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May 8, 2004

This text and the following chapters were made to give a basic view of history of the kingdom of Gelre. This chronicle will begin in the year 1419 and conclude in 1820. Some aspects that will be discussed include economic, political, and government functions of Gelre. With no further ado let the chronicles of Gelre begin in full.

Chapter One 1419-1425

This unique period of history began within the reign of a monarch by the name of Baverie. The kingdom was to experience vast changes under his rule. Once he had obtained a strong hold of power he began to implement reforms. One of his more notable reforms to give the countries merchants more freedoms. After reforms he began to lay down a plan for economic development. Beginning with the promotion of tax collectors within all major cities. The kingdoms coffers at this point contained 300 ducats so the need to mint more currency was not around. It was believed that the current inflation rate of 0 percent could be contained until about 1930.

On the world stage Baverie was harsh and cold towards his friends and foes. He was clever in manipulating foes against each other. In late 1420 he arranged to have his two daughters married to nobility within the countries of Burgundy and Frisland. Baverie decided to allow the soldiers of Burgundy to enter his land as this would help to keep them in theirs masters favor. It was no secret to all who knew Baverie that he wanted to expand the reach of Gelre and was ever ready to do so at any cost.

In 1421 shortly after creating a military alliance with the states of Hessen and Frisland Baverie decided to declare war upon the kingdom of Munster. The excuse for the war was Munster's denial to enter a war against Hanover. The restless legions of Gelre finally had a war with which to busy themselves. The beginning battle of the war was a giant success during which Munster lost around 10 thousand men and Gelre only 4 thousand. It took only 4 months to take control of the country side around the capital of Munster.

Baverie had one intent when he declared war and that was to formally annex or take control of the lands of Munster. Despite this he waited for several months after the downfall of Munster to annex the country. The reason was to conduct separate peaces with the other members of the Munster alliance. The money taken from these nations was put into trade and then eventually the promotion of officials in Munster. With 1422 coming to an end and a period of harsh war coming to an end Baverie was abruptly killed when a disease struck his capital city.

The new monarch was known as Arnold the first. He had been Baverie's nephew and closest relative. The new lord was less expansionistic and decided to concentrate his efforts upon diplomatic affairs. In 1924 a formal vassalization was performed of the kingdom of Frisland. It was apparent at this point that Burgundy way an ever present threat, so in respect a sizeable portion of the Germanic War winnings as they were referred to were given to the country to improve relations. A new royal marriage was established between the two states in order to seal the pact of non-aggression.

The year 1425 brought renewed hope to the land and an heir to the throne into life. All was not well though a plague ripped through the country at a terrible time and left death in its wake. Trade was doing well Dutch merchants had made gains in Veneto and several other important trade centers.

The kingdoms path for the future was uncertain at this point, but it had made a reputation as a nation on the rise.

This is a new type of AAR for me. The idea is to write it as though it was coming out of a text book. Any suggestions on how to improve it and the content. I look forward to this AAR I never could resist a good Dutch game. Suggestions are welcome and thanks for reading.
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Well, you have certainly picked one of my favorite countries to read about, that is when you become The Netherlands. You've done well so far in trying to utilize a history text feel. I might suggest you do some eagle-eyed proofing before posting however, as there are some sentances that don't quite flow. Nothing serious really, but you did ask. ;)

I look forward to your progression, and it seems you are well on your way. Good idea to start thinking about Burgandy as they will most certainly start coming after you soon, especially if conquests continue.
:) It would be better if the screenshot was on the post instead though the link. You don't mind if I copy the screenshot and upload onto my webspace and give you the link back?? Otherwise, it is like reading the textbook.

Joe (Sapphire)
Coz1 I have not edited this yet as I got a pm about fixing my guide so I just posted to get rid of it. I will reread it right away.

Sapphire The link was all that imageshack would let me do but go ahead I am trying to get a photobucket account.
It is back!!


Joe (Sapphire)
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Remove the links please.
Off to a quick start I see. An extra province is always nice ;).

My only suggestion is perhaps to just note anything important happening in the neighbouring nations, or regions that might effect Gelre. For example, when neigbours annex each other. It helps by putting your country into a setting, rather than in occasional isolation. If you can see what I'm driving at.
Sliver: Great AAR :D You will have me as an intrested reader. Good luck with your screenshots. Sorry that Imageshack wasn't more helpful.

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It is a nice start for an aar and I was surprised you expanded so easily.

Little comment; Gelre is actually a Duchy, not a Kingdom ;)
Sliver... definitely a great style idea. Since most of us here, I so believe, are avid readers and are interested in history, we are both accustomed to reading history books and well interested in it. So yea... continue with this style. A great read and an interesting story.

