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May 17, 2005
Call to arms - Your country needs YOU




Famous for its smoked eels and little else in the early 15th century. Geldre was soon to rise out of the ashes of Europe, unite the Dutch, humble the proudest kings, defeat the mightiest of empires on both land and sea, and create the greatest trading empire on the planet.​


Geldre precariously holds her ground in Arnhem, when Oldenburg signs an important military alliance. Burgundy was regarded as Geldre’s most dreaded enemy after Philip the Bold inherited Flanders in 1384 and Philip the Good latter acquired Holland and Zeeland, all of which were fellow Dutch peoples. The citizens of Geldre lived in constant fear of being Burgundy’s next target.


Therefore in March 1419 when they were gripped in a disastrous war with France and her allies, Geldre seized its chance. Its citizens fed up with living in fear, gathered in the capital and demanded the King to take action. The order was not long in coming and every able-bodied man over the age of fifth teen was expected to take up arms. Geldre’s meagre forces, made up mostly of peasant farmers and fishermen headed for Holland, Zeeland and Flanders.


The countryside was looted on a grand scale. The peasants had never seen such riches and abundance, however they stood united and agreed all plunder should be sent directly to the countries treasury for the benefit of the nation.​


Once peace was signed with France, King Henry the fifth of England himself led a large force in the besieging of Geldre. By this time England’s countryside had been systematically plundered of its riches, and Burgundy strained from constant warfare, pleaded for peace. King Henry never saw inside the city and Geldre, in one stroke of its sword had become a nation of substance and wealth.
It was not until three years later that the call to arms was made again. Spies in Savoy had reported that the nobles there were in secret negotiations with the Pope about excommunicating Geldre on trumped up charges of gross sodomy by its King, who venomously defended this slander on his good name by declaring war.


Geldre’s forces moves on Savoy’s allies England and Burgundy, while her own allies pledge support for the King. Note, earlier England had annexed Friesland.


Philippe III le Bon gasped his last breath after he was knocked from his horse and a pack of Geldre’s peasant farmers overwhelmed him and hacked his body to pieces, in fact not a single man from his army returned home. England by this time had been plundered once more, but this time larger forces of Geldre’s cavalry were employed and annihilated many an Englishman before they gave up Friesland. Later after Zeeland was recaptured Burgundy surrendered Holland.


Geldre had enjoyed a brief period of peace before England, desperate for revenge, declared war.​


It was at this time that Geldre faced one of her greatest threats, with all her allies annexed by England, Aragon holding Geldre itself, England captured Flandern, Brabant and Zeeland’s walls were at the point of falling, the future looked anything but bright. Brabant had been gained from Burgundy earlier and the Dutch people were united under one flag, however it was considered a small consolation to the many citizens of Arnhem, who were being indiscriminately put to the sword by the cruel Iberians.


Flandern fell quickly, London burned and Zeeland held out just long enough for England to desire peace, the citizens were overjoyed. But Geldre was now isolated and required allies.


The royal courts of Europe were quite surprised then, when she allied herself three months later to her former dreaded enemies. The people of Geldre were outraged, however the king was of a much more wiser disposition, seeing that the growing France was now Geldre’s greatest threat.
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zacharym87 said:
Impressive start, how long do you have to wait before you can become the Netherlands?

Thanks. Forever :D , Im playing last beta patch. No mods, no Netherlands, Geldre forever, hoorah, hoorah, hoorah.
Ah another good AAR. EUII AARs are improving again. :D I must say I'm amazed you've survived this long, going to wars with half of Europe almost constantly it seems.
Ok, firstly I must apologise. I had played Geldre some times before, quite a while ago and had fared much better. After some thought I realised I had made a great mistake in wasting those plundered riches on building a great navy and warning Castile, Portugal and Aragon. Simply I had ridden Geldre hard with massive expectations, the same as if I was playing England. Therefore and I hope you can forgive me, I hopped into my time machine and went back to 1419 to repair the damage. What you see above and below now is mighty Geldre Mk II. This will not occur again......

P.S - again much apologies :) .

Thanks Henry v. Keiper, your comments are too kind.

Thanks Grundius, basically become mega trading dude, while imposing my will and authority over all who stand in my path, you know, the usual, do as I say or die tactics...thats the plan anyway.


War with the French was not long in coming.​


Geldre did more than her share in the war, the great French general Richemont was killed some months later by Geldre’s forces as he tried to relieve Paris. The English took no part in the war and left our alliance.


Luxembourgh was received then released as vassal. Economic reforms were being implemented at this time and two great processing plants began to be constructed. Smoked eels would soon be made more available and exported throughout the known world. It was later to be reported that the Shoguns of Japan ate the eels at their coronation, such was their appeal.


