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Fight for glory!
A Brabant AAr

I'm useing 1.08 with the latest beta patch + AGCEEP version 1.36

Scenaior : Alternative Grand Camping ( 1419 )
I'll do a pictorial AAr because its easier :p

My primary goals :
- Remain independent from Burgundy (completed)
- Unite Netherland before the "Creation of the Dutch Republic" event (completed)
- Create the Dutch republic (completed)
- Build up a colonial empire (completed)
My optional goals :
- Expand into Northern France (completed [ 200%:D] )
- Vassalize minors in Germany

Chapter I: The great patriotic war

We begin in 1419. Brabant is a poor country and the province called Holland , are invaded by the Luxemburgian army.

While our army batteling with a Luxemburgian task force , our souther province , Artois , is besiged by the Luxemburgian main army.

After we conquered Luxemburg , Artois fell to the Luxemburgian army. Their army regrouped in Holland. ( after this i'll call them [L] )

Our army moved to Artois , and liberated it. Meanwhile the [L] army started to liberate their capital. Our main army quickly leaved Artois and started to march to Luxemburg. They will attack the [L] army with a task force stationed in Köln.

We beated them in their home land , now we crush them!

After the battle , we liberated Holland and our marshals wanted to invade their last province , but when they saw where is the last stronghold they sent a runer to the [L] king for peace.


After the war , Jacqueline the traito , went to England for help and returned with 27,000 man to fight with our army for the crown. Filips decided we'll attack in two wawes , in the first wawe we sent our infantry , under the command of Zandwort , and in the second wawe Filips will attack with our cavlary.

After the battle our army reduced to the half of its size.

In 1426 Burgundy attacked Dauphie , and wanted our aid. Our king refused the help. The answer was quick and cold. They banned us from their alliance.

In the same year , our traders stepped into the era of High Rennisance.

In 1427 Gelderland invited us to an alliance. We accepted their request.

In the april of 1427 our king Jan IV died. His brother had two choices: Cede Artois and Holland to Burgundy or fight for our country. He choose our country , and this means war.. Our allies held off Cleve and Firesland , so Filips coud attack Burgundy. He occuppied Picardie , and after the victory we sent a diplomat to Burgundy. We wanted white peace. They refused. When our allies started the siege of Munster , Burgundy offered 36 gold as indemnity.


In 1428 our infrastructure has been improved to High Renissance.

Our political status in the new decade.
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Chapter II : The path to glory

Chapther II : The path to glory
( 1430-1450 )

In 1430 our little kingdom had many enemies. We want a strong ally so we signed a royal marrige between Brabant and France.

In them same year , our people refused burgundy and elected the count of Nevers-Rethel as our duke ( the people called him king )

At the end of the year , the islamic people of Tunis invaded a neighbouring country , Friesland. Gelderland quickly declared a war against the islamic attackers. They asked for help , but the rebels besiged our capital , so we had to take them out first. We banned from an alliance. Again.

The duke said we need to find a strong ally. We signed a marrige with France earlier , so we joined to his alliance against England.

The duke wanted an English province so he sent our troops to the province called Caux , and we started the sige. We coundn't take the castle , because a larger french army arrived and they take the lead.

After the war versus England our duke was disappointed. We fought well , but we didn't got any provinces. The duke wanted more territory. He wanted Flander. The Duke summoned his generals...
Duke: I want more territory! Send our army to Flandern! We will crush the burgundians!
General 1: But sire.. we have about 8000 solider..
Duke: Perfect! With 8000 brave solider i'll crush the ....
General 2: But they have about 39,000 troop! They are outnumber us!
Duke: I don't care! Where are my horse?
General 1: I thought you didin't learned horse riding in the school...
Duke: Oh... you are dead right.. we'll invade Flandern later! Now where is my sandwich...

After 1433 we had 3 silent year. Until 1436. Burgundy ceded Champagne and Nivernais to France in the Union of Arras , and they joined to our alliance. The duke knew we coudn't attack Burgundy now. He had to use politic to gain flandern.. In 1436 our alliance declared war against Savoy. We signed a peace treaty quick. As we know , Burgundy joined to our alliance , but this isn't improved our realation. The Duke knew that. He knew if we declare war against a country , they will not follow us....

Two years later our military technology incrased to Late Medival.

An another year is passed , and our Duke to improved the tax system in our northern land.

In 1440 our Duke declared war against Desmond , and Burgundy dishonored our alliance. That was our time. The Duke declared war against Burgundy too , and our army quickly occuppied Flandern. In 1441 France got French Comté and we got Flandern. Our plan was successfull.




