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Lt.-Colonel of Guerillas
Jul 14, 2003
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Pyramids of blood~An Inca empire WC attempt

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Incas to rule the world? :eek: Good luck!!
Prelude to the storm

1489, the Coast of Cornwall, England.

On the coast of Cornwall an elder friar sat on a stone. The water of the waves washed his feat but he did not mention it. The friar was thinking, deep thoughts, very deep thought. He had been thinking about his faith.
“Was the world really so bad as the bible and priests told him. Was there indeed a world to save? What would have happened if he threw away the dress of a monk and the faith with it? Nothing, there was no real evil, the only evil was in the minds of the people themselves.”

And at that very moment he mentioned the piece of wood which was banging against his foot. It was nor small nor very large, about a meter in length and half that distance across. The wood of the board must be old, as he could see from the wear and tear but next to this there was nothing special about it. Angry the friar lifted the board out of the water and smashed it against a rock a few meters to his rear.
“Give me a sign, my faith is leaving me!”
The board crashed against the rock, split and fell apart. From between two pieces a small piece of parchment fell with strange signs on it.
The friar picked it up but was unable to read it. Is his a sign?”


And so he sped of to the monastery and but it before the abbot. Within a few minutes the document was translated, the letters seem to be Greek.

“What is it, what does it say Father Eluchius?”
“Thomas, I am afraid the paper you found does not bring us much good, it is a harbinger of Evil, Evil lurking across the horizon. I feel the evil brewing in the west.”
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Kretschmer said:
Catchy title. :) What are the stats?

I will play the Inca empire in the 'Vailla' grand camapign.
The difficulty will be set at normal-normal (which I think is hard enough for someone playing the Incas). I know this will become a problem as there will not be any real BB wars but I just was to afraid of the wordfurious.

For now my first worry is: 'How to get out of the America's' because as some of you might know the Inca's only know the Andes at the start. Next to this there will be another major problem called: "whitemen" How I am going to cope with them I am not certain yet but whom knows what might happen in the future.
This was it for now as the next post will be here on monday.


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This looks cool :cool:, don't worry about exploration, you will get conquistidors and when you meet spain/france/england/portugal join an alliance and trade maps with a non-colonizing nation and away goes most of the penaties. :)
Shame I'll miss the beginning of this one. :(
Singleton Mosby said:
Interesting! I have in my plans a GC with the Inca Empire...

Not to go "nitpicking" but incas weren't precisely pyramid builders, the image you posted is mayan or aztec
mfigueras said:
Interesting! I have in my plans a GC with the Inca Empire...

Not to go "nitpicking" but incas weren't precisely pyramid builders, the image you posted is mayan or aztec

I know but the head-character will be a pyramid builder and Aztec like pyramids will be built in Egypt before 1575 :).

the pyramide I used for the pic was Maya, the culture from which the head-character deprived his obsesion for pyramides.
The only 'wrong' picture will be the one depicted below (within two posts) but it just represented the story magnificently and i did not want you to miss it. ;)

Thanks for reading.
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The blood red dawn of Chimu

“What is it?” the doubting friar Thomas asked. And trough Space and time across oceans and continents his question resounded until answered, 70 years before in the province of Huanuco, on the Pacific coast.
“It is your doom!” a young priest lowly murmured, the piece of Parchment in his hand.

“I am the one, I am the prophet, I am the leader of mankind mentioned in the document!”
Kneeling in the sand he prayed to the bright shining sun. “Punchau, I call on thee! Supay I call on thee, come fort from thine empire and receive me thine servant in life and death.”
“Punchau, Supay I am the on, I am your prophet!” He bit further into the sand of the beach and prayed more and more and more until the sun sets and slowly resides into the sea.
“You are the one, have patience.” A dark, booming voice came forth from the setting sun.
“Wait until the sun is red, for now bind the paper on a piece of wood and throw it into the ocean.” “Punchau, God of the sun, I heard you, I will wait.”
Minutes later an ecstatic priest returned to the beach and stuffed the document into a little hole in a large board. “I do not know why but my master has ordained me.” And with that he pushed the board into the waves and watched it disappear with the setting sun.


Eight years passed in which the sun did not dawn blood-red until the day Chimu, the northern neighbour of the Incas invaded the empire. The same day Chimu’s soldiers crossed the border and slaughtered the inhabitants of some Inca villages the sun shone red from the sky. The bloodied sun, as both Inca and Chimu’s called it, was by each of them seen as a good omen for the coming war. But in the end the Chimu’s territory was drowned in blood as successive waves of Inca troops rolled to the north and wreaked havoc amongst their northern neighbour’s lands. In the end it did not take more then a month for the Incas to defeat the former Chimu might and twice as long to incorporate their territory into the empire. To the Incas the omen had worked out as predicted. And for Chartac, the chosen priest it was the day he had longed for eight long years.
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The immortalization of Chartac

