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Feb 26, 2004
A EUII after actions report

Giorgio looked around. What had once been a beautiful land, was now a rock desert. What had once been a grand city, was now ruins and old, burnt our cars. What had once been lovely, happy children, was now mutated human-dog crossbreeds,
He sighed and took a step forward, and stepped on something metally. He picked it up. It was a mangled old sign that said "Venice --> 200 kilometres". He looked at it and smiled.
He turned around. People were climbing out of the bunker that had been their home for 5000 generations. He lifted the old road sign high above his head, and yelled so that everyone would hear him:
"I hereby declare this land to be the land of Venice, and we are its people."
The others first looked at him as if he was mad, but soon, some started to laugh, and after soon, everyone was laughing, including Giorgio. The nation of Venice had been born.

*intro music with revealing scenes*

After the NucleAAR bomb
A Europa Universalis 2 after action report

Scenario: Random scenario made with the EU2 random scenario generator
Difficulty: Hard/Furious
Nation: Venice

Episode 1: The Republic of Venice
After careful calculations, it was decided that the Bomb had been dropped 1440 years ago, and so, the people of Venice declared the year to be 1440 after the Bomb Destroying All of Civilization, or 1440 AD for short.
The people of Venice decided that since they were nice people, and also because they cared about equality and... and... stuff, they declared Venice to be a republic.
The first president was elected. His name was Francesco Foscarini, or old Uncle Franco by most people.
Uncle Franco's first act as president was to change his title into doge, since that sounded way cooler.
So the doge then gathered all mutants in one spot, and all humans in one spot. It turned out to be a 1:10 000 human-mutant ratio, and since that was a good nobleman-common folk ratio, humans were made nobles and mutants common folk.
And also, several mutants were made soldiers in the army of Venice, since the doge needed and army (you can't be doge without an army!).
The army amred it self with old car parts and lead pipes, sharpened them and formed them into pole arms.
The uniform issue was solved when a huge building full of butt ugly jumper suits in very childish colors (tan, pink and blue) were found: enough to give uniforms to soldiers for at least 400 years to come.
The mutants of Bosnia and Albania quickly joined the republic, and then one day, during a scouting mission, Hellas was found.
Hellas was another nation, but this nation was a kingdom (oh, the horror!). Venice and Hellas found each others to be hateful upon first sight, and while no war came initially, Venice did gain something from the deal, since Uncle Franco convinced the Hellas merchants they had to travel all the way to the capital of Venice (Ragusa) to sell their stuff.
Thus, the Ragusa Centre of Trade was founded.
And also, an old computer was found, and it was in working condition. No one could figure out how it got power, but it seemed vice not to ask questions. The computer made maps, and showed them on a screen. However, no printer was found, so someone had to repaint what they saw on the screen.
Also, it seemed the thing was linked to a working satelite and provided pictures from far above of thing. The name of the machine was Map-o-Mat 2000.
The doge was quickly summoned, and the machine was showed to him. His first response was to talk into the Com-Port of the thing, to see if it would react. It did.
"Godday. I am Map-O-Mat 2000. How can I be of service?"
"Aha! It does work!"
"Affirmative, Map-O-Mat 2000 is fully operational running firmware patch 3.45."
"Sounds lovely... so what do you do?"
"Map-O-Mat supplies maps."
"So... ehm... show me a map of Venice."
A map of a city on an island in a lake turned up on the screen.
"Ehm... I am quite sure that is not Venice."
"Negative. The output is correct as of 2046 year cartographic archive. If output is not statisfactory, I link-up may be attemped, to more correctly model..."
"Yes! Do that. Show us the lands here!"
An unhealthy screeching noice was heard, and then, a picture slowly started to form on the screen. After a few minutes, it was completed. This is what it showed:


The Map-O-Mat shows the doge what Venice looks like

The doge later had much fun with his new toy.

*ending music*

Stayed tuned, for the next episode of After the NucleAAR bomb, when the doge finally comes out of the closet, Timmy the Two-Headed Mutant Monkey ins introduced, and Venice grows strong.
Only on the Paradox Forum Boards channel.

This show was brought to you by Paradox Entertainment. They love you. Buy from them.
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Its different ill give you that

interested to seewhere this will go.
Episode 2 - Tommy the Two-Headed Monkey Mutant
Uncle Franco, great doge of Venice, was sitting in his luxurious cabriolet. Unfortunately, the motor had been unrepairable, but the cabriolet was one cool piece of deisgner furniture. It looked really cool next to his chair made from trash cans.
In the other end of the room, the map-o-mat was placed. The doge had gotten av mutant with knowledge about electronics enchance the com port so that he could talk to the computer without having to bother walking to it.
The rebuilding of the city had gone as planned, and now, all humans and at least half of the mutants had homes, which actually was a bit ahead of schedule.
Someone knocked at the door.
"Yes?" Uncle Franco said. "Come in."
A mutant with two gorilla heads came in. He was wearing one of the traditinal military jumper suits. The symbols on his shoulders declared that he was general. This was Tommy, a two-headed monkey mutant (he had tried to explain that he was a gorilla, not a monkey, but people didn't give a shit).
"Sir!" Tommy's left head said, and saluted the doge. "While exploring the lands, we have found another kingdom. This is known as Austria and is lead by some Habsburg fellah. And, oh, we also found an island called Corfu, and after sneding boats to the island, we found people on the island. They called themselves the people of Tuscany, and wanted a military alliance. With you permission, doge..."
"Hmm... okey then. I couldn't see why not. And... uhm... yes, offer the leader of Tuscany to marry one of my daughters. That will take us even closer."
Tommy saluted again, and then went away.

