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The Path to Nirvana
A Tibetan AAR


"Where there is nothing; where naught is grasped, there is the Isle of No-Beyond. Nirvana do I call it -- the utter extinction of aging and dying."

Tibet, land of mountains, mystery and yetis. Sounds like a great place for an AAR, no? There is the issue of extreme isolation and bad tech penalties, but when has that ever bothered me?? In fact, I quite like playing countries that are hopelessly deficient. It gives me a sense of purpose.

But what, I hear you crying, is Nirvana? Well, quite simply it is bliss, attained through the extinguishing of all desires at the end of the life, death and rebirth cycle. I can't promise that this AAR will deliver something as great as Nirvana, but it might be quite nice. But probably not bliss. Sorry. If you were expecting bliss and perfection, you should probably leave now. It's the door on your right. Again, sorry about that.

Anyway, for those of you that have stuck around, the AAR will be in a similar format to my Uzbek AAR, except each update will cover 20 years instead of 10, meaning a total of 20 updates in total. My Danish AAR, for those that care, will continue as normal. This will be third priority (behind Danish Revival and my Siebenburgen AAR), but updates should come fairly steadily.


Prologue: In Which Eyes are Opened

Lhasa, 1st January 1439

The Dalai Lama opened his eyes unto the world, and blinked.

“Shaven head…check. Mind cleared of all thoughts…check. Wearing orange…check. All right, way to go me!”

As the Dalai Lama muttered to himself young Lobsang entered, holding a cup of green tea with yak’s milk.

“Tell me, young Lobsang, what have I missed during my meditation?” Lobsang grimaced as he handed the tea to his wizened leader.

“Well, uh…” young Lobsang stuttered.

“Out with it man!” snapped the Dalai Lama.

“Well, you’ve been mediating non-stop for twenty years!” A spurt of tea shot out of the Dalai Lama’s mouth like a geyser, his eyes wide.

“Twenty years?!” he whispered incredulously. “Blimey, I’m a meditating demon! Just call me Mr. Meditation, baby!” He paused, his face taking on a more sober expression. “Well then, young Lobsang, you had better tell me all that has occurred in the material world, for a great and brilliant spiritual leader needs to know these things, you know what I’m saying?”

Lobsang took a deep breath, and focussed his mind back.

“Right, 1419...”
Ahh, a true challenge. Have you checked Peter Ebbeson's Tibet AAR? Might be a helpful guide - though I doubt you're going for world conquest as he somehow did.

I'll be checking in on this one, Fiftypence. Good Luck. You're going to need it!
Lobsang Ludd by any chance? And as coz1 says, if you have not read though Peter Ebbesen's It Came From the Moutaints you should - much fun was had by all.
coz1, Oranje Verzet, stnylan: Thanks for the interest. However, my laptop has stopped working, so updates will be delayed I'm afraid. :(

Hopefully I will be able to get it sorted and begin this AAR properly soon. :)
Urgh, Tibet is tough. Within the first few years I got DOWed by Chagatai Khantate, and got destroyed. It did not help that all their provinces were terra incognito. :wacko:
Fiftypence said:
Urgh, Tibet is tough. Within the first few years I got DOWed by Chagatai Khantate, and got destroyed. It did not help that all their provinces were terra incognito. :wacko:
Are you starting again, then?
Or are you going to re-load as REB (rebels) and play the Tibetan government in exile. :D
King of Minors said:
Are you starting again, then?
Or are you going to re-load as REB (rebels) and play the Tibetan government in exile. :D

Yeah, I'll start again. Just need to make sure that the Chagatai Khanate don't DOW.
If at first you don't succeed...

Good luck all the same.
You've gotten me interested: now subscribed for whenever you start.