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Jul 15, 2004
A Caliphate of Cordoba AAR

The Mosque of Cordoba

A Historical Analysis of the Rise of the Second Caliphate from 1419 to 2119 AD.
Introduction:The seeds of an Empire
".....The Greatest Nations often rise from humble beginings....." words of shiek Nwaf El-Cordobi

Most scholars and students of history quarrel as to when the Caliphate of Cordoba was truly formed.Was it in the 700rds under Abdul Rahman Ed-Dakhil or in 1408 under Abdul Rahman the VI? or was it in 1566, when the formal constitution of the Caliphate was created?That is up to the reader to decide.

I have been asked by many , to write a complete historical record about the history of our nation.Perhaps it is time to document everything fully, as unfortunitly, even in these enlightened times, we have nothing to return to except fragments of records and mixed writings, often filled with emotional nonesense.

But before we begin to explore the past of the Caliphate, we must first take a quick look at the "well defined" geography of the Empire. Throughout her existence , the Caliphate never passed a certain line, ranging from the city of Porto torwards Barshalona "Barcelona" and all lands down to El-Jazirah El-Khadrah "Gibraltar".Not to mention the Island of the Belarus and Tangiers.I would also add the lands of Jeelan "Mexico" after the great colonial frenzy of the 15th century.

After this quick over view of the geography, let us dabble into history, and see how the Emirate survived the Kingdom of "Qistallah" Castile, and "Aragona" Aragon.

In 1409, the city of Cordoba revolted against the Castillians, under the banner of the Ummayed prince, Abdul Rahman VI.The prince hailed from the city of Fas in Morroco, and after discovering his lienage, decided to go to Cordoba, the great city of the Caliphs of old, and take what is rightfully his.
After much Dynastic fighting, and racial tensions between the Arabs and the berbers,he was able to take control of the city, and the surrounding towns of El-Riano, Mondian, and the colony of Greno.
In the next ten years, he consolidated his power by eliminating political enemies and establishing a small emirate.

The South of Al-Andalus was made up of several Kingdoms, namely, the Emirate of Cordoba, the Emirate of Sevilla, the Kingdom of Grenada, and the Mujahhidin of Murcia and Estremadura, or in other words, the Almohad city states.The period was dubbed as "The Southern Kings".I beg the reader not to confuse this with the "Taifa" period, as the rulers of this period were far more intrested in war than creativity and intellectual persuit, and the Almohad frever has purged Al-Andalus from its hedonisitc past.
Cordoba, located in the center of troubled Andalusia
In the North, you had the Kingdom of Qistallah, the Kingdom of Aragona and Portogal "Portugal".The christian states continued to chip pieces of the moorish Kingdoms to the south, but since the rise of the emirate of Cordoba, incursions to the south have become deadly.However, the Mujahhidin states were destroyed, as Aragon captured Murcia and Castile later annexed Estremadura and captured their capital,Tullaytillah by 1420.

Emir Abdul Rahman VI ,worried for the future of muslim Spain, began a ferocious campagin against his neighbours, the Sevillian Kingdom and the Kingdom of Grenada.Ironically, similar to his ancestor, Abdul Rahman "The Middle", he first attacked Seville.In 1421, the Kingdom of Seville surrendered to the Emirate, as the city of Ishbillia capitulated after the breif battle of Las Noram.
In the same year, El-Jazerah El-Khadrah was captured from Grenada,giving the Emirate of Cordoba a breathing hole to the world.The port was extremely important as Mujahiddin from Northen Africa flocked to help support their moorish brothers.
I wont deny that many of these mercenaries were attracted more to the gold the Emirate offered than out of religious conviction but all the same, they provided the Emirate with the troops she needed.

Abdul Rahman VI then led several quick-thunder incursions into Aragonese lands, capturing the province of Murrsiyyah and hailing back 89 treasure chests as payment for a cease fire from Aragonese Nobles.

In 1427, He captured Grenada, thus uniting all of southern Andalus under his banner for the time being.The Sultan of Grenada, Mohammed surrendered the Palace of Alhambra to the Emirate, and quietly continued his luxurious life under the patronage of Emir Abdul Rahman VI.

