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Admiral of the Kings Fleet
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Jan 3, 2001
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This is the story of a man who grew up in the Habsburg Empire from 1444 to when he passes. It will include details of his life year to year as if living inside the Encyclopidia Waarspite : Habsburg Dynasty AAR. Events in his life will correlate with events that happened in the AAR. But expect to learn many more things not found in the encyclopedia. Things that only a man can tell in his diary.

Jan 24 1458
Mom came home today with a gift for me, a very nice booklet of blank papers she had bought in the market of Vienna. After she told Dad, he got really angry though because it cost her a lot of coins to buy. I like it though, she told me to keep a log of my life, it sounds fun.

I am Albret Schien, born in 1444 in Vienna under the house of Habsburg. My mom is Adele Schien, her father was Albrecht Zangle the court advisor to Archduke Albrecht V. Mom is very proud of her father and family heritage. My Dad is Rudolf Schien, and he is also proud of his family. Dad is a tax collector and makes lots of money. His father was minister of funds to the Archduke. It was through my grandfathers that my parents met.

Life is cold here in Vienna this time of year, I stay at home and read the books mom gives me. I cant stand them really, learning about sciences and literature. I did like the scroll she gave me that told of a far away place called Damman. A place where Austrian tradesmen make mounds of gold coins in trade with exotic merchants of Arabia. It must be fantastic to see. They talk of warm weather all year round and strange animals we do not have here, like camels. I hope one day to go to this place called Damman.

Dad has been upset over the past weeks because of the trouble in the streets of Vienna. Many people are upset over the Great War the Habsburg ruler wages against the Italians. My father is very loyal to the Habsburgs because they pay him well I think. But maybe the people who are upset do not get paid as much? I am not sure yet but I want to find out one day.

Dad doesn’t want me to join the army but I think it would be neat when I turn sixteen. I am counting the days, only two more years and I can go explore with the army and see so many places and fight like I hear in the tales in the marketplace. Some of my friends have fathers who are soldiers, they tell of the great adventures their dads have seen. Too bad my Dad isn’t a soldier but Mom is glad he isn’t and doesn’t want me to think about joining the military either. Mom wants me to learn the trade of my father and be a tax collector. How boring though to collect peoples money.

Well, its late, I will blow out the candle and pull the cloth over me now. Goodnight diary.

Painting of Albret Schien at 14 years old. Done as a gift to portray him as a young david, a hero
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Excellent idea Warspite. You very much evoke the image of a youngster frustrated by the bounds of his existence.
Thank you stnylan, with this thread i want to try and portray how life may have been back then. Doing this AAR has me deep into research to not just write it, but learn of the real history of that time.

I hope to portray some real historical events, times, customs etc. Show some AAR events through the eyes of my character. To Just have fun with it i guess. Thanks for reading
Don't abandon Encyclopedia WAARspite! This looks good, but I have been enjoying the other story as well!
June 15, 1458
Yesterday we arrived in Graz, the town that is south of Vienna. We went around hills and the sights are great compared to the city I live in. It was sunny, little puffy clouds. Our train of carriages went through winding valleys around the hills to get to this town. There is this river that passes through it, it has trees all along each side and from a distance, looking down at it, it looks like a road. When we arrived the Archduke had sent people to help us in our lodging. It was a two-story Inn by the town cathedral. Mom commented she felt like royalty because everyone was in such splendid dress and servants taking care of us. Mom was so pretty with her white flowing dress, blonde hair with ribbons. She always liked to look good for people. Dad is very tall and dark, many people look up to him because he has an important job. He is always serious though, even Mom cant make him laugh. We all were happy to be in Graz though, it was an adventure to me.

Today we went inside the cathedral to see the bishop coronate archduke Friedrich. There was so many religious priests and people of power there. I even got to see soldiers in their uniforms. They stood tall and with the huge weapons with shiny metal. I would never want to get hit with one of those but they look so powerful, so proud. I still want to be a soldier and serve the Archduke.

