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“England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”* An AAR by Smirfy.

First before I continue let me introduce myself, I am uneducated beyond a rudimentary level so forgive any lapse in grammar and punctuation along the way. Also because I live in Ulster on the north eastern corner of Ireland one of the British Isles my use of English might not resemble the more orthodox language you yourself are fluent in. My Apologies in advance. To aid me in this endeavour I have enlisted the aid of a Scotchman one of the most accomplished writers of the English language who has its full command and meaning unlike your humble servant.

“This will be good, a uneducated AAR”


For my first foray into the world of ARR writing here among the many talented writers, I choose England as my subject matter and I choose to make a point! Or two! And disprove certain other myths, fallacious theories and general nonsense. Oh, and amuse myself.


We begin our campaign in 1492! Why then you ask? Well as the 1419 start is more a feudal age which will probably be better addressed in Crusader Kings than the vehicle we have at our disposal. And 1520 I believe it is quite the fashion Well call me a fan of 1492 or a purist but 1520 is not for me. I will let the reasoned eloquence of a Scotchman introduce the dawn of our age, Take it away David!

“About the same time the purity of the Latin tongue was revived the study of antiquity became fashionable and the esteem for literature gradually propagated itself throughout every nation in Europe. The art of printing invented at that time, extremely facilitated the progress of all these improvements: The invention of gunpowder changed the whole art of war: Mighty innovations were soon after made in religion, such as not only affected those states that embraced them, but even those that adhered to the ancient faith and worship: And thus a general revolution was made in human affairs throughout this part of the world and men gradually attained that situation with regard to commerce , arts , science, government, police and cultivation, in which they ever since have persevered. Here therefore commences the useful as well as the more agreeable part of modern annals.”

What David is trying to say is………. :D

Personally speaking 1492 for me is when nations though only in the infancy of this concept reached round the world and impacted on other previously unknown civilizations without the aid of middlemen. The continent became the world. I would rather simulate or role-play this period than ignore it because the consensus of mechanics cannot be agreed. Similarly with 1520 the most important European event, the Reformation has come and gone, all the intrigue and politics are bypassed. It’s like you commence the game in 1520 and go Nation State…..Cool… What’s my manpower?” Whereas I have an imagination so the extra thirty years is no hardship. So it’s 1492 for Smirfy!

General Forum.

I got EU II for Christmas and got the Reformation event, what is it and should I take it?

Dunno….! Hear it’s getting scrubbed in EUIII. It’s not important, it’s a plus % bonus to fuck all and taken off on your slider anyway if your England. It only applies to countries that are obviously too small to be worthwhile. Calvin’s cool you get something on trade, Oh! But you’re beside France.


England of course, which incidentally is not an Island but one of the countries that make up the British Isles a group of Isles which form a nexus with the rest of the world close by continental Europe to influence their affairs in a direct and effectual manner.

Right it is a game after all, so let’s take a look our Country before we begin. This is a joy to do by the way with EUII as the Graphics are pleasing and functional and the interface is clean and highly usable. Starting with the province situation on the British Isles England has ten; Ireland has five, Scotland Four and Wales One. The latter two being a little strange with regards Ireland.

Now Geo-politically we will examine our nation of choice. Royal marriage and Alliance with Spain which are fine a temporary CB and no core shields on Scotland which lasts until 1821 which is also fine and adequately reflects England’s lack of interest of conquest north of the border or as a Scotchman puts it at the start of our game.

“Had Henry (vii) entertained the ambition of conquests, a tempting opportunity now offered the reducing of that Kingdom to subjection; but as he was probably sensible that a warlike people, though they may be overrun by reason of there domestic divisions , could not be retained in obedience without a regular military force, which was then unknown in England.”

This would adequately reflect the English attitude to Scotland throughout most of the period.

Looking south to France it strikes me as odd that England does not have even at least a similar arrangement to that with Scotland as Henry VII, VIII had no trouble what so ever in furnishing opinion or forces for operations in France. To quote a Scotchman on the matter when Henry VII raised the subject to parliament on war with France in 1492

“Inflamed by ideas of subduing France and of enriching themselves by spoils of that Kingdom they gave into the snare prepared for them and voted for the supply which the king demanded”

And the nobility responded in an even more enthusiastic way.

“The nobility were universally seized with a desire of military glory; having credulously swallowed all the boasts of the king, they dreamed of no less than carrying their triumphant banners to the gates of Paris, and putting the crown of France on the head of their sovereign. Many borrowed large sums or sold of their manors, that they might appear in the field in greater splendour, and lead their followers out in complete order.”

English operations and intent of maintaining interest and bases in France remained until Le Havre fell during Elizabeth I reign so shields on Normandy and Calais would not be without merit until the reformation or in their absence the temporary CB until 1821 is fine!

The lack of a shield on Meath is most odd as in was in all practical terms an English/Norman province called the pale. This shield would end with the execution of Charles I.

Now that we understand our relations with the outside world lets look at the domestic front. First our policy sliders…..Wow aristocracy is too high neutral would be more realistic. The War of the Roses and Henry’s desire to maintain his crown took care of that. The centralization is a bit miserly, Henry and England had become more so since above events so at least one or two clicks to centralization would help reflect this.
Narrow-minded, defense, naval and quality look about right. I think more merc and less serf would be fitting .

“Yes but Smirfy can you back any of that up?”

I’ll let a Scotchman point out the grip Henry had on England to pursue his agenda when the Archduke (Not our Dukey an earlier one) gave shelter to Yorkies (not the dogs) and an imposter and at home when nobility tried likewise.

“And the King in his resentment of this injury, cut off all commerce with the Low Countries, banished the Flemings, and recalled his own subjects from these provinces…………………………………………………………………………………………..He had it his power to inflict more effectual punishment on his domestic enemies; and when his projects were sufficiently matured , he failed not to make them feel the effects of his resentment.”

(Spares audience godfather like scene)

The net result in Flanders was

“The Flemish merchants who severely felt the loss resulting from the interruption of commerce with England had made such an interest in the archduke’s council that commissioners were sent to London in order to treat an accommodation. The Flemish court agreed, that all English rebels be excluded from the Low Countries; and in this prohibition the demesnes of the dutchess-dowager were expressly comprehended.”

While domestically this meant the slider went another swing, sorry click to plutocracy :D

Now then trade screen. After seeing what The French do to British Trade in the 20th century I can’t imagine that Ile de France would be overjoyed with it in the 15C. All the British Isles trade should go to Flanders. Especially after a hundred year war!