The muslims of Al-Andalus began to expand their fortifications, develop their armies, and appoint officials to administrate their State.They have learned from the past so it seems, and the same hopes of the first muslims, seem to have ressurected in the Muslims of the New emirate.It was a period of Semi-peace, and the muslims licked their wounds, and built their confidence for the coming battles.

In 1428, the Emirate formally declared itself the new "Caliphate of Cordoba",and with her newly established power, defied the Spanish realms to the North, who couldnt believe the audacity of the Moors.Abdul Rahman VI was declared Calipah thanks to the Bayhah of the Ulama in 1427 and was nicknamed "The liberator

*Hello Everyone, this is my first AAR, so I hope youll have some patience with me.Im aware of all the Grenada AARs going around, but this isnt a Grenada AAR, this is a Cordoban AAR.This is basically an alternative history, you had several muslim Kingdoms in 1419 instead of just Grenada.Im also intrested in trying to make it a bit realistic, so that means, no massive wars were I always come out as the victor, as I will face defeat and victory, I want to see civil wars, colonial uprisings, pains of revolution, and not to mention an Industrial change.
I guess some of you are wondering why its from 1419 to 2119, well I want to play out the history of Cordoba on several games, up to 2119.I know its a stupied idea, but hey, its a change I guess.
Forgive my "dull" writing , but Im not good in English, and I doubt it will gain any readers, but I will try my best and hope that youll enjoy my "historical" analysis of Cordoba :)
Oh yeah, I used the events from the Grenada thread in scenarios, thats how I managed to make some events for Cordoba, not to mention I also used the flag of the Almohads from the Mongolian Scenario.Please comment and share your opinions with me :)*
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How did you manage to create those Muslim countries in Iberia? Mods, release of vassals from Castile or file scripting?
Well a bit of everything I guess, some scripting, a bit of flag downloads and monarch changings
Lovin' this idea and the scenario setup, Calipah. I'll be following this one for sure ;)
Chapter One : The Yihhad of the soul and Body

Rebuilt Palace of the Nightengale, residence of the Calipah​

"Fight those who fight you, but do not agress, for god does not like the aggressors"...Holy Quran

In the introduction, we saw the miraculous change in the fortunes of the moors, but as with all things, it came in a high price. The refined society, Al-Andalus once boasted about, was now transformed, thanks to the extreme situation, into a fanatical and intolerant society, stirred by emotions and religious setiments.

I would attribute this change to the Almohad Empire, which has affected Al-Andalus in unimaginable ways.They replaced the luxurious lifestyle of the citizenary with a more puritan one.A high price to save Andalus, but worth the sacrifice.The era itself was alien to Andalus.If we lived at that time, we would have grown accoustemed to see a woman chasting her son for not joining the army in the street, or we would meet a Nobleman who abjured his wealth for the glory of the Jihad, or so say the records of the past.

When we left off, we saw the rise of the small emirate of Cordoba into a massive power in the south, and the establishment of the "Caliphate".But the important question is, how did the Christian realms react to this?
Directly after the Bayha of the Ulama, the Kingdom of Potoghal *Portugal* declared war on the Caliphate ,supported by Juan II, King of Castile.

In 1429 the Caliphate repelled the invading armies of Portugal, and invaded El-Garb and the city of Lisboa.It might be worth while to say that the small muslim communities in Portugal went in open revolt, joining the Cardoban army in their invasion of the Kingdom of Portugal.

Ándalus Untied under the flag of the Caliphate​

Outside the city walls of Lisboa, the main Portugese army was slaughtered , and the city itself was currled by thick smoke, thanks to the fires which engulfed the already sieged city .King Jao I was forced to lead his men in one last assault against the Cordobans in the plains of Las Iraj , some 4 miles away from Lisboa.A plaetu centered the plain, named by the moors as "Uhod el Jadid".

