desperately to further his ambitions. Out of th eline of succession for the Austrian crown, he has done something I would not think of from a Habsburg. On 1 March, he declared war on his cousin Albrecht. The people have some serious issues with declaring war on the HRE, so stab drops to -2. However, my military buildup programs have resulted in 29.000 men in Ansbach, 19.000 in Praha, and 7.000 training in the Sudeten. Instead of being used against Brandenburg or the Palatinate, a Habsburg has dragged us into a war with the Habsburgs. How ironic. I think our new king is mad, but his timing is good. Austria’s military is nonexistent after several battles over Tyrol with the Swiss, but without our network of spying nobles incountry, I cannot the state of the Austrian military. However, as I order our troops to cross the border, 14.000 Austrians, apparently from Vienna, reach Salzburg on their way to Tyrol. The Ansbach troops pause momentarily to let the enemy pass by, then commence the attack. Salzburg, Vienna, and Ostmarch are occupied by our troops as we begin to crack the city garrisons. Austria signs a white peace with the Swiss, but their army is promptly drawn into Northern Italy as Milan, Mantua, and several other states attack Austria and Venice. Just as things are going well, counter-revolutionaries in Wurzburg revolt and seize the city garrison. Our reinforcements in the Sudeten immediately march to put it down, but the extensive fortifications there could prove time-consuming.

As I watch the capture of Ostmarch’s cities, word reaches me that the Austrians have begun to raise a new force in Steiermark. Their army, beaten down in Italy, reunites with these reinforcements and drives us from Vienna. Their entire army is composed of cavalrymen, more than 14.000 of them!

1443 We capture Salzburg in April as Austria sits on its butt in Steiermark with one of the most powerful armies in the theater with the best equipment (LT3). Thank God for it, because I unite the Salzburg and Ostmarch commands, while poor Colonel Liberac, constantly retreating from the Austrians,besiges Tyrol. Our forces outnumber the Austrians by a few thousand men, but we must stop them before they stop us. The Austrians, now with 16.000, wait to envelop our infantry near Graz. As they encircle our peasants, the cavalry fails twice in an attempt to penetrate the Austrian flanks. The third charge does the trick, though, and the Austrians retreat to their capital, with yours truly in hot pursuit.

Sadly, in pursuit of the Austrian army, the good Count and two of his sons are killed leading the Bohemian charge against the reinforced Habsburgs. The battle is won, no quarter being given to the Austrians who killed the Bohemian commander. Despite their losses, the elite Bohemian Guards gain a complete victory over the Austrians. Their armies are renamed in honor of their triumphs, respectively, the Bohemian Guards, the Sudeten Rangers, the Cowards of Tyrol, and the Silesian Black Watch. The Count is survived by two of his sons, a daughter, and his wife. Peace is eventually reached with the humbled Albrecht in 1445, as Vladislav, informally known as The Habsburg Traitor, takes possession of most Austrian lands in a vindictive frenzy of family backbiting.

Meanwhile, in other news- Castile vassalizes Navarra to add to the treasure trove of countries already under Castilian hegemony (Portugal). A huge state funeral honors the deceased Count in Praha, as the new Count von Eiermann takes stock of Bohemia and his control thereof. The Bavarian and Wurzburgian nobles are slowly coming to accept Bohemian benevolent rule, while the Austrians are restive. The country has finally reached its former heights as the paragon of stability, and Wurzburg has been retaken also.

In December of this glorious year 1445, Saxony joins our alliance with Bavaria and Hungary. Modena declared independence from Siena, and Bourbonnais declared war on Auvergne. France has been emasculated so badly that her vassals are fighting amongst themselves.

Two years later, revolutionaries supporting the spread of freedom rebel in Baden, Champagne, and Oldenburg against their Burgundian oppressors. Castile and her allies declare war on France, Burgundy, and Savoy while the English king accepts the crown of Brittany. I happily ignored the demands of the clergy to overthrow the king, I’ll just have him murdered. Much cleaner that way. The king appoints me Duke of Styria. I exercise personal control over all of the former Austrian territories, especially considering how lax we are in centralizing. Construction began almost immediately for ski resorts in Tyrol, for sale at a reasonable price. My personal demesne extends in Sudeten (Count), Ansbach (Baron), and Tyrol, Salzburg, Graz, and Ostmarch (Duke).

The Italians jump on the bandwagon with Denmark, Sweden, and the Iberian alliance in attacking Burgundy. England doesn’t want to be left out, so Henry joins the fray. Sadly, everyone but the Iberians make peace with France rather quickly. I was hoping for a continuation of the 100 Years’ War, but no such luck. Savoy is completely besieged by various countries led by Milan.