Finally the good part with EUII of course!

Now I’m no general and I don’t believe this was the age of total war so hopefully there will be thrills and spills and so that David does not get lost we will invoke a few house rules to keep us within reasonable historical parameters.

i/ Exploration, when we get an explorer we will use that explorer to explore in relatively historical areas

ii/ Colonization, we will not colonize without the presence of a historical conquistador, if we get a random one he may only access the seaboard province and cannot vacillate colonization

iii/ After attaining the first CRT tech sliders must be equally distributed between four techs until the Glourious revolution then two or three might be permitted depending on the tech of rest..

vi/ Full treasury will be permitted only if metropolitan England is in clear and present danger ie troops on the ground.

v/ England can only go Protestant with the supremacy event.

vi/ If a reasonable peace offer comes my way from ai I will take if the cost is deemed to high to reverse ie I’m not mounting massive operations to retake Calais if it falls knowing I can build up.

vii/ England is a maritime nation and visible uniforms are not cool kiddies, it’s a sign of a society’s failure not success. The more uniforms you see the more your country sucks. (That’s why we had a navy ;)) In time of peace I will only maintain approx 20k main force and 5-10k in Ireland (if this proves unplayable I will of course increase but within the spirit)

viii/ I reserve the right to include any more rules that increase my historical enjoyment and keep David with us.


Have fun and improve as ever, this is to be more a Michael Palin type dander than twat the AI.

Anyway, let us begin

* Always take in to account location and amount of alcohol taken by natives before making said statement.
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That's one long introduction. :eek: But I'll be watching this for sure...
This should prove interesting...I think I'll take a seat over there and wait for the next installment and see how it goes.....
"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Chapter One Henry VII (A hungover one)

The first thing I notice after hitting the pause button apart from a Yorkist faction in Ireland revolting…….Hey wait a minute that’s Eire that’s not the Yorkist faction using their Irish holdings as a springboard to claim the throne of England. First and only reload!

“England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

(Take II)

Chapter One Henry VII

Upon the restart the first thing I do is put my troops in Ireland under Norfolk and storm the rebel scum Yorkies forts in Munster and Connaught before they can turn into Father Christmas, sorry Eire. Though there is no event I immediately enact Poynings law in my mind were no law can be passed in the Irish parliament without first being cleared with the English one. I’ll let a Scot’s man explain..

“This latter clause seems calculated for ensuring dominion of the English; but was really granted at the desire of the Irish commons who intended by that means, to secure themselves from tyranny of their lords, particularly of such lieutenants or deputies as were of Irish birth”

In other words Henry VII did not want this treacherous and ambitious column of Norman Lords in Ireland the access to a ready pool of cannon fodder to use to claim the throne at any given time and the Irish were not made up with the prospect of being used as cannon fodder by said lords no matter what they dressed up as.:D

Right I better pause it there and have a quick look at Ireland. Connaught; Leinster, Muster and Ulster all would each be better represented as separate kingdoms though even these would still be over representative they would be fine for our scale.

Right back to the first thing I notice, which is Henry VII stats, the money and diplomacy are completely up the left no biggie (I’m sure it’s easy enough to up!). Right unpause……..At last!

With Ireland pacified with good government and concepts that lie three hundred years in the future with Wolf Tone put to bed I begin my reign which predictably involves promoting bailiffs to increase income. As I am Henry VII expenditure is kept to a minimum. European involvement is limited to honouring an alliance with Spain to attack Modena. Support is moral! Peace soon follows. The slider controlling Aristocracy is moved towards Plutocracy on both opportunities and begins to look about right. In 1497 the explorer John Cabot becomes available and immediately is sent west and Bingo discovers America just where legend said it would be.

Time to colonize? Not in this game, It is totally ridiculous that England has the capability at this stage and I do not intend to cloud this AAR with ahistorical actions.(and we don’t want to confuse David) John Cabot explores and uncovers, basically all he could do in real life. Just an idea but would it not be better to give explorers a value as to how many zones they can expose for instance Magellan’s would be larger than Cabot’s. Colonization I feel will have to wait until at least I get a historical conquistador.

Pity the explorers don’t spawn in Bristol just for aesthetics.

Now as Henry, I become very alarmed in 1501 when France attacks Austria in the low countries, provinces fall like nine pins Artois; Luxemburg and Flanders looks like it could be next. French control of this COT would be totally unacceptable so in order to protect it though not alliance leader I declare war!

Because England strangely lacks a CB on France my country takes a minus three stability hit WTF! Anyway Spain; Portugal and Scotland honour the alliance with me and we are at war with France, Modena, (which is something of a regional power in Italy) the Papacy and Savoy. The French deploy a mixed squadron of ships numbering seven to blockade my battle-fleet of thirty nine warships in Wessex. Immediately I sail them out to engage the French to clear the channel.

Now we do not dispute Foix's talent as he routs and Storms his way through Flanders as our friendly Scot tells us.

“Gaston De Foix his nephew, a young hero, and in a few months had performed such feats of military art and prowess, as were sufficient to render illustrious the life of the oldest captain”

But admiral Pollin? Who…? With seven ships continually defeats my thirty-nine. Luckily for me I had a small detached transport fleet at Dover and they shuttle Norfolk and my army across to Calais. The war is fun, with only the money parliament grants me (yearly income) I maintain my field army around 20-30K though when Austria makes peace with France ceding Artois and Luxembourg my war aim changes to gaining those provinces at peace and then releasing them as vassals. Military access with the archduke is arranged for this end.

Henry being a crafty monarch can’t help but notice the independence of Brittany and continued warfare with France helps him in this secondary goal. France is a full CRT table ahead throughout this war so coupled with Foix, Norfolk is continually bested but undefeated and though Artois and Luxembourg or at varying stages in my hands and even Paris threatened the French superiority tells and they all succumb along with Calais. Spain cannot make my distractions count and makes peace in 1508.

A herald from France offers England Peace for Calais and though my army is intact my chances of recovery within my rules are slim and my war exhaustion means that stability no-longer increases I make peace on these terms!

I know Austria was not in the Spanish Alliance from the start but if it remains detached the French hammer it, (more evidence of this in next installment) I think there is a reasonable enough case in SP to have this from the start.

On how Charles responded to English intervention in real life David says…

“Henry too entered into this confederacy; but not to put any expense or trouble in consequence of his engagement The King of France, terrified by so powerful a combination, retired from Naples with a greater part of his army”

If England did not think there was a claim on France Charles certainly did!


