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1419: Prologue

Among the generals of Hannover, Hildesheim is the earliest to achieve greatness, in the most unordered times from 1419 to 1436. Hildesheim brought Hannover from obscurity to one of the most powerful Germanic nations.

The Magdeburg alliance brought power to three neighboring nations, an odd choice of alliance, as all three had claims on the others' lands, and great hostility existed between Bremen and Hannover. Only Magdeburg kept these two powers from battling.

The majority of this book has been culled from the journals of King Rudolf V's most trusted advisor, Sir Pzorheim.


Journal Entries 1419

April 4, 1419
It is only through martial superiority man for man that we will hold up against our neighbors, who as equal powers, represent a large threat to the King's holdings. We must find our enemy at a point of weakness where we are strong, until such time as we can dominate over our enemies. Nothing is certain though, for if we are feared too soon, alliances may form against us.

Excellent field generals are most important. But my search has been fruitless so far. Only the King himself looks to lead in battle, but it is too risky, and I have told him this many times.

The King has agreed to put a great deal of expenditure into improving our armies. With blacksmiths working on weaponry, training drills, Cavalry techniques and organizational efforts aimed at keeping morale high. Our greatest expense is here.

August 7, 1419

Wars have broken out amongst many of our neighbors, though none have been declared against us. There are few but ourselves who aren't fighting there neighbors, clawing furtively at more land to claim.

We are ready for war, if it is declared on us, or if and when we make our own efforts.

Despite the wars around us, merchants have chosen Hannover, likely because it is without war at this time, to be a center of local trade. The king is very pleased as tariffs and fees from the merchants begin to trickle in. He has set up his own merchant corps as well, although they are not yet very successful.

November 1, 1419

King Rudolf demands we reclaim the lands of Bremen, which are most properly his. He will lead the expedition into Bremen.

The National Army is 12000 strong, this will not be sufficient. However, mercenaries from Magdeburg promise they are available, for a hefty fee of course. On the kings authorization, I've dipped into the treasury, filling out the National Army to about 20000.

November 25th, 1419

Word comes from the King in bremen, that a substantial force of Bremen soldiers have been spotted sieging Holstein, but they have not returned to Bremen, and the King has begin his siege with no more than minor resistance.

December 6th, 1419

The weather remains pacific in Bremen despite the season, the siege has continued with very few losses to the cold, or the enemy. The King reports that still the 23000 strong Bremen army is sieging Holstein and not thinking of returning to break our own siege.

At home, trade continues and there have been no declarations of war against us. Hopefully, the siege will end in Bremen with our victory, but it is unclear what we may win. If Bremen claims Holstein their army could push ours back and retake Bremen, then marching on Hannover. But more likely is peace with nothing gained for the effort on our part.
1420 - 1421: Prologue pt 2

Journal of Sir Pzorheim
1420 - 1421

February 13th, 1420

Ten days ago, the siege ended in Bremen, and the Bremen army has reportedly conquered Holstein and remains there. Soon after the fall of Bremen walls, an envoy offered the king a deal for peace.

For a substantial payment, King Rudolf returns Bremen to its owners. We must be wary, for so strengthed by the conquest by Holstein, Bremen will be a threat for the future. The payments, summing nearly 300 ducats, have recouped most, but not all of our costs for the war.

When they return many of them will return to farming, and the mercenaries will turn to wars elsewhere, most likely. Already, there are several powers engorged on successful wars, like Bremen, only with larger treasuries.

We must keep up with our neighbors, if Bremen's lands can not be ours, there are others claimed by the King.

March 18, 1420

A veteran colonel has been honored for excellence in command, under the watch of the King. He has been promoted to second in command of the national army until such time as a commanding general may be selected. I was not aware of Lt General Hildesheim's efforts until now. It seems he has a way with the soldiers during the long sieges, when morale would otherwise be lacking.

At the ceremony, he named several Lieutenants who had served with him, of whom all were honored for their service in turn. It seems the soldiers have much more love for the King than myself, many of them including Hildesheim having no knowledge of who I am, or what role I have had in improving the King's army.

Perhaps I spend too much time talking and thinking about war, and not enough heading into battle as the King would do. None the less, I must keep my course, and find the way to successfully claim the land which is rightfully his.

