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Grandpa Maur
Apr 10, 2001
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My first AAR :)
Hope it will be full of blood. Time to unleash mongol hordes:D

Very Hard/Furious (Of course furious, what else would i choose for Timurids AAR?)

First thing. I have strange feeling that i will have to deal with lots of revolts. So check religious tolerance.
Great, only those Shiite heretics, we will convert them later.
Meanwhile, as result of checking my religious sliders, first revolt in Afganistan (and it's still paused, geez)

Technology. (who cares about technology, anyway, we want blood!). All at 0, except 1 for trade. Good ;)

Hmmm, it seems that those rebels own Afganistan now. No fortress? Nowhere???(Checking my logbook)Twenty provinces, and four
forts... Samarkand, Tehran, Isfahan and Herat. Not much... need those fast cavalry armies to slaughter all those rebels:D

While we are at it, time to cara about army. Pitfully small, 15000 infantry, 20000 cavalry. And i heard Venetians estimated
that i'm able to field 1'000'000 horsemen. Morons:p Maximum manpower is 5'000...
Hmmm, it seems i need more quantity slider... What? It's already almost maxed... geeez. But it's quite okay.
DP settings.
Aristocracy 8, Centralization 1, Narrowminded 3, Mercantilism 4 (what is it?Who cares, we want army, not merchants:D)
Offensive 9 (GOOD) Land 8, Quality 3, Serfdom 7
Anyway, what is important. Cavalry costs 14 ducats. (Infantry 7, but who cares :D) Treasury measly 200, income
Not much.

Ok, we move offensive slider to 10. Cool, now we have commanders with shock value 4. Kill them all!:D

Political situation(our first prey)
Uzbek Kaganate to the north, Chagatai Khanate to the east (hmmm, China!)
Delhi to the southeast(India!), and small islam states Quara Konlyu and Kaliphate to the west.
Allah, Dowing anyone will get our stability down to -3... but who cares, we want blood!(and i need manpower, BADLY)

So, who shall be the first victim of my mongol hordes?
LOL, just noticed i don't have any core provinces.

Anyway, exploring some neighbouring provinces and crushing afhgani rebels (lost 800 good mongol cavalrymen, sob-but well,
i builded another 11k, getting my army to 21 cavalrymen:))

Timurid Empire is HUGE. I won't use anything except cavalry. I need fast-moving army

My income is about 16 per month. Most from taxes, good. Inflation already at 10%.

Why those rebels? My revolt risk is at 0, and yet there were four rebellions in first six months...

Anyway, Time to get rid of Chagatai Khanate. China will be next:D

Or? No, there is another small state to the southeast, called Gujarat-something. Not allied to anyone, should be excellent for some

Harharhar, let slip the dogs of war:D
Haha, our mighty armies slaugtered Chagatai Khanate forces (about 15 cavalry on both sides) to the last man. Thanks to our superior
Mongol tactis surely (what do you say? They are Mongols too?Guards, kill him!:D)

Did i mention my stability is at -3? Who cares, i'm getting as much money from treasury as i can, i need money for my army!

Hehe. Short and pleasant war. Only obstacle is that i first have to capture their capital, to get all their maps. (only one
fortress they have, probably. No forces at all, after two more battles)

Meanwhile, back in the Great Timurid Empire-Wave of obscurantism... ouch. Revolt risk 2% Don't laugh, with such vast spaces,
and four forts, it's quite too much to handle...

After i will get their 8 desert provinces, producing wool, of Chagatai Khanate, i wlll have 34. With only five forts:D

Hmmm, i'm already at stability -3? Why not Dow Chagatai again?:D

Oh, got CB against Quara Konlyu. Hmmm, why not Dow them? I have my western Hordes doing nothing except occasional rebel fighting
(read-constant rebel fighting:D) Especially that Siege in Allach-forsaken fort in Quaidam Pendi province next to Earth's Roof
is not going to end quickly. Not surprising, since i have 8000 horsemen there, merely blocking enemy supplies...

It's not going well. Two years has passed, and NO annexation? Only one measly war? Dow Quara Konlyu immediatly, you stupid moron!
Oh, shit i can't dow at -3 stab... too bad...

Haha, my sixth forts. I don't know how, but i got fort in some place in the middle of nowhere, called Birjand.