Two major game events happen through Henry’s reign. One is probably the single most important event for England and Europe outside the reformation. This is a revolutionary event that signaled the start of an ongoing process that kept England light years ahead of its competitors. I am off course talking about the agricultural revolution which enabled England not only to banish famine and become a major exporter of food but to diversify into manufactory and commerce. The effect is not perceptible yet but it will be (but not in our game because it’s not modeled in EUII). The event is the “enclosure” one and if you doubt its gravity let a Scot’s man explain and think then relative to another country during the period, any country at all! Does it apply? Would the soil, size and climate suit? Would it be politically or culturally possible there?! Or do we want red alert!

“If husbandmen understand agriculture and have a ready vent for their commodities, we need not dread a diminution of people employed in the country”

“The common people, no longer maintained in vicious idleness by their superiors, were obliged to learn some calling that or industry that made them useful both to themselves and others”

This taken with Henry’s other laws had a signal effect on England after initial hardship the numbers throwing themselves into manufactory, commerce and adventure increased. Also it meant there was a ready pool to be tapped for colonization as this movement was progressive and increasing all the time.

The event that actually fires mentions all this but does nothing about it!

“So you think in EUIII if there is ever one, agriculture since it was societal (hi Mowers are you sure that’s a word?) during this period should not be overlooked Smirfy?”

Yes exactly! You could say it is a large reason why nations are overtaken and if you wonder why the industrial revolution came late to Germany……look no further.

This takes the middle stump of a certain argument that has more popularity than credulity.

The other event is Erasmus which is beneficial to England as it should be!


A constant theme throughout my reign as Henry has been a constant lack of stability so much so that I abandoned any attempt to raise it Henry VII trying to run England at minus stability would have been a non-starter but for the game it is the only way to go it has become a redundant feature because its effects and application have become bland. It does hurt the trading nations but is this balance? Stability definitely needs thought.

Anyway stop holding me Back……….

Henry VII does not live long past the peace. I really enjoyed playing him (I was a fan of kingmaker). He was a colourful character beyond appearances and very shrewd this I tried to emulate and EUII proved quite the game to do this with off course a few house rules and a little imagination help. It’s a pity we cannot achieve this in multi-player the lack of the Italian wars is criminal.

Why Smirfy?

Well people are creatures of their age but a Scotchman tells it better

“Italy was, during that age, the seat of religion, of literature, and of commerce; and as it possessed alone that lustre, which has since been shared out among other nations, it attracted the intention of all Europe, and every acquisition made there, appeared more important than its weight in the balance of power was, strictly speaking, entitled to.”

The game really comes into its own when playing with reasonable armies and realistic goals. I’ll let David say a couple of words about Henry before I move on.

“He put an end to the civil wars which the nation had been harassed, he maintained peace and order in the state, he depressed the former exorbitant power of the nobility, and together with the friendship of some foreign princes, he acquired the consideration and regard of all. He loved peace without fearing war though agitated with continual suspicion of his servants and ministers; he discovered no timidity, in the conduct of his affairs, or in the day of the battle; and though often severe in punishments he was less actuated by revenge than maxims of policy.”

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

England Discovers Tabloid Journalism In

“Queen gives head in bizarre first born religious cult”
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Chapter II


What was the State of Europe, well it was like…………..

“There has scarcely been any period, when the balance of power was better secured in Europe, and seemed more able to maintain itself without any anxious concern or attention or attentions of the princes. Several great monarchies were established; and no one so far surpassed the rest as to give any foundation, or even pretence for jealousy.”

Thank you David, I was about to check it out on the forums!

Henry’s high diplomatic rating is very interesting considering his character and actions.

“Henry possessed the felicity of being able, both by native the force of his kingdom and its situation, to hold the balance between those two powers: and had he known to improve, by policy and prudence, his singular inestimable advantage, he was really, by means of it, a greater potentate than either of those mighty monarchs, who seem to strive for dominion of Europe. But this prince was, in his character, heedless, inconsiderate, capricious, impolitic; guided by his passions or his favourite; vain, imperious, haughty: sometimes actuated by friendship for foreign powers, oftener by resentment, seldom by his true interest. And thus, though he exulted in that superiority which his situation in Europe gave him, he never employed it to his own essential and durable advantage, or to that of his kingdom.”

I don’t think David thinks he is much of a diplomat; Hey WOW hold on there did you just read between the lines there. What is an eighteenth century Scotch writer like you doing writing about concepts of England holding the balance of power? And in the sixteenth century!!!!!!

No Smirfy! it’s not historical England had no manpower France had millions of people.

Maybe they will just do it for nationalism or ideology those were popular beliefs back then.:D


The situation I find myself in due to in house restrictions is rather similar to Henry’s, except I commence my reign with a treasury emptied by war. The situation is tense, France has once again commenced war with the Emperor and ravaged his lands annexing to the Rhine and threatening beyond in league with the regional power of Tuscany which has grown to unprecedented size for an Italian Republic. England can only
watch and wait. Though the period of peace allows stability to rise far enough to trade my yearly grant from parliament still causes me many dilemmas. Soon by fortuitous event and saving for half a decade I am able to commission a fine arts academy in London.

In 1514 Spain at last wakes from its slumber to declare war on France. England Portugal Pommern and Scotland immediately honour the alliance. My war aim the return of Calias and my field army in the singular is shipped to France after the channel is swept clear.

What was the situation like in real life? Let us take a look at the French response to English intervention.

“The French had made it their maxim in almost all their wars with the English since the reign of Charles V. never without great necessity, to hazard a general engagement: and the duke of Vendome who commanded the French army, now embraced this wise policy.”

The French strategy was nearly always to fortify the towns in the path of the English and let attrition do the work preserving their field army in theatre. Very strange if you have such an advantage in manpower. :D

In fact after the battle of “the Spurs” the English army numbered fifty thousand including allies and mercenaries all this without scrapping the last reserve and putting the “Henry Youth” into the line. On reflection wars were in some ways more civilized back then less sort of total. :D

Also interesting about these wars is that England subsidized Austria.

The end result of England’s intervention……….

“The war, which England waged against France though it brought no advantage to the former kingdom, was of great prejudice to the latter; and by obliging Lewis to withdraw his forces for the defence of his own dominions, lost him that superiority, which his arms, in the beginning of the campaign had attained in Italy.”

Anyway back to our game.

