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Field Marshal
Apr 26, 2001
The days of easy conquest/mil expansion are over. I was Portugal in the GC. It was ugly. In 1419 Portugal finds herself at war in N. Africa with Fez and Algeria. I use tried and true military tactics to mil-annexed Fez and nearly all of Algeria (save the capitol). I increased my Muslim tolerance and stationed small garrison armies (6,000) in each province to fend off any revolts. Got my first naval explorer and was busy around the coast of S. America when things began to turn badly.

Tunis DoW and all the N. African nations join the fray. One 50,000 army marches up from Morocco, a 27,000 army breaks out from the remnants of Algeria, and a beastly 45,000 army storms West from Tunis. My small garrisons fought off the first wave (which surprised even myself) but the armies of Allah kept coming.

At the same time my ally the Papal States calls on me to join in some insignificant war up there in Europe. I honor the alliance and discover that England has taken sides with the enemy alliance. Now a 20 warship English armada stations itself off the coast of Portugal. It stands between my troops in N. Africa and the high manpower resources of my core provinces. Under command of my great explorer, my own 18 warship navy gives battle of the coast of Gibraltar and losses to the mighty English guns.

The English control the sea and end all hope of re-supply in time to save N. Africa. In the end I loose my navy, my explorer and all my holdings in N. Africa.

Three cheers for the AI. It's going to be a lot harder to act like an EU I cowboy and get away with it.
Hmmm... the AI beating an able human player, that's interesting. You were fighting against the rest of the known universe, though Petrus.
I wonder how the AI would handle a conflict on equal terms. Could a human player lose by the AI in an one-to-one basis?
Originally posted by cooldude
Hmmm... the AI beating an able human player, that's interesting. You were fighting against the rest of the known universe, though Petrus.

Hm... when did Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and England become "the rest of the known universe"? ;)

I wonder how the AI would handle a conflict on equal terms. Could a human player lose by the AI in an one-to-one basis?

Probably not as good, but then that's AI. On equal terms I guess the AI always will lose, generally speaking.
I was outnumbered and overextended. But what's wrong with that? EU I let you get away with that sometimes. EU II is less forgiving.

Interesting note: In a desperate attempt to cut the enemy down--during the final war--I sent a small infantry detachment into Fez to try and cut the supply lines to between Morocco and their siege army farther up the coast.

I don't know if it was just a coincidence or a smart move, but Morocco seemed to try and defend it's own supply lines.

That was when I knew that the battle was truly lost.
I went up to the coast of West Africa and noticed goldmines. Whoopie, I said, great, thanx, I'll take those. Then I fought 10 years with those tribes only to leave with just indemnities :D
Just send a missionar, and make them believe the gold clumps are a result from devilisch interference... Ship the gold to Portugal, where royal exorcists will purify the gold...:D
Finally someone played as portugal :D I'm really happy, although you were beaten, better luck next time, if you ever play as portugal again keep an eye on castille since they can be some little double-crossers ;) Anyway good effort, don't give up, try again and take portugal to the place it deserves :)
I'm still playing with them. Even though my plans were set back for 20 years ( :D ) I still managed to intensively settme West Africa Coast. Couple of cities, several TPs and arrived in Recife ...
As Portugal in IGC I tried to play it modern and Reform. Spain didn' take it well enough, though, and I had a nasty time with them Catholics.
I think that in EU the biggest problem with Portugal is the miserable army, compared to that of Spain (hisorically correct), which starts to appear in the mid-game. I think that with the new slider stuff Portugal could stand firm in the post-1550s...

By BiB
I'm still playing with them. Even though my plans were set back for 20 years ( ) I still managed to intensively settme West Africa Coast. Couple of cities, several TPs and arrived in Recife ...

BiB, which year do these happen?
Excellent! I am off the hook for my misguided offer to write a Portugal AAR (I don't even have time to play the game, let alone write an AAR.

I only played Portugal up till 1440 or so. Did some good exploring and colonized Azores and Canary Islands. Unlike my warmongering friends, I was modest and only took Tangiers. Then I sat back and watched Aragon, Granada, Morroco, Fez and Algiers beat themselves bloody for a few years. I'm not sure who was allied with who, but Morroco was against Algiers and Fez, so my potential enemies greatly weakend themselves, hopefully increasing my security in Tangiers. Though allied with Castile, I spent my time trying to become friends with Granada and Navarre, intending to create a counter to Castile.

Alas I had to quit and haven't been able to play since.
Originally posted by Alexander Seil
Human Player is dead...Long Live the AI! ;)

hehe I concur...there is nothings as refreshing and delightful as reading about a human in trouble instead of the usual stories of great success and conquest....Now Im looking farward to EU2 even more, hoping that I myself will be beat up and have a bunch of difficulties before I learn to master the game....LONG LIVE THE AI! :)
Originally posted by jbavon
May we ask why you are not playtesting the game?
I am a computer consultant. The last 10 days were very hectic for my client. Tomorrow I am off to visit family for a few days. I can test for 2-3 hours today, but that will be retests to verify that fixes work.
Long live the AI, Long live SM!!
Long live the betazoid who tested the map editor!!! (only if it is good, otherwise youre deadmeat:D)
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