Two months later, Tuscany declared war against Hellas, dragging Venice into the war.

The mighty mutant armies of Venice was marching across the deserts of Macedonia, when the ambush had come. After a tough fight, the mighty Venicians had managed to drive the enemy ahead of themselves into a large fortress build from metallic scrap and cars, and was refusing to surrender.
Tommy arrived at the scene riding his chopper (a large amount of choppers and other motorcycles had been found in Albania, and was now being used to mount troops, making them into "cavalry", as Uncle Franco had named it).
As soon as Tommy arrived, two soldiers were there. They saluted him and started briefing him of the situation.
"Sir! 300 enemy troops inside the fortress, refusing to surrender."
Tommy took up two binoculars, one in each hand, and put one on eahc face and looked towards the fortress.
"Seems to me that the fortress is a weak construction. What do you think?" The right head said. The left had replied with a simple "yup" and both nodded.
"Send in Berta." Tommy's both head said at the same time.
"Sir? Is that really necesary?" The soldiers were appearently frightened of something.

Berta arrived an hour later. She was a large mosnter truck enhanced with sharpened street lamp poles, spikes, barbed wire and bone. The driver was the lonely hermit Burt. Burt never left the machine and never talked. He just did as he was told, and took only food as payment.
Berta was situated outside the fortress now. Tommy stood next to the thing with a hugh electronical thinige that enchaned your voice. He spoke into the thing.
"You have three seconds to give up... 1..."
No reaction.
Nothing happened.
Someone threw out a rotten tomatoe, that Tommy barely dodged.
"Fine then. Gentleman, start your engines." (Berta had several engines, mostly for the sound effects).
Burt nodded and went inside his cockpit. A few seconds later, the engines started.
Tommy climbed the thing and drew his sword (made from molten down car parts) and yelled: "Charge!"

Hellas was crushed by that war. Venice had gained vast areas, and now the republic was mightier than ever.
Also, other nations was found. It seemed that Venice wasn't at all alone in the world, and that with clever diplomacy, the republic might emerge and become the mightiest of the mightiest.


Map-O-Mat's view of Venice, 1441 AD
Fallout gif, great work!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

HEY, that is so unfair :( :D Venice and Ragusa hated each others... :rolleyes: although it is historical as Dubrovnik was under Venice control for last 150 years before given to Hungary... BTW, Since 1000 Venice invaded and got pushed off and reinvaded again and again and again :)

Good story and will be reading this :) And rather strange AAR


Episode 3 - Shameless filler 1
The poor sheepheard John was out hearding his many three-headed mutant sheep-donkey crossbreeds, and as he always did when he was out hearding, he sat down underneath a tree to philosophize about life.
This day however was different. First of all, he hadn't begun coughing up radioactive waste yet, which he saw as a bad omen. If he hadn't done it by lunch time, something bad was about to happen. At least, that was what the old witch woman back home used to say.
The second thing was that the omen came true. He was taking a nap when suddenly a man wearing a silly jumper suit in childish colors came running towards John, who reacted as all memebers of his tribe did the moment they met strangers: he raised his automatic shotgun and shot the man three times, and then asked questions.
"Howdy strangeh', the name's John. What're a fancy city boy like ye'self doin' in these here parts?"
"You shot me!"
"Yeah!" John chuckled childishly a bit, and then quickly aimed his rifle at the man again. "NOW ANSWER YOUR QUESTION OR I'LL SHOT YOUR MOTHERBEEPING HEAD OFF!"
"What's with the motherbeeping?"
"Heard it on one of 'em ol' televishons we 'ave back at da farm, you know. From be'fo' da big boom."
"Oh! Yeah."
"Anyway. Answer."
The man in jumper suit explained that he was a messenger from Venice, sent by the doge to explore the northern wastes, and that he had a very, very important messege to deliver back to Ragusa and Dubrovnik. The old Venice had been found.
John listened patiently, and when the meesenger was done he did what he had been told by his ol' mommy: he asked if he could help, in a mannerful way.
"Yes! deliver the messege, and this map showing the location of Venice, to the doge. And hurry!"
John took the map and started running.

Three minutes later he came back to the dying soldier.
"I'm sorry, but where is this Ragu-thingie?"
"To the south! You know, the capital?"
"Of our glorious republic. Venice!"
"Uhm... watdidyasay?"
"Isn't this Istria, Venitian province?"
"Oh... beep it!"