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Irken Tallest
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Aug 24, 2002
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Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: THE INCIDENT... would prove to cause great disturbance all across the Galaxy, it is believed that the cause of the incident was a young Second-Empire scientist by the name of THORDEN STILWELL....

Location: Second Empire Temporal Research Institute
Date: 3215 A.S.
"So how is the work with the new chronal chamber going?" Overseer Trent asked the young researcher, after the merging of the Mental and Physical sciences in roughly 1000 A.S. with the formation of the Second Empire research had been making quick strides forward, this new Chronal Chamber however was something completely unexpected; An entirely new view of the universe would be born if this machine would finally work... Time itself would be unravelled before the wondrous scientists of the Second Empire...
"It's almost finished." Thorden yawned, the two men where alone in the chronal chamber, it's complex instruments sending them information from all across the timestream. "I'd like to take a ride in it myself... Maybe visit Trantor at the height of it's glory?"
Trent scoffed: "Seldon did. Wasn't too impressed, and besides you know that we can't send living tissue back. It disintegrates."
"Yeah, yeah, I was only dreaming a bit..." Thorden continued. "Just think... In a few generations this conversation would have been wholly unneccessary!"
Trent nodded. Both men had been born with the knowledge that one day, some day, the Galaxia project would enter it's final stage, connecting every living human into a single supreme consciousness. The thought didn't bother them, even though they were not among the "connected", still only a few planets surrounding Gaia itself had entered that final stage, they had been born with the knowledge that their children might be and that their grandchildren would almost certainly be among them.
"So, you're ready to send the camera back to record the assassination of Cleon I?"
"Ready when you are." Thorden said.
"Execute Chronal Warp then." Trent said, and pushed the big red button.

It took a few moments for the warnings to begin, but once they did the effect was startling, the entire chamber started vibrating and a several dozens of sirens went of all at the same time.
"What is happening?!" Trent demanded.
"It looks like the timeline is unravelling sir..." Thorden said, his face turning ashen. "Most of history is starting to come apart at the seams, and the process is accelerating..."
"By Seldon's Ghost! What could have caused this? We'll have to report..." Trent went for the door but Stilwell stopped him.
"No! You can't do that! As long as we're within the chronal chamber we're in a timeline of our own... We're not affected by the changes, but if you break the sealing we'll loose any chance of ever fixing the timeline!"
Trent stopped in his tracks. "You're right." He admitted "But whas shall we do?"
"We'll have to find the cause first... Then fix it somehow... History isn't being unravelled all at once thank god, we might still be able to send something back to fix it..."
"So... What DID cause the disturbance? I'm sure a camera recording Cleon I's assassination wouldn't have caused this..."
"No... that seems unlikely... SELDON'S GHOST!"
"It appears that another physical object was in the chronal chamber... the change in mass affected the destination... The object has been sent several thousands of years back before were we intended it to go, beyond the First Empire, even beyond the legendary Spacer Age..."
"Damnit! A single butterfly in the wrong place could irrevocably change history that far back... What was sent?"
"You're not going to like this."
"What WAS SENT?"
"You know that old book I had?
"Well... It appears it was that book."
"Now that doesen't sound so bad... What book was it?"
"What book was it Thorden Stilwell?!"
"...Speaker Gendibal's Psychohistory for Dummies... Equipped with the automatic translation equipment..."

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: BROTHER PAUL PASSENGO... most notably involved in the INCIDENT, before he came across PSYCHOHISTORY FOR DUMMIES he apparently lived a peaceful live at St. Angelus' monastery.. his discovery of the book from the future would irrevocably change his fate, and the fate of all of history...

