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Hurricane Sergeant of Arms
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May 4, 2003
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Amric Al’Aeshir Presents a Hurricane Production​

War Between the Gods: A MES AAR​

The old man sat in front of the massive hearth. One so large it seemed it would easily accommodate an entire tree. Which at one point, it had, but such had burned down to mere embers. His once lustrous blond hair had turned a scraggly grey, and his one good eye peered down at the drinking horn where the dregs of the mead had settled while he pondered his fate and that of his entire family and realm.

His wife, grey haired as well, but still having rather a large bosom came over and refilled his drinking horn silently. She patted his shoulder briefly, sadly before moving away. His once muscular shoulder had melted away in the intervening years of his youth and power.

What had once been part of a powerful physique had atrophied to a large, rawboned man whose flesh had wasted away to nearly nothing. The dying firelight gleamed in his eye as he raised the horn and drank deeply. With a muffled oath he hurled the horn into the hearth, where it shattered into many pieces of bone. The fire flared up briefly as the last of the mead was quickly consumed.

“Where did I go wrong?” He shouted,” How could I have been so wrong?”

“Nobody is perfect,” his wife said softly from across the room.

“HE is, supposedly,” the man growled.

“HE is no more perfect than you, husband,” She smiled,” He has his hubris, just as you once did. Yours has been stripped from you. His may be as well, some day.”

“He rules what was once mine!” the man roared.

“You let him,” she reminded him.

“I did no such thing,” he retorted angrily,” I hunted his followers down like dogs. I created elaborate traps and tortures for them. Yet they refused to recant. They were faithful unto death.”

“As were your own followers at one time,” she reminded him.

“But why did they stop?” He complained bitterly.

“He offered them hope,” she sighed softly,” You offered them endless war and ultimate defeat.”

“It was fated,” he shrugged,” What was I to do? What could I do?”

“Change it,” she snapped,” I am sick and deathly tired of hearing you rant and rave and whine and complain about him. And his son.”

“And how do you expect me to do that?” he rasped.

“By doing what you do best,” she frowned,” Sow discord amongst your enemies and gather your forces for war.”

“What forces?” he grimaced,” Few of my followers are gathered in any one place, save for the eastern coast of the Baltic.”

“You have many thousands more in the lands of your enemy,” she countered,” Call them home.”

He opened his mouth to shout at her, then closed it with a snap. He shook his head and sat there quietly for a time.

“Call them home, you say?” he mused,” That is an intriguing idea.”

“Yes, I thought so,” she smiled,” As does your own family. We have waited for an eternity for you to do something.”

“And so I shall!” he stood up suddenly,” I shall call my people home! And we shall prepare for war!”

The walls shook from the force of the winds outside as if in agreement. He turned and stalked to it, opening it quickly and dashing outside. Cold wind and snow drifted inside until the old woman closed it softly with a bitter smile.

“Finally,” she whispered,” You are going to do something about this situation. I have waited for an eon nearly for you to get up off your ass and do something. Anything!”

The door slammed open and a younger man trudged into the dwelling, his long blonde hair plastered to his head.

“Mother! Is it true? Is father finally going to do something?”

“Yes, Loki. He is finally going to do something.”

“Ever since he lost Rome, he hasn’t been the same,” Loki complained,” Oh, he went through the motions, but once the Viking raids started to taper off, he just…..gave up.”

“Well, he had his ‘vision’,” she sniffed.

Loki looked shamefaced,” I said I was sorry.”

“Look what it did in the end?” she snapped,” Just be glad that your father doesn’t know.”

Loki shuddered,” I don’t even want to think about that.”

“We are in the state we are because you just HAD to play a joke on your father,” She snapped,” And now we are at the near end of our strength and our enemy has grown oh so very powerful.”

“And ever so eager to persecute our followers,” Loki frowned.

“It is your fault!” she screeched.

“I know, I know!” he held up his hands in surrender,” How many times do I have to say I am sorry!”

“You will work hard to restore our power, Loki,” she glared daggers at him,” Or you will answer to me. Then I will tell your father of your perfidy.”

Loki paled,” It will be as you say. What do you want me to do?”

“Sow discord amongst our nearest enemies,” she ordered,” I want them at each other throats, wearing themselves down until we strike at their hearts.”

“As you wish,” Loki stepped back outside and stepped quickly aside as his older and far more powerful brother stalked into the abode.

”Finally! What should I do first, mother?”

“Thor,” she smiled,” Yours will be a task that you might find somewhat distasteful, but it must be done.”

Thor frowned,” And what might that be, mother?”

“You will ensure our people have nice weather,” she told him.