February 26th, 1421

The army has been inactive except for a few training drills. However, keeping abreast of the international situation, I believe Munster will be a suitable target to attack this summer. They have no allies, and with a small amount of mercenarial aid, we will be able to defeat them within six months.

This I have recommended to the King, and he has approved it, but in secret. Nothing shall alert Munster to our intentions until it is time.

Lt General Hildesheim has adapted well to his new command. In peacetime he has had near total control of the armies. He has not faltered.

May 19th, 1421

Preparations are being made for war with Munster. They will set out, once more with the King as general within two weeks.

I have begun to worry that the army is weighted too heavily to Cavalry and we may win the battle on the field, but struggle to siege Munster. The King says that I worry to much and nothing will go wrong. Nonetheless, I will look to recruit more infantrymen from the population if needed.

July 14th, 1421

Field battles in Munster have ended greatly in our favor, routing the enemy forces with few loses. The cavalry dominated a mostly infantry Munster force. I have called for recruiting more infantry soldiers, despite the victory, we must press the attack and incorporate Munster's lands as our own quickly.

October 3rd, 1421

The newly recruited infantrymen have arrived at the siege six weeks ago, and the resolve of Munster is lessening. In september, 3000 munster troops were recruited from outlying areas of the province not under our grip, and tried to set up a siege of Hannover, but the new recruits were formed and routed the force, before bolstering the siege of Munster.

The King continues to send updates weekly, and I send news from home to the front. Recently they have been rather dull, because of the dull times of siege, but after a battle, he writes at great length of the victory of his forces. He is very observant of all things that happen in war, and is less content when forced to stay at the keep and let the months go by.

November 16th, 1421

A sealed letter addressed to the King has arrived while he is still at the warfront. I have sent it by the fastest courier available. It is from the state of Magdeburg, but I have not opened it. Hopefully the King will have a response in time for it to matter.

Chapter 1: Dec 1421 - Sept 1422

(note: I updated to 0.08 after this game passed the end of the AAR time period, but because of troubles with the Mac update patch I had to use the manual version and lost the save files that I was using to generate my game images. So although I have detailed notes on what happened, I won't be able to include any more maps.)

Journals of Sir Pzorheim

December 3rd, 1421

Instructions have arrived from the King, indicating the contents of the letter from Magdeburg and the response. Magdeburg has asked us to join them in alliance against Vor Pommern, a local power threatening them. The King has accepted this proposal, and promises to sent forces against Vor Pommern as soon as possible.

I've have forwarded this message onward to Magdeburg. The siege is going very well from what the King has said, and that war should end soon, allowing us to transfer our forces all the way east to Magdeburg.

December 18th, 1421

On the ninth, the war against Munster ended with its conquest. Without any choice in the manner, Munster has been incorporated under the possesions of the King.

Forces are beginning the long march into Vor Pommern. A seperate force has been raised here, that will be sweeping through Mecklemburg, in a two-pronged attack.

They must wait until the King's force have at least gotten as far as Hannover itself. The Hannover regiment is comprised primarily of infantry forces for siege actions, whereas the King's force is more weighted towards cavalry action.

The military budget and two successive wars is starting to show a strain on finances. But the King believes in a strong army and the funding neccesary, and we will make it through without any great crisis, I believe.

January 5th, 1422

The King has passed through Hannover, stopping briefly to check on matters of state, and now both Hannover Regiment and the National Army are on their way to war with Vor Pommern.

February 18th, 1422

Local forces have been drawn from newly incorporated Munster to aid in the war. Although reports from our officials there say there were grumblings, I believe this will bring them to the view that they are a full part of Hannover, with attendant protections and responsibilities.

Meanwhile, the King has routed the defenders in Vor Pommern, while Magdeburg is in the middle of a siege in Mecklemburg, another province of Vor Pommern. Hannover regiment has been redirected to Vor Pommern, augmenting the King's siege.

March 3rd, 1422

The King has withdrawn with his cavalry forces leaving the infantry from Hannover Regiment and his own army to continue the siege. Together with Magdeburg we have completely shut down any opposition from Vor Pommern, but they refuse to sue for peace.

The King's forces have taken a much needed rest, returning here to Hannover. Lt General Hildesheim is leading the siege force and has sent reports to me in the King's absense.