The borders of Europe in late 1453.​


Geldre’s armies on the march, only too happy to take part in any spoils which warfare of the time created.​


Afonso the lazy, also referred to as Afonso the insane, got his name after letting Geldre’s armies capture and burn two thirds of the city of Tago. He drank himself stupid in Oporto while commanding an army twice that of his foes and claimed he was unable to fight because he was pregnant with a baby elephant, his subjects never forgave him and his reign ended in a dark prison cell, being starved to death.


“The plunder, the plunder, my pockets are full, my sack is full, my horse is heavy laden. Gold from Toledo, silver from the East, fine stones from far lands. My dear wife, we are rich beyond measure, war I love, killing I hate, but it is necessary, for I must kill or be killed”.

Peace was signed shortly after, for just a few chests of gold.... its all they had left.​


On close examination of the maps found in Portugal, this small parcel of land was thought ideal for our first trading post. The new world was looked at with some suspicion, but the opportunities for greater wealth was overwhelming and could not be ignored.


Some entrepreneurs even went to the extent of arousing natives in Pernambuc and latter Diamentia to rise against the Portugese traders there, before setting up their own bases.
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Tens years after the first war with the French, they declared war and Geldre quickly moved on the offensive.​


It was a relatively quick affair, slash, whack, slash, whack, whack, peace. Arotis was released as a buffer against the French, but also because the French peoples were regarded with such distrust that they were not wanted in the nation of Geldre.


With relationships with Aragon at an all time high, the king thought it prudent to ask Aragon if they desired an official bodyguard in return for a yearly payment, which was politely denied.


Ever since England had annexed four small states many European alliances had turned on them out of fear. England was invaded constantly and was in the grips of war with France when Geldre seized her chance.


Seeing its vulnerability of seaborne invasions during the past wars, Geldre had built a powerful galley fleet with designs stolen from the famous Venetian Arsenal. According to English records England’s entire navy was sunk by Geldre fleets during this war.​


What is left of England’s armed forces cowers in Cornwall before being put to the sword.​


Due to Geldre’s incessant looting of England’s resourses, food was scarce and many thousands of people died of starvation. Desperate citizens in Lancashire and Northumberland took to the streets in open rebellion, while Geldre joined the war on Castile.


In November 1475 the king of England signed a humiliating peace treaty, agreeing to recognise Geldre king as liege and lord, paying large sums in yearly tribute.​


With a white peace signed with Castile, Geldre’s armies helped English royalists to crush the government’s forces who were wrestling the king for power.​


New Flandern, Geldre’s first major city outside of Europe.​

Now in 1488 the royal treasury of Geldre had run dry and the king had earlier obtained a huge loan of 200,000 ducats, which was due in six months. With no way of paying the loan the king considered just murdering the Jews who had given him the money, however this would jeopardise any future loans. He did not wish to continue paying exorbitant interest rates, what he referred to as being daylight robbery, so he asked his most trusted advisors for an answer. Weeks had past before a plan was finally devised, it was a simple one…armed robbery, “I can be robbed, therefore I can rob” the king exclaimed. Geldre smuggled small bands of men into France. They then dispersed into every major city and waited for the command to break into and rob every palace of the French king and of his wealthiest nobles. The duke of Pommern had dishonoured the king of Geldre’s son at a jousting tournament the previous month, by refusing to fight. This was a great excuse to exercise the plan.


So war was declared and France joined their ally Pommern.​


After the money was in the treasury, Geldre’s forces pulled back into Paris and captured the city and the king of France.​


With a sword pointed at his throat the French king signed peace, handing over even more gold. In five months Geldre had earned well over 500,000 ducats, a pretty sum in those days. The citizens of Geldre were not ashamed of their thieving ways as they recounted the legends of Robin Hood. The fact was though, were Robin Hood was supposed to have robbed from the rich to give to the poor, Geldre had in fact robbed from the rich and given it to the super rich, themselves, as Geldre's citizens were some of the wealthiest in Europe. A fact they easily overlooked.
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Gelre seems to be unbeatable on the field of battle! Loot them all till they have nothing but a filthy rag to sleep under in the winter. And when you have done that, take their rags as well ;) I suspect England had no colonies you could take?

Btw, why did you precede the past two updates with Amsterdams coat of arms?
Grundius said:
Gelre seems to be unbeatable on the field of battle! Loot them all till they have nothing but a filthy rag to sleep under in the winter. And when you have done that, take their rags as well ;) I suspect England had no colonies you could take?

Btw, why did you precede the past two updates with Amsterdams coat of arms?

Unbeatable? no we have suffered our losses, but no one has really targeted Geldre, except that early war with England and Burgundy. When at war with the French they hit my allies hard, especially Savoy and when at war with the Iberians, Aragon took a beating and ended up losing territory. That last war with England was a breeze as they had been plagued with constant war, they had no colonies.

Well I looked for Geldre's coat of arms as per seen in the game, on the internet and could not find them. So this one, looking good, you know, with rampant lions and all was chosen.