Thor gasped,” You have got to be joking. The harsh winters and difficult spring, summer, and autumn keep our people strong!”

“Look what it has done for us,” she snapped,” We are nearly extinct! We must have good weather if we are to make sure we produce enough food to sustain ourselves and the population boom that we can expect.”

“Population boom?” Thor looked puzzled.

“Your father is calling those who live beyond our borders home,” she informed him,” But I am planning on there being a natural population boom as well. Women will prove to be very fertile and their babes will live. Few will die of plague or other disease or lack of enough nourishment. We will need an army.

An army marches on it’s stomach, so we need food. But to have the army, we need PEOPLE.”

Thor nodded in sudden understanding,” I see. It shall be as you say. But can I make things unpleasant for our enemies?”

Frigga smiled,” Yes, my son. Be my guest.”

”Thank you,” Thor bowed and left the home, closing the door behind him softly.

“Yes, Jehovah,” Frigga whispered,” We will show you what Ragnarok looks like. You, and your ‘son’, will lament ever coming to my world and upsetting my happy home.”

This is a Mongol Empire Scenario story. Based on the Baltic Tribes in the year 1150. There will be a few modifications. I will add more population to the two provinces that the Baltic Tribes start with to reflect the exodus of pagans from Christian lands back to the lands of the pagans. And a bit more ducats.

Version 1.08 using the .3 Mongolian Empire Scenario with settings on Normal/Normal. The Baltic Tribes seem to have nothing but horrible rulers and no real leader types, so who knows how hard this will be, but I am no masochist.

I will attempt to reunite the pagans in the north and then take the fight to the Christians. I don’t know how far I will get, but it ought to be fun. There will be more appearances by the Norse Gods, of course.
Nice first post. It sounds like an interesting approach. Though I am sure it will prove quite difficult. Good luck.
Paganize the world! :)
Ok, this 1 just might do the trick and bring me out of the darkness. Can I participate at times? Or better yet, can I be Thor? :D (note: I am not asking a permission to be a god - my resume states that I have occupied this position under one name or the other for quite a long time. I am asking to be Thor because he so closely resembles one of my most favorite Russian pagan gods - Perun).
Wow! Good luck over here Amric! You chose a truly difficult path to follow, but a very interesting one also. I'll be followind this one for sure, and as somebody else said: paganize the world! :)
zacharym87- Of course! Pagans aren't going to peacefully take and then convert provinces all that well. War, war, more war, and some converting of course.

Machiavellian- Thank you. I don't know how difficult it will be in the end, but it should be fun.

Braedonnal- I don't think I can paganize the entire world, but I'll get to as much as I can.

nalivayko- Thor, eh? I have no objections to that. Wanna do a admiral or general as well?

Obelixeke- Thanks. Well if it were going to be easy, it wouldn't be as much fun, right?

Okay...this won't get updated as quickly as my earlier efforts. I am not sure how many updates per week I will do, or be able to do. But it should be a lot of fun....do not expect a lot of game mechanics being obvious. It will be buried in the story. They will be there, to an extent, but you will have to decipher it for yourself. I try not to do log style writing, as I find it no challenge to my self, writing wise....
Pagans against the Christians! :eek: This will be difficult. I'll be reading Amric and I hope you're feeling better. I don't know if I'd trust nalivayko with a thunderbolt in his hands. :D :D

I'll be reading, but I might just end of rooting for the Christians on general principles with this one I'm afraid.

Have you read "American Gods" by any chance?
stnylan- Root for the Christians? How could you?:) When I started this story, I had NOT read American Gods. But I picked it up at the library on Monday, and since I spent MANY hours at the hospital on Tuesday, I read it then. Good book. I found out I have kidney stones and one is trapped on it's way out and causing me lots of pain. But the book wasn't the genesis for this story.

It came about remembering an AD&D campaign I was playing where once I and some others got to very high level we became demi-gods in a relatively new pantheon of gods. I took the aspect of a war god, which caused difficulties with Ares. Which eventually caused a war between pantheons. But this story isn't going to be having war in the heavens betweens gods.

Stroph1- Thanks. I'll do my best....

The next update should be along sometime later this week, I believe, depending on my pain level and other commitments. Like I said before, this one isn't going to be updated at my normal breakneck pace...
October 1, 1149

Captain’s Log

The priest has informed me that this is the time to go. I told him that it was getting too late in the season to attempt to sail through The Sund. He foretold that Thor would insure that we will reach Kurland successfully. He has already gotten most of the people to agree to sail. I am concerned, but I am outvoted and would surely lose my position as Captain and being in charge of the entire fleet if we do not sail.