Next time i'm going to Dow some alliance. So i wouldn't have to wait till my stability will go to -2. Wait two years, i might add:D

June 1422. Ny stability went at -2. Some rebels in Birjand, and also some Afghanis came up with an idea that they should celebrate it
needles to say, my Mongol Hordes didn't like their ideas at all. All were mercillesly slaugtered (as some other 20 rebellions
i got in past two years. Meanwhile, my army is about 50k strong, cavalry mainly)

Hmm, and Samarkand Cot(about 200d) is still empty... When i think of fierce competition in Europe...:p

Just Dowed Chagatai Khanate again. Bah, who need stability anyway- i took -8 stab hit, but after annexing them, i will be able to Dow
someone again:)

Meanwhile, my infrastructure got to level 1. I can built effiecent tax system now. Bah, to get more rebels?

(Oh, just got strange message. Denmark made peace with Bremen, the later got Finnmar, Narvik and Iceland:D)

Geeez, just noticed that Kaliphate is my vassal:eek: Who cares, anyway. Chagatai Khanate is history, i have -2 stability, and noticed
that Nogai, Uzbek and Khazakh are allied together. Their mistake:D
Oh, shit... in first few battles against rebels and those Uzbekhs, i lost about 25k good Mongol riders:(
(especially the big battle, 15k on both sides, only 172 my men survived...)

Meanwhile, Duchy of Athens got into Greater Byzantine Empire. Good, one nation less to Dow for us :D

My last army in Tehran is somewhat nervous about approaching same-sized Uzbek army... Oh well, maybe the fact we got better tech
(lev 1 both army and navy) will help them:)


What a bloody war. Now it's ten years later, 1432. After what seemed to be a stalemate, i decided that peace with at least one
participant is necessary to defeat two others. So Khazak were spared. This time. Even this seemed not enough, for not so long ago
, rebels almost overran my country... i feared that government will fall...

Geeez, this Chagatai Khanate made me too uncautious... Whatever. Now, last Uzbek province is about to fall. Nogai will came shortly later,
and i only hope that Persians won't declare independece.

Meanwhile, i moved my slider towards land. Inflation is at 8%, and i also buit fort in Hormouz.
LOL it is indeed a difficult take to play the Timurids! :)

Playing them is difficult in the sense that you already have revolts being a problem (probably as bad as the Golden Horde), your stability is really bad at the start, and pretty much everyone hates your guts. ("You are worse than dishonorable scum.")

Of course, the way you're going, it looks like a mere stability/rebel problem ain't gonna stop ya! :)

Keep it up! Let's see how far you can go. :D
Well, it seems that Timurid rebels are hardcoded. If not, why i'm getting rebels in provinces with revolt risk of 0?

Hahahaha. You say, i won't be able to stop persians? They were so afraid of my Mongol hordes, so they declared independence in one sorry province of Quara Konlyu:D

Oh, they got Hormouz too...

Anyway.We lost too many men already. I ordered an offensive against Khazaks, despite their large forces are sieging our new Uzbek provinces. For now, it's going good. We destroyed their armies, and are sieging all provinces (or at least stationing a small force, to prevent raising reinforcements). Meanwhile, rampaging Nogai army is sieging our capital. Who cares, we will destroy them later. As those huge 30k rebel force in Persia

Oh, and those Afghanis give me really a headache... I would built a fort here, but i'm afraid they will destroy it before it will be finished:(. At least i managed to built one in Baluchistan... (which is good, for revolt just poped in Kalat, right next to it :)-of course all my forces are busy fighting Kazakhs...)

And those Afghan mountains... what a sorry state, my cavalry have hard time fighting there... Oh, well, i ordered fortress on Delhi border (my next victim:D) in Quetta. And i Qualan Pedi, on Chinese border. May come handy one time, too...

(oh, Scotland got Gibraltar. So i assume, in one time Brits will have it) Wondering who will annex Granada, then...

Nov 1438, i got promoted to:

Baron! My victory points are again at 0:D
Meanwhile, Nogai is defeated. Now, i only have to re-capture my proinvces, and i can start preparing(good word, preparing. I Dowed them immediatly after defeating Chagatai, and that's why it took TEN long years to defeath them. I need large army before i will invade Delhi...)