Calais is besieged and taken, else-ware the Spanish rout the French in the south and take Languedoc with the Portuguese taking Bearn. French over expansion and the superiority of Iberian arms makes itself felt. Great stuff! Meanwhile in the north, French arms make their reappearance and my army is once again bested but with military access to Austrian lands it can regroup and distract once more. The Flanders marches are once more ablaze, my army maneuvering for advantage in a deadly game of cat and mouse. As I have only the one army it is precious to me (in much the same way as an elvish prop) reinforcements are raised by my yearly grant from Parliament and shipped to the field army through Flanders. After two years of warfare France sues for peace returning Calias and handing over Bearn to Portugal and Languedoc to Spain. Result!

My god Smirfy you should have used your base manpower with a max land slider click and maxed out over the support limit and taken at least four provinces with a sixty percent war score only base tax value ten ones of course also these would give you an extra ten percent manpower and raise your support limit.

And the enjoyment in this is where?

Now a change happens throughout Europe and England is not left unaffected but since England had a unique position being quite far from St.Peter’s throne it already had been moving away from doctrine and had even passed legislation prior to the reformation limiting the power of the church in certain areas. Plutocracy at work you may call it!

Am I lying?

“The ancient and almost uninterrupted opposition between the laity and clergy in England and between the English clergy and the court of Rome had sufficiently prepared the nation for a breach with the sovereign pontiff.”

The highest Churchman in the land Cardinal Wolsey whose materiel power and influence stretches far beyond the channel is given virtually unlimited spiritual power within England as tribute to that “small island on the outskirts of Europe” importance.
Wolsey the son of a butcher (plutocracy at work again) was more interested with enriching himself in this world than pursuing unpopular witch hunts at home.

“The disciples of the reformation met with little severity during the ministry of Wolsey, who, though himself a clergyman, bore a small regard to the ecclesiastical order to serve as an instrument of tyranny.”

Yeah but Smirfy Henry published a piece against the heretics

Boy did he regret that!

“Luther who was in the heat of controversy soon published an answer to Henry: and without regard to the dignity of his antagonist, treated him with all the acrimony of style to which in the course of his polemics, he had long been accustomed. The King by this ill usage, was still more prejudiced against the new doctrines: but the public, who naturally favour the weaker were inclined to attribute Luther the victory in the dispute. And as the controversy became more illustrious by Henry entering the lists, it drew still more attention of mankind; and the Lutheran doctrine daily acquired new converts in every part of Europe.”

I think what David is trying to say using English is “owned”

Yes all very well David, how do we know you are not a Hun! A Jaffa! Look sorry David we have to get this out of the way now! You are from Scotland I’m from Ulster. It may surprise you, but some people will be questioning our objectivity on this matter. Yes honestly.:D

“But if we consider the matter more closely, we shall find, that this interested diligence of the clergy is what every legislator will study to prevent; because in every religion, except the true, it is highly pernicious, and it has even a natural tendency to pervert the true, by infusing a strong mix of superstition , folly, and delusion. Each ghostly practitioner, in order to render himself more precious and sacred in the eyes of his retainers will inspire them with the most violent abhorrence to all other sects and continually endeavour by some novelty, to excite the languid devotion of his audience. No regard will be paid to truth, morals, or decency in doctrines inculcated. Every tenet will be adopted that bests suits the best the disorderly affections of the human frame. Customers will be drawn to each conventicler by new industry and address in practicing on the passions and credulity of the populace”


So when the situation reaches abuse level and the cure is as bad as the disease.

“And in the end the, the civil magistrate will find, that he has dearly paid for his pretended frugality in saving a fixed establishment for the priests: and that in reality is the most decent and advantageous composition, which can be made with the spiritual guides, is to bribe their indolence, by assigning stated salaries to their profession and rendering it superfluous for them to be farther active, than merely to prevent their flock from straying in quest of new pastures. And in this manner ecclesiastical establishments, though commonly they arose at first from religious views, prove in the end advantageous to the political interests of society.”

Still with us………Great

So that is how it basically happened in England a bit more soap and a few religious nuts. But in the end make a religion state controlled and bingo 5% on production lost through the naval slider, 5% tax, generous :D One less colonist despite the enclosure movement which was incidentally helped by the reformation and increased stability costs:D and off course having worked out the benefit of all this you are one percent more innovative :D

Wonder why Bohemia bothered?

They can go land Smirfy :D

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

War, Land war, Sea war, Colonial War and Sex War.
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"England was a little island on the Outskirts of Europe"

Chapter II

Henry VIII (Part II)

God where was I…………..Oh yes religion! Okay, let’s take this a stage further and really test my powers of explanation. Right if we take it that the reformation happens :D
Hope I’m not being determinist there. EUII has more than a slight problem in recreating the problems nations faced, which is continually exploited!

Why Smirfy?

The reformation happens in several countries with various provinces changing to protestant and if we move the clock forward to get the whole argument out of the way Calvin as well. Now I think we can take it that this program was progressive and just did not stop with the initial conversions. But when the Reformation hits in our game Spain just goes

"Look a reformation that will slow them up for a while, let’s go innovative now we have converted those Inca’s”

While no silly hats, sheets and of course no barbecue.

In other words we need a proper defense of Catholicism which would reflect the change in countries to prevent the spread of this perceived heresy and a proper Counter Reform.
I could suggest some measures but I don’t want to attract controversy.

This brings me on to an important new house rule. I sincerely hope there is no one here that will dispute that conversions are far too easy outside your own culture in *Europe*. For instance me converting Ireland should and would be so expensive and violent it would not being worth trying in reality.

New Rule for my Game: No conversion of any European province outside mainland England with the exception of Ulster (other nations off course would refine rule to taste) I go the historical route.

Conversion of provinces should really involve massive violence, cost, a degree of risk, time and a huge depreciation of income and population for that province for a long time.

Now back to the game………

Hold on Smirfy we are still not happy with this bit about England consciously changing religion to a state one to reap benefit. Bit too modern a concept to apply back then..

Can I play the game or what?

With over half the kingdom protestant and the plutocracy especially smitten with the new religion these are careful times for any monarch especially mine. So we shall temporize for the minute prepare the country for the change with incremental legislation with each successive parliament. Tell them the plan Davy.
“Each proceeding session had retrenched somewhat from the power and profits of the Pontiff. Care was taken, during some years, to teach the nation that a general council was much superior to the Pope.”

Matters though are brought to a head with my intended divorce of Catherine and marriage to Ann. The Pope refused. If I had of backed down or the Pope agreed would things have been different? David if you please.

