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Lt. General
Oct 1, 2004
The Empire of the Golden Lion - path 1.08 - hard + furious

Instead to write a long standard AAR, with a lot of “bla, bla, bla”, this will be just a short overview of the first 100 years of the Benin Empire. It could be used as a receipt, as a bunch of hints, if someone would like to play one of the pagan states from West Africa. Playing any one of them could give the similar outcome (Ashanti, Dahomey, Mali or Songhai). I took Benin, as it has a centre of trade.

The first step was to built as bigger army as possible (NO loans), and to enter alliance with Ashanti and Dahomey (after getting the first diplomat – diplomats are quite rare). However, it can also happen that Dahomey or Ashanti invites you to join already formed alliance. The next move is to attack Songhai, as it posses two provinces with GOLD – pr. Bure and pr. Bambuk. The aim is not just to take these two golden ducks, but to defeat Songhai totally and control all its provinces (be careful about pr. Timbukty – it belongs to Mali, but is controlled by rebels, who at the end decided to joint Shonghai). After the complete victory, I got all the provinces (except capital) and the MILITARY ACCESS. In that way I got the maps of Shonghai – I discovered the way to the north and a new nation: Maroco (all its teritory).

After this victorious war, Portugal ships came to my coast for the first time, and at once declared war. Dahomey dishonoured alliance – later even declared me war – that was always, so to say, local African disturbance, until Dahomey was defeated after several wars and annexed around the middle of the 15-th century. Ashanti helped a bit during the first war(s) against Portugal, but the most important were naval victories. Having enough gold I could build a fleet of 5 to 10 ships, that could resist attacks of Portugal. After each naval victory, I acquired some of their maps and sea routes.

At the end, Portugal gave me some pocket money as indemnities. I was free for a new campaign in the north. My land level was already LL=1, so that my army could successfully deal with Muslims. With about 3 times 10000 men (additional new troops were built fast too), I invaded Maroco. Its destiny was at the end the same as of Songhai: absolute victory, all provinces occupied. Again, I got all the land (except the capital), and MILITARY ACCESS. In other words, I got all the maps of Maroco – that means, the map of almost whole of EUROPE. Later on, after war against Fez (alliance of Maroco), the capital of Maroco was annexed.

I won again against Portugal, stole some maps, promoted several tax collectors and reached 5 merchants in my centre of trade – Ivoria. Moreover, I made several steps towards higher centralization- the risk of rebellion was increased, but technology cost became lower.

Finally, close to the end of the century, I decided that it is time for the Age of Exploration. He question is: how to explore without explorers ? The answer is: WITH GOLD. I started to mint about 5 to 10 ducats per month (with a modest annual increase of inflation – “just” 0.5 % to 0.7 %).

First, The Empire of Benin “attacked” Mameluks. I have been sending them several gifts (unavoidable at least one State Gift, and few Personal Gifts), until relation with them was so good (above +120) that I could ask to EXCHANGE THE DISCOVERIES. They were very pleased to do that. I got the maps of central Asia.

Next steps were “a) giving gifts to” and “b) obtaining maps from” the following countries:

1. Delhi
2. Tibet
3. Oman
4. Kongo
5. Zimbabwe
6. Cambodia
7. Nippon (China was too expensive)
8. Golden Horde
9. Portugal (these poor little guys at the end joined the mighty military alliance of Benin + Ashanti)
10. Lenape (discovering a bunch of native Americans, Benin arranged a lot of Royal Marriages)
11. Aztec Empire (they were a bit expensive – a state gift of more than 800 ducats)

Now, I am in the year 1516 and know almost all the nations in the world. The map of Inca State is still missing (Spain will not give me the maps, as we had a war – naturally, Benin won, but our ally Portugal lost all of Iberian provinces).

I am the ruler of West Africa, having 20 provinces. Among them, 3 are in the north: Sahara, Toublak and Orania. The province Orania (in Mediteranean sea) is very important, as I could build ships (Benin won a lot of naval battles against Spain, Aragon, Tunisia and Turks there).


Benin Empire (gray) in 1516.

Perhaps I should go on with annexing, one by one, all my small African neighbours ? Or to try to conquer Fez and Tunisia in North Africa ?

I have money, I have all the maps, but still my technology level is quite low:


Spain 6 / 3
Portugal 6 / 4
France 7 / 2

Fez 3 / 2
Tunisia 3 / 2

And, The Empire of the Golden Lion – Benin 2 / 2 .

Next advances could be: for land-level in 1588, and for naval in 1668.