April 17th, 1422

The siege progresses slowly, Vor Pommern has been well supplied for a long one. The Munster Guard forces proved unneccesary and have been disbanded, and some of the King's own forces returned to the fields, saving ducats in the short term.

This is excellent weather once again for a siege. Hildesheim reports almost no losses, and the main symptom of the siege is boredom.

Many of the states I once kept watch over have been conquered. And others have become much larger threats, like Vor Pommern was. Our alliance will be the key way in which we can keep up with the small empires that are forming all around us. It is still shocking how much trade continues despite war everywhere. There is not a single place in our world where anyone can say they have been unaffected by war.

That is why we must prove superior, man for man, horse for horse, as I have said before.

September 12th, 1422

A great mystery of theological importance has been discussed amongst the neighboring states. It is as if a lathe of heaven has been opened up to one state in particular, Luxembourg. Little is known except that a great military structure has been built by the tiny one-province nation, a structure of mystery beyond being martial in nature. Some believe Luxembourg, having received such divine aid, will become a mighty empire within a decade.
So did you actually lose the savegame files or what?? I don't get this, if the savegames are gone, how many years of notes do you still have? Keep it up, are you going to include places like Hameln (I dunno, maybe, it's probably as famous as anything outside Niedersachsen:D).
Arnum could be used in your AAR it was made around the year 1000. Just givin' some ideas of locations where things could happen ;)

Th :rofl:
The game period that I'm covering is already done. I have all the notes I need. I set the period to be a prologue before Hildesheim, then his generalship, then the epilogue after. so I have all the notes for this period.

I'm still learning about the history of all the places in europe, I know some about English places, but when it comes to other local places, I admit to not knowing much, being an American. Mainly I'm trying to have an aar that shows all the fun and chaos of the IES scenario in a psuedo-historical way.

I'm going to see if any of the native tribes from where I live are in the game, and maybe play them, or the spanish, since I'm taking a class where a lot is being said about the spanish and their conquest.
Sept 1422 - Sept 1423

Journals of Sir Pzorheim
September 1422 - September 1423

October 17th, 1422

The King has ordered his own infantry to be dispatched to the Vor Pommern siege. A letter arrived from Hildesheim stating that they were undermanned for the long endeavor. Already Hildesheim is highly trusted by the King, invited to all the functions when stateside, and toasts to his efforts are frequently made.

Hildesheim has merely performed up to the standard of any commanding officer. The fact that others are found wanting does not make him so superb for the siege. We have not had a battle of true difficulty. We have chosen our opponents, usually on my guidance so as to present an unstoppable assault. Nonetheless, Hildesheim is declared a masterful warrior. My son is an excellent lieutenant, despite being inexperienced at 23, he will make an grand General in his time.

This siege should be over by next summer, I'd think. Only Magdeburg will gain from this, for surely Vor Pommern will not give up her capital. But this is an oath of trust from us to the Magdeburgs.

November 9th, 1422

Hildesheim writes to the King that they have made progress in the siege. As to be expected for sure. No city can withstand our forces forever.

March 30th, 1423

The siege ends slightly earlier than expected. The King makes the shocking show of allowing LIEUTENANT General Hildesheim to negotiate the Hannover share of the peace agreement.

Magdeburg gains the province of Mecklemburg, while we share in a substantial indemnity from the Vor Pommern King. Once again costs are more than the indemnity, but we are well positioned to begin another conquest of our own once a suitable state can be found. Oldenburg is the most likely target.

July 2nd, 1423

Hildesheim was given the King's award for valor, and declared supreme commander of infantry and siege actions. The King remains commander of the cavalry.

August 29th, 1423

My son has been promoted to Captain under the King's cavalry command. Under peacetime there isn't much to do for him. They do drills, but a lot of the enlisted men return home now, until needed.

September 9th, 1423

Magdeburg has declared war on Oldenburg, a bit quicker than I expected, since we planned to start that war. But we have joined in. Oldenburg is rather poorly defended, and we hope to claim it for ourselves rather than Magdeburg, its only fair considering their claims in the last war.

The King has been bothered since the letter arrived though, and not told me what its about. Evidently not the war, since he agreed that they should be under his dominion.

It must be something else, to be so greatly bothering him, something else horrible.