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Lt. General
Oct 1, 2004
Empire of all Greeks and South Slaws


Good evening.

This is going to be my second attempt to create the Serbian Empire. My old AAR "Serbian Before and After Action Report" will nevetheless continue:

In this new game I will not do crazy things like 3 state bankrupties at the very beggining (because of desperate financial situation, later I invented the State Synod, that gave me 50 ducats each time when reelected. Also, I was getting more explorers using cheat codes).

The only additions will be:

1) Serbia will have both slavonic and greek culture
2) The last medieval monarch "Pavle Bakic" is renamed into a parliament "State Synod", with a slightly improved administrative skill (4 instead of 3)
3) and, perhaps, I will move my capital to Constantinople (if I capture it at all)

For the sake of the story I will use my way of determining the population of a province: the original number is multiplied by 10. Population will consist of citizens and peasants. Percentage of citizens will be given by province income (still restricted with maximum value of 80%, for extra rich provinces).

So, I start with (POP-population, PI-province income, C-citizens):

1) Serbia: POP=120000, PI=10, C=12000, Beograd
2) Kosovo: POP=50000 PI=7, C=3500, Nish


A) unite all South-Slavonic provinces:
Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Rumelia, Dobrudja, Ragusa, Bosnia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Kraina = 10 of them

B) unite all Greek provinces:
Thrace, Macedonia, Hellas, Corfu, Morea, Crete, Ionia, Rhodes, Cyprus, Smyrna, Trabzon, Kerch, Kaffa = 13 of them

alltogether 23 core provinces

C) possible extensions:
Albania, Banat, Wallachia, Transylvania, Moldova, Bujak, Antalya, Taurus, Konya, Anatolia, Angora, Kastamonu, Adana, Aleppo = 14 of them

D) conversion of them to real true faith - Orthodox

E) colonial empire

F) and, find a way to change this ugly dark green color :mad:

Starting levels are: extremely hard + furious .
I hope that I would not be forced to change them during the game.

The game already started: now, Serbia, Wallachia and Moldova are in war against Bosnia and Dubrovnik.

Igor V.

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Serbia : 1389-1419

For detailed historic introduction of period between 1180 and 1419 (with a lot of nice pictures), please visit the firt page of Serbian Before and During Action Report (BDAR) .

Despot Stefan Lazarevic' (first part: 1389-1419)

Following the Kosovo battle, where Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic choose to go to “Heavenly Serbia”, his son Stefan, still a minor, inherited the rule over “Serbia on the Earth”. After a Hungarian raid on Serbia in late 1389, his mother Princess Milica, acting as a regent on his behalf, accepted a vassal relationship with the Turks. In that capacity Stefan later diligently fought at Rovine (1395) against the prince of Wallachia Mircea, and at Nikopolis (1396) against the Crusaders. Sultan Bayezid (now his brother-in-law) rewarded him for these services with former possessions of Vuk Brankovic in the southern Balkan. Later, Prince Stefan gave help to Sultan in the famous Battle of Angora (1402). However, Turks were defeated by Mongols under Tamerlane, and Bayezid himself captured.


The battle of Angora (1402)

Returning from Asia Minor, Prince Stefan visited Constantinople where he received the title of Despot from the Byzantine emperor Jovan VII. This marks the end of the initial period of disintegration of Serbian state institutions following the death of Tzar Dusan and the beginning of a recovery. After Turkish Angora debacle, Despot Stefan was in position to cancel vassal status.


Despot Stefan Lazarevic´

In 1403 Despot Stefan became a Hungarian vassal and received in return Beograd, the Macva region, the fortress of Golubac on the Danube, the mining town of Srebrenica (eastern Bosnia) and possessions in southern Hungary. He also established good relations with the new sultan Suleiman. In the meantime, profiting from Turkish civil war between Suleiman and his brother Musa, Stefan's brother Vuk rebelled, with some sucess, against him. However, Vuk was killed in a sudden clash in 1410. Despot Stefan also managed to reconcile his differences with the Brankovic family, and his nephew Djuradj in particular. The next dangerous temptation arose after the sudden death of sultan Suleiman. New Sultan Musa was despot's bitter enemy. Stefan answered by assembling a coalition with the Bosnians, Hungarians and Musa's brother Mehemmed. Finally, in 1413, in the battle under Mount Vitosa, Musa was defeated and killed. Shortly thereafter, Stefan signed a favourable peace treaty with the new sultan Mehemmed. That enabled him, through his skilful and wise policy, to gather most central Serbian lands under his power and to cancel vassalage.


Beograd, XV century

Serbia enjoyed a new period of improvement and economic advance, and this was particularly evident in mining (Novo Brdo, Srebrenica). It was responsible for a fifth of the entire European silver production; only through Dubrovnik 5 tons of silver were exported annually. In 1412 the well-known Mining Law was passed, which among the rest guaranteed privileges to miners and security in all mining activities. Also flourishing at the time were trade and handicraft. Urban progress, which filled the towns with men of trade and business from abroad (especially from Dubrovnik), managed to partially detach Serbia from its feudal past. The Despot's court, in the new capital Beograd, was organized as an interesting fusion of older Byzantine and humanistic gallant manners. According to his contemporaries, despot Stefan was a medieval warrior, a well educated knight, delicate poet and humanistic savant, all at the same time. He also belonged to the highest class of Hungarian aristocracy and invested in huge possessions in Hungary where he settled Serbs.


Mining Law

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A real nice start. Hope you make it through to the end.
Serbia: 1419 - 1427

Despot Stefan Lazarevic' (second part: 1419-1427)

In 1419 Serbia consisted of two provinces, central Serbia (120000 inhabitants, capital Beograd with 12000 citizens, producing grain) and Kosovo (50000 people, main town Nish with 3500 citizens, producing wool). Late in December of 1418, Despot Stefan made a consultation with the State Synod and his advisers about the future actions. The geopolitical situation in the region was analysed in detail: both regional powers, Hungary and Ottoman Empire, are again concerned with the rising of Serbian state. Cancelling vassal statuses made them upset. However, Hungarian King Zsigmond was engaged with its ally Croatia in war against Venetia, trying to capture town Zadar in Dalmatia and get access to Adriatic sea. On the other side, Sultan Mehmed II declared war to the remaining of Roman Empire under Emperor Manuel II. Serbia could find a way to profit from such a situation and make local expansion. The question was, should Serbia attack King Stjepan Ostojic of Bosnia, already having Casus Belli against him due to former boundary dispute, or wait for Albanians to declare war and later invade this poor mountain land. Moreover, Despot Stefan was still waiting for the answer from his nephew Balsa III Balsic, the lord of Adriatic province of Zeta, whether he wanted to join Serbian realm or not. It was decided to focus more on domestic politics during the next year: to invite more miners from Saxony to settle in Novo Brdo and Srebrenica, and to employ Greek architects and constructors, in order to improve infrastructure. Concerning religion tolerance, it was granted that Catholics are released from additional taxes – that could improve relations with King Zsigmond, and make people of Bosnia less resistant to future Serbian rule. Aristocrats called for joining alliance with King Mihai I of Wallachia and Duke Alexandru I cel Bun of Moldova, but, at first, Despot Stefan was still concerned with that – finally, he gave help to Turks in the battle of Rovine, 24 years ago. However, Serbia joined this alliance later in May 1419. The most important outcome of that session of the State Synod was acknowledgement of central government over local landlords.


The Royal Court of Despot Stefan Lazarevic' in Beograd.

In the meantime, the House of Kastrioti made Despot very upset – they made family ties with nobility of Southern Italy and even created new military alliance Albania-Naples. But, that was not the biggest surprise …..

While Despot Stefan was resting in his palace, watching Danube and discussing with his advisers and several priests of Serbian Orthodox Church whether Serbian poets should follow new style of secular Italian poetry, a messenger entered the hall:

Messenger: Your Highness, I am brining the news from province of Zeta.

Despot Stefan: Great ! That will make this wonderful sunny day even nicer. So, my nephew Balsa finally realized all the advantages of accepting my supreme rule over his poor hilly lands ?

Messenger: My Lord, I am afraid that it is not the case ….

Despot Stefan (shouted): WHAT !!!

(the poetry adviser dropped his manuscript , already trembling)

Messenger: Yes Sir, he was easily convinced by generous and rich merchants from Dubrovnik to form with them a new country. They took this funny Latin name: “Ragusa”. Above all, Balsa entered in military alliance with King Stjepan of Bosnia.

Despot Stefan: Damn it !!!

(all the advisers were notably surprised seeing Despot shouting. He noticed that, and remembered that he actually forbid bad manners and talking loudly.)

Despot Stefan (lowering his voice): Oh Jesus Christ !

(then he remembered that the priests were also in the room, so he should not use The Name of The God)

Despot Stefan (calmly): Oh, Saint Sava. I just wanted to get Zeta peacefully and to capture Bosnia easily, so that I could enjoy poetry in my old days. Now, what should we do ?

The adviser for theatre and drama: Your Highness, would you allow me to make a proposal. We could simply declare war to Bosnia, and after Balsa go on to help them, we could turn our mighty army to march to the South. Occupying the so-called “Ragusa”, we will get not just hills of Zeta. You could enjoy poetry, relaxing in palaces of sunny town Dubrovnik.

Despot Stefan (happily): Yes, that would be a masterpiece of military art.

Next year 1420, after arranging royal marriages with Wallachia and Austria, Serbia declared war to Bosnia. The formal reason was expelling thousands of Bogumil heretics from Bosnia. A lot of them escaped to Serbia, although they were not welcomed by the Orthodox Church. Despot Stefan accused King Stjepan of Bosnia for an attempt of destabilization of religious peace in Serbia and sent army to border river Drina. Wallachia and Moldova readily joined the war. And, as predicted, Duke Balsa took part on the side of Bosnia. While Romanians were marching towards Bosnia, Despot suddenly ordered army to move to Zeta. Already in November 1420, 10000 Serbians defeated weak Balsa’s army of 6000 men and start siege of Dubrovnik. Meanwhile, after several failures, Romanians surrounded new Bosnian King Stjepan II Tvrtko in his castle.

In August 1421, Despot Stefan and his nephew Prince Djuradj finally entered Dubrovnik, followed by loyal art advisers and bunch of servants carrying books and music instruments. Rich merchants offered him 370 ducats for independence, but he ignored them, enjoying the Royal Concert in the open air in main street Stradun. He did not care anymore even if Romanians capture Bosnia instead of him.



Unfortunately, the fall of rich merchant Republic made the Pope Martinus V furious. Definitely, Italians should not allow to a poor orthodox state on the hilly Balkan to get access to the sea. Only few weeks after the historic concert, Tuscany declared war leading a broad alliance consisted of Duchy of Athen, Modena and the Pope. Despot Stefan, very busy in attending theatre performances and posing to painters, carelessly sent emissaries to besieged Bosnia, to call Romanian generals to join the new war. Fighting in Bosnia was not a challenge – they should help him against Italians. However, having strict orders from their rulers to focus on capturing King Tvrtko (they had been trying that already for two years unsuccessfully), they refused Despot’s call.

Despot Stefan went for the first time to the harbour of Dubrovnik, to inspect war ships captured after the fall of the town.

Admiral Draskovic’: My Lord, we should not worry about Italians at all. This mighty fleet will stop any attempt of landing their troops in Zeta. We have one war ship and ten galleys. And, we can use these two transport ships to carry our troops and attack the hearth of The Unbeliever and invade Rome.

Despot Stefan: Well, such a campaign needs much more organizational effort and time. As a matter of fact, I am too old and have much more important things to do. You know, my dear admiral, I called actors from Thessaloniki to leave their city and come here. I am sure that Turks are not interested in Greek drama. In three weeks, they should be here, performing Sofocle’s Antigona. Please, just sail to Adriatic sea to crash Italians, and be back on time for the performance.

Admiral Draskovic’: But Sir, this is such a critical moment ! We should use our transport ships to ….

Despot Stefan: Yes ! That is really a great idea. I am so glad and delighted that even my military leaders have such a deep understanding of fine arts. These transport ships are anyway useless in naval battles. I will use them for Royal Concerts. Lets call it: “Water Music” !! Hmmm, …. (leaving the harbour) … now I must just find a talented composer ….

Admiral Draskovic’(desperately): Yes Your Highness.

Serbian diplomats tried to recreate the Orthodox alliance, but their success was just partial. Moldavia was pleased to join Serbia again, but Wallachia already entered alliance with Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Siegenbuergen and Luxembourg. In addition, a marriage with nobility from Georgia was arranged, but later they refused three times to become a new ally. Despot Stefan also had intention to make gain from Bosnian war, offering peace to King Tvrtko II – however, as he had no money, Despot left him to his destiny. King Tvrtko temporarily created a new alliance with King Ernst of Bavaria, but Germans were not interested in Balkan conflict at all. Bosnian ruler was captured in February 1422 and Wallachia annexed his land.

Quite soon, Venice accepted peace with mighty Austro-Hungarian alliance, paid 50 ducats and sent golden keys of towns Zadar, Shibenik and Split to Croatia. This event forced Despot Stefan to cancel his “Midday – Lunch Concerts” and devote more time to state affairs. The war against Italians had to be finished before Hungarians notice that Serbia could be ideal new target. The relations with his old “friend” King Zsigmond had ultimately to be improved.

In the next two years, admiral Draskovic’ won in several naval battles, permanently patrolling in Adriatic sea. Serbia celebrated two land victories against Athenians and Italians coming through Albania. Finally, after several fruitless negotiations, Duke Giovanni di Medici accepted peace, paying 50 ducats (evenly distributed between Serbia and Moldavia). Meanwhile, Despot Stefan sent several letters to King Zsigmond, together with a bit of gold and Despot’s collection of sonnets “Slovo Ljubve” (“Letters of Love”). Hungarian ruler was apparently very pleased.

During the last years of Stefan’s rule, Serbia was living in peace, while devastating war was in the vicinity. Austro-Hungarian alliance against Bohemia, Poland, Lithuania and Brandenburg. Tax collectors were promoted in provinces Kosovo and Zeta; nobility marriages arranged with Bavaria, Scotland, Portugal, France and Burgundy. State policy of steady improvement of relation with northern neighbour gave significant results – after the personal gift of 34 ducats, two countries could be seen as completely neutral.


Despot Stefan Lazarevic’ died in July 1427. New Monarch became his nephew Djuradj I Brankovic’.

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Serbia : 1427 - 1432

Despot Djuradj I Brankovic' (first part: 1427-1432)

After succession to the throne, Serbia got two new rulers: Despot Djuradj and his wife Irina Kantakuzene, daughter of Theodorus Palaiologos Kantakuzenos, Byzantine Senator. They got married already on 26 December 1414. During the last 13 years, Princess Irina was not just sitting at home, but was participating actively political and cultural life of Serbian capital. Especially, after old Despot Stefan moved to sunny Dubrovnik. She could not forget luxurious life in Constantinople, and ordered renovations of the Royal Palace and construction of parks and Royal gardens in Beograd. She was always dreaming about city on Bosphorus, complaining that her cosine Ioannes was the Emperor, while she was just a Serbian Princess, lost in hilly Balkan.

The situation became much worse at the end of 1427. King Szigmund reminded Despot Djuradj that, according to the last treaty of vassalage, old Despot Stefan obliged himself that new ruler of Serbia should give back Beograd to Hungary, not later than 5 years after Stefan died. King Szigmund, although very pleased by poems and (especially) gold that he got as royal presents, could not forget unexpected cancellation of vassal status. Being the leader of mighty alliance, Szigmind had no intention to allow Serbia grow into a regional power.

Princess Irina was desperate and furious. She finally got the power, but was going to lose her capital town! All her architectonic and urban achievements had to be given to these, … these … these Catholics !!! Even worse, to these Hungarians …. whatsoever they were, barbarians from middle Asia ! Despot Djuradj was trying to calm her down:

Despot Djuradj: Please, my love, do not take it so personally. King Szigmond has nothing against you. He just wants his land back. We are too weak to reject his demand. We are surrounded by him and his allies Croatia and Wallachia.

Princess Irina: Then, all these years of hard work were for nothing !?! My new Palace in Kalemegdan downtown ? And gardens with Persian pavilion, and …

Despot Djuradj: I know, but be aware that everything could be burnt down if we go in war against him. You can always visit your gardens as a guest of King Szigmund, whenever you want. I was thinking to move our capital to city of Nish. This is a mighty fortress. Do you like the idea ?

Princess Irina: Are you mad, my dear ?!? To live there ?! I am not a highlander.

Despot Djuradj: But, but, …, Naisus is old Roman capital. Remember that Emperor Constantine was born there. You can still find some remains of his imperial palaces in district Mediana.

Princess Irina: Remains of palaces ?!? You should better say RUINS !!!

Despot Djuradj: Then, what do you think of moving to Dubrovnik ? The sun, the sea, the …

Princess Irina: To live among Catholics ?!? NEVER !!! I have much better and challenging idea. We will build The New Capital ! NEW CONSTANTINOPLE !

A word and a blow. At the beginning of Autumn, Princess’ brother Toma Kantakuzene arrived from Constantinople with several outstanding Greek engineers and architects to conduct the construction of new mighty fortress in town of Smederevo. Taxes were raised and a lot of people from all over the country were removed from their everyday duties to participate the building of the new city. Officially, constructions started on Christmas 1427. The idea was to reproduce a triangle shape of Constantinople, protected by river Danube.



Plan and model of Smeredevo, divided into Small and Large Town.

People did not like the wife of Despot Djuradj Brankovic and named her “Prokleta Jerina” ("Damned Irina"), because they were forced to work very hard. Aristocrats hated her too: first as the state was not focused on new profitable wars; second as they could not accept that a woman had always the last word. As spring was coming, work on building of Smederevo was accelerating. In late summer 1428, the characteristic triangle shape of Small Town could already be recognized.



Smederevo - Small Town.

Until one day …. Princess Irina was standing on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Beograd, while Despot Djuradj was discussing with her brother Toma and other architects in the hall. Suddenly, she noticed a huge and noisy crowd, gathering in front of the church on the main square downtown, and eventually moving towards the palace. The rebels !?! Now, when most of the army is somewhere near Smederevo to control workers ?

Princess Irina: Djuradj ! Toma ! Something strange is happening outside. Looks like rebels.

Despot Djuradj and her brother rushed to the balcony. Frightened, they saw that the small garrison joined the crowd and opened the gates of the castle. But, few minutes later, they noticed that high nobility, orthodox priests and even state advisers were in the courtyard too. Despot realised that was not a typical rebellion and that things can be settled down peacefully after hearing their demands. The Church would never act against the Monarch. The presence of priests made him sure that he still had the control and that rebels had no intention to put his authority into question. Djuradj was right.

Rebels (shouting): WE WANT EGGS !!! …. PROKLETA JERINA (damned Irina) !!! ... NO SMEDEREVO !!! ... WE WANT EGGS !!!

Princess Irina (slightly confused): What is going on here ? Why do they hate me ? They hate their beloved Princess. I always tried to make them happy. … Just look at Beograd, they have one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe. Smederevo will be even nicer.

Despot Djuradj: Well, my dear, I suppose that first they want to eat something, … before enjoying the architectonic beauty.

Princess Irina: But, Serbia is rich. They have all the food they need. Grains, meat, wine, ….


Princess Irina: Are they trying to tell me that there are no eggs in Serbia ? I can not believe that !

Her brother, Toma: My dear Irina, it seems that it is true. You know, eggs are very important material, used to fix stones together while building city walls. The project of Smederevo is so huge, that there are big shortages of eggs around the country.

Crowd: WE WANT EGGS !!! PROKLETA JERINA (damned Irina) !!!

Princess Irina (almost crying): They revolt against me just because of eggs !

Despot Djuradj: I think that we should stop construction temporarily, until we get again a full control over the city.

Princess Irina (furious): To abandon the project !?! And … and …. my new palaces, my gardens, my fountains, my pavilions, ….

Suddenly, she changed her mood. She got an idea !

Princess Irina (sweetly): Oh darling ! My dear Djuradj. My dear Djuro, my Djurice, my Djurdjevko, Djurdjichu, ….. I know where we can find all these wonderful things that I need.

Princess Irina (firmly) – to the colonel of the Royal Guard: Tell to these peasants that “project Smederevo” is stopped (“just for a while” – thinking for herself). Tell them, they will eat bloody eggs again.

Princess Irina (even more firmly) – to her astonished husband: Djuradj ! Call all these aristocratic warmongers and greedy generals to come upstairs. They will remember Irina Kantakuzene forever.

Without any doubt, the only place on the Earth where Irina could feel like at home was: AT HOME ! Her ancestor was the Emperor Jovan Kantakuzene (1347-54), and her father is a cousin of today’s (well, just “today’s” – not tomorrow’s) Emperor Ioannes VIII Paleologus. Therefore, she was the rightful successor to the Roman throne. Well, let say, her husband Djuradj instead of her. Anyway, the Paleologus dynasty ruined the Empire. Ioannes controlled only The City, even being vassal of Ottomans.

The decisions to build Smederevo and to take Constantinople gave even more power to central government. The war was declared in November 1429. Serbian ally Moldavia declined – because of some religious trivialities. The traders from Dubrovnik informed Serbian generals that there were almost no troops in Thrace, and that Byzantine fleet was also far away. The campaign had to be fast and effective. The large war between Austro-Hungarians and Polish alliance ended with Bohemia paying 92 ducats to Austria in indemnities. Fortunately, the Papal alliance was busy fighting against Genoa and Savoy, while Hungarian allies Wallachia and Croatia had problems with rebels that controlled Bosnia and attacked Zagreb.

In December, Despot Djuradj recreated alliance with Moldavia. That turned out to be a wrong move. Already in January 1430 they asked him to go together in war against mighty Poland. He quickly broke the coalition. In few months, foolish Romanians were forced to pay 55 ducats for peace. On the other hand, Despot Djuradj got good news from the West. Having peace treaty with Byzantum, Sultan Mehmed decided to conquer another remaining Greek provinces and declared war against Duchy of Athen on Christmas 1429. The Pope and Italians responded declaring war against him. For sure, Muslims will not disturb 15000 Serbian soldiers besieging Constantinople.

After defeated by Poland, Moldova rejected to renew alliance with Serbia, and found new, more powerful friends in Austro-Hungarian union. During 1431, Ottomans annexed province Hellas, still in war versus Pope. In addition, mighty Polish alliance declared war against Asian group (Ottomans, Golden Horde and Ak-Koyunly). At the beginning of 1432, Despot Djuradj arranged for nobility marriage with Kingdome of Navarra (that took provinces Valencia, Gerona and Aragon from Aragon ?!?) and granted military access to Ottomans, in order to slightly increase the chaos in East Europe.


Kingdome of Navarra, 1427.

Finally, on 7-th March 1432, Constantinople opened its gates. As a matter of fact, Kantakuzene party overthrew the Paleologus dynasty, knowing that this would not cause a fall of The City, but merely a change of ruling family. General Jankovic’ entered the city in ordered and disciplined way and formally arrested the former Emperor Ioannes. Fast riders were sent along the Royal Road through Macedonia (with a special permission of Sultan Mehmed), bringing the news to Beograd. The celebrations were held in all the towns of Serbia for seven days.

People were crying: Djuradj for King ! God save the Queen !

Irina (to Djuradj): My dear, I told you that they adore me.

Still, Despot Djuradj was worried how Szigmund of Hungary would react. However, already on 15-th of March he received even more important news from Buda – King Szigmund called him to join mighty alliance of Hungary, Austria, Luxembourg, Siebenbuergen, Croatia, Wallachia and Moldavia ! The bright future of new Serbian-Greek Empire was assured.

In the evening on 21-st March, the Royal Fleet with Their Highness Despot Djuradj I Brankovic’ and Princess Irina Kantakuzene arrived into the harbour of The City. Greeted and celebrated by frenetic crowd. The magnificent Coronation of the new Emperor Djuradj I and Empress Irina was held in Holy Temple of Hagia Sofia, with Patriarchs of Constantinople and Serbia. The City was proclaimed as the capital of the new Empire.


The City .

Empress Irina (to Emperor Djuradj): Darling, believe me, I am your “best court adviser”.

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Roman Empire: 1427 - ...

Roman Emperor Djuradj I Brankovic’ and

Empress Irina Kantakuzene

(second part: 1432-)

From the very beginning, Empress Irina was busy with important state affairs:

Empress Irina (to Royal geographer): Erathosten, bring these maps here.

Erathosten: Yes Your Highness.