I announce deregulation of commerce as the country moves toward free trade- or at least my half of the country. My figures indicate that I control 45% of the population, 52% of the wealth, 80% of the gold production, and 100% of the ski slopes of Bohemia.

Finally- the end of this segment: His Holiness, probably a Medici, declares war on Siena for overthrowing the Medicis in Florence. This seems somewhat suicidal, as Siena has amassed an army of 92.000 men.

A disturbing report has reached my ears. It seems that Vladislav, who thinks he rules the country, has made arrangements with the Burgundian duke to marry his daughter and use Burgundian forces to crush the nobility. If anything stirs me to action, it’s self-preservation. Vladislav visits one of my new Tyrolean ski resorts. He goes off rocketing down a hillside as a most ingenious device from the East, an explosive powder, sets off a large avalanche. Officially the king is alive, but unofficially the council of nobles rules. The Burgundians are somewhat disappointed, but their treacherous machinations are revealed to the people. The people are energized for action against them. I estimate that this momentum can last two years at the most. I promise to start no new wars, though. By devoting monthly tariffs to fund developments, Bohemia will quickly become the most advanced power in the world.

As things stand: 1450- Screenshots going to be posted soon, Burgundy, England, Spain, Aragon, Bohemia are world superpowers. Austria and France practically out of the game, Auvergne will soon control more provinces that France.
Originally posted by Petrarca
Arrrrgh- Texas lost to Colorado U. No Rose Bowl this year, it seems.

What? They play football in Texas:p :D There's always next year.:D

Nice AAR keep it coming. Interesting that France and Austria which are usually the powers to fear in Europe aren't in your game. I don't know if I've had a game where both were weak.

Very nice aar! I wonder though, are you achieving your goal of staying reputable?
Ouch. Let me put it this way- I've started four wars (one I haven't gotten to writing about yet). I know that I had a CB for one, I think I had for attacking Kleves (Papal States was dragged into DOWing them with alliance, don't know if I caught that wave) also. My reputation plummeted to rather bad after the debacle in Austria (one third of my army chased around the country, but I wasn't going to mention that:D), right now it's at slightly tarnished. The irony is what happened right after my rep became bad. I was laughing for quite a while, completely unexpected.:D

What? They play football in Texas:D:p There's always next year. :D

Nice AAR keep it coming. Interesting that France and Austria which are usually the powers to fear in Europe aren't in your game. I don't know if I've had a game where both were weak.

There are two objects of worship in Texas, God and football, not necessarily in that order.:)

France has been doing even worse than usual, although at least they got Provence. I'll be happily surprised if they grow anymore, though they might get Champagne back when Burgundy dissolves. Austria's weakness is my fault, though, reducing them to a rump state.

Finally- I tried to set up a webpage at anglefire, but their server won't let me past the login screen. I'll either try to get one a geocities or my old school.
All right, which one of you jokers rated this thread five stars?
V. Pax Bohemiana

April 1451: I promised that I would start no new wars. I don’t speak for the other nobles, though. I went skiing in Tyrolia, I come back, and find we are at war with Burgundy. No large loss, I hate the Burgundians, and the people do also. The only mitigating factor is that we share the same religion. They could use a stepping upon after annexing several small countries and attacking their former overlords, France. France and Savoy, however, have joined the Burgundians in their fight against us. Hungary, Saxony, and Bavaria join in our fight. Steiermark revolts as 35,000 troops wait in Wurzburg for the Swiss to leave Baden and Lorraine as they and the Palatinate prosecute a war against Burgundy. The Hungarians and Saxons happily take care of besieging Graz, while our forces spend the year waiting. An abortive sortie through Cologne is driven back in August by the French. Burgundy and France, after the Swiss sign a peace treaty, send troops into the grinding machine of Wurzburg. The entire year is spent watching Burgundy send in forces to be mauled on the frontier.