OHMYGOD. I should crush those Shiites... Safavid Heresy, historical event. I have two options, one-secede many provinces to Persia (NO, over my dead body!)
Or Crush Them. -6 Stability (who cares, though i'm at 1 now) and -1000d... needles to say, i expect swift bancrupty...

Uh, interests is eating me... 18d, i have 29 income now... inflation is at 28 percent, i suspect in five years it will be 33...

One step towards quantity... we need manpower, and cheap troops:)

Haha, exceptional year, -5 to inflation:). I also made peace, getting all their provinces except capitals... And 200d also :)
Rebels are appearing constantly (one revolt per two months, on average), giving my Mongol Hordes little practice before they will get Delhi:D(of course, first i will annex remnants of Kazakhs and Nogai, but i will have to increase stability to Dow them...)

(meanwhile, my manpowere increased to 21'000, and supportable amount to 36k. Good. It means more Monogl Hordes:D)
Ouch... Chagatai Khanate declared Ind, Bancupty (inflation at 45%)...

This will not stop me, of course, from invading Delhi... In five years, morale is really lousy now...

While at second (third, to be precise) war with Chagatai, Sibir Dowed me. First BB war?:D
(actually, i was able to make white peace with them quickly. Good, i didn't want to conquer their winter-infested provinces...yet:D)

1449. I dowed Nogai and Khazak alliance. I hope it WILL be short war. Meanwhile, inflation is at 50%...

Nogai is history.. Meanwhile, i keep getting some lousy leaders. Timurids are lucky that they are my puppets only:D
1450: Khazak is gone,too.

Hmmm, 1452, situation seems to be stabilized(i mean, all rebels are slaugtered fairly quickly;)). Should i wait till the end of Delhi alliance with Hyderabad and Oman? Nah, i want blood and i want it now:D

Ah, one step towards aristocracy. We need to offset this rampant inflation...
Ouch... Chagatai Khanate declared Ind, Bancupty (inflation at 45%)...

This will not stop me, of course, from invading Delhi... In five years, morale is really lousy now...

While at second (third, to be precise) war with Chagatai, Sibir Dowed me. First BB war?:D
(actually, i was able to make white peace with them quickly. Good, i didn't want to conquer their winter-infested provinces...yet:D)

1449. I dowed Nogai and Khazak alliance. I hope it WILL be short war. Meanwhile, inflation is at 50%...

Nogai is history.. Meanwhile, i keep getting some lousy leaders. Timurids are lucky that they are my puppets only:D
1450: Khazak is gone,too.

Hmmm, 1452, situation seems to be stabilized(i mean, all rebels are slaugtered fairly quickly;)). Should i wait till the end of Delhi alliance with Hyderabad and Oman? Nah, i want blood and i want it now:D

Ten years after...

Not much hapenned really. No wars (of course, constant rebellions), i lost many men, but was able to make some build up. I mean, 100'000 mongols are ready to invade Delhi. Whose alliance just ended. I also moved land to 10, so despite 62% inflation, my cavalry costs 16d. To war, spare no one:D

The problem is, i don't know their provinces, except capital, and border ones. So i will have to explore them in war. Might be hard, i i will got defeated in battle...

Meanwhile, in Europe. Poland annexed Brandenburg(as usual), France their vassals, Wallachia is a real powerhouse, annexed Moldova, and European Turk provinces... Byzantium expaned nicely, too.. As Ak Konluy and Karaman (my next victims, i suppose...)

Ooooh, NOOOOOO....

Mughals attacked me with 70k army... fortunatly, mainly infantry, and i managed to explore path to Delhi... so not all is lost.

Hmmm, they went inot PTI. hiding like wolves in dark forest... where thery will strike?

Meanwhile, i assembled my army, and 25k are sieging delhi, 5k detachments rest of known provinces (one already captured)

Hmmm, i need higher stability. Want to Dow the the day after i will make peace :D

Shit... This Indian Army showed right before Delhi fell... Well, they lost 40k to my 10, at least:)

Hurrah, Delhi has fallen, Their army is slaughtered... Bastards, they can't be compared to Khazakhs and Nogai. Only Mongols know how to fight:D. I quickly overrun their provinces (cover), so they can't built anything :)

And from what i see, it seems that real power in India is Vijayanagar, they expaned nicely...