“But now a Bishop preached every Sunday at St. Paul’s cross in order to inculate the doctrine that the pope had no authority beyond at all beyond the bounds of his own diocese. The proceedings of parliament showed that they had entirely adopted this opinion: and there is reason to believe that the King after having procured a favourable sentence from Rome which would have removed doubts about his second marriage and succession, might indeed have lived on terms of civility with the roman pontiff but never would have surrendered to him any considerable share of his assumed prerogative. The importance of the laws, passed this session, even before intelligence arrived of the violent resolution passed at Rome, is sufficient to justify this opinion”

I hope with David’s help I have cleared up a certain myth about the English reformation and answered the question of state religion in game for you? No?.......Hold on!

So it is not exactly crossing the Rubicon when I turn my state to Protestant in 1534. Missionaries are sent out in England and soon the nation accepts me as head of the church. My Chancellor More, refuses to take the oath of supremacy and in a calculated act of terror this popular and respected man is executed. This tactical use of execution as modern parlance would probably call it, while cannot be condoned has the desired affect among adherents of the old religion and dissension especially among the aristocracy evaporates.

Now a protestant, Lambert argued too loudly about the content of the sacrament. We cannot have our agreed doctrine questioned and while most of parliament (and the public) agree with him, again in no way condoning the action Lambert is toast! Literally!

Hope that cleared it up!

At last back to diplomacy, France has not been slowed in the least by the successful outcome of our last war. It is sad that Germany, Switzerland and Austria feel its full weight with provinces occupied to Silesia, while Portugal, Spain and ourselves occupy French cores and Brittany still exists! My alliance with Spain is long dissolved so I am glad when Portugal offers an alliance to end my isolation and readily accept. It is not long before she declares war on France and I gladly honour my commitments. The Emperor still allows me military access and as Calais is under siege by superior forces my field army once again lands in Flanders and uses this to once more threaten French control in Luxembourg. Though not in my alliance Austria enters the fray too but is once more the victim of French and her confederate’s arms.

Calais falls and Portugal though commits reasonable forces is routed, though credit to that nation it continually returns to distract and torment the French. With my treasury empty I summon parliament for a grant to furnish the forces to recapture Calais, they refuse! The penny is beginning to drop with Parliament and the Plutocracy why finance Henry’s adventures in France to reclaim the crown, a pretext he used until his death for war with France when the rewards are just another impoverished town that costs more to garrison than it’s income. The increasing difficulty in raising money for such adventures is described by David.

“The commons though lavish of the liberty and of the blood of their fellow subjects were extremely frugal of their money; and it was not without difficulty so small a grant could be obtained by this absolute and dreaded monarch.”

Running full treasury needs a bit of thought me thinks, but later.

With only my yearly grant the war is difficult my army outnumbered and outfought in the Lowlands gains access through the Palatinate and campaigns against the French in Germany. It meets with more success here in this secondary theatre but not enough to affect the outcome and we are thankful that Portugal buys peace which allows for the retention of Calais.

This is the last war Henry fights with the succession assured he passes away shortly after.
The power Henry had at his personal disposal at this time was incredible for the age, the country was united, and opulent a feature that would continue and its ability to project power though now only to the far shore of the channel could have powerful affect even on Charles from subsidy to alliance, enmity or direct action.

“An insurrection had been raised in the Low Countries by the inhabitants of Ghent, and seemed to threaten the most dangerous consequences. Charles who at that time resided in Spain resolved in person to go to Flanders in order to appease the disorders; but found great difficulty in choosing the manner of his passing thither . The road by Italy and Germany was tedious: The voyage through the Channel dangerous, by reason of the English naval power: He asked Francis’s permission to pass through his dominions; and he entrusted himself into the hands of a rival he had so mortally offended.”

How many clicks to decentralization would that be worth? :D

So David what you think of Henry?

“The absolute, uncontrolled authority which he maintained at home, and the regard which he acquired from foreign nations, are circumstances which entitle him, in some degree to the appellation of a great prince; while his tyranny and barbarity exclude him for the character of a good one”

You know its kind of fun having only a limited amount of units, for starters you can actually see the map! It really suits the scale of the game, the wars ebb and flow pleasantly and are more a test of logic than reflex or processor power. In fact surprisingly this campaign has been so enjoyable that I forget to take notes of specific times and events and I loath to stop so as my AAR catches up.

Next in “England was a little Island on the outskirts of Europe”

Teddy Boys and Bloody Marys
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"England was a little island on the outskirts of Europe"

Chapter III


My intention was to fly through Edward’s minority, stroke reign; yes even quicker than Henry seven and eight but I decided against. Sorry!

Why Smirfy? Edward is boring!

Eddy was, but the politics, plots and characters were not, unfortunately little of this falls within the scope or scale of EUII so commentary is limited. Due to the short duration of his reign there is little chance to report any serious game-play. Sorry!

Well anyway, this is really about the nation and not power gaming and since he was son of eight, grandson of seven, by sheer nepotism and deference to monarchy he gets his chapter. Also as unfortunately I have developed an argument I have to pursue it.

I will definitely try and stop doing that ever again! While I delude myself that this is possible for an Ulsterman, let’s look at the state of technology as it was in England.

What was the state of England culturally and intellectually on the death of eight……No not the people David. I will try and refrain David from mentioning the people as this is a moderated forum. But may I just say being born under the benevolent majesty of Elizebeth II therefore an individual free from any oath, I am so glad that I have never had to say “we the people.”:D

“Erasmus speaks with great satisfaction of the general regard paid by the nobility and gentry to men of knowledge. It is needless to be particular in mentioning writers of this reign or the preceding. There was no man of that age who has the least pretension to be ranked among our classics.”

Militarily England along with France were not as well developed as the Spanish, Swiss or Germans and mercenaries of these nationalities begin to operate in English armies on British soil and against Scotland and domestic enemies. There effectiveness against the Scots leads Scotland to operate the same nationalities except supplied by the conduit of France.

In manufactory and Commerce England too lagged behind other parts of Europe namely Flanders and Italy.

Sorry there is a game going on here somewhere and I better get back to it. Rebellions at home limit any continental adventure. France makes no attempt to retake Calais or any other of its cores and Edward during my minority is under his protector Somerset, who follows a course contrary to Henry’s policy and pursues the preference of the protestant doctrine. Partisans of the ancient religion become alarmed and plot Somerset’s ruin. Chief among them Gardiner’s, whose view on developments as passed on by David are interesting. You are on a history forum so they may be.

