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Cow Pie

King Harvest
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Jun 7, 2003
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The Vienna Council (Restarted)

This will be an Austrian AAR grand campaign, the goal is to unite Germany (Yes we've all read that one), and create an Austrian Colonial Empire (Also heard that one I'm sure). The difference, I'm going to do an interactive AAR incorporating Forum members as Imperial advisors.

Oh yes and for an extra twist the AAR starts in an atlernate Europe, about twenty or so years (1433 to be exact) after the GC begins. I started the game as France because last time I played as Austria France had some trouble forming and I had no serious opposition so I decided to safe guard against this by starting with France and expanding into Iberia ( all of Aragon's continental land taken). I played a couple years into the game to get everything back to how it should be (no wars no revolts) so the actual time of the council will be 1438.

The prime vision is for it to become a role playing esque story with political alliances and rivals, don't know if anyone will be interested in such a thing but I thought it would be an interesting thing to do and I don't know if it has been done before.

If you want to be part of the council just post first five gets it, when the monarch dies repeat the process (that way ideally anyone wanting to take part will have the chance).

I will be the one of acting out the councils decisions (it is my game after all ;)) and coming up with what will be put to the council (topic like build navy, colonize here/there, peace terms, etc)

As the game goes on rules can be proposed/ decided and if this idea proves popular a permanent version can be set up. I’m not that familiar with the usual rules of the Interactive AAR just a passing understanding of it.

The rules so far.

To become a council member you must be one of the first five to post after a call is made (At the end of the post in caps it will read “New council”
Each person gets one vote for every topic being decided.
The Emperor will exercise his vote and in case of tie his vote will outrule us (it's his country after all)
The topics shall be voted on once every five years, and for every new monarch a new vote shall be cast, in the case of war votes will be cast to decide peace terms for prime aggressor (I’ll exercise executive privilege to decide on the minor fights)
I will ask that all votes be cast 48 hours after the topics are put forth.
As states every new monarch rotates cabinet members, so that hopefully everyone wanting to participate can. If say you start then you can post again and be a return cabinet member limited to three times in a row only.

There will be a few posts for you to use

Executive Minsister (mine unless otherwise noted)
Finanical advisor
Military advisor
Minister of Interior
Minister of Exterior
Other (to be decided by the person getting it)

Whenever you post to join the council pick one of these, also on a first come first serve basis.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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The Formation of the council

The Italian had been travelling for some time he arrived in Vienna on February, his services had been purchased for a nice price leaving the treasury of the Archduke drained. It was not a very spectacular palace, an even less spectacular country as Caesar had found out upon looking at a map. Albert V was an ambitious man and his family had worked hard to become the dominant family in the lower part of the Empire.

To that end it was odd that the wanna-be autocrat was calling in foreign aid. That is, until Caesar asked about the diplomatic situation of the Empire. At war with most of her neighbors and with just enough troops to form an offensive. Ulrich V of Wurttemberg had caused most of the problems, declaring war on a number of states among them the Swiss Cantons, and Strassburg. Strassburg had annexed Baden so the war was understandable, and the war against the Swiss would finish off the revenge of the Habsburg family. Other than these a war against Serbia was in progress as was a war against Vencie. The alliance was led by the Bavarian clan, along with Ragusa and Wurttemberg.

The military situation wasn’t as bad as it could have been, the Army of Hungary was in Strassburg doing well, and two cavalry armies of three thousand each were stationed in Schwyz and Salzburg respectively. Habsburg lands had not expanded greatly, the Piedemonte and Schwyz were the only new lands, and were prone to rebellion.

Albert was glad to see me and had a special feast, the next day I assumed my duties as Executive Minister of the Duchy., it was February 17, 1433. Using more then half the cash in the treasury a tax collector was appointed in Tyrol. Next the two cavalry armies were ordered to start a siege in Bern. Infantry men were being raised in Tyrol in order to aid the newly formed Army of Bohemia.

On the eleventh of March a peace is signed with Serbia ending all of hostilities, with out any land or cash changing hands. One month later the betrayal of Ulrich rocks Vienna, the armies of the Duchy forced the fall of the capital and the Elector negotiated a peace without consulting the Duke. Petty cash was gained while Wurttemberg gained Baden. Albert had to be talked out of going to war with the Elector, but neither he, nor I will forget this betrayal. It did however free the army to attack the only real threat, the Doge of Venice.

On Christmas day as Vienna is in celebration of the Savior’s birth Ulrich’s betrayel cuts even deeper, peace with the Swiss for a handful of ducats. This after the deaths of so many brave men in order to take the city. For a long time the Elector and the Duchy stood at odds with Bavaria trying to mediate. Worse news came the next year when Venice annexed Ragusa. Albert was irate and eager to force the Doge into submission. In May the conquering armies returned to Veneto. The battle ended with the destruction of the Venetian force.

