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May 8, 2004
This is an experiment mind all readers. I noted and have followed an AAR in the HoI forum that I have modeled this after. The idea of the thread is to have readers dictate a countries movements through history. If I get enough responses and interest I will continue otherwise this thread enters no mans land. Each week I will play 20 years (time can be changed) of game play following the directions of forum members. A reader can make his voice heard just by posting his vote. Now if you want your vote to count for more you must act fast and voltmeter yourself for one of the following positions.

Chief of Army; Decides movements of forces and defense based upon detailed descriptions of the world I will provide. This will be the most challenging position as no screen shots are available sorry.

High Admiral; In charge of all naval exploration and combat. Still no screen shots.

Advisor; 5 people may offer their services for this job for the most part they help to decide the things that do not fall into any category, and help out on all topics.

Minister of Finance; Decides on budget and improvement of infrastructure.

Foreign Minister; Sets up relations and forges all alliances. They will also help to make peace or be the advisor to declare war with permission from a majority of advisors.

Their are more duties for each position that I may tell later, but that’s about it. I will when giving info to each person be very descriptive and trust me I am very good at that. I think this will be fun and I hope that some people are interested. If all the positions get taken and a person wants to give advice they may feel free to. Their advice will be weighed on their rank. I will not tolerate an advisor not doing there job and they can be changed. I do have ultimate control, but will in most cases be a puppet to you the reader. If you want a postion just post. The first decison that must be made is what country to play, and in what year to start general suggestions at first then we will narrow it down.

Much Thanks to all who help out, Sarah
In spite of what a lot of the HoI forum people think, this isn't a new idea. It's been around at least since EU.

Of course, it's still quite fun. :D

I'd like Minister of Finance, if I may.

Now what country are you playing anyways?
Uh, hehe, I think some of us missed this... :wacko:

sliver legion said:
The first decison that must be made is what country to play, and in what year to start general suggestions at first then we will narrow it down.

Not the most inspiring start for our elite cadre of advisors. ;)

Anyway, I'm inclined to do the Grand Campaign and play a country who has several possible paths to take. That would include most of the majors...Poland could be interesting. Austria is also pretty exciting, but there's another ones of these going (sort of) for Austria at the moment. Russia could be interesting as well, especially early on. France might be too simple, same for Spain. Ottomans would be interesting, as would Portugal.

Playing the Timurids -> Mughals in the Age of Exploration could be good too, since you don't have to wait long for the change and you don't have to go through the Timurid rebellions.
Wow, what an interesting idea! I would love to play an advisor, but I am not sure how regularly I will be able to log into these forums for the next few weeks. I would hate to hold anyone up.

Therefore, perhaps it's best if I just stay as an avid reader, although if the duties for an advisor are more conductive to erratic on-line times, I may offer my humble services.
A know this is not a very new idea. but it is not that common in the Eu2 forum, and I just thought I would give a shot. The Grand Campaign seems to be favored at this point and the possible countries stand as Austria Poland and The Timunids. I will check back in on Sunday and play the first 20 years based pm those suggestions. After that it will be for the most part in your hands. Positions stand as such.

Chief of Army; Badman

High Admiral; Digdam

Advisors; Rythin, Zacharym87, Corruption, Greg 45(as long as you show up now and then.)

Minister of Finance; Sindai

Foreign Minister; Kisim3000 (glad to see you have moved over from the HoI forum.)

P.S. What should we do with Troggle? Do you want the advisor position or do the rest of you have objections to me creating some sort of VP spot for him?
Country to be decided I begin on Sunday night and may post on Monday. Thanks for the help. Sarah
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Timunids and the Grand Campaign win.

The general situation stands like this our country has a stability of -3 :( . We have very little defense with forts in only the the central part of the empire. The Klapite is our Vassal and we have a few CBs that’s useful. No merchants anywhere as of now but I hope that will change. The general opinion of our country is bad, and that must be changed for more details on the countries situation you can load the grand Campaign as the Timunids.

Chief of Army; You have 35lk worth of men at your disposal. 25 in the capital 10 along the coastline. Their maintenance is set at 100 percent you may change that if you wish. Give orders as to were in the empire to move the units and for what purpose.

High Admiral; Navy what navy 1 port no ships.

Advisors; Domestic policy. You must make a choice as to how to alter this may I suggest favoring free trade.

Minister of Finance; you have 100 gold 0 inflation rate. Details on budget to come in next update. Traders are coming at a rate of .4 per year not good. When we do get a trader to which market does it go? We control one CoT Isfahan. Good luck formulate some strategy to stabilize the economy.

Foreign minister; we have no close friends or allies. Try to decide on a course of action. Such as allying with the Turks or trying to favor Christian nations. You may suggest changes to the religion tolerance scales.

Report back with choices I start once enough of you have reported back in to play properly.
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I forgot to say in my last post that all people are welcome to post on any of the points stated.
sliver legion said:
Minister of Finance; you have 100 gold 0 inflation rate. Details on budget to come in next update. Traders are coming at a rate of.4 per year note good. When we do get a trader to which market does it go? We control one CoT Isfahan. Good luck formulate some strategy to stabilize the economy.

Since our current tech levels are 0/0/1/0, I recommend investing 100% in Infrastructure so we can reach Infra 1 and build tax collectors as soon as possible. Once that's done make it 33/33/33 between Land, Trade, and Infra. I do not believe it's worth it to invest in stability at the moment, since its cost is exhorbitant.

Those rare traders that we do get should go to our own CoT. Our trade efficiency is quite low and placing them anywhere else would be expensive enough to probably be a net loss.

I think our first DP clicks should go into increasing innovativeness. We don't really need many colonists or missionaries at the moment, and lower tech cost never hurt anyone. And our stability cost is already high enough that a little extra won't be fatal. Try targetting 5 or 6 innovativeness (we will need those colonists and missionaries later) then increase centralization instead.

Missionaries are too expensive at the moment, but it would be well worth it to colonize the two or three Persian provinces that are still colonies once we can spare the money, giving them our religion and culture.

Lastly, it's very important that we immediately switch to full Sunni and Shi'ite tolerance to increase income in Persia.
Done, and may I say that I was very pleased to have such detailed orders.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.............after much consideration, I feel that perhaps for now, we should remain on good relations with our Arabian neighbours. However, that does not mean we should ignore The Europeans completely. I suggest that we concentrate upon improving our relations with The Christians of Europe and then to begin trading with them. That way, we shall have decent relations and at the same time, I am sure The Minister of Finance can vouch that it will make a steady profit aswell. But if it comes, unless we are ready to fight, I say that we remain friends and possibly even Allies to our Arabic Brothers.

As for The Religious Tolerance levels, I recommend that we leave it as it is, for now. Perhaps in the future we might be able to lean a little bit more to Christianity but for now, it would be wise not to change our current Religious Policies, due to the low stability level. As soon as our stability level increases, then I suggest we make our first changes.