Location: The Vatican
Date: November 1418
Paul Passengo was nervous, it was a great honour that he, a mere dominican brother (although he hoped he would not committ the sin of pride if he told himself he was a better mathematician than most) would be allowed an audience with the Pope... As the doors slammed shut behind him he immediately fell to his knees in front of the Holy Father.
"Rise, Brother Passengo. Know that we are all brothers in christ here." That voice could not be disobeyed. Paul rose to his feet.
"The report?" Martinus, the Holy Father, Successor of Peter and leader of the Christian Church asked him, HIM, to deliver his report.
"It is... disturbing..." Brother Paul wet his lips with the tip of his tongue. "The evidence cannot be doubted, it is all too clear, but how one could divine the Will of God in this manner.... That I do not know..."
"I know the technicalities." Martinus interrupted. "Give me the details, what does our future look like?"
"Not good, Holy Father.... Within 200 years the church will be splintered, divided between heretics and schismatics, France will experience religious wars, the heathen Turks will stand at the gates of Vienna, the Holy Church itself will be in dire peril..."
"But it will survive? Better times will come?"
"Yes... Sort of... In three hundred years a long and brutal war will ravage Germany, the heretics will stand victorious, four hundred years from now a war the likes of which has never been seen before will turn europe into ashes. Five hundred years from now your own holy Papal States will be reduced to little more than the Vatican itself, six hundred years from now another brutal war will rage across Europe... One which will turn men's hearts into iron and six million jews into ashes... new weapons of terrible power will be invented and men will lose faith in the Holy Church, turning instead to wicked men and theri devices, the stars will be explored and yet humanity will remain as sinful as ever..."
"And is there no way to avert this future?" Martinus asked. "To change what has been foretold?"
"Yes..." Brother Paul replied. "One of the fundamental axioms of this "Psychohistory" is that those affected must not know the predictions that are being made, for that would distort their actions."
Martinus sat to himself, thinking.
Finally he rose.
"Take this heretical book to the King of Castille. Show it to Juan II... Let him look at the future and try to change it if he can. It now rests in God's hands, not ours."
"Yes, holy father."
And with those words brother Paul Passengo left the Vatican, he quickly boarded a ship and within a few months he arrived at the court of Juan of Castille...
Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: CASTILLE... Counctry on the central Iberian peninsula, by 1419 it had grown to be co-dominant with the other two christian kingdoms, Aragon and Portugal, ruled by King Juan it would probably have taken at least a hundred years for it to start it's expansion had it not been for THE INCIDENT..

Location: Court of king Juan II of Castille
Date: January 1, 1419
"So, brother Paul, what you are saying is that there is a great threat to the Holy Mother church, and that only I can save her?"
"Yes your majesty." Brother Paul kept his eyes downcast, the king was not a smart man by any means and he hoped to avoid offending him.
"Heretics eh? So that's where the threat is coming from... Well you know what? I think I'm going to take care of some business myself... If all this is true It'll be pretty useful don't you think? Say this here it says the Portugeuse are likely to start exploring the coast of africa during the next century... Well, that seems like a bad thing to me... Preventing them from doing that would surely aid the Church in the long term, see?"
Brother Paul nodded, though he was not totally sure that he agreed.

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: PORTUGAL... Kingdom in Western Iberia, planet Earth (location unknown) according to legends the portugeuese were mighty explorers (possible inventors of hyperdrive? see HYPERDRIVE ORIGINS) during the INCIDENT the Portugeuse were prematurely made vassals of the KINGDOM OF CASTILLE, this happened in KING JUAN'S WAR...

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S:
KING JUANS WAR... War between PORTUGAL and CASTILLE; with the latter emerging victorious, prominent people during this period include the legendary ALVARO DE LUNA and KING JUAN II, CASTILLE and ARAGOn together invaded the western kingdom and besieged it's cities, after ALVARO DE LUNA himself landed at the AZORES the Portugeuse were forced to surrender and become vassals of CASTILLE.

Brother Paul was nervfous, was this what the Holy Father had meant? He had seen the charred flesh of Portugeuse children first-hand as Oporto was put to the torch, he had heard the screams... fellow christians, screaming for mercy that was not coming, as Castillian soldiers butchered them for sport... Was this truly a better future than the one that had been foreseen? "It must be." He thought to himself, if king Juan and his successors suceeded the Holy Mother Church would remain preeminent. Untold millions of souls would be saved and lives spared as future wars were avoided. Better bloodshed now than later....