After these wars , peace came to our land , and it's remained till 1446. At that time we didin't want France as an ally. So we leaved from that alliance , and we joined on the war in the same side of Gelderland and his allies in their war against the Palatinate.


Berg was our ally once , but the Palatinate conquered them. We had to took revenge. We sent our troops to Munster for an attack against Palatinat.

Our army took Kleves and after that they quickly occuppied Pflaz.


In the treaty of Brussels we took Kleves and 50 ducat from the Palatinat , and we granted freedom for Berg , if they stay as our vassal. They took it.


The political status of Brabant in 1450.
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Chapter III: The endless war

Chapther III : The endless war
( 1450-1470 )

1450 was a peacefully year for Brabant. Until december. Karel ( our duke ) had a dream. In his dream he saw our army in Picardie when they had a victory over the burgundian defenders... after the battle the true god ordered Karel for an attack against burgundy. When he woke up , he quickly assembled his generals...
Karel: Sit down!
The generals sat down.
Karel: I had a vision brothers! In my vision our army just conquered Picardie.. it was so real... You will attack to Picardie tomorrow.
When General 2 heard his order he fell down of his chair..
General 2: WHAT? I will not attack burgundy! Its....
Karel: I'm your duke so you will follow my orders!
General 2: But...
General 1: We can attack them. We can defeat their army in Picardie... but look Luxemburg. We need an another army against Luxemburg.
Karel: Our allies will attack Luxemburg! Just conquer Picardie at all cost! Send a runner now with this letter to Filip! They will prepare if they want..

In the end of the summer of 1451 Picardie was under Karel's control..

At the following year's spring Filip accepted Karel's claim.

July 4 was a sad date. The endless war began..

For great suprise Burgundy joined to our alliance in 1453.

In 1454 we finally gathered enough money for our first Fine Arts Academy.

The Academy was complete in 1456.

In 1459 was an exeptional year.

At the same year , war came to our land. 3,000 islamic warrior landed in Zeeland and with superior tactics they beated our army.

The kingdom's budget in the october of 1460.

Turkish soliders landed in Zeeland.

In 1464 a bigger attack came.

Karel died in the same year and Jan V took the throne. The people of brabant thinks the people of calais didin't like Karel because right after his death they joined to our kingdom. Anyway Jan gained his first province so he was happy.

In 1466 we finally reached infra tech 3 so we coud build refineries. Zeeland won the legal of the construction.

The Plague of 1467 killed many good citizen.

Crimean troops landed in Holland.

The armies of brabant regroups in Brabant.

Jan wanted to secure our southern broder , so he signed a royal marrige between Brabant and France.

The political status of Brabant in 1470.
Well, I enjoy reading it! I think you're playing a cool game, with getting a lot of northern France! Getting Gelre and Friesland may be more difficult I fear. Good luck with it. I do only not entirely understand why you did not annex Luxemburg early on. Did they control another province of yours?
Grundius: In AGCEEP, Luxembourg owns Ansbach at the start, so no quick annexing there.

Bluelotus: Top notch AAR so far. You've picked a tough corner of the world, as lots of people will be trying to claim your lands at one point or another, but that what makes these games fun :D . Best of luck.
Thanks both of you :)

Grundius: A zachary said , Luxembourg had Ansbach at the start , and i coudn't go through Austria because they alway refused my petition :mad: I'll try to diplovassalize Gelderland so i can try the diploannexation of Gelderland.

Zachary , i think i can defend myself because from friesen to luxemburg they are my allies , and i have a positive relation with france + a RM :)
Chapter IV: The fall of Burgundy

Chapther IV : The fall of Burgundy
( 1470-1480 )

Our merchants in the local trade center.

It was a beautiful day , 16 December , when the heir of Jan and the heir of Gelderland are married ( writer : not sure about this expression ) For great suprise an ottoman delegation came. They gave a huge present: The end of the 18 years war!


One month after the wedding , Gelderland accepted to become our vassal.

In the May of 1472 , Jan ordered to build up our fortres in our southern border.

In the last month of 1472 Charles bought Gelderland. This event did great upset in Brabant. A month later Burgundy asked for our aid...
Diplomat: Great duke of Brabant! I came with a message from Charles! He want your aid in a war against...
Jan: Shut up fool! After Charles took my son's legal heritage he ask for help? Get out , and tell to your king he will pay for this!

After this "incident" only two count supported Jan. Berg and Cologne.

Jan's army prepared for war...

Jan's army marched into Geldre and started the sige, meanwhile our Cologne's army arrived to Luxemburg...

After nine month we captured Geldre.