“Tis a dangerous thing to use too much freedom in researches of this kind. If you cut the old canal, the water is apt to run farther than you have a mind to. If you indulge the humour of novelty, you cannot put a stop to people’s demands, nor govern their indiscretions at pleasure”

It is becoming clearer, the aristocracy prefer the old the plutocracy the new…….The seeds of future conflict are sown.

Abroad an ominous development happens the Pope under pressure from Charles calls a great council. Charles hopes to limit the power of the pontiff regain control of his protestant subjects. Imitation is flattery and Charles was hoping for a similar balanced outcome to religion like Henry’s control over England’s. But unfortunately for Charles

“The Emperor, who desired to repress the power of the court of Rome as well as gain over Protestants, promoted the former object to the council: the pope who found his own greatness so deeply interested, desired rather to employ them in the latter. He gave instructions to the legates, who presided in council, to protract the debates, and to engage the theologians in argument and altercation, and dispute concerning the nice points of faith canvassed before them: A policy, so easy to be executed, that the legates soon found it rather necessary to interpose, in order to appease the animosity of the divines, and bring them to some decision. The more difficult task for the legates was to moderate or divert the zeal of the council for reformation, and to repress the ambitions of prelates, who desired to exalt the Episcopal authority on the ruins of the sovereign pontiff. Finding this humour had become prevalent, the legates pretending that the plague had broken out at Trent, transferred of a sudden to the council of Bologna where it hoped it would be more under the direction of his holiness.
The Emperor no less than the pope, had learned to make religion subservient to his ambition and policy. He was resolved to employ the imputation of heresy as pretence for subduing protestant princes, and oppressing the liberties of Germany.”

So unable to influence the church to moderate, whose power he required to hold his culturally diverse and fractious Empire together Charles in turn used it as his weapon.
This use of religion of course would make the innovation and centralization which is employed by large multicultural empires in EUII impractical but why let reason get in the way of a good game of red alert.

General Forum

Charles V

I'm the Emperor of the worlds largest and most culturally and religously diverse Empire what should I do?

Osmân III

Go counter reformed it don't matter how many heretics you burn, look at it as innovation the game does, and with centralization and all your given cultures, size really dosen't matter!

Charles V

Thanks man i'll give it a go, I was just going to give up!

Sensible not to provoke war with so powerful a foe and now bereft of allies I now looks inward and focus on maintaining a reasonable treasury. North of the border in Scotland the young queen, Mary is sent to France just in case an attempt is made by me to force her into a marriage with young Edward thus unifying the crowns and the mainland.

Somerset is overthrown and though Dudley, Duke of Northumberland who usurps him as protector is a partisan of the old religion seeing that the king is devoted to the new quickly puts earthly gain ahead of spiritual. This proves fatal for him in the future.

Now under the successive reign’s the power and number of the plutocracy has grown to such a level that the crown patents exempting foreign merchants notably the Hansa from duties imposed on other “aliens” are ended. The effect is signal!

“The English merchants who by there very situation as natives had advantages above foreigners in the purchase of cloth, wool, and other commodities: those these advantages had not hitherto been sufficient to rouse their industry, or engage them to become rivals to this opulent company: But when the alien’s duty was also imposed upon all foreigners indiscriminately, the English were tempted to enter into commerce: and a spirit of industry began to appear in the kingdom.”

The young Kings health fails by accident or the design of Northumberland, David cannot define which, and Edward dies. In an attempt to hold on to power in one of the most cynical uses of a pawn in history he uses Lady Jane Grey’s tenuous link to the succession to further his aims. The people see through this enterprise and put Mary on the throne.

On Edwards character David comments

“He possessed mildness of deposition, application to study and business, a capacity to learn and judge and an attachment to equity and justice. He seems only to have contracted, from his education and from the genius of the age in which he lived, too much of the narrow prepossession in matters of religion.”

The next chapter will bring a bit more game play :D Honestly.

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

No one expects the English Inquisition

Sorry could not resist it:)
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I think you must post too fast - it's the only reason I can think of why such a good AAR has drawn so few replies. That or people are intimidated by your scholarship - I think I know who David is, but I'm not 100% sure.

A historical 1942 England is an interesting change from the conventional 'first France, then America, then the world' approach. Best of luck in the the ... um ... interesting times ahead.
merrick said:
I think you must post too fast - it's the only reason I can think of why such a good AAR has drawn so few replies. That or people are intimidated by your scholarship - I think I know who David is, but I'm not 100% sure.

A historical 1942 England is an interesting change from the conventional 'first France, then America, then the world' approach. Best of luck in the the ... um ... interesting times ahead.

Thank you, I am sorry about the frequency of the posts but my game presently stands halfway through Elizebeths reign so I have to catch up to continue a campaign I am enjoying so much.

I have no wish to intimidate anyone and am suprised that I could be thought capable of it.

While i don't want a game that mirrors history I want a game that reflects the problems faced by each nation. To do this, with the scale used we have to in someway caricature nations and religions for we cannot expect every nuance to be programed for us, each with their strengths and weaknesses and while not true of individual cases they would be true of the general situation hence my rules. Which incidently have served me very well so far.

I am also enjoying keeping my friend David on board he is good company though in whom, by so many limited quotes from his six bin bags of knowledge I do not do him sufficent justice. I just try to keep him focused with the flow and scale of EUII.

The times are indeed interesting and this is credit to the game that I am so far ahead. Elizebeths reigh so far has totally exceeded its self in expectation. And pausing was a wretch.

I sincerly hope that i can do your continued interest justice , thanks once again.
"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Chapter IV

Mary Tudor

Mary Tudor daughter of Henry VIII or Bloody Mary; too bloody right, this is the hardest chapter to write so far especially since this is a multi-cultural forum with divergent beliefs. Like Edward, I was hoping to cut to the chase but Mary’s reign throws up so many examples of how England was administered that illuminate the difference between religions as they are applied to the government, so with great trepidation I am forced to accept the challenge of explanation.

I have omitted through this piece any of David’s views on priests, this is quite deliberate as the context, and the particular, may lead people to believe without a deeper understanding of the man and his work that he is singling out one particular sect for vitriol. This is far from the case, his usage of the word priest is in a general form, and it is his belief that priests whether they be Mayan through Catholic to Ian Paisley have no place exerting the influence of their superstition on the government of nations, and when they do, it is a malign influence. I have read similar views expressed by historians who wrote long before the Christian faith existed.