Alvaro de Luna surveyed the fields of Southern France. He did not know why he had been sent here by king Juan, the king seemed more and more disturbed... As if he hid some hideous knowledge that ate away at his sanity... Alvaro had already recieved new orders. He sighed. "We ride for France!" He bellowed to his troops. There was no cheer.

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: CASTILLIAN-FRENCH WAR... Fought over under the command of ALVARO DE LUNA, ended with FRANCE ceding SOUTHERN FRANCE to CASTILLE.
Hmm - the book seems to have rather more information on Earth history than I'd expect from the Trantorian Empire; I'd rather expect the Encyclopedia Galactica to have only a slightly more detailed entry for Earth than the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy... ;)
Still, I suppose once one has a time machine, historical studies become a lot easier... nice concept for an AAR, either way.
4th of Eleven said:
Hmm - the book seems to have rather more information on Earth history than I'd expect from the Trantorian Empire; I'd rather expect the Encyclopedia Galactica to have only a slightly more detailed entry for Earth than the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy... ;)
Still, I suppose once one has a time machine, historical studies become a lot easier... nice concept for an AAR, either way.

The HTTG itself explains that it is a lot sloppier than EG, Remember?
True, but considering the people of the First Empire and the Foundation didn't even know Earth was the origin world of humanity - indeed, weren't even sure if there was an origin world of humans - I assume the records available to the compilers of the Encyclopedia to be... sketchy, at best...

On the other hand, I still haven't read 'Foundation and Earth', which, judging by the title, might explain that a little better... ;)
4th of Eleven said:
True, but considering the people of the First Empire and the Foundation didn't even know Earth was the origin world of humanity - indeed, weren't even sure if there was an origin world of humans - I assume the records available to the compilers of the Encyclopedia to be... sketchy, at best...

On the other hand, I still haven't read 'Foundation and Earth', which, judging by the title, might explain that a little better... ;)

Somewhat, also remember that the Foundation novels are only a few hundred years A.S. I'll assume they have time to do some archeological digs during the time :D (not to mention Daneel's Archives on Earths Moon)
Diary of Paul Possenga, anno 1484
"As I write this I can only hope that what me and the Holy Father set in motion so many years ago was the right thing to do... After the conquest of Southern France king Enrique (who had suceeded king Juan) looked upon the Books of Future History (as they were become known) and instantly saw the advantages of securing Austria, with Fire and Sword the Castillians marched across the Alps, although they were too late to aid their swiss brothers they managed to vassalize the Austrian Archduke... At a slgihtly later date king Enrique ordered the incorporation of the Kingdom of Portugal into the greater Iberian Nation known as Spain, at a slightly later date he also wedded his daughter Isabella with prince Ferdinand of Aragon, thus ensuring that the Iberian Peninsula would stand united against any threat to the Holy Mother Church...

But how much blood has been spilled? How many dead? I have privately persused the Book of Future History and in secret I have made some calculations of my own, I fear that if the expansion continues at it's current rate sooner or later the world will have to react, we will be forced into a vicious cycle of conquest that will either lead the Kingdom to ruin or to World Domination, but World Domination built upon the Sword and not the Cross, it will not i fear, last for long. No, the Castillians need to be tempered, their aggression against fellow catholics must cease... Perhaps there is some external enemy to channel their lust for expansion against? Until the Heresy appears (which should not take long according to my calculations) they will have to find another target...

I however am old. I will leave this in the hands of the next student of Future History, hopefully his work will bring something else than bloodshed."

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S INCIDENT, THE (contd.) THORDEN STILWELL and OVERSEER TRENT had mistakenly caused an immense disruption in the timeline, as books of Psychohistory had made their way as far back as 100,000 B.T. (Before Trantor) never despairing the two scientists tirelessly worked to undo the harm they had wrought...