And AmbassadeBelgie, nice screenshots, but I still can't find Gelre on any of them :)
Greg45 said:
And AmbassadeBelgie, nice screenshots, but I still can't find Gelre on any of them :)

I do think this is in violation with the rules of conduct....., better remove the link.
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:) Just done the A-Level History (British Empire) exam and I blew it :(

I will restore the screenshot tonight!!! It will return!!! :)

Joe (Sapphire)
Thanks all next update comes soon. Gelre will now be refered to a dutchey. I startd another AAR so this one might come slow. Go to the Eu forum and read it if you want.

Excuse me for the post (I have just deleted).

The link has become active and was leading to a porn site. Therefore, I wish to thank CatKnight for informing me over PM.

Please continue your AAR

Th :rofl:
Chapter Two 1425-1440

Overview; This period Dutch history is primarily peaceful with no major engagement on any front. While diplomacy was heated and often controversial it did not result in any long tern lasting effects. The exception to this is the Treaty of Holland to be discussed in death later in this chapter. The leader of Gelre during this period was Arnold I still holding control into the early 1440's. Gelre during this period adapted drastically in order to survive the deadly lash of their neighbor Burgundy. The most notable of the adaptations was a new policy of sending small annual gifts to Burgundy’s noble families. One distinct characteristic of this period is the amount of reforms implemented within it. A large number in comparison to that of other nation states. The reforms were focused upon providing the peasants of Gelre with more freedoms and liberties an idea frowned upon by almost all wealthy men of the period.

Of Military; The state of the Dutch army faltered and fell during this period. With agreements to keep peace established the maintaince levels of the army fell drastically and the number of legions in its rank dropped as well. It seemed at this point that the army was to become a second thought. The only real reason Dutch lords wanted any army kept provided for was so the revolts that commonly ripped through the country could be put down with ease. The navy on the other land received its first ships in early 1431 in an effort to help the Dutch control of trade tighten in later years. The commissioned ships were sent about on patrols up the Norwegian and British coastlines.

Of Trade; This was proving to be the driver of prosperity. The country was thriving and the majority of income was at this point coming from eastern trade. The Dutch merchants had carefully selected their targets for expansion and made calculated investments. Unlike some other nations of the time Gelre kept strict control of all their movements and gains. A plan for Western European expansion was established during this period, but would not be truthfully implemented for a decade.

Of Economy; The economic state of Gelre pushed forward by trade was quite promising at this point. Officials in all Dutch areas of Control had been promoted and capital was waiting to be spent on future ventures. For the larger part of this period the budget of Gelre focused all capital into improving trade polices and techniques. On a lesser not capital was also invested into naval research. The economy of Gelre will prosper truly only if all Dutch peoples are united into a singular nation state were the words of one noble from this period.

Of Diplomacy; Tides of change washed over Dutch foreign policy during this time. It was represent in a turn of Gelre's favor from the France its target for long term friendship to Burgundy. The reason for the abrupt change was due impart to Burgundy massing forces along the Dutch border. It appeared that war would come soon in around 1935, but ways were found around entering a conflict. Such polices as trade agreements and royal marriages were implemented with the sole purpose of turning favor. The Dutch also began to yearly send around 10 ducats a sizeable amount of currency to Burgundy. The loss of capital payed off though when in 1437 Gelre was invited into an alliance with Burgundy and England. Plans for the future diplomacy of Gelre in this era included political takeover of Germanic states and strengthening ties with Austria.

Of War and Peace; Non-hostility was the norm during this period, but for an instant was Gelre at war with a foreign state. This small war came in 1439 when Holland declared itself independent from Burgundy the Dutch were called to war and they took control of a siege on Holland's capital. The siege was in Gelre's favor and when over the duchy annexed Holland. The new addition to the Duchy was much wanted and greatly appreciated.

Conclusion; This period of Dutch history was characterized by a need to stay at peace. Future plans were discussed and the nobles of the time felt safe with their positions of power. Another change in Dutch favor would soon occur. It appeared to the world as if they were annoying people, but that they would not simply disappear. In the coming years it would be shown that the Duchy of Gelre was around to stay.


Gelre circa 1440
I cannot help but feel a calm before the storm. Good passage.
Great update!!!!

And happy brithday and as for present, are there any pics you want me to edit!!! :rofl:

Anyway, have a happy time and happy presents opening!!


Joe (Sapphire)
Thanks for the comments an update will come soon. Sapphire I am going to save my pic editing credit (if I have any left) for when I have a colonial empire.