Empress Irina: What an ugly, awful, disgusting, horrible green color ! This is unacceptable ! We are the New Roman Empire ! That must be changed.

Erathosten: Yes Your Highness.

Empress Irina: Look at this beautiful, royal, Byzantine blue. Who is using this color ? Sweden ?!? These Vikings, these Scandinavian barbarians !?! Change it !

Erathosten: Yes Your Highness.


The map of The New Roman Empire, May 1432.
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Question !!!

I have a question: is there any MAXIMAL NUMBER of provinces that I can get in a treaty of peace ?

This night I was plundering all over Hungary, controling all its provinces (100% victory), but I could not take all them away (except capital). Also, I did not get opiton of vassal status neither for Hungary nor for Croatia.

What should I do (except going to sleap) ?

Hola !

Things were not so easy as I was expected. I had to start playing game over and over again from this point. I wasted all the weekend. And, each time I was defeated and ruined. Although I entered this mighty military alliance with Hungary and Austria, it lasted only few months. Already in the same year, rebels in Bosnia declared independence from Wallachia - and war in the same time. Wallachia called powerful allies into war, but ALL of them dishonoured. I had no available diplomat to try to get military access through Wallachia and crash rebels before inauguration of the new Bosnian king, or to recreate alliance with Hungary. Very soon, Hungary declare us war. The rest of the history (although I was replaying it for 4 or 5 times) was a typical disaster:

neverending wars against Hungary and Ottomans (sometimes, I was supported by Moldova and Wallachia), perpetual troubles with minors: Albania, Bosnia, Croatia. In one replay I even succeeded to occupy all Hungarian provinces, but they refused to surrender more than 10 times (reaching stability -3 made them no problems. It was me to fight against Hungarian rebels, which were liberating provinces for their king) ! Sometimes, I made insignificant teritorial expansions, like Rumelia, or Bosnia, or making new vassals in Bosnia or Albania (this option was not available in the case of Croatia) - and that was all. Very soon, the Pope, Venice, the Knights, ..... started to declare wars, and I was ruined. The East and Central Europe united against me.

However, I reloaded starting situation of the summer 1432 again, yesterday evening, and, BEFORE Bosnia declared independence, a messenger from Buda arrived to The Roman Imperial Court ....
Question ?!?

Can anybody tell me, if orthodox Balkan states are really among the worst tech-group ??? Now, I am already in 1540, and contrary to previous Serbian AAR I did not have 3 bankrupts. However, my inflation is already 50 % (that could be due to possesing gold mine in Armenia), and my TECH LEVELS are only 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 !!! I am the worst in the whole Europe ! Although sliders were pushed to more centralization and more innovation. Defficulty level is (very hard, furious).

Hi. Nice start to a tough country!

You asked a couple of questions (not that I am an expert or anything, but here goes):

I have a question: is there any MAXIMAL NUMBER of provinces that I can get in a treaty of peace ?

If you have a 100% score, you can ask for a lot. You may not be able to get it all since each province has a percent and the total is likely more then 100%. Also, the AI may not be willing to give you everything.

Can anybody tell me, if orthodox Balkan states are really among the worst tech-group ???

They are a hard tech group but not the worst - try playing a South American Indian nation.

The inflation you have is a problem. You can lower the rate you get it by making the gold income less a percent of your total. Try to gain non-gold land or increase your income via trade.

I hope you will continue...

difficulty level

I have just realized that difficulty levels Very Hard / Furious (when playing such a minor like Serbia) make this game having no sense. It is TOO DIFFICULT, and makes no joy.

I set an internal rule not to reload the game after some stupid movements or lost battles, but two times I had to REPLAY the game.

1) first time when Austria invade me in XVI century, crash me down, occupy all provinces, burnt Constantinople, ...
I replayed the game, starting from a saved position, few years before invasion, ... sending presents to Wien, several hundreds of ducats until I managed to make Royal Marriage. Then, I was not disturb few decades.

But, at these difficulty levels, I cannot enjoy all aspects of the game, as I do not explore, do not colonize at all, do not send merchants to CoTs, do not build manufacturies ... the game just turns to be waiting for another war, as AI is doing just that: DoW whenever, whoever, whatever, ... really LIKE A PROGRAMED MACHINE - when each peace truce expires, the war is automatically declared.