Hmmm, it seems that Delhi is worth more than 100%, so i can't take all it provinces... Too bad. Oh, well, i dowed them the month after i made peace...

btw, Castille annexed Granada. If not that Scots holding Gibraltar...
Inflator? Nah, i only have 68%, and it's 1469. When i will have governors (hopefully, before 1820, but i wouldn't count on it, with my current research spending:D), i will have enough provinces to offset it:)
Or are they going to have Gibraltar too? They cancelled military acces with Scotland, and it's often prelude to war...

Hmm, it seems i finally got positive VPs. About 200...

1468. I'm rebuilding country (read, rebuilding my army:D)-btw, i now have forts and tax collectors almos everywhere.
Anyway, i got historical event. Called "Disintegration of Timurid Empire". Sounds scary...
a)Attack all traitors
b)Bribe them

How do you whink which one will i choose?:D

Ihaaaa, revolts EVERYWHERE. I wonder if i can make it... My army is down to 55k...
LOL, ARAGON declared war... I didn't know they are even aware of my existence
And Nubia... well, i wonder why Vijayanagar didn't...

Four years later, when revolt risk ended:
Bah, the rivers went red with blood, and cries of slaugtered people frightened my neigbours...
Seriously, it wasn't that bad those mountaint forts are really hard to take. Nevertheless, all of India and Persia is in rebel hands or sieged, and i have small 20k army. No wonder, having 8 revolts per month...

So, now retake all provinces, and then annex Delhi:)

I wonder what next...

Should i expand into India further, take on China, eliminate Sibir or Golden Horde, or expand into asia minor?
And Genoa too, hehe, news of mighty Timurid Empire reached those small European states :D

Anyway, it's 1478, my stability is at plus 2 :eek:(i feel i wasted five nice Dows)
ah, btw, Vijayanagar accepted some tribute...
So, time To annex Delhi? And maybe Gujarat (rebelletd form Bengal. Sure, from Bengal, they took three my provinces and only one from Bengal...)

btw, just checked my BB. Only 132? Nah, i need to Dow and annex some more countries, i want world to hate me:D

And i need those Babur guy... with administration rating of 2, i'm not going to convert any provinces...

Oh, and about blood. I lost 100'000 cavalry to attrition, and 550'000 in combat. And abou 20'000 infantry :D
my Vp are at 800:)

Oh, i mean, i like killing all those rebles:D, but how much one can stand? I mean, it's 1486, and i have two rebellions per month on average... I only hope after i turn into Mughals, those revolt will end. It's worse than fighting Dutchies in EU I, believe me...
I don't even know how big is my manpower (i now have max quantity:)), it's constantly lower because of rebel-controlled provinces...
Now, that wasn't fun. I'm in the middle of battle against Vijayanagar (actually, i'm finishing them, but it was tough. Well, they should know not to descent from mountains with their infantry armies:D) when another historic event happen. 15 provinces seceded to Persia... Harhar, i wasnt' able to do anything... Except that i will Dow them when i will finish with Vijayanagar...
Spaking of it, i browsed historic event file. Only one remains. Turning Timurids into Mughals. Wonder if it will stop constant rebellions. I hope so. And as a bonus, two new cultures. Afghani (sure, no more afghan rebels, i'm happy:))and Indian. Cool, i need money from india. With my new inflation (nearing 100%)...
Finally got this Babur guy. Immediatly ordered some conversions:)
Strangely, he after one year, i got some asshole named "Ali". Seems that Babur didn't have easy life...
Anyway, Vijayanagar is broken. Few provinces left (too much to annex all except capital)
Army is constantly rebuilding (i said, i need manpower) currently at 100k. Rebels slaughtered immediatly:). It seems that they don't pop up so often as before... or so it seems?

Zahir-ud-din Muhammad, better known as Babur :). At least. I wouldn't stant those rebels... especially Indian ones, there are simply too much of them for my limited manpower...

Anyway, i don't have many choices... Unleash the Tiger:D

OHMYGOD. i look like Vijayanagar now... still muslim though.. Bad, Hinduism is better:)

Anyway, Timurid empire is no more... wondering if i should change my policy? No more conquests? Nah, to war!, we can change name, but Babur have blood ot Genghis Khan and Tamerlane in his veins:D


I doubt anyone will do same thing as i did. Because even if you like killing rebels, Timurids have too much of them. And waiting 100 years till they end (as they ended at least), is too long. That would be all of this short and bloody AAR ;)