"I think I have a plan." Thorden said.
"And what might that be? We have tried retrieving the books but we can't pinpoint their destination exactly, especially since the entire timeline is being rewritten, so there's no chance of retrieving them..."
"That's why we have to send someone back to fetch them."
"Seldon's Ghost Thorden! You know that we can't go back! Living tissue, remember?"
"Well, that's why we'll have to send someone back who's NOT made of living tissue..."
"You mean..."
"Yes. It seems like the farther away from the disturbance the greater the accuracy of our transfer, we should be able to snag a Robot from the Spacer Age, send him back to where the book is and tell him to destroy it... Then himself, so as to not contaminate the timeline."
"But... But... How could we order him to do something like that? And anyway according to the Legends robots cannot harm humans, and he probably'll have to..."
"Remember the Laws, we can just order him to self-destruct and he will.... the Pacifism might be a bigger problem but we can just tell him what's at stake, he certainly won't have any ethical trouble with destroying a book will he?"
"Don't ask me, I've never seen a robot except in Nursery stories..."
"Face it, what have we got to loose? The entire timeline is unravelling already..."

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: GOLD, metal, chemical designation AU historically this metal has been used for bartering among primitive societies, and traditionally the Galactic Credit can theoretically still be exchanged for it's worth in Gold, some of the earliest historical records regarding gold's use in bartering comes from data gleaned from the INCIDENT, SPANISH ships apparently visited the nearby planet AMERICA to extract GOLD there, it is currently unknown wheter AMERICA was inhabited by humans at the time, some historians also claim that AMERICA is the source of TURKEY, although this opinion is controversial.
Asimov Rulez. But seriously, the Foundation is one of the best Sci-Fi ever. And I love to see this AAR.
Excellent AAR thus far.
Very interesting premise. It seems as if Castile has been doing very well in its wars. You've taken much of southern france and if I read correctly, vassalized Austria?
it is currently unknown wheter AMERICA was inhabited by humans at the time, some historians also claim that AMERICA is the source of TURKEY, although this opinion is controversial.


A wonderful concept! Makes me want to pick up those Foundation novels again right away.

Psychohistory for dummies... I love it.
Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER legendary person that can be traced back to the oral traditions of many of the older worlds, Columbus is worshipped as a deity in some worlds, he is said to bring safe hyperspace jumps and offerings is brought to him before embarking on journeys, Some scholars claim that Columbus was originally a historical figure, a pioneer in the early ages of hyperdrive or possibly even before that.

Location: Second Empire Temporal Research Institute
Date: Outside of Time
"So Thorden, you have not found a suitable subject to send back in time yet?"
"No, since I'm not exactly sure what a robot looks like and what kind we'll need I'll have to study some first..."
"And you're sure that your "studies" does not cause the timeline to unravel further?"
"Please Trent! How much worse can it get?"

Date: 1532 A.D.
Location: Madrid, secret workshop of the History Monks.

*enter king Carlos I, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Ruler of the New World, Defender of the Catholic Faith etc. etc.*

"How goes the plan my liege?" One of the history monks dare to raise his voice.
"Splendid, just yesterday Ferdinand was persuaded to step down, Austria and Bohemia are now securely in my own hands..."
"Excellent! According to our calculations waiting a few years might have yielded a better reward though, the odds of a succession crisis in the event of the death of King Lajos are very high, almost 73%, barring a major turkish offensive the most likely candidate would be Archduke Ferdinand... That could have brought Hungary under your domain as well..."
*Carlos makes a dissmissive gesture* "No matter, how goes the plan?"
"Excellent mylord, as soon as we recieve news that the weapons division has produced a working prototype of codename "Firestar" we'll be able to launch our projected invasion of the Aztec Empire... Using a large transport-fleet and the Sugar-Islands as stepping stones we should be able to easily overwhelm them, according to our calculations."
"Good... Good..." *King Carlos taps his fingers* "But.. But... The Time of the Heresy has come, do you realize that? Already german states are falling like flies into the hands of the devil, are you sure I should not intervene?"
"Positive your majesty." Says one of the Mauve-robed History Monks. "We estimate that within some 80 years the Holy Mother Church will have reorganized herself sufficiently to be able to provide full backing for our cause, that would of course greatly reduce the internal strain that a war against the heretics would inevitably cause..."