However, in 1660 I was controling all provinces around Aegean sea, from Serbia to Morea and to Smyrna.

I had three vassals:

- Croatia (7 provinces in western Balkan + Anatolia)
- Moldavia (7 provinces in northeast Balkan)
- Hungary (new created in Maros)

and The Knights as part of alliance.

I got Weapon Manufactury in Serbia by random event, and even built Art Academy in Constantinople. My treasury was about 700 D, thinking of building rafinery in Smyrna .....

2) and then, ...

2a) 1660-1670 : TOTAL INVASION

war against: Poland, France (having Albania), England (having Antalya), Russia, Spain, Portugal and Austria. And a bunch of minors, that we can neglect.

2b) 1670-1680: FIRST EUROPEAN WAR

everybody vs everybody !!!!

Now, I am in 1680:

- my infra is so delayed - instead to reach infra-4 in 1680, it is postponed to XVIII century.
- Hungary annexed by Austria
- Spain in Pest and Banat
- Portugal took Kerch (I still have Kaffa)
- I granted vassal status to Hellas and Bulgaria (I could not liberate these provinces from rebels. My stability was as low as (-2) during the worst periods, having no army). So, better to create vassals and invite to alliance.
- England took Kastamonu (ok, that's good - wrong culture, wrong religion)
- Austria took Serbia, with weapon manufactury
- Art Academy in Constantinople burnt down
- relations with Croatia almost ruined (but, they are still vassal and part of alliance)
- The Knights left alliance
- rebels in Konya (ex-territory of Karaman, later part of Croatia) declared independence and proclaimed so-calles "Ottoman Empire" ?!?
- still in war vs Pope.
- all trade posts burnt down, and the only colony Louga gave to France

Now, I have four vassals (Croatia and Moldavia bigger then me, Hellas with 3 provinces and Bulgaria with 1 pr. Rumelia).

The Empire is reduced to: Thrace, Smyrna, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Kaffa.

Perhaps it is time to replay the game for the second time, starting before these wars.

Or, to start a new one, a normal one, with normal levels (normal-normal) ....
igorvragovic said:
I have another question:

I could not vassalize The Knights. Option was not available. It was just written that I cannot do that because I have different religion. They were catholic, me orthodox. But, in the case of Croatia it was possible, although Croatians have different religion too. What was going on ?!?

I believe you need a land connection to diplomatically vassalize or annex a nation. This makes the knights impossible to vassalize except by force, and then impossible to annex except by force.


Province of Bosnia (belongs to Wallachia) controled by rebels. If they declare independence and war against former ruler Wallachia, our alliance would just break down, and we would loose mighty Hungary as ally.

26. March 1432: Hungary DoW Ottomans. Croatia joins the war. All others dishonour (Austria, Luxembourg, Moldavian and, the most important WALLACHIA !!! ). We join the war against Turks.

Wallachia is not part of alliance any more - Bosnian problem is solved !

Allies of Ottoman Empire dishonour the war - Turks are left alone.

RA (Roman Army) of 13000 / 1000 siege Rumelia.

April 1432: Albania DoW us ! Together with Naples and Aragon. We deal with that problem alone.

Austria rejoins our alliance.

Walachia and Moldavia create new alliance.

RA invades Rumelia and Dobrudja.

August: Bosnian Kingdom recteated - new monarch Stjepan II Tvrtko.

HHUUUUHHHH - I have about 138 pages of notes !!!! how to write an effective AAR, excuding unneccesary details, and focusing on important strategic things ????

OK - first I will give the figures. Story will grow around them later .....
igorvragovic said:
HHUUUUHHHH - I have about 138 pages of notes !!!! how to write an effective AAR, excuding unneccesary details, and focusing on important strategic things ????

138 pages?!?! How is that possible? :eek: I usually have only about 5 to 10 pages for an entire campaign. All I can say is that you must be a lot more dedicated than I am in writing down all the details from your game. I rely on memory a lot.

By the way, I enjoyed reading of your diplomacy in the latest chapter. It's always nice when the alliances break and join just the way to help you out. Well played -- or perhaps just lucky -- but it's nice to see either way!