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Nov 28, 2004
Chapter 1: The Big Dream
D.João I, the king​

1st of January 1419, Lisbon-A small boat leaves the harbor of Lisbon, that boat carries 100 people, farmers, normal citizens, traders,members of the church and nobles. They are all going to the recently discovered islands of Azores in search of a better life.
Meanwhile in the hot North Africa, more precisly in Tangiers, the army of "Reconquistadores" is attacking Tangiers, that army is commanded by the legendary Portuguese Hero Nun'Álvares Pereira, most known as Pereira.
So, this is Portugal, a small nation with big dreams.

The coat of arms​
The kingdom​
Yeah, it's a great country to play, especially for a quick colonisation plan :D

Why do'nt you a portuguese version on our forum ?

Chapter 2:The new Reconquista
April 3rd 1423, Tangiers, the peace treaty between Portugal and Marrocco is signed. It says:"D.João I, king of Portugal and Yahyâ al-Wattâsî, king of Marrocco sing peace to this endless war, The provinces of Tangiers, Tubokal, Sahara and Anti-Atlas are given to Portugal, in the condition that the rest of Marrocco is not destroyed,
Tangiers castel, 4pm April 3rd 1423 after the birth of christ" Now Portugal has the conditions to launch the exploration of African coast!
"Explorer needed" says a paper in the streets of Lisbon, but Henry the navigator has some capitans the might be useful in the future..... :D


The Dominion of Marrocco​
Chapter 3: Where no one has been before......

1st of September 1433-D.João I died. The king will alaways be remembered as the king of Good Memory, because he didn't forget the people and the Bourgeoisie that supported him in 1383-85 crisis and he didn't forget too those who didn't...
Now D.Duarte is the king. Portuguese explorers Gonçalo Velho and Gil Eanes are making voyages to west African coast


Meanwhile, the 2 first great Portuguese explores made great discoveries. Gonçalo Velho has discoverd a small island in Atlantic, Bermuda and Gil Eanes passed the cape Bojador and reached coast of Cameroon.


Gil Eanes in Coast of Cameroon


Bermuda discoverd by Gonçalo Velho

D.Duarte's short reign ends, now his son Afonso V is the king

Afonso V​
HKFlash said:
A question: whats that province below Gascogne? In France, that one in green, who conquered it?

The date is 1419 Jan 1 so its impossible to conquer Bearn in 0 min of gameplay ... And he useing AGCEEP so Bearn is a free country ( or whatever)

Rolo Master said:
Chapter 2:The new Reconquista

The Dominion of Marrocco​

48684 gold in 1423? How did you do that?
Chapter 4: War and Prosperity(1440-1450)
Part 1:The Iberian Great War​

3rd January 1440-Portugal, Aragon and Foix sign a secret treaty that says"From now on these 3 countries promisse to help themselves in any war and the 1st one will be against Castille, Portugal will stay with Galicia, Asturias, Estremadura,Andalusia and Canary Islands, Aragon with Murcia, Castilla and Leon finnaly Foix will stay with Cantabria"And the war started...


Iberia Before the War​

The war started and lasted 2 years, the greatest battle was at Andalusia between Portuguese Lt.General Avaranches with 28000 men(and horses) and Alvaro de Luna with 18000 men. We won and Alvaro de Luna died :D . End of war,Castille is reduced to Toledo and Murcia


Iberia at the end of the war(funny isn't it?)​

Part 2 will be posted later
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Part 2:In route to prosperity....​

In this decade important discoveries were made: Mainland America(Carolina) and Cape of Good Hope! D.Afonso was very happy with these progresses :D


Mainland America being discovered​


Cape of Good Hope!​

Now India is closer!:D


Portuguese colonies in America


Portuguese posessions in Europe and Africa

So we're in the route to prosperity..... :)
I'm liking it!

So what's your relations like the rest of Europe at this time?
I supposed it. With all those state gifts funded by Montezuma! :p
Chapter 5:The Great Sahara war

March 10th 1474, Lisbon
The cheif of the association of Portuguese merchants, Sebastião de Miranda talks to the king:
Sebastião-Noble king, as you know south of Azouad lie the unknown and powerful kingdoms of Shongai and Mali. If we conquer the great city of Timbuktu from Shongai we would certenaly have in our hands the most powerful center of trade of Western Africa...and we could also convert the city.
King-That's a great idea!
Sebastião-Thank you noble king
King-OK, so I will command the troops myself. I'm going to Tangiers...


The army​

6 years later The Great Sahara War has ended..Portugal was victorious. I completly annexed Shongai ( now the problems are the revolts:(


The expanded North African Dominion now named "The vice-kingdom of West Africa​
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Great AAR sofar! This might be the first AAR I read wherein Aragon becomes Spain in stead of Castille. Keep it up!
Chapter 6:India!!
23rd of April 1483, Indian Ocean near Kutch a Portuguese fleet commanded by Diogo Cão is lost, the crew in near to riot and Diogo Cão doesn't know what to do.But a sailor says:LAND!!!!They aproached a little more and they found the Sea Way to India!They discovered the realm of Gurjat and establishe diplomatic relations with them. Months later they were recived in Lisbon as heroes...