"What about France? Should we finish them off?"
One of the history monks shrugs
"If you want to, they're not significant in the long run, since we've crippled them."
"What about the Pope?"
*one of the history monks grimace*
"The new... Administration in the Vatican do not look favourably upon our work, truth to be told no one since Martinus V has known of our existence save the Kings of Spain... That is, we believe, why the Holy Father has attempted to attack you now and then..."
"Very well, continue your work!"
*Exit Carlos I, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Sicily, Baron of the Baleares, Count of Cévannes etc. etc. etc.)

Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: MAPS although little is known of early modern society these strange pictures has been recovered by use of the Chronal Chamber, the language is strange and the purpose of these objects (written on some sort of vegetable matter that has been under some sort of chemical process) remain unknown, although scientists theorize they are maps of some sort, although obviously they are mostly symbolical as these shapes bear no resemblance to any star-systems from any direction in the galaxy.

Great premise! And very funny so far.

SPANISH ships apparently visited the nearby planet AMERICA to extract GOLD there, it is currently unknown wheter AMERICA was inhabited by humans at the time, some historians also claim that AMERICA is the source of TURKEY, although this opinion is controversial.

Yes... there ARE turkeys in America... :D

As to the map, of course I'm impressed with your Spanish superpower. Shockingly, Austria is gone! Venice and Brittany are doing well, and the Pope seems to be on a roll. Hungary is huge but probably not very advanced... so England and the Ottomans seem to be your only rivals. From bitter experience I would advise you to kill off France while you can... they just keep coming back, otherwise.
Director said:
Great premise! And very funny so far.

Yes... there ARE turkeys in America... :D

As to the map, of course I'm impressed with your Spanish superpower. Shockingly, Austria is gone! Venice and Brittany are doing well, and the Pope seems to be on a roll. Hungary is huge but probably not very advanced... so England and the Ottomans seem to be your only rivals. From bitter experience I would advise you to kill off France while you can... they just keep coming back, otherwise.

Yeah, the problem is that I seem to be defenceless against the french: I keep loosing even when I'm numerically superior (inferior DP settings I suppose) And they've kept a 50,000 men army in Paris since the beginning...
Excerpt from the ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA, 1035th deition, 5235 A.S: REFORMATION the, according to what little records remain from that ancient period in time (most of them being scavenged during the INCIDENT) the REFORMATION was a religious and social movement that sought greater independence for the local clergy as well as subjugation of the church under the state, SPAIN vehemently opposed the REFORMATION, but did so mostly in it's own territory: Extravagant sums were spent on converting the protestants in Austria, the Calvinists in Southern France and the heathens in Mexico of the superiority of the True Faith.

Location: Mountains of Tehuanapec
Date: 15--

The Duke of Alba: "Men, we are standing here at the borders of known history, beoynd these stinking jungles and leagues and leagues of uncharted lands lies our destiny... An empire of millions of savages, heathens who worship demons and sacrifice christians atop their great pyramids, wretches who drink blood and eat the hearts of poor christian sailors shipwrecked on these forsaken shores... But there is not only terror beyond the lands that we know, there are also riches beyond reckoning, mountains of gold and as many slaves as any man might want, and more than that! It is ours for the taking! God has through his History Monks revealed to us our fate, our fate is to be victorious! Within a year we will sup from exquisite cups in the pyramid-temples of Tenochtitlan, in five years we will have reached the Great Lakes to the North, driving the indians before us like sheep to the slaughter, our victory here is preordained, fated I say! So take heart my men, even though the winter may be cold in these god-forsaken mountains we *will* prevail!"
Very enjoyable Arilou. So when are you going to start force converting the Protestants back into good Catholics? :D After you have the New World all to yourself?