“Punchau, I have waited and you gave me the sign.” Chartac bellowed. “Tell, me what you want. Order me, what you will!”
“Thou hat shown great patience, thou hat waited for this moment eight years. Now thine role will start. Thou want to have power, thou will be the might of the world.”
With the first words of the Sun God Chartac fell to his knees and looked straight into the blood-red sun. “I will do whatever you will, I will be your slave.” “A slave thou whilst not have to be, slaves thou will bring to us. Arise and hear.” Chartac rose to his feet again but made sure he did not lose contact with the red dish in the sky for a second. Then Puncau continued. “Tonight, as the sun sets, thou whilst stand at the top of the largest temple of Cuzco and sacrifice thine brother. Then Supay will retrieve the life force of thine brother and pass it over to you.” “But mine brother?” But Punchau was gone, he did not answer anymore and Chartac knew he had to perform a task, which might even be too much for his evil mind.


That evening Chartac set out for the house of his parents to pick up his younger brother. His mind had bothered him for the first moments after the conversation with the Sun God but then he knew what he would get and even the murder of his brother did not bother him anymore.
These thoughts where again followed by a wave of doubt but then he finally set out on the most difficult quest of his life. Chartac fetched his brother to the temple because he needed him to perform a ritual on account of the Sun God and victory against the Chimu. Not knowing why the simple priest his brother was should perform such an important ritual Chartac’s brother still accompanied him. The summit of Cuzco’s main temple was empty at the moment the two brothers ascended the stairway and while Chartac donned his ritual clothing and cleaned a knife his brother fired question after question at him. “What are you about to do? Where is the high-priest, what about that knife? I will not be your victim, you will not murder me.” “I will!” A blood-frenzied Chartac answered, his eyed as red as the sun, his teeth barred. With that his brother turned around to descend the temple again. “I will get your life and will lead mankind to wherever the Gods want me to take them. I will be the ruler of the world.” “You are mad Chartac, mad.” And then a dark-skinned, black clothed man rounded the corner of the little building on top of the temple. “Why are you waiting for Chartac, kill him.” The dark man said with a deep voice, staring at the two brothers with his dark eyes. The priest’s brother looked at the black man and froze to the floor. “Whom is this?” He asked at the same moment the ritual knife cut his throat. Blood started oozing forth from the mortal wound and he clasped his neck soaking his with the fluids of his life. “It is Supay, king of the underworld, mine lord and master.” Dumbstruck and dying Chartac’s brother to the sacrificial stone and cut open his chest. “Take his heart out and eat it.” Supay ordered the priest. His hands covered with blood, his eyes filled with rage Chartac cut out his brother’s heart and brought it to his mouth, carrying out the Gods orders.
At the moment Chartac swallowed the last part of his brothers heard his perception changed. He did not only see the earthly world but also the spiritual world. “Now you are one of us, ‘brother’.” Supay said. “Your task for the coming months will not be easy. Punchau and I need a lot of trustworthy followers and you will be there to rally them. Set up a new cultus, a cultus to the sun and rally all whom you can find. With their help we will be able to make you king of the empire and from that position you will conquer the world.”
And so the sun-cultus was established.

:) Very kind man who saved his brother from Inconvenience of growing old... :D Neat update and loved the pic... So nice :)


Joe (Sapphire)
Thanks a lot for the fantastic comment. It encourage me to write some more :).

As for the pic's I already got a heap of nice ones and have a few designs on new ones. (some of them I make myself...)
1492, three events

Within twenty years the rule of the Inca Empire was consolidated over the entire Andes and like a tidal wave erupted from its northern ranges. Bogotá and Pastaza where colonized and the empire flourished. Meanwhile Chartac, the immortal priest enlarged his cultus year after year. Then, in the year 1492 a series of events happened some 65 years after the immortalization of Chartac.

The Inca emperor died without hire and with some manipulation by the hands of Supay and Punchau the high priest of the now important Sun-cultus was established as the next emperor by a council of wise and important men. Unknown to the council they had enthroned a manifestation of pure evil and signed the end of the world as they knew it, history forever would be changed.
Further to the north the Spanish explorer Columbus sets foot on American soil for the first time. Within a few years a relationship with the Inca Empire would be established.


The last mayor event took place in a monastery in England where friar Thomas started his pilgrimage to the small place of Arles where a small shepherd-girl had talked with the holy Virgin Mary. When Thomas arrived at this place, bowed and prayed a hand touched his shoulder. “Thomas, dear Thomas. By the though of my hand I grant you a long life. You will not die and not fall ill before your task is brought to an end. From now on you are the champion of the world against all evil and the protector of goodness and innocence.”
With that the lady shrouded in white disappeared into the cornfields without answering any of Thomas’s questions.


The scene was set for a class between good and evil, Thomas and Chartac.
For the next week I will be on vacation (finaly) and so no new posts will come until I am back. In the woods where I reside for those few days I will hopefuly be tempted to write a lot (take my laptop with me) and so will return with a very lot to read and the Inca's rampaging across the globe.

For then, thanx for the support and please be patient, this will be a nice one :)