The muslims had already set up camp upon the Plaetu when the Portugese arrived ,and immediatly hurrled arrows and firey rocks upon the panicky christian army.
As the soldiers of the Portugese ran for their lives, the Cordobans persued them , trying to extract as much vengenace as possible for earlier defeats.
The tables have turned in Isphania, and this was just the begining.

The remainments of the rag-tag army of Portugal, led by a mortally injured Jao, took refuge in the former stronghold of Oporto, after evacuating the city of Lisboa for the victorious muslim army.The banner of Islam once again graced the city of Lisboa.
In the city streets, many muslims and Jews appeared from their hiding, and many discarded their false "christian" identities aside.There was a joyous mood in the city , but fighting still ensued between the Cordobans and angry fanatical christians, who were easily surpressed.

Jao I surrended Algarve and Tago to the Caliphate, and ,moved his capital to Oporto in humiliation.The Portugese honor was wounded, and the kingdom of Portugal lost all momentum in the wake of the Cordoban invasion.

In 1432, thanks to the victory of Las Iraj, the Caliphate expanded her borders to the river Tago , and for the present moment, it seemed as if the muslims have ensured their survival in Iberia.Peace reigned the Iberian peninsula,and the moors persued an era of rebuilding in their lands.

Abdul Rahman VI calmed the boiling racial tensions between the Yeminites and the Syrians after the great Murcia revolt.He invigorated Trade and closed down the markets of Tago, so that all trade would go through Cordoba, a strategic move, forcing the christian states to deal with the Cordobans directly.
He built several libraries and mosques throughout his realm, known for their simplicity and puritan white designs.
It was also at this period that shieks were sent to convert the mass of Mozziarabes and christians scattered in the newly aquired territories.Historians called this period "The Age of the first Abdul Rahman" , as it was one of the eras Cordoba enjoyed peace and her borders remained safe for over a decade.

Alas, by 1442, the peace was shattered , when a Castillian army traversed the Moorish lands, and captured the city of Lisboa.In the wake of the disaster , the Caliphate mobilized her whole army, and recaptured the city, only to find the once magnificent Lisboa now in ruin thanks to the christian occupation.
It raised several questions, mainly the change of the character of the war to that of survival, as we see the christian army destroy Lisboa than to let it fall to Muslim hands.

The Great war of the Castillian Plains was devestating to all Iberian Kings and marked the begining of the end, of christian power in the region.We shall discuss that in the next chapter
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Chapter 2 : War of the Castillian Plains: Part 1 , Fall of Madrid​

Madrid, last hours of the siege, fall of the Nasarah
"...Vigilance , honor and hope, those are the keys of our existance..."​
Words of the Calipah to his troops, upon the doors of Madrid​

He was afraid to show fear, fear of the unknown, especially to his men.The existence of Al-Andalus was already gambled ever since the Caliphate went on offensive against the christians.Abdul Rahman refused to show any defection, any doubt and refused to surrender his convictions for a pitiful peace with backstabbing christians, it was time to draw a line with these barbarians.
The army of the Cordobans was no less than 3000 men with pikes and 1200 horsemen, a pitiful army in contrast with the more advanced and well numbered army of the Castillians numbering about 8000 by my reckoning.The minute size of the Cordobans was due to the loss of many in the liberation of Lisboa, many have died, and the spirit of the men has sunk to alarming levels when they found the once bustling city of Lisboa in ruin.

King Juan II sent several messengers to the Calipah, demanding that he would surrender Al-Andalus to the Castillians, but being a man of great stubbornity, the Calipah refused, though the odds were against him.
Abdul Rahman sighed, and ascended upon the altar of a burnt christian church,were the Cordoban army has set camp.The Nasarah didnt even kin respect for their places of worship, and have burned the church to the ground.