Uncle Leo and grandma Mary was there and Grandma fell down after the service, people went to help her and then I didn’t see her until later that night, she seemed ok she is getting old I guess. I think grandma and the Archduke are good friends because she was talking a long time and sat with him at his table while we all ate. Later, Uncle Leo would tell jokes as our family gathered with other families with the archduke. But Mom and Dad were upset about something so we went to the Inn early and got sleep. I don’t know what they were upset about though. After all the food I slept inside the carriage on the way to the Inn.

I think tomorrow I am going to go to that river to see it closer, tonight I will sleep well, it has been a long day.
I plan to finish the encyclopedia for sure. This thread is just a side thread to sort of put you inside the AAR through this mans eyes. This will not last long, I will tell his story then move onto another later as I go along. The main body AAR will continue as normal. I am glad you are enjoying this Amric :)
It's very interesting, the "child's eye" view we're getting.
April 24, 1459

I don’t want to be a soldier anymore! Oh my God what a horrible day. I am still shaking because I am scared now. The unrest in the city is still going on, many people are still angry even though the great war with the Italians is over they say.

I went with my Mother to the town center today. Everything seemed fine, it was a cloudy day and the stone streets were damp from a morning rain. Father was at work and so it was just me and Mom. As we walked we heard a scream from an ally, there was few people nearby and when we walked past the entry to the ally I looked and saw several men beating up a soldier. The soldier was being held up by both shoulders, another man was beating his face and head with a club, blood was everywhere, I think the soldier was dead. I never saw anything so disgusting in my life, at that moment I felt a sickness in my stomach for the reality of brutality. All the stories my friends told of the glory of their fathers war became a myth. I never want to see battle, if that is how war is, if that is how fighting is, I want nothing to do with it.

I am kind of shocked, I was going to join the army next year but I don’t want to now. Now I don’t know what I should do. I am confused and upset. Mom was really upset too and she cried when we got home. Dad was upset when he came home again, he is always angry it seems and mom is sad because of it, they are fighting more often.

I know I will not sleep well tonight, the sight of that mans face is burned into my eyes, God help me to remove it from my mind.
Nov 30, 1459

I now know why my parents were so mad when we were in Graz last year. After Grandpa Albrecht died, grandma Mary helped advise for then Duke Albrecht V. Friedrich III was Duke of Tirol and Graz then and was close to my father because they were both from Tirol and lived in Graz for some time. After Duke Albrecht V died in 1439, my father became advisor and treasurer for Friedrich who ruled over Steirmark and Tirol while Grandma Mary and Uncle Leo helped the Postumus Ladislas and his mother with regency in Vienna. So my father and Friedrich were very close.

Ladislas died a couple years ago and this left rule of Austria to Friedrich. My father expected to become the new Archdukes advisor. However grandma Mary and Uncle Leo convinced Friedrich to use them as his advisors because of their experience in affairs of state. This made my father very bitter because he had spent his life in the service of Friedrich, my mother was upset too but she didn’t care as much as father did. So my father was made tax collector of Vienna and he began to hate his job, especially in the troubled times of today.

Now that I know the truth of what happened, I can understand why my father is so upset. He has a right to be, how low of Archduke Friedrich III to abandon my father like that. There is no reason why he couldn’t make him advisor and have Uncle Leo and grandma Mary subordinate to him. Well one thing is for sure, Friedrich is a shrude man, he is a smooth talker and very smart but he is a bastard, a bastard who I hope I never see again.

Now that I know what is going on with my father more, I hope to help him. I love father and he deserves better.
Perhaps Frederick needs to consider more carefully the consequences of his actions? I wonder what Albert intends to do about it however. It'll be interesting to see what schemes he might come up with.
Eleonore of Portugal, Wife to Archduke Friedrich III

Friedrich III and Eleonore after services in Graz, 1458.

March 22, 1460
I am so excited because today in Vienna at the palace of the Archduke, painters were there and they presented pictures of the cerimony two years ago in Graz. Mom and Dad were in them. In one picture showing Friedrich greeting Eleonore, Dad was behind them, he had his silver cross on his chest and behind him was Mom looking up to the sky. I couldnt believe it, they made it to a painting that will be placed in the palace. It was exciting to be there. It even shows Friedrich helping his wife who is pregnant with their son Maximilian. That picture was very important for the day.

