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Field Marshal
23 Badges
Jul 3, 2004
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Today, a young kid sat in his room and was reading in a forum. He read mostly AAR's but also other things.
After some time, a light did spark in his eyes, he have chosen to make an AAR himself! And this is how I come up with the idea to make this AAR.


This AAR is supposed to focus on how a little nation in the north (Thats like on the other side of the world compared to Italy (for example :p )) strives to unite the north (and later on the world) under a swedish supremacy.

This AAR will feature pictures, dialouges and a history you hopefully will never forget.

What goals can I have?

What I strive for is to write something that Someone LIKES :wacko: , even if this, thats the primary goal, is realy hard. I hope I will succeed with it and make someone follow this tale of Sweden.

The other goals are:

1. All national provinces (cores) should be under swedish rule under the end of the game.

2. Unite Scandinavia.
Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark should be ONE single nation.

3. Put the Baltic Sea coasts under swedish supremacy.
All Baltic coasts should be under Swedish reign at the end of the game.

4. Stay in the Kalmar Union atleast until Gustav Eriksson (Gustav Vasa(Gustavus Vasa)) comes into power.
If something happends so either I or Denmark cancel the vassilation before Gustav Erikssons entrance into the world politic, I have failed.

5. If requested, I should be a part in the war against Austria thats today called the "30 years war".
So, if I don't declare war against Austria and attack Austria on land after it exist the option on the 17th century (1621?) that I can choose to be a part of defending the Protestant provinces, I have failed.

6. I'm supposed to put so much as possible under swedish supremacy, especialy Europe and North/South America so that in the future, the whole world will be forced to speak Swedish! (Muahaha, Americans, be prepare on that you have to learn Swedish in your schools from now on :D )

What sort of game am I playing?

EU 2, 1.08 with the settings at Hard/Normal. The scenario is the Grand Campaign.

There are no modifications and I'm not supposed to use any cheats.

I hope that most of you also can quess which country I am going to play...? :p

(And I realy hope I will start writing the AAR too, and not just stop here... :eek: )
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:) Good LUCK!!!! :rolleyes:

I am also doing Sweden's AAR but I would love to see how another AAR doing in dark and cold place where sunlight never reach there. There is one difference, I started in 1617 and I already destroyed Denmark ;) There is link in the sig if you want to read it

Looking forward to it :)

Joe (Sapphire)


I would have posted my part already, but found that I probably should try to find some historical information about the time before I do anything drastic.

So I'm now looking after my old Svea Rike 2 and will look after what happend that apply to EU2 under this time..
Are you still doing your research, or have you called this AAR off? :confused:
Hello? Is there anyone out there? :( Has this AAR gone the way of the Viking longships? :(
That's an interesting goal no.4.
Hum.... go out dating or play on the computer? Which to chose, which to chose?


We can survive a little longer.... or longer... ;)
Draco Rexus said:
Hum.... go out dating or play on the computer? Which to chose, which to chose?


We can survive a little longer.... or longer... ;)

Dating definatly! :p
I and the girl had some dates, but last date didnt go so well, did get to know some of her friends (I have known them from before, and DONT like them) and became rather nerveus..

We left eachother pretty much like friends, even if I would like to continue to be with her...

Then she went out to her summer house there she have been now 1-2 days.

If I dont get any other information soon, I probably guess its over and I can begin to write this AAR :D

(I havent forgot you :) )
Well no.4 looks hard to keep to, being a vassal will cripple your income and I'm sure any girl is worth chasing even if it means an AAR will be abandoned. ;)
Ah, the wooing of women... such a noble pursuit. I do love it so! It's almost as good as conquering vast amounts of land for King and Country! :D

She basicly said when we met that she realy wants to be friends from now on, it was stupid of her to try to get a relationship before she have got herself a good work, she have tried a relationship with me and another guy under her life, but she say she cant commit time or thinking on it...

So we seem to be just friends... :S

Anyways, then I will start writing on this in some days then :)
Ah, that sucks! Well, at least the possibility is still there, eh? Just stay optimistic and available and things might still work out... in the mean time... GIVE US AN UPDATE!!!! Please. :D
Erik of Pommern, Part 1

Unionsbrevet 1397

"Och alla tre kungarikena skall vara och förbli i endräkt och kärlek, så att det ena icke med någon tvedräkt eller söndring skall draga sig från det andra, utan vad som träffar det ena vare sig i fråga om krig eller i fråga om angrepp av andra utländska män, det skall träffa dem alla tre, och vart och ett av dem skall med all trohet och all makt vara det andra behjälplig; dock så, att varje rike förblir vid sin lag och rätt och konungen vad det tillkommer honom att ha."

After the danish troops had marched into Sweden because of the peasant rebellion against the former king Albrekt of Mecklenburg, the aristocracy king, the people of Sweden asked for help to take Albrekt away and in exchange, Queen Margareta of Denmark would be accepted as Queen of Sweden.

The sad, and blessed, year of 1399, the glorious queen Margareta of the Kalmar Union died, and with her death, Erik of Pommern rised as king and his wife Filippa, daughter of Henrik IV of England, to queen, over the Kalmar Union.

At the start, Erik of Pommern didn't realy care about the nations he now were king over, instead he went around the baltic sea and tried to fullfill his plan to create a Nordic-baltic nation. But because of Eriks stupiddity and aggressivity, in the end he didn't get anything from these travels, except recieve anger from his subjects.