It was suggested by a foreigner after the reformation in Henry VIII reign that England “Hung Catholics and burnt Protestants” knowledge of the meaning of this statement will go along way to aid your understanding of the nature of state religion as it applied and was applied in England. Now if we compare this to the situation in France and Spain with regards application, which both took fundamentally different routes we can see the estimate given to protestant in EUII no way reflects the superior method of statecraft as it was applied in England with regards religion.

Trying to pursue a different course was the single most reason why Mary’s reign was a disaster!

Right, Game On!

Mary successfully defended her inheritance by persuading the people that she would maintain the religious laws of Edward and like Mary, I was economical with the truth, and take the historical Catholic route. Not to be deterministic, I was just curious on what David had to say sorry

Well Smirfy the first thing you do is make sure your toleration sliders are set to minimize revolt risk.

WRONG! Over to David

“On the pretence of discouraging controversy, she silenced, but an act of prerogative, all the preachers throughout England, Except as should obtain a particular license; and it was easy to foresee none but Catholics would be favoured with this privilege.”

I make sure my toleration slider gives a reasonable revolt risk, Mary did not tolerate protestants neither shall I. This has the desired effect and I get several revolts through Mary’s reign all of which are put down.

The ascension of Mary to the throne quickly leads to an exodus of foreign Protestants they have a pretty good idea what was coming and……

“The nation lost many useful hands for arts and manufacture”

Mary quickly stacked the deck and filled parliament with members agreeable to her for there are still enough adherents of the old religion

“The authority of the crown was able to give such candidates the preference in most elections”

The aristocracy is quite content too.

“The peers were mostly attached to the court, from interest or expectations”

All possible events for script.

So England first became a cold house for protestants before becoming rather warmer in the uncomfortable sense

Sorry again, game on!

Charles V in order to counter French strength secures a match with Mary and his son Phillip. Although ascendant in the west the Emperor and Portugal still have their gains in Langedoc and Bearn, and Brittany still exists in its complete form. Things have been going badly for Charles in Germany. France dominates central Germany with their strong Papal and Tuscan alliance while in the East, Poland with Venetian support has made inroads to Charles’s Empire. In the south the Ottomans too have formed an impressive Empire.
The reasons for his failure are described as

“Religion had served him as a pretence for his usurpations: and from the same principle he met opposition, which overthrew his grandeur and dashed all his ambitious hopes.”

I could be quoting Einstein’s equal and opposite reaction but it is in fact David.

The treaty of Augsburg is signed and the religious preference of Princes within their states is recognized in Germany.

“Cuius region eius religo” (He who rules, his is the religion) so Protestantism is now recognized in international law.

With Charles’s dream of Respublica Christiana dead he headed off to retirement his last words were reported as an enquiry into Luther’s parentage.

Phillip encourages Mary to take on the French and I agree though he gives no practical support, the nobles enthusiastic of renewed interest in obsolete claims encourage this enterprise. The war proceeds badly, though the channel is once more cleared. Calias is quickly laid siege to by the French and succumbs. The army is powerless against French numbers. Without continental assistance English arms are hamstrung from this point on. The field army of twenty thousand is cornered and slaughtered. French terms are the return of Calais. With an empty treasury and no army apart from Ireland’s garrison I sign away the gateway to France.

At home I’m still vexed with bonuses, the innovation slider and the burning of heretics. The Dutch will shortly be more vexed.

“The universal and uncontradicted prevalence of one opinion in religious subjects, can be owing at first to the stupid ignorance alone and barbarism of the people, who never indulge themselves in any speculation or enquiry: and there is no expedient for maintaining that uniformity, so fondly sought after, but by banishing all for ever all curiosity and all improvements in science and cultivation. It may not difficult to check, by steady severity, the first beginnings of controversy; but besides that policy exposes for ever the people to all the abject terrors of superstition, and the magistrate to endless encroachments from the ecclesiastics, it also renders men so delicate that they can never endure to hear of opposition; and will pay dearly for this false tranquility, in which they have so long been indulged.
As healthful bodies are ruined by to nice a regimen, and are thereby rendered incapable of bearing the unavoidable incidents of human life; a people, who never were allowed to imagine that their principles could be contested, fly out into the most outrageous violence when any event (and such events are common) produce a faction among their clergy, and gives rise to a difference in tenet or opinion. But whatever may be said in favour of suppressing by persecution, the first beginnings of heresy, no solid argument can be alleged for extending severity to the multitudes or endeavouring by capital punishments to extirpate an opinion which has diffused itself among every rank and station.”

So you don’t think a countries zealous pursuit of a single religious doctrine goes hand in hand with innovation, radical stuff Davy I can only think of a couple of hundred examples of the top of my head to back you up :D
And as he points out at the end there it’s not too smart attempting it when most of your subjects are of the opposite cognition.

So now you see the Act of Supremacy was a nifty bit of legislation in the evolution of England which kept it relatively free and innovative for the era and Mary’s ignorance of its principles, and pursuit of persecution was idiotic but pursue it she did on the grounds

“The doctrine said they, of liberty of conscience, is founded on the most flagrant impiety, and supposes such an indifference among all religions, such an obscurity in theological doctrines, as to render the church and magistrate incapable of distinguishing with certainty, the dictates of heaven from the mere fictions of the human imagination. If a divinity reveals principles to mankind he will surely give a criterion by which they may be ascertained; and a prince, who knowingly allows these principles to be perverted or adulterated is infinitely more criminal than if he gave permission for vending the poison, under the shape of food, to all his subjects.”

Not the most efficient use of the civil service. :D

Trouble at Mill!

Mary began to have more trouble with parliament even one as mercenary and partisan of her religion.

“The parliament having secured their own possessions were more indifferent
with regard to the religion , or even to the lives of their fellow-citizens: They revived the old sanguinary laws against heretics which had been rejected by the previous parliament: they also enacted several statutes against seditious words and rumours and they made it treason to imagine or attempt the death of Phillip during his marriage with the queen . Each parliament had been induced to go a step further than their predecessors; but none of them had entirely lost all regard to the national interests. Their hatred against the Spaniards, as well as the suspicion of Phillips pretentensions, still prevailed and though the queen attempted to get her husband declared presumptive heir of the crown and to have the administration put into his hands; she failed in all her endeavours, and could not so much as procure the parliaments consent to his coronation. All attempts likewise to obtain subsidies from the commons in order to support the Emperor against France, proved fruitless: The usual animosity and jealousy against that Kingdom seemed to have given place to the present to like passions against Spain.”

