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Caballero de la Triste Figura
Sep 26, 2004
An Allegorical Introduction to the Behaviours of the People of Muscowy in 1492​


It was a cold March morning on the Petersburg Farm, and, as usual, the animals of the farm were gathered in the barn, devising cunning plans. Bacon, the pig, and his fellow farm animals had two passions: money and... more money. Well, let's say they had three passions: money, more money, and food. Now, the latter of those could not be fulfilled without the prior fulfillment of the first... with the important exception of situations in which lots and lots of violence was involved.

That is what made life on Petersburg Farm interesting.

This particular evening, Bacon the pig was preparing to make an important announcement to the other animals. After a few minutes of nervously playing with his stack of coins and his stash of cookies in his stall, he entered the barn and began to speak.

"Good evening, comrades. Many of you, through barnyard gossip, have heard already that I have discovered a new, reliable method of obtaining more money and food."

The animals cheered for a little while after the mention of money and food.

"In the past, it seems, we have only aquired a very unsatisfactory amount of our most basic needs in exchange for our shameful enslavement to the Farmer Smith. Henceforth we must not sweat and toil for such a small amount of money and food. Instead, we shall obtain them through my new brilliant plan, the absolute ideal method: we must slaughter large masses of people and steal their money and food!"

The applause that ensued doubled the limit of decibels prescribed by the neighborhood code. Soon after, a policeman arrived.

"You stupid animals! Go to bed!" he said.

At that moment, a bull suddenly charged at the policeman and tore out his liver and ate it. Then they stole his wallet.

"That's the way it's done!" said Bacon. "Now let's go attack a neighboring farm."
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An Allegorical History of the Years 1492 and 1493 in Muscowy​

And now for something completely different:

Chancellor Constantine was in his office laughing like a maniac.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAaaah-- um..." he finished awkwardly as a man wielding a glowing stick entered the room. "Uh... hello Master Nevik. I was just... watching... Batman and Robin. It's a very funny show."

"Yes, Chancellor, I enjoy it myself."

"Hmmm, Master Nevik, I sense something is bothering you."

"Well, I had another dream about, you know, Hamster Huey."

"Another gooey kablooie?"

Nevik sighed. "Yes."

There was a long pause.

"Chancellor, is there anyway to... stop a loved one from dying?"

"Yes, but only through the dark side."

"Great! Sign me up!"

Distracting Transition to: The Ijed Council

A small green creature stood before a group of Ijed Knights. The creature began to speak, "Escaped new apprentice mysterious with Chancellor Constantine has."

"Good Lord," said a knight, "would you please just talk like a normal person?"

"Hmm, I guess so. Chancellor Constantine and his new apprentice have escaped and captured the planets of Ryazan and Pskov for their new Galactic Empire."


All the knights stood up. "Chancellor Constantine is the evil guy we've been looking for!"

"We can't jump to conclusions. In any case, we have no choice but to allow Ryazan and Pskov to remain under our protection in the alliance. We have seen no definite proof of any power exerted by Chancellor Constantine in those areas."

"No, I have a plan," said a knight named Sabe Jorgon. "The Golden Shield has been sort of annoying lately. We could declare war on them and call upon Ryazan and Pskov to help. With any luck, the cowards will leave the alliance, and we will be free to attack them at a later date."

"That's an excellent plan," said the green creature. "Besides, some nice new provinces might help me recover all that money I lost when I bought those Argentinian bonds."

The next day, Sabe Jorgon and his trusty droid BT BO-OP were flying their Z-12 Fighter through the solar system of the Golden Shield. The plan had worked. Ryazan and Pskov were banished from the alliance, and were sitting very much like ducks to be taken back by the Republic. But at this moment, Sabe Jorgon was more concerned with the assaulting the various provinces of the Golden Shield.

Four hours later, Sabe Jorgon and BT BO-OP were eating lunch at a local diner.

"Man," said Sabe, "that war took a really long time. I was really hoping we'd be done in time for brunch."

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Thanks, but this AAR was officially abandoned yesterday, because it was incredibly poorly planned. I was hoping it could sink to the bottom of the forum without anyone noticing it. ;)

Sometime later today I will be releasing a new AAR (which is actually planned). It will involve an odd variation of world conquest, and it should be pretty interesting.
Lord J. Roxton said:
Thanks, but this AAR was officially abandoned yesterday, because it was incredibly poorly planned. I was hoping it could sink to the bottom of the forum without anyone noticing it. ;)

Sometime later today I will be releasing a new AAR (which is actually planned). It will involve an odd variation of world conquest, and it should be pretty interesting.

You dragged me all this way for nothing ?! :D
Same here, I want a refund! :D