It was a celebration at the palace for the birthday of their son Maximilian. Dad and Mom wouldnt go, they are still very mad at Friedrich but he let me come. I cant help it, its exciting to be around nobility so I went. I am glad I did because I met this really nice boy named Martelli. He travels with the painter from Modena. He is just like me, he hates violence. He told me one day he will travel far to learn of other places. I told him I want to also and maybe we can go together. Since he lives close to me in Vienna, we will talk more.

Martelli was so neat, Dad always said never trust an Italian, they are the enemy. But Martelli is nice and he even offered to show me his fathers paint shop someday. The Archduke was very nice to the Italians, everyone likes the Archduke it seems, he is so good with words and the ladies fancy him so. I know the truth of his wicked heart though, I dont trust him one bit and I avoided him. I didnt even talk to Uncle Leo because I think they are against Dad. Hopefully Maximilian will die like their previous two children died, early.

I think I will dream about what it will be like to travel to Hungary and Arabia, i can barely wait to go.
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I do love mediaeval/renaissance paintings and pictures.

Your lad has some nasty thoughts.
Brilliant idea, Warspite. Really gets you inside of the story, at least one person's view.

And that Eleonor is hot! Maybe just my preference, but who knew? ;)

January 14
The unrest in the city is not nearly as bad as it was months ago, but there are still groups who are causing problems. Today mom came home with a black eye and bruised arm because there was a big fight in the market place. She is really shaken up by what happened. I am not sure who did this but again the soldiers who are entrusted with guarding civilians in town failed to protect them. Dad is furious and is going to see the Archduke. Dad has been away for several times the past months. Mom doesn’t even know what he is doing, he just says things are busy at work. He complains about his work and dislike for Friedrich all the time.

Mom hired a handmaiden to take care of things at the house, good, now I wont have to help with laundry anymore.

March 23
Mom wont go out of the house still, she is worried that people are after our family because Dads a tax collector and there is unrest still. I have been going to get goods for us at the market while Mom relaxes at home.

I am starting to really like this girl who is handmaiden to my mother. Her name is Gretta, she is from Bavaria and has a sweet accent. One day I was reading, a cup of water next to me. Just as I was taking a sip I looked and saw her across the room in her black dress as she bent down to fold cloths. I swear I have never felt such a feeling before, I never had seen a woman so fair up close. She turned and smiled at me, I didn’t know what to do. I think when she walked away she was giggling because I dropped my book. We have talked some since then. I wonder now If I will throw away my plans to travel, I could see myself living forever with Gretta. Well, for now I will turn in, I hope to see father soon, he has been gone for a week somewhere, we don’t know.

July 2

Today I feel wonderful, I kissed Gretta on the lips. She came up to me, a cup of water for me as I came home from my job at the tax office. She smiled so sweet but I didn’t know what she was thinking. As she gave me the glass she whispered in her sweet Bavarian Accent “I missed you”. My heart must have skipped a beat I was so shocked, she really likes me and I like her too. We looked into each others eyes for what seemed an eternity and then I leaned to kiss her. She did not move, only closed her eyes and her lips greeted mine willingly. So soft is this girls lips. I did not kiss her long, I wasn’t sure if it was proper and I stepped back to see her reaction. She just smiled and her eyes where wide. With a dip and a bow she giggled and ran off to her chores. I could only stand in disbelief at how wonderful that little kiss felt.

Dad has been home more, I am really starting to wonder what is going on with him. He seems to avoid us and just works but I rarely see him at his office. He wont tell me much, just to keep working, doing his job. Maybe he is doing this to prepare me to take over for him. He doesn’t know I have no plans to be a tax collector.
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LOL alexandru, i sense sarcasm in that comment ;) . Truth is the picture is just to give people an idea of and feel for that period of time. Notice how much Gretta loves to handle babies ;P
IRL is that a Madonna and child?
Nov 13th 1461

I was with Martelli and Gretta most of the day. Martelli loves to play push the ring, Gretta likes to just watch. I won overall, I think I am just faster on my feet when I use the stick to move the wheel. It was to my advantage that Gretta was they’re watching me. When I would beat Martelli, she would clap and say ‘well done Bret’. She likes to call me Bret and I don’t mind.