France, seeing the slaughter, gives us 175d for peace, 25 of which go to Savoy. Sweden and Denmark declare war on Burgundy, and Swedish troops almost instantly appear in Oldenburg and the Piedmont. Now, one year after DOWing, I’m finally ready to move in. Forces of 14,000 march into Baden, Alsace, and Franche-Comte, crushing local forces and besieging the forts. After another year of waiting, in which France-Comte was captured and I moved on to Burgundy, Alsace and Baden finally fell. Burgundy, with their marvelous sense of timing, attacks now that the provinces are mine. They lose, and I pursue them into Luxembourg and Champagne. A few of my relatives abscond with Burgundian noblewomen from Dijon as we march towards Luxembourg. Finally, at the end of the year (1454) Burgundy gives us Alsace and Baden for peace, along with the usual moneys. The nobles responsible for declaring war are given medals for their campaigns in the Rhineland, then they go skiing in Tyrol on my invitation. Sadly, they are never heard from again, and I make sure that no more wars will occur on my watch. The world hates us now, though. In international circles, our reputation is rather bad. In England, Lancaster and York compromise on the crown.

Our military experts advance new strategies in making war, as LT 3 is reached. The Palatinate could use such advanced techniques; they went to war against Burgundy again, following their TO allies . Hopefully, they’ll win. Counter-revolutionaries in Ostmarch rebel soon after news reaches them that Athens attacked the Ottomans. They were protesting our nation’s aggression towards the Ottomans, but refused to believe that we were Bohemia, not Athens.

Word reaches me that arbitration attempts have failed and the merchants have gained the upper hand in Novgorod. Oh well, the country can go to ruin and I could care less. No one in Russia is strong enough to establish hegemony now with Novgorod’s civil war.

New elections have taken place for king. Jiris Podebrad, whom I supported, was elected. Although our reputation is the worst among the international community, Jiris is elected Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the Germans. This surprises me, but it seems as if our policy of being married to every German state- heck, every state- is paying off. The Palatinate, Cologne, and Saxony love us, Bavaria is neutral, Austria hates us but that is to be expected.

1458- Oh, how the years pass. It has been quite some time since Jan Hus died, and now the Hussites demand some reward for supporting Jiris as king. Time to give them their just desserts- we embrace the Hussites, bringing up our popular support drastically, maxing innovativeness, freeing serfs, and making our armies better led. Sure, so the powers of Europe may hate us, and Saxony is back to neutrality after being our best friend, but it was worth it. Rejecting the Hussites would have been contrary to my principles anyway. I do not agree with what they say, but I will defend to the death their right to say it, as Voltaire famously did not say. Still, most of Europe still looks friendly towards Bohemia, only our sworn enemies in Dijon and Vienna despise us.

More revolts in Tyrol and Salzburg as former Austrian nobles dislike the freedom I am giving ski slope workers. The counter-revolutionaries are crushed by the Sudeten Rangers and the newly formed Tyrolian Alpin Korps and Salzburg Guard. Yes, I edited the save file, but only changed the army names. Skiing was poor in Tyrol this year, winter largely missed the Austrian- or should I say Bohemian- Alps. Burgundian agents in Baden led an uprising there, but the Silesian Black Watch crushes the foreigners. At the end of the year, our army reforms and becomes more focused on a mobile, offensive strategy- leaders are 2/2/3 now.

The Golden Horde annexed the Crimea, Saxony refused to become our vassals, a few more revolts- the Cowards of Tyrol were defeated in Alsace, the Black Watch had to help them- Poland vassalized Brandenburg- perhaps we should intervene- I granted monetary aid to the nobles, Moscow gained Tver from Pskov, France annexes Bourbonnais in war after that country broke vassalage and lost Limousin to Auvergne, Brittany revolts and gains Morbihan from the English, and Athens occupies all of Turkey in Europe. All peripheral affairs, except for Brandenburg. The Foreign Ministry has no need of me, the kingdom is quiet with Jiris running the minor affairs that come up, so I’m enjoying the next few years. I think I’ll become a tourist and visit all of Europe.

Another war breaks out as Burgundy alternately is victimized and is the aggressor in several conflicts with most of Western Europe. Naturally, Burgundy comes to terms with the major powers and several conflicts are fought out in Helvetia, Cevennes, and Oldenburg against various and sundry countries. The only country capable of winning is Sweden, who takes the northern half of the Low Countries and accepts a huge sum of money, half a million (475d) for peace. France watches the government of Brittany in Brest fall, then attacks, gaining Morbihan in the bargain.

A revolt in Moravia occurs as I side with my family against rival, counter-revolutionary, proletariat-oppressing, Austrian-sympathizing nobles. Finally, the wars begin to wind down, with one notable exception. After Sweden made peace, Helvetia thought it was safe to ally with Burgundy. They were mistaken as Milan overruns their country, making peace by taking Schwyz and the entire Helvetian treasury back to Milan. I cheer for Milan, hoping that we can eventually make an alliance with a power that crushes others twice its size.