Despite this victory the Peasentry are unhappy and the New Year rebellion of 1535 resulted in rebels at Schwyz and Salzburg, just a stones throw away from Vienna. Suddenly ending the war became the top priority on my plate. The Army of Hungary was defeated at Shwyz and laid siege to the rebel province of Piedmonte. By mid summer Veneto fell and the Doge agreed to pay one hundred ducats to the alliance. It was not revenge, but the transfer of many of the cities treasures, which had themselves been transferred from Constantinople, to Vienna served to make the city all the more glorious.

Ulrich V visited the city in order to congratulate the Duke. Albert confronted Ulrich with an armed guard. Ulrich was shaken but did not speak, Albert smiled, “Ulrich you’ve expanded your electorate well. But you cannot protect yourself. I advise that you allow my armies to act as your own and protect you.” Ulrich bowed humbly and became a vassal to Albert. A similar form of intimidation was tried on the elector of Bavaria but it was denied, the Bavarian king remembered his guard.


Rebels were being mopped up, the Army of Bohemia mopped up the rebel army at Salzburg, too late to save the province from falling under the rebel control however. The Army of Hungary retook Piedmont but failed to relieve Schwyz. In June Salzburg was liberated from rebels and joined the Army of Hungary just in time to defeat the rebels attack Tyrol from Schwyz. Despite this the government was criticized for doing a poor job, obviously the people and nobles did not like the idea of myself a foreigner dictating the course of the Duchy.


April was the first chance I received to take a look at Europe, to the East everything looked normal, the Mongols were falling apart, and the Russians were fighting each other. To the west the King of France had expanded deep into Aragon, and forced England to cede some land, as well as take Flanders from Burgundy. What’s more Luxembourg had became a miniature power, conquering much of the Burgundian Lowlands, but due to a collapse of government the duchy of Brabant gained independence.

On August tenth the Swiss land was once more firmly under Habsburg rule. At this point a faithful decision was made. The infantry to cavalry ratio was 1:3, in the mountain terrain that was impractical. What’s more the Duchy was loosing money so with a heavy heart the cavalry was cut in half and replaced by some infantry. The army was placed on half pay and stationed on the Swiss border.

The reduction in arms must have put the Empire at ease because on December tenth the Electors made Albert the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. I meet with him for the first time to suggest a new idea.

“Sire, the people obviously suspect me of something for being from another land. You are now the Emperor of the German peoples the Sword of the Church. No one man can advise you effectively I suggest a council is created, to discuss the matters of state. This will spread the work load and hopefully prolong all of our sanity.”

Albert nodded and picked out his ministers.

DP Info

aristocracy = 8
centralization = 2
innovative = 4
mercantilism = 8
offensive = 5
land = 8
quality = 5
serfdom = 9

The first meeting was called to order Caeser acted as the leader as Albert watched on. He put fourth the proposals.

1. Where should Austrian Expansion be pointed to:
A. North, peaceful annexation of Bavaria/Wurttemberg
B. West, The Swiss and Savoyards
C. South, The Italian states
D. East Hungary and the Croats
2. in what area should we focus? (DP Click goes where?)
3. With a naval port the possible Austrian Sea Empire is available should a fleet be built?
"If there is room, I count Viktor Slavnikovci, offer my services to the Arch duke and promise to work towards the strengthening of Austria and her lords, whatever the need may be."

If there is room, I'd be more than willing to help out.
I'd also like to suggest checking this out: http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=104291

It was a similar attempt that happened a while back with Bohemia. It went quite well for a while, but then it just ended as the main player sort of vanished.
(ooc: the ministers for Albert's reign, and since I think old Al will be leaving us soon posthumus' reign as well:

Viktor Slavnikovci(Machiavellian): Military Advisor
Von Peric(VPeric): Minister of Exterior
Johann von Breisgau (Judas Maccabeus):Minister of Interior
Baron Wamo (Wämö): Finance Minister
Stropheus Steinmark (Stroph 1): Cardinal

Emp: Al (friend who hasn't gotten his account activiated yet)
The Ministers assembled in the Great Hall, Ceasar took his place at the head while the others gathered around the table. Emperor Albert sat on an elevated platform watching the debates.

Ceasar adressed the assembly, "Here are the topics that his Imperial Highness has decreed for us to decide. The decisions made here today well effect the future of the Habsburg Dynasty so let us be of sound judgement."

aristocracy = 8
centralization = 2
innovative = 4
mercantilism = 8
offensive = 5
land = 8
quality = 5
serfdom = 9

1. Where should Austrian Expansion be pointed to:
A. North, peaceful annexation of Bavaria/Wurttemberg
B. West, The Swiss and Savoyards
C. South, The Italian states
D. East Hungary and the Croats
2. in what area should we focus? (DP Click goes where?)
3. With a naval port the possible Austrian Sea Empire is available should a fleet be built?

My own votes run as follow.
1. A, control of the Rhine will become vital as time goes on, and the East is too friendly too bother with.
2. We should expand the focus on land
3. Austria's fate lies on continental power, from there we can exercise our authority over this "New World" the Portugese speak of.

What are the opinions of the ministers?
1. Where should Austrian Expansion be pointed to:
A. North, peaceful annexation of Bavaria/Wurttemberg
B. West, The Swiss and Savoyards
C. South, The Italian states
D. East Hungary and the Croats

We should go East and bring Catholicism to the Ortodox heathen

2. in what area should we focus? (DP Click goes where?)

Narrow minded

3. With a naval port the possible Austrian Sea Empire is available should a fleet be built?

Yes, we need to control the Med.
Sidles in, takes a seat and <subscribes>.
"As Military adviser, I recommend that at this period of time we expand north and strengthen ourselves through the peaceful acquisition of Bavaria. However, since we control the lands of old Bohemia, I feel that eventually we must challenge Hungary for our rightful claim to the crown of Saint Stephen, for now though we need to grow strong through peace" The Moravian noble said with silvered tongue.

"The Quality of our army needs to be improved. Men who do not fight well, lose wars. Admirals who do not know modern tactics, sink fleets."

"I feel that a fleet is unimportant at this point in time. We need not worry of the sea, when the German lands are still in chaos. Let us first attain Strength in our rightful domains, before expanding into the often vexing Oceans"
"We need to have good relations with our fellow Germans!!", yelled Von Peric. "The Bavarians shall be peacefully incorporated into our realm, and not defeated at the battlefield. Only if they come peacefully, will they ever be happy!!"

"Furthermore, I think strenghtening (sp? :D) our nobility can have a positive effet on our performance in uniting our people. The aristocrats will be able to help us with persuading the Bavarians to join us. Also, the young nobles will be more inclined to make cavalry regiments to help us."

"I disagree with Viktor about the fleet. A powerfull fleet can be usefull in persuading countres to join our glorius realm"

BTW, I didn't want to steal the RPGish talking idea from Machiavellian, but I want to "hone my skills"... I'm thinking of making an AAR soon :)
I say we should peacefully annex Württemburg and Bavaria, then perhaps look to the east as time and other factors allow.

As for our internal policies, I believe we must ensure that the governance of the Archduchy is through Vienna rather than in the outlying areas [OOC: Cent. +1].

I agree with Herr Slavnikovci that we should not bother with a navy. Austria has no use for the seas.
On a side note before I begin, kudos to Cow Pie for bringing me out of my 1 year lurking of the Paradox forums to finally take a hand in the AARs I love to read so! :D Now to begin.

Albert watched the Council debate over the possible future for the country he presided over and loved. With the appointment to Holy Roman Emperor by the electorates, he finally felt that he could bring Austria to the forefront of the world, through force or peace. Whatever the means, he knew, deep in his mind and heart, that Austria would reign supreme over the Catholic nations of Europe and would someday drive the Islamic nation of the Ottoman Empire out of Europe for good and bring the true religion of God to the Orthodox peoples of the East. But for now, much had to be done before he could think about such things.

After seeing the Council finish their debating, he rose from his chair and began his speech on what he believed must be done for the good of Austria, his Austria.

"I do decree in agreement of the Council that our first objective must be unification with our German neighbors to the north through peaceful means. Beyond this, I do hope the the Council focuses on the East, for I wish, as Holy Roman Emperor, to bring the true faith of God to the Orthodox people, in order to bring them more in line with civility. In question of the area we should focus on, I decree that we should try to focus on bringing the power of government more to Vienna proper, away from the nobles and more towards me, the King, and then the Council (so +1cent at least). Finally, my opinion on the naval question is that we are not prepared at this time to pursue power overseas. Without control of the lands, who are we to speak of controlling the seas? That is all my Council, take my recommandations and vote amongst yourselves when you are prepared."

With that, the Emperor sat down back in his throne, watching what the council would say next.

(On another note, thanks to Cow Pie yet again for saving the spot of Emperor for me! :D It is quite fun being able to give my ideas in the seat.)
Cow Pie said:
ooc: I redid the Emperor rule cause I figured it was kinda gay that the Emperor couldn't vote for how to run his own Empire. We're just waiting on Wamo correct?

This mean you are the Narrator & the tie breaker? Sounds good to me~!