"God Says "Those who see the enemy of Allah marching to thy lands, and do not raise in arms, are damned" My brothers, God has brought forth his blessing upon the muslims time and time again.Has he not helped the Ansar against the Romans in the plains of Syria? has he not saved us in Persia against the forces of Zara the Great? has he not given to us Andalusia?Oh Allah is great!but we are blinded by our greed and differences, by our quarrels and disputes.
It is time to protect what is ours by BIRTH RIGHT! Andalusia is us, and we are her.Since the time of the Calipahs of old, we have been balantly attacked by these barbarians, ask Murrsiyyah where is Bayylansiyah?ask Cordoba where is Zaragoza?!Our cities have been leveled by these fanatics!our women raped, our children put on stakes!These lands were once filled with our countymen, these plains were once covered with Olives and Pommegrates, but now, on the Plains of Evon , upon the doors of Madrid, we shall make our stands against the Christian. Enough is enough! I swear by the Glory of Allah, that these plains shall be stained by the blood of the infidel, let Europe tremble in fear against the Caliphate of Cordoba!For Allah, for Andalus, for the Caliphate!"

His conviction and frevor, sparked the bruised army, and for the moment ,it was as if these men lusted for the spilling of blood.The shouts and calls to war echoed the skies of Al-Andalus, their united cry shook the very earth itself.A cry of desperation, a call to Allah ,high up in the seven skies themselves.
The Knights mounted their Graceful Arabian stallions, and the Infantry gathered their meager weapons, quickly went into formation against the Christians.

Abdul Rahman gazed from the hilltop and looked down at the gigantic christian army upon the plains of Evon.The city of Madrid was an edifice to the evil of the Franks, and had to be desecrated, in order to save Andalusia.Back in Cordoba, his Vizier, Khalid Jerjan, was working franatically to collect enough Gold and employ mercenaries for the Glory of Islam. Alas little have heard the call for Jihad, and most of the mercenaries were sent to purge the revolts in the christian towns.Abdul Rahman was alone, and this battle marked either defeat or victory for his people.

"ALLAH AKBAR! La-Illah Ila Allah! Charge!" His firm voice bellowed.

The Army of Cordoba decsended from the Hilltop like a plauge of locusts.The banners of the Caliphate stood firmly, defying the winds.Juan II was baffled at the change of spirit in the Cordoban Army, and lost all words to the change which befell the Cordobans.
The depths of his fears were embodied in the charge of the muslims, his large army panicked , his lieutenants and smaller regiments escaped the battle field.The armies of islam and christ clashed with each other and a bloodbath ensued from the battle.
"My lord the muhammadans routed half our army!let us take haven in Madrid the Moors are on a rage, perhaps our Walls will sooth the beast!"schreeched the Chancellor of the Kingdom of Qistallah.
The Army of Castile retreated into the city Walls,and the population of Madrid trembled in fear , as they forsaw their eminent doom in the hands of the Muhammadans.Juan retracted into his castle, fearing for his life as the Cordobans set up their siege weapons
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Why capital fonts? Great deeds do not need great words... ;)
I like the drama :D
An excellent start Calipah and your English is also excellent. I'll be reading.

Thanks everyone!

:D the mod Im playing has one good thing about it , it seems countries give u wonderful "loans; like 7000 or 6000. When I went Bankrupt, Venice, Genoa, and Gelere gave me massive loans, I was tempted and to be honest, its one of the biggest mistakes I ever done. In the next chapter, my pictures will show u how "bad" my economy is :D from 40 thousand to 4000 only.
Every second u have a country attacking u, or rebels , so Im in a bit of a "money" waster ;p
War of the Castillian Plains , Part 2 , The Great Crusade

The Army of Cordoba , weary, marches torwards Zaragoza
"...The Infidels may outnumber us, but we have Allah on our side, an indisputable truth..."
Words of Al-Hakam,battle of Tanga