I am worried as English and French vessels have been spotted in the area. French and English forces both harry our flanks as we camp here on the coast. It is only a matter of time before either one or the other fall upon us. Gods forbid they both do it at once. We’d not be likely to survive the attack.

At least we have enough ships to take all five thousand of us to our new homes where we will be free to worship Odin and our other gods as we wish, rather than fear for our lives from the Christians who have surrounded us and persecuted us for so long.

To think, our ancestors once conquered this area and were not Christians, and now our former lands are no longer a healthy place to be. So be it. We shall sail in the morning. Most of our people are already onboard the ships. It only requires the loading of our outpost defenders, which shall be done tonight.

We sail at high tide on the morrow!

November 12, 1149

Captain Alaric Olafsson peered back at the storm that was nipping at their heels. His longship drove through the deepening swells easily, but he was worried about the old cogs, coracles, and other vessels that made up the rag tag fleet.

English and French ships had harried them all through the English Channel, only to be lost in a powerful storm that had dogged the fleet. Not a drop of rain or snow had fallen on the ships, but Olafsson was worried that it was only a matter of time before it did and the winter storm season shattered the fleet.

Lightening could be seen flashing wildly in the storm, and the thunder, even from miles away was nearly ear shattering. There was no sign of the English or French ships, and for a brief moment Olafsson felt a pang of pity for those sailors as it was unlikely they would survive such a powerful and seemingly malevolent storm.

“Captain, we’re about to head into The Sund.”

The sounds of the drum beating the rhythm for the oars was muted compared to the thunder.

“Steady as she goes,” Olafsson commanded,” We’ll make our run and pray to the gods, and especially Thor that we make it before the storm overtakes us.”

The priest walked up with a smile,” I couldn’t help but overhear you, Captain. Thor is in complete control of the storm. He won’t let it overrun us. You have my word on it.”

Olafsson grimaced,” Wonderful. I have five thousand people to worry about, and you tell me that Thor is going to make sure that storm doesn’t destroy us.”

“Indeed,” the priest nodded,” He spoke to me in a dream last night. He has been protecting us from the English and French all this time.”

Olafsson rubbed his beard, picking out a tiny louse and tossing it overboard,” I must admit that the sailing for us has been far smoother than I had anticipated. Perhaps you are right, priest.”

“Trust in our gods, Captain,” the priest replied solemnly,” They trust in us and expect great things from us.”

Olafsson sighed,” Why am I not surprised?”

November 23, 1149

Captain’s Log

I have to admit that the priest seems to have been right. The storm never did over take us and seems to have settled right into The Sund after our passage, effectively closing it for the winter season. Now we only have to survive the winter storms of the Baltic to reach port.

I have sent a small, fast longship ahead with the news of our arrival. Hopefully our brethren will be able to prepare for such a large influx of new people. For our own stores will be perilously low when we arrive. Only the cattle, pigs, chickens, and other animals will be left. Our other provender will be almost exhausted.

So far we have only lost three ships, and fortunately we were able to get the people and most of the provisions from each ship before it sank. It leaves us dangerously overburdened, but what choice do I have? I can’t leave people to a certain death when it is still possible to save them and bring them to our new homeland.

I guess I will see what awaits when we reach port.

December 27, 1149

The fleet reached Kurland where the people there had been busy all spring though autumn in preparation for their arrival. Numerous homes and other store houses had been built and there was room for all the new arrivals. Olafsson met with the king briefly, who thanked him for bringing in such a large group of people.

“Majesty, what you ask is possible,” Olafsson nodded over a cup of mead.

He was sitting in front of a roaring fire in the King’s own Hall. Others were at the fireplace at the other end of the hall, leaving the two men to converse privately.

“So will you do it?” the king inquired,” Will you build me a fleet of ships?”

Olafsson quaffed the rest of his mead,” I will do it, sire. But it will not be easy, nor will it be fast.”

“I am looking at the long term,” the king replied,” We have been planning on further settling Livland and expanding as much as we can before we start any wars.”

“That would be good,” Olafsson agreed,” I have heard rumors that there will be more people coming?”

“Yours was not the first to arrive, nor will it be the last,” the king smiled,” but it might just be the largest group to descend upon us.”

“I have also heard disturbing reports that we are going to go to war with Christian nations as well,” Olafsson said carefully.

“Absolutely,” the king nodded,” In time. We will first deal with the Estes and those in Prussia before attempting to deal with any other Christian lands.”

“The Estes are fellow worshippers,” Olafsson objected.

“There can be only one king for our peoples,” the king warned him,” It will take all of our peoples, working together to accomplish our goals, and that of the gods.”