Years of peace and after two major reforms in the economy were inflation dropped. Geldre was able to afford this new enterprise.​


The Dutch owned colony of New Geldre had long been controlled by the natives there, and now begun prospering under their hand.​


The borders of Europe in 1500. Note that England has shrunk dramatically, so had their yearly tribute to Geldre. By this time Aragon had become Spain’s vassal and Portugal joined Geldre’s alliance. Spain was of cause the new name of Castile, as the citizens there believed they could easily erase their horrid past, if they erased its name.


Some months earlier, a popular and stunning Arnhem born actress, and to top it off, a favourite of the kings, was drowned in Aragon for witchcraft. The citizens of Geldre were not as superstitious as their former allies and were appalled. The public outcry was immense, the king spent weeks alone in his private chambers (it was at this time people began questioning just how close he had been). However when he eventually came out he declared war. Within two years Catalonia and Gerona was overrun, the king and his supporters judged and beheaded for crimes against humanity. The citizens forced to pay a huge tribute for the supposed costs of the war and a massive state funeral for Catrina, which the likes were never seen before or after


The actress in question "Catrina" and inset with the young king.​


With Spain having constructed a massive shipyard in the rich province of Andalusia, it was considered too good of an opportunity to pass up when it was offered in the peace negotiations.


After huge investments in the infrastructure of the nation, a new government institution was developed, one with the sole purpose of cutting inflation.​
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I imagine you are going full infra/trade? That actress somehow seems familiar... A cloning facility pumping out actresses to fabricate CB's: everybody should have one :D
Grundius said:
I imagine you are going full infra/trade? That actress somehow seems familiar... A cloning facility pumping out actresses to fabricate CB's: everybody should have one :D

Yes, have been going full infra with some trade, though now land will be me main focus, as Im weel behind france. Well I find it easier to say this actress..... or spies found this out...., etc, rather than "border dispute" with some country that you dont even have a border with.
Yeah I always wonder about those border issue events.

Dang, look at England. Scotland is taking over the isles. Can you say..."alternate history?" ;)


The army’s strategic command issues a new handbook on military tactics and issues pretty new uniforms to the standing army. The king, on advice in the book, immediately goes on a massive spending spree, running up huge inflation, building, what was then referred to as level 3 castles in all Geldre’s provinces in Europe bar Andalusia.


The pagan nation of Maya refused gold, silver, or diamonds as Geldre’s diplomats tried to cement strong relations, claiming they were in abundance in their country. The smoked eels though once again proved their worth, when the despot ruler Napot Xiu took a keen interest in them, accepting 20 tonnes for military access and the exchange of maps. Geldre’s surveyors could not believe their eyes when the maps received indicated vast wealth of gold west of Maya and quickly despatched a scouting party.


On seeing the gold in person and perceiving the Aztec barbarians who owned it were of a primitive nature, the scouting party quickly became the conquerors, brushing aside any resistance.​


With conquest complete Geldre’s monthly income now doubled that of France.​


On hearing of Geldre’s newfound fortune, the Pope issued a decree that 10 percent of all income earned from the new world would be required by the Catholic church in Rome, for the furthering of the faith on threat of being excommunicated. “Damm his eyes”, exclaimed the king “Who will rid me of this greedy leech”. Many, many, many, many, many, heaps of, finally hundreds of offers were made to the king in the following weeks, but a knight who had overheard him had already made his way directly to the nearest port and caught the next ship to Rome. The last thing the Pope saw was the glint of steel, as a powerfully built man standing over him brought down his broadsword upon his head, shouting “Excommunicate this you worm”. Geldre reformed its state religion the following week after popular approval of the slaying.


The Dutch peoples were also quite greedy as the lust for gold gripped the nation.​


Though the difference was they actually worked for their money. Even if it did include brutally slaughtering thousands of helpless barbarians.


An estimated 30,000 barbarians massacred for Michoagan, seemed a fair exchange to the citizens of Geldre. A further 20 million natives would later die from the common cold, which the Europeans had brought with them.
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Grundius said:
Will we see you uniting all of the America's under your rule?

No, in fact Im beginning to lose motivation for the game as a whole......once more.....its happened a few times before. Short attention span and all that, the greatest years in this game are the first hundred-fifty imho(securing the power), once thats done and you get mayors the whole scope of the game changes for me. Thinking of just giving the English AAR a hard whack. It was fun while it lasted, another one for the dust bin, sorry. Keep telling myself before I start that its not going to happen, but it always has and maybe always will, I have never actually finished a game and they just seem to be getting shorter all the time:( .

Practically over before it started.
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Well here's the way I see it:

You're on your way to securing America.

You've pretty much got western Europe under your thumb.

I say go for Eastern Europe and Africa. ;)

"Excommunicate this!" :rofl: