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The 'Say Hey Kid' -- no reference to the yungin' is there? ;) :D
, when you're baby is ready

In 21 years?

The 'Say Hey Kid' -- no reference to the yungin' is there?

Actually it is a baseball reference --

Babe Ruth was the Sultan of Swat and Willie Mays was the Say Hey Kid -- the first two men to hit 600 homers in baseball.

And please, no more children until you finish this one... you....rabbit!

That I can promise -- we are very happy with the quantity of children we currently have!

Chapter 15: Evers, 1569-1578, part 3

1572 began in a tremendous thunderstorm. Lightning cracked across the night sky, drowning out Evers' attempt to celebrate the New Year. He finally gave it up and the party moved inside.

The next morning, he woke up grumpy and irritated.

Evers stomped into his office. On the way there, he passed a guy in the street preaching the greatness of nudity. Evers shook his head and entered his office.

One man was waiting for him.

"Good day, distinguished sir. I am Chinchatiki. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet you on this wet morning. Please, give my blessings and best wishes to your King. May he rule forever!"

Man, Evers was impressed with the manners of this man!

"Blessings of the Buddha on you. We have a new King in Bengal. He will be called Dâ`ûd."

"Your new king is a dude? Cool. Lay it on me, man!"

The rest of the day was spent in catching up on paperwork. In the afternoon, Evers donned his top hat and left. Waiting for him was the same guy in the street. Again, the virtues of nudity were being preached.

Every morning and every evening, Evers passed the same guy. As the weeks went on, a few began to gather around him, naked as jaybirds (or whatever bird could be found in the tropics, say a cockatoo).

By February, the crowds began to grow by the hundreds. Soon, clothes were being taken off all over the area.

By March, the new philosophy began to spread. Finally, at the beginning of April, a group of clothing merchants came to Evers.

“M’Liege, we beg you to stop this ‘movement.’ We all stand on the edge of disaster.”

Evers agreed. The next day, Evers had a squad of the RBI bring in the street preacher and put him in jail.

The nudity movement collapsed.

In May, word arrived of a new alliance in Asia between Annam and Cambodia.

Evers suppressed a yawn.

In June, word arrived of a great expansion in the colony of Palembang. It seemed that the remaining nudists had all decided to board a single ship to Palembang and bring nudity to the colony.

On June 26, word arrived that the leader of the Evil Alliance paid Arakan to end the conflict they had started. Evers ordered a great feast in honor of the prowess of arms of Arakan!

On July 3, a new war broke out between the Arakan alliance and the expansionist state of Jodhpur. Not all members of this powerful alliance joined the war as Malwa, who was a vassal of Jodhpur, opted out. Three weeks later, she changed her mind and rejoined the alliance and the war after breaking her vassalage.

On July 5, word arrived that Longqing, Emperor of China, had died. Evers at once cancelled all his plans and left for the giant to the north. A month later, the new emperor, Wanli, was crowned in an elaborate ceremony. Sitting in a seat just a few rows behind the royal family was Evers and the Brunein delegation.

While Evers was in China, the nudists continued to move to Palembang. In August, the colony grew again!

On the 28th, a courier arrived in the capital with news from the Mughal Empire.

“M’Liege, my liege has decided to abolish the Jizya!”

“Err, excuse me, sir. Who or what is a Jizya?”

“M’Liege, it is a tax imposed on all but the poorest non-Muslims. It is very unfair and the great Akbar has decided to get rid of it!”

“Err, that’s great.”

In October, news came that was really great news. General Loffman sent word that the siege of Mekong Delta finally ended with the surrender of the city. The next day, Champa turned over their treasury to us and agreed to become our vassals!

The war was over!!

Mosques across the land called all the faithful for a celebration prayer. Mullahs across the land praised the great Loffman and the RBI!!
So is Evers still pissed after gaining the vassalage? Great job regardless!

And when you hit 30 some odd pages of part II, will we get a hammerin' reference? Hope so. :D
Stroph1 said:
Actually it is a baseball reference --
I was quite aware of that. Remember, I'm OLD. :) I was just twisting it around, wondering if there was anything Freudian about the title.
And when you hit 30 some odd pages of part II, will we get a hammerin' reference? Hope so.

Yikes. think about that -- a 90 page AAR. That would have to be a record for a single writer effort!


Nudists? Well, let me guess... a Wave of Obscurantism, perhaps?

Actually, a Wave of Obscurantism and a Philosopher occurred pretty close together so I combined them.

I was quite aware of that. Remember, I'm OLD. I was just twisting it around, wondering if there was anything Freudian about the title.

Not that OLD or I would be old! And I hope I get Hammering Hank in the story as he is a personal favorite of mine!

Sorry, no update tonight. I have a sick wife (which means I have more baby duty to do)
Chapter 15: Evers, 1569-1578, part 4

Evers awoke up on the morning of January 1, 1573. A gentle rain was falling outside his window. He tumbled out of bed and dressed quickly. No ambassadors waited for Evers so he packed up and went off fishing.

A few weeks later a messenger came up to the First Minister for the King. He handed him an invitation.

My dearest advisor, please come and enjoy a costume party We am throwing on the night of February 2 to celebrate the crowning of the new King of the Dai Viet. Kings from many of the nations in the region will be in attendance there. Of course, We expect you to be able to converse and greet each sovereign.

“Yes, Sire. I will do as you request.”

Evers was now worried. He had never met most of these sovereigns and now he was expected to greet each by name. This might be ugly….

The night of the second of February was the night where the new King of Dai Viet ascended to the throne. The coronation ceremony was to be held in the grand palace in the capital of Brunei.

“M’Liege, this is Dâ`ûd.”

Dâ`ûd was standing off to the right.

“M’Liege, this is Sene Soulint'a.”

Sene Soulint'a was standing in the middle a bit off to the right.

“M’Liege, this is Minpalaung.”

Minpalaung was standing in the middle a bit off to the left.

“M’Liege, this is Maha Thammaraja I.”

Maha Thammaraja I was standing in the way off to the left.

“M’Liege, this is Pangeran Mas.”

Pangeran Mas was standing behind Evers.

“M’Liege, this is Wanli.”

Wanli was standing in the back between Sene Soulint'a and Minpalaung.
Finally, M’Liege, this is Le The Tong.”

Le The Tong was standing in the middle of the room.

Evers was now confused. He turned to his advisor, Khos’telo, and tried to keep it all straight.

“M’Liege, it is very simple. Dâ`ûd is from Bengal. Sene Soulint'a is from Vientiane. Minpalaung is from Arakan…”

“Sene Soulint'a is from Bengal.”

“No, M’Liege, Sene Soulint'a is from Vientiane. Dâ`ûd is from Bengal”

“So, when you go to Vientiane, you see your monarch. Right. And you say, greetings, King Dâ`ûd, right?”

“No, M’Liege, Dâ`ûd rules over Bengal.”

“We are not talking about Bengal. We are talking about Vientiane. In Vientiane you have a King, right? And when you see him, you say, Hey, dude?”

“Exactly, M’Liege. Exactly”

“And this doesn’t get you slapped?”

“Why would it, M’Liege?”

This strange exchange continued for the whole evening. Evers managed to avoid a major misstep, but he was very bewildered by the end of the night.

In May, approximately 99 women gave birth in Palembang (one woman gave birth to twin boys). Anyways, this caused the population in this colony to spike upwards.

The next day, May 25, the colonists of Mindoro met and agreed to allow immigrants from other nations to settle in the colony. This colonial charter was important as the ensuing rush greatly expanded the size of this colony!

Around the region, unrest continued to seethe. In Nippon, the Ashikaga Shogun was deposed by Oda. Evers had no idea who Oda was, but decided he would rather not run into him in a dark alley.

In November, the government in Atjeh fell.
Nobody noticed.

This did answer the age-old question that scholars had been wrestling with:

If the government of Atjeh falls and nobody notices, does this matter?”

In December, word arrived that Arakan was defeated in their war with Pegu. They were forced to pay a large indemnity to end the war that threatened their very existence. Evers at once organized a large gift to the Arakan government to improve the situation in that beleaguered land.
Ahh, wonderful job working in the old "who's on first" routine. Very nice. :D
I was worried something bad had happened when I noticed you had started a new thread. Okay, so that wasn't the case. In fact, instead of bad things happening, you're taking the offensive to the enemy! Wow! Certainly wouldn't have imagined that way (waaay) back in the early days of circa 1436! :)

Since I haven't posted for way too long, I just have this little prehistoric nit to pick:

"My great nation has signed a trade agreement with Netherlands."

"I am so glad to hear that. May I ask what you trade with HELL?"

Hell? My fair little home country? I will readily admit that we don't play baseball, and that bananas aren't an indigenous staple, and I'm sure we've done some pretty bad things in the past (one only has to listen to most Dutch pop music), but still... Hell, that seems a little overrated. For one, it's much too cold and soggy over here. :p

Enjoying the story, looking forward to future clashes with Dutch colonizators.
"If the government of Atjeh falls and nobody notices, does this matter?”

:) Classic.

Have you ever heard the 'updated' version of "Who's on First" that features three rock bands? The Who, Guess Who and Yes... :p Very funny. And at the end the secretary says, "I bet you think you're smart!" and the promoter says, "If I was smart, I wouldn't have to steal this bit!"

Given that Mobile is the hometown of many star baseball players (including Hank Aaron and Satchel Paige - there's an overlooked legend for you) I also hope you get to work Hank into your story. He's not only a baseball legend but a gentleman.
Ahh, wonderful job working in the old "who's on first" routine. Very nice

That has always been my favorite so I was waiting for a name I could work with and Dâ`ûd was it. Glad you liked the routine. I would have gone longer with it, but was having trouble with a sick baby so ended the routine a bit sooner then I was planning.

Brunei seems to be doing great. Keep up the good work.

And the best is yet to come....

Hell? My fair little home country?

Well, I was having Tink/Evers and the King mangling the European names and I was having a tough time doing anything with The Netherlands so I twisted it to the Nether region and off I went. No disrespect meant, at all! (at least you are not from Portugal! I do expect a Portuguese reader to come after me).


I also hope you get to work Hank into your story. He's not only a baseball legend but a gentleman.

Me too. He is a personal hero of mine -- I grew up in the early seventies an hour north of Atlanta so got to see Hank play a lot.

If my baby ever behaves better, I will get to update more frequently (not tonight, it is my wife's birthday)

Thanks for commenting!

wait until your baby behaves better? So we can expect one in 2010, yes? I couldn't afford to wait until my kids were better behaved, or I'd NEVER get anything done! :)
Stroph, I'm checking in at last. I have to admit I didn't have the courage to read this for a long time because I was put off by the length. To my surprise and delight, though, it went very smoothly and quickly, and very funny, too!

What I really like about all your AARs (I'm thinking of the Uzbek and Mameluke ones here) is how you work the actual monarchs into the story. And you always have a really good running gag that you keep up to the end -- in this one, it's the parade of ambassadors and new monarchs in SE Asia every January. I really admire the way you take trivial events (like a new Raja of some swamp in the jungles of India) and turn it into a great laugh line instead of just throwing it away as I always do.

Another great touch you have is the way you play up a rivalry, as Korea in this game, and building it up over decades even with little or no actual game interaction between the two nations. And the more recent battle of insults with Port-u-gail is priceless! :D

A gameplay question: I know Brunei started quite slowly, with very limited funds and other resources. Still, it seemed to me that Tinker and Evers were able to develop the colonies fairly rapidly, much faster than I expected. Are Brunei's starting DPs favorable for this?

Another question, sorry if you already said this, but what version of the game was this?

Thanks for writing a great story and I hope you're able to go the distance on this one. You've hit a home run, all you have to do is run it out. :)
Stroph1 said:
In May, approximately 99 women gave birth in Palembang (one woman gave birth to twin boys). Anyways, this caused the population in this colony to spike upwards.

I wonder what happened in August of the previous year in Palembang... :rofl:

I offer my 3000th post to the newest 100 children of Palembang, to the 99 mothers of them, to Tink and to Evers! :D :D
jwolf said:
What I really like about all your AARs (I'm thinking of the Uzbek and Mameluke ones here) is how you work the actual monarchs into the story. And you always have a really good running gag that you keep up to the end -- in this one, it's the parade of ambassadors and new monarchs in SE Asia every January. I really admire the way you take trivial events (like a new Raja of some swamp in the jungles of India) and turn it into a great laugh line instead of just throwing it away as I always do.

Amen to that! That's one of the reasons I love this AAR so much! :D

Back when I was working on the monarch lists for EU2, when I couldn't find the exact date for each monarch coming to the throne, I simply defaulted them to Jan 1. When I first read this AAR and found out that Stroph had used what had been an ongoing irritant for me during EU2 research into a running gag, I about hit the floor laughing. Totally brilliant! :D