The blessed year of 1419, the 5th January, the nation of Suzdal declares war against the nation of Novgorod and after some bri... I mean pleading... the loosing Suzdal succeeded to get the Swedish aristocracy to join her in the battle against Novgorod in the 18th of March, and because of that Erik of Pommern got forced to help it's northern parts of the Union.

A citat from the king himself after he got the information about his bold subjects act: "Can't those d*mn f*cking sweeds understand that I have much more bloody important things to do... Oh, you'r still writing down what I say?!! Stoppit! Stoppit I told you! If you don't stop I wi\" But ofcourse, no one realy know who wrote it down because of no one could see who it was when the head was cut into two pieces...

We also got the ability to talk with some of the aristocracy that was leading the swedish troops into Novgorod:

Reporter for the yearly religious church reports for the holy and blessed king of the Union of Kalmar: "So how have you together used your cunning and experience to be able to break the Novgorod defenses and bring a complete victory for the blessed and holy king of the Kalmar Union?"
#1 Aristocrat: "What are you talking about, we are just running around and take whichever area we can that no one else have claimed ye.."
#2 Aristocrat whisper: "Erm, you know that we maybe can get something from the damned danish dogs if we give the picture that we realy thought about something then our own fortune, even if it is a lie?"
#1 Aristocrat: "Oh.. Okey, don't care about what I said earlier, basicly we have with a great planning constructed a plan that can only bring us the victory and the blessed king the glory"
Reporter for the yearly religious church reports for the holy and blessed king of the Union of Kalmar: And what sort of plan is that?
#1 Aristocrat whisper to #2 Aristocrat: "What plan is it then?"
#2 Aristocrat whispered back: "Basicly the Nyland Brigads have invaded the rich province of Ingermanland to stop an Novgorod expansion and under the time the Svea lifgarde began its siege on Kexholmen and Götalifgarde invaded Kola in the purpose to later go downwards to surround the novgorod forces."
#1 Aristocrat said with a happy voice: "Basicly the Nyland Brigads that were closest to the Novgorod border could take the first and richest area for themself, and then Svea lifgarde that were farer away had to be glad to get the lesser rich Kexholmen and then Göta dogs that came from down in nowhere should thank us for letting them get Kola!"
Reporter for the yearly religious church reports for the holy and blessed king of the Union of Kalmar: Okey...

Anyways, soon Göta lifgarde advanced into Karelia and then continued down to Olonets.

The 10th April Svea lifgarde were attacked by a force in double its size in Kexholmen, but did get a victorious victory.

Brave Soldier in Svea lifgarde: "Of some reason the norvegians began to puke when they came too close to us, so it were an easy victory because of the norvegian mostly lay on their backs and throwed their guts out onto the ground!"
Puking reporter for the yearly religiour church reports for the holy and blessed king of the Union of Kalmar. "Argh, my nose, I can't breath...!"
Brave Soldier in Svea Lifgarde: "Are you complaining on my smell! I did bath a year ago f*cker! I can allways wait another year before I really begin to smell!"

The 1st Augusty of the blessed year of 1419 the swedish aristocracy let their workers upgrade the swedish fleet in exchange for some money.
Because of the lack of money, the aristocracy had to lend some money, but they still thought it was worth the money.

Swedish ship maintainer "Okey, we know we took a little more money for painting the boats blue than we supposed to, but our children need food on the table too you know?!!!"

After alot of planning, the 15th January of the blessed year of 1420 both Kexholmen and Olonets gave up to swedish troops.

Brave swedish soldier "Eh, basicly we found out that if we just throwed the food we ate over the walls, basicly the population gave up rather quickly!"

The 22th April of the blessed year of 1420 Ingermanland fell. Most people said it was because of that most people inside the walls couldn't find any more grass and many houndreds had starved to death, but we all know that it was so that they wanted to be a part of the swedish reign and they couldn't wait any longer!

The 11th May of the blessed year of 1420 the swedish aristocracy thought that too much blood had been spilled and accepted peace with Novgorod on the deal: Olonets to Sweden, Kola to Sweden, Karelia to Sweden and Kexholmen to Sweden. Sweden gave up Ingermanland, even after the population had begged for being a part of Sweden, because the swedish aristocracy didn't want to split up the familys that had relatives in Novgorod.

Brave Soldier: "I thought we accepted peace because Colonel Ehrenstahl were trying to have sex with a log and most of the aristocrats missed their liquor too much..."
Brave Soldier #2: "Yeah, and basicly we gave up Ingermanland because that the people there didn't have any liquor left after the siege and that the enemy Novgorod amries were marching against us with a three times so big army..."
Ehrensrahl: "Anyone here mentioned sex? It exist any girls close by? ANSWER ME SOLDIER, ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!"


After an expansion of the trade in mecklenburg, the state earned 100 more then expected after arresting a liar from the Mecklenburg trade center.

Swedish merchant "Muahaha, earned 200 gold from Navarra for just saying to the state I got bancrupt and had to go home again, hehehe... What are you doing here? Why are you writing down what I am saying? Okey, if you get 100 gold for not saying anything to..."


Okey, here the first part ends.. I hope everyone liked it, and I hope I will become better as time goes by.

Oh, and expect a war around the baltic sea in the next part.
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Funny! :rofl:
Sounds like a plan! You gotta love it when a plan comes together, eh?

So how far into your game have you gotten?