Jan: Keep it up brave soliders! We'll crush them soon!
Runner from Holland : Duke! Holland will fall soon if you not send reinforcements!
Listen to me! The puny army of burgundy can't capture the mighty castle of Holland!.....
General 2 : -whispering- He gone mad!
General 1 : Maybe, but he will bring glory to Brabant!

The burgundian army retreating . Meanwhile Cleves annexed Berg.

Jan captured Friesland. He got a message from Zeeland: The combinated armies of Brittany and Cleves are besigeing Zeeland!
Jan: Send a runner to Cleves! They can keep Kleves if they sign peace with us!


When Jan arrived to Zeeland , the soliders from Cleves's army retreated. Only the demoralized troops form Brittany remained...

After the battle , Jan and his army returned to the capital for reinforcement.

In 6 June Austria inherited the throne of burgundy. France had claims on burgundy , so the burgundian capital had to move to the fallen city... Luxemburg.

Burgundy reduced to Luxembourg , Geldre and Friesen because they cede Burgundy to France and they had to create Lorraine. Jan had total controll over burgundy. And he forced Charles to a peace.


Brabant is now a rising power of Europe when Jan looked over his map he saw an another rising power. Jan had a plan....

The political status of Brabant in 1480
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Chapther V : The land of peace
( 1480-1500 )

Jan decided to put an end to the Burgundian story.

About one month later the declaration of war has been sent to Burgundy.

Before the siege Jan was speaking to the allied troops: My warriors! ....
Cologne's general : Hm.. uhh sire , sorry for interupting you , but may i lead the sige?
Jan: Sure
Cologne's general : Thank you.


Burgundy is no more.

We will build an another refinery in Zeeland.

The refinery has been completed in Zeeland.

Our land technology increased.

Our trade level increased too.

Our first monopoly!

Jan died in 1491. Angelbert took the throne.

Revolts all over Brabant! The french troops will take them out :D

Angelbert was tried to improve all relation with France.

Our naval technolgy improved.

He was succesfull!

The plague of 1496.

A massive army in Zeeland.

The political status of Brabant in the new century.

Thx Engel :)

P.S: Happy new year! Boldog új évet!
Bujék neked is! (for those of you who speak hungarian)

I like this pictorial way of going through the AAR. What are your future goals?
First , i want to create Netherland. After that i want to colonize a bit of canaries , a bit of south america , india , and indonesia. After i created Netherland i think i will some french provinces as well because i will keep the french culture. And look my secondary goals , i'm gonig to vassalize Germany.
You should unite all the lowlands now and for when you get all those nice lovely explorers consentrate on East Asia in the beginning, most of those provinces are rich. Then move onto NA after a while. :)
Your going very well! You will make one powerfull Netherlands. I guess you'll vassalize Kleves and Cologne sooner or later? That will give you a great head start in vassalizing/annexing Germany.
Chapther VI : The unification of the lowlands , and the naval war
( 1500-1520 )

"Knock knock"
Angelbert: Come in!
Mysterious person: Good morning sire! My name is Van Engel. I have a plan..
Angelbert: Wait , wait! How did you get in?
Van Engel: Uhm... you said " Come in " sire..
Angelbert: Hmm you are right. Go on.
Van Engel: Thank you. I think you should break your Royal Marrige with Cologne.
Angelbert: Why?
Van Engel: Because you should unite the lowland.
Angelbert: Great idea! Now you can remain here , but i must go , you know i must unite the lowland...

The construction of the royal fleet.

The royal fleet at the Coast of Holland.

Van Engel: Hmm sire, before you dow Cologne , you should insult them sometimes..

Prepare to war!

France dishonored our alliance...

Luxemburg and Pfalz are under siege.

The cavalry attacks Köln.

5000 infantry sent to Köln.

After Luxembourg , our main army has been sent to Köln.

The fall of Köln , and the peace treaty of Brussels.


A new monarch!

Our military technology increased.

The first naval war has just begun!

The naval battle against Poland.

10000 solider loaded into our fleet.

The survivor troops marching into Küstrin.

The end of our naval war.

Our trade level increased.

The Treaty of Tordesillas.

We can assault now!


The political status of Brabant in 1520.
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It's going well for Brabant! Was there no way to push for vassalization of Cologne? If you get 100%, vassalization + 1 province should be doable. Besides, I believe a claim to Cologne to be justifiable, since after the Napoleonese war, the to be king of the Netherlands had the idea to create an independent Kingdom composing of not only current day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg but als the area that, in EU2, is composed of Köln and Pfalz.

The Dutch Republic seems ripe for creation, so good luck!