As the sun went down the three of us gathered by the riverbank to relax. We had a few apples with us and we just talked about things. I am getting of an age I need to really think about what I will do in life. I don’t know what I should do though. Part of me says to stay in Vienna and work at my fathers tax collection office, the job is very stable and pays ok. It would be perfect for me if I decide to marry Gretta and have a family. I just don’t know if that’s what I should do though. Martelli keeps feeding me tales of Damman and Arabia. The Habsburgs have already sent people there to trade and there is talk they may send more. It would be a dream job, the adventure and high pay.

Last week an officer with the Imperial Guard came to our house. He sat with me and we talked about the future. He said the Habsburg armies have Italians, Germans, and Croatians. That those from Austria and Vienna are the elite in the army. He wanted me to join and become an officer. With my good education and my father’s status, he said I could quickly rise through the ranks. He told me to think about it and he would come back for my decision. This time I am not going to talk to Mom, this is my decision.

I am not going to join Freidrich’s army though, even though it sounds interesting to be an officer. After what they did to my father and what I saw when that soldier was beaten, the army is not for me.

I gave Gretta a kiss before she went to her room. Martelli says Gretta is waiting for me to ask her to marry me. I must confess, I am thinking of doing such.


March 2

Mom is frantic, father has not been home for two weeks and now the Archdukes palace is under siege by a rebel army. This is an unbelievable thing, because not only is Vienna in danger of chaos but also father is likely taken or killed by the rebels. Mom has been in her room weeping for days. I can tell she is very worried. Gretta has been taking care of everything at the house, she is working so hard. I have been helping her now that I cannot go to the tax office with all the fighting. We just don’t know what is going on, everything happened all of the sudden. The Imperial army of Friedrich is not In the city, they are away fighting revolts in a place called Bosnia and Croatia Kingdom. So now with this rebel army sieging the Archduke, anything can happen. I never thought anything like this would happen.

Martelli came to our house because his was taken by the rebels; it is close to the palace. He said he saw many dead bodies in the street. He did not see the fighting but he saw the after math. He also never wants to join the army. He says there is nothing romantic or glorious about the army and war, all the stories they tell you to join, is a lie.

Martelli and me are watching the others in the area. Hoping for a sign of what to do. We don’t know if we should take mom and Gretta and leave the town or board up the building and wait for it all to end. I am so worried for father, where could he be?

March 5

Still no word from father, he must be dead, I just know it. The rebels must have gone right to the tax office because stupid peasants hate paying taxes. Maybe I should join the army just so I can kill as many peasants as I can. My emotions, they go around in circles making me dizzy. I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to do. Always father has been here to guide us but now he is not. Mother is delirious and Gretta exhausted. We boarded up the house incase rebels come. I have fathers sword and will use it if I have to. My fear is growing to anger for the rebels. Whatever sympathy I once had for them has gone especially if they kill my father.

March 10

The siege of the palace continues, things are not so bad anymore though. There is no big exodus from town, soldiers are standing guard around town to make sure people can get to food and services. It almost seems unreal, there is a virtual war going on not far away yet soldiers are encouraging people to go about life as normal. The soldiers say that Duke Albrecht, Friedrich’s brother, wants to ensure people are taken care of. Well that’s great but can your soldiers go get rid of these rebels for us? Of course I don’t say that to them but I just want to know where my father is.

March 17

I have not been able to write, the most shocking news has come to my understanding. After all this time, Martelli talked to a soldier who was Italian. The soldier said that it was not rebels who siege the palace, it is the Archdukes own brother Duke Albrecht who has taken an army of followers and is trying to oust Friedrich. I don’t know who is the bad person in this situation. Still I know nothing of my fathers whereabouts, there is no sign of the end of this siege in Vienna. The town is not in chaos, all the fighting is by the palace I think. Martelli said the siege army is not large and they cannot break inside. There was no smoke of fires, no screaming or anything since after the first day the Dukes army started the siege. I guess he killed off some loyal men of the Archduke, then started the siege. Oh my God! What if one of those men was Father?
For some odd reason this reminds me of the novel "Catherine called birdy" i read in grade 9, but much better :p

Kudos to you warspite!