Olafsson accepted more mead from a serving maid,” It still seems like madness to attempt to wrest lands from the Christians.”

“Our gods command it,” the king reminded him.

“So they do,” Olafsson frowned,” But I wonder WHY they do so? For centuries they have ignored the fates of our peoples as more and more of us were forced to convert to Christianity.”

“They never left us, Olafsson,” the king drank more of his own mead,” They were plotting and planning, I am sure.”

“Mayhap,” Olafsson agreed reluctantly,” But I can’t help but feel that things are spiraling out of the control of our people and that it will become a very ugly business.”

“War is ugly, and yet glorious as well,” the king mused softly,” We have had unbelievable weather for the last ten years, my friend. Winters have been mild for us, and harvests have been exceptional.”

“You don’t say?” Olafsson was impressed in spite of himself.

“Plus we have lost few babes to fevers or other diseases,” the king continued,” We are blessed by the gods, and we shall not fail them.”

Olafsson saw the steely glint in the eyes of the king,” It shall be as you say, sire. I do have one question though.”

“Which is what?”

“What will we do when we denude our forests for our ships, axe hafts and other objects of war?” Olafsson inquired.

The king laughed,” We have been instructed to plant new seedlings to replace those trees that we fell.”

Olafsson looked surprised,” Whatever for?”

“So that we can replace the trees we use,” the king replied.

“But it takes years for a tree to grow,” Olafsson objected.

“That is why we will plant many new seedlings for every tree we take,” the king informed him,” So that when they are grown we will have a steady supply and an unending one.”

“What an unusual idea,” Olafsson scratched his beard,” But it sounds feasible. I shall have to trust in you and the gods that you know what you are doing.”

“I do,” the king said simply,” The rest of you may join us now. Our private discussion is finished. I want to hear more about this ‘crop rotation’ you were speaking of earlier, priest.”
Looks like a really good start! I am definitely rooting for the pagans. :X
Finally, I've been wating for a new AAR from you Amric. And I must say that I really like what I've read sofar.
Ahh, roleplaying inspiration :D

And as for my rooting, well, someone has to root for the AI every so often ;) Otherwise it might get in a huff and do something exceptional.

I have great sympathy with Olafsson. Great sympathy.
Well, I suppose shameless plugging works. ;) Truthfully, I have finally just found the time to start another new AAR to read and it might as well be an Hurricane production. It seems the MES scenario is quite popular to write about these days. And you've picked an interesting area to deal with. The beginning was a strong start as was this last post. It seems that you've not lost it while dealing with new job, and loss of teeth. Thanks God for that.

Oh, and...
“I do,” the king said simply,” The rest of you may join us now. Our private discussion is finished. I want to hear more about this ‘crop rotation’ you were speaking of earlier, priest.”
Dunno why, this just made me laugh. :rofl: Great line.
Catknight-Glad to hear you'll be rooting for the pagans as well....I'll probably need all the help I can get...

Rirre- Well it is good to see you again! Glad you are enjoying the story so far, and hopefully it will keep you entertained.

Jwolf- As the Baltic Tribes I own Kurland and Livland<as a colony>. Lithuania owns itself and Memel. Prussen owns Prussia. Estland owns itself. Novgorod owns Pskov, Olonets, Ingermanland, Karelia, Savolaks, and Kola. Vladimir owns the typical stuff. Polotsk owns two provinces. Right at the start of the game, nobody seems to be allied to anyone else. I don't get to see much more than that at the start of the game. I don't even get to see much in the way of sea zones yet either. Sweden is terra incognita for me. So is pretty much everything else.

Lithuania, Prussia, and Estland are all pagan at the start of the game. Novgorod's only non colonies are Pskov and Novgorod itself. Everything else is pagan and no more than a level 6 colony at best.

stnylan- Yes, but since I have been doing such since 1979, I guess I have plenty of fertile ground to work with. Great sympathy for Olafsson, eh? Hm, I guess I did write him to be a sympathetic character at that....

Sapphire- Glad you are enjoying so far, and it is nice to see I am still remembered...:)

Maku- I shall do my best not to disappoint! The nice thing, is that I have places to advance that are already pagan and I don't have to work on converting those provinces...

coz1- Well, you put on a grand show with your story, so I can't let my own work slack off...that sort of thing...:) Well, I don't have that job anymore and looking for a new one, but the pain of tooth loss has lessened, but the kidney stone thing is kind of an annoyance...

y'know, I never thought of that line from the king as funny, but I can see your point...wasn't intentionally meant to be funny, but I am certainly glad you enjoyed it...