The siege lasted for several months, and the muslim Army grew larger with each passing day.Moral was terribly down as King Juan II was found dead in his Palace some days ago. The generals agreed to surrender the city in order to lift the siege which has befell the city.They decided agaist slaughtering the population as it would only create animosity between the remaining Christian cities.
the city surrendered on the eve of Lent, the christian fasting days.The muslims jubilantly allowed the Nasarah to flee to the Northen cities.Over 200 thousand are said to have fled.
The Castillians, in the death of their king, moved the capital to the Northen Ridge of the old christian Kingdom of Leon.The muslims marched to Salamanca to lay siege upon the old muslim city.By 1443, the city fell.However, it seems the muslims were unable to penetrate into the Northen Ridge of Iberia called "Az Zagir" the Rock.
The christians were able to hold back the Muslim army but were unable to retake their old Capital and Salamanca, and converted their tactics into sheer defense.
They were forced to surrender Leon and Medrid and from that time onward, the Christians have been contained to the strip of land from Glacia to Cantaberia.
By 1444, the defeated Portugese, supported by the Aragonese declared war upon the Caliphate, aware that their efforts for the last 500 to drive back the muslims would be for nought if they didnt retake the Northen cities qieckly enough.
Abdul Rahman swiftly moved his forces torwards Oporto, and effectively crushed the Portugese, who flead by their ships to the colonies.The city of Oporto was captured and the capital of Portugal shifted to the small island of the Azores.
The Aragonese however, were a different matter.Wave after wave of Aragonese invaders attacked the cities of Murcia, Grenada, and Madrid.The Regiment of Toledo barely escaped without being completely slaughtered by the christians.For a moment, it seemed as if the light of islam was to be extinguished.
The situation grew dire as Calipah Abdul Rahman died in the battle of Cela Zaragoza.His Son, Al-Hakam, acsended a trublent throne and faced a formidable enemy.
The survival of Muslim Spain reached a critical level when the Pope called for a crusade against the Moors, France, England and the Italian states led
the charge against the Muslimans.
The war however,proved that Al-Hakam was an excellent Military general.In the east he repelled the Aragonse.He personaly went to Gibraltar and led an
attack against English Tangiers.He then left a large naval fleet to protect the strait.Fez was also captured from Aragon later on in the year.
His general, Herat El-Cordobi led a charge against King Alfonso off the doors of Valencia and with a bit of luck, was able to lay siege on the city itself.
The Zaragozian defence collapsed as muslims from the city attacked the defenders.In Balencia, a city which only saw 80 years of muslim rule, the
towers crippled by the Cordoban siege weapons.Alfonso , supported by his large army, drove out the Herak regiment from gerona, but it was too late to
save his other cities.
English soldiers attacked the Portugese coastal cities and towns, slaughtering and spilling the blood of the innocent.They were halted when the Cordoban
navy sank 78 Frankish ships in the battle of Lisboa.
The war dragged on for 2 years, reeling the economies of France and England.
The French crusaders were bought off, and the English later surrendered Tangiers to the Caliphate.The pope was furious and plead the Kingdoms of Europe to help their christian brothers.
The Italian states, not intrested in battling Muhammadans, sued for a white peace.The Aragonese kept up a good fight, but the once great Kingdom was
forced to surrender Zaragoza, Ballayissiyah, Barcelona and the birth place of the first Calipah, Fas.
The massive victory ensured the superiority of the Caliphate in Europe and Al-Hakam was hailed as "Sayef El-islam"the Sword of islam.

Peace resumed for once on the Iberian lands, and Al-Hakim persued an era of Islamic revival. The Great mosque of Muqtadir which stands today in Zaragoza
is but an example of the wonderful era after the Great Crusade.Another monument is the Great Library of Cordoba of El-Hakam, as a foothold to the
ressurection of learning.
The Great fields of Andalusia were once again fruit bearing, and new crops were introduced such as sugar and Banitas.Al-Andalus in the next decade, shall become the bread basket of Europe. Castles and forts were established to protect the holdings of the Caliphate from the Nasarah.
In Valencia, the Great Wall of Xavier was built to support the massive fortresses there.The Quidaluivar Mountain range of Castles kept the Christians in the North at bay.
Many wrongly believe that it was an age of peace, however there were occasional raids by christian nobles on Leon and Oporto.Al-Hakam explored solutions for the problem.
In 1448, a delegation was sent to Bilbao to help reconcile relations with the Castillians, who were now persuing unity with the Aragonese.This diplomatic
exchange paved way for the rise of the Andalusi-Spainard Allaince that terrified Europe for many years to come.

We shall speak in length about all the acheivements of Äl Hakam the Great
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