This demonstrates nicely how England was governed and how much power a monarch could effectively wield even ones as tyrannical as Mary, hence the continued absurdity having centralized multi cultural Empires.

More imaginative use of the plutocracy/aristocracy, free subject/serf and centralization sliders gives us scope to simulate this.

You will notice the word parliament being used quite a bit I will try and clear up the constitutional position of England if it is within my powers of explanation at a later date.

I’ve really tried to run England through Mary’s reign as ineptly as she and defend Catholicism which EUII does not model, and had great fun doing it, my rules allow for this as was the case.

Yeah but Smirfy the Innovation slider takes care of it.

This gives me no explanation why France vanished from European affairs with wars of religion for forty years and Spain did not! By the way I think I am capable of producing one which might be cast iron. I will say once more we need a defence of Catholicism, It would be fun and none of this happened last week!

Smirfy the Pyrenees could have acted like a breakwater for religious change.

:D Thats better than some of the theories on the forums that I've heard

My military situation is much like the historical now, continental expansion is now not impossible but almost totally inconceivable for England outside the influence of sea-power as it should be, and therefore shall not be attempted. That is not to say I won’t fight continental wars just like every monarch during the life of the game. May I also add I did not want Elizabeth to inherit a full treasury and stable country.

Well Davy I hardly need to ask but what did you think of Mary……

“It is not necessary to employ many words in drawing the character of this princess. She possessed few qualities either estimable or amiable: and her person was as little engaging as her behaviour and address. Obstinacy, bigotry, violence, cruelty, malignity, revenge, tyranny; every circumstance of her character took tincture from her bad temper and narrow understanding”

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

The death of Mary Queen of Scots (Monty Python version :D look it up)
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Chapter V

Elizabeth I (Part I)

You can’t really have a history of Elizabethan England without Spain it’s like Holmes without Moriarty or the force without the dark side if you so like. So as the AI was not good enough to provide us with one, Max was kind enough to, also thanks to Kurtbrian for helping an idiot get it in the event file. I strongly recommend this event for any historical based single player game. Fire this when you deem it appropriate.

#The Quest for the New World#
event = {

id = 3152
trigger = {
war = {
country = SPA
country = AZT
random = no
country = SPA
name = "EVENTNAME3152"
desc = "EVENTHIST3152"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1470 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1560 }

action_a ={ #A New Reconquista! A New Beginning!#
name = "ACTIONNAME3152A"
command = { type = inherit which = AZT }
command = { type = inherit which = ZAP }
command = { type = inherit which = MAA }
command = { type = inherit which = INC }
command = { type = stability value = 3 }
command = { type = treasury value = 5000 }
command = { type = colonists value = 6 }
command = { type = missionaries value = 6 }

I will use the new patch to continue my game starting with Elizabeth. Many thanks to Johan, Paradox and all those involved for their continued support, much appreciated. Right now the credits are over on with the Game.

After Mary’s inept reign I inherit zero stability, a couple of loans and a Catholic country. I immediately summon parliament and change the state religion back to protestant and WTF! Massive stability loss, for what reason I do not know you could have changed the state religion to Satanism after Mary and the countries stability would have improved. Ah well, no sad loss as stability is redundant anyway but it is annoying that one of the most stable countries of the period is continually at minus stability. Something is very amiss, what do you think on the succession Davy?

“Yet so much were men displeased with the present conduct of affairs, and such apprehensions were entertained of futurity, that the people overlooking their theological disputes expressed a general unfeigned joy that the scepter had passed into the hands of Elizabeth.”

How did getting things back to state religion go, much uproar?

“All the Bishops who were present in the house strenuously opposed this law; and as they possessed more learning than the temporal peers, they triumphed in the debate; but the majority of voices in that house, as well as among the commons was, against them. By this act the crown without the concurrence of either parliament or even the convocation was vested with the whole spiritual power”

David your subtle words might confuse people put it in perspective

“The commons also made a sacrifice to the queen, more difficult to obtain than any articles of faith: they voted a subsidy of four shillings in the pound on land, and two shillings and eight pence on moveables, together with two fifteenths.”

So no riots, no uprisings, no loss of trade, in fact the opposite an increase in production with the return of foreign protestants so apart from a couple bishops on the dole no loss of stability then, Bah!

Okay here is a first lets look at the country Elizabeth inherits in 1558,

Land: 13
Naval: 13
Stability: pointless
Trade: 2

All this gives me a monthly income of around forty five ducats. I think the spread of tech investment has served me well. I have a fleet of sixty warships and an army of thirty thousand, six thousand of which are deployed in Ireland. The independence of our nation depends on the fleet so I save for a naval manufactory to augment the one given by event. Exploration has uncovered the entire Atlantic and tentative voyages round both Capes are funded.

On the diplomatic front there is crises France and Spain have signed an alliance which limits my traditional role as keeper of the balance of power, but this is not tragedy as it enables me to take Scotland into my alliance which is quite historical.

Why Smirfy?

Well I don’t want to begin to try and explain Scottish politics because it was a bit of a mess and their influence on the scale of our game and history is marginal. Needless to say the reformation did not calm the factionalism encountered there and the French had to support the Catholic monarchy. French arms and gold of course prevailed over the Scottish reformers and they were forced to ask England to recover their position.
Elizabeth had little trouble in removing French influence from Scotland and the treaty of Edinburgh was signed which was the first step in the assimilation of Scotland.

But a Scotchman giving the opinion of a Frenchman has greater clarity in cementing our point!

“The constable Montmorency had always opposed the marriage of the Dauphin with the queen of Scots and foretold that, by forming such close connexions with Scotland the ancient league would be dissolved; and the natives of that kingdom, jealous of a foreign yolk, would soon become, instead of allies, attached by interest and inclination, the most inveterate enemies to the French government.”

To round this off marks out of ten for Elizabeth David

“She stopped not till she had brought the matter to a final issue: and converted that very power to which her enemies entrusted to her destruction, into her firmest support and security. By exacting no improper conditions from the Scottish malcontents even during their greatest distresses, she established an entire confidence with them; and having cemented all ties of gratitude, interest, and religion, she now possessed an interest over them beyond what remained even of their native sovereign.”

Looks like a ten to me!

And the Auld enemy became friends; I think these events make a certain mockery of alleged insurmountable cultural differences on the flimsiest of evidence that have made it into code. Point made we head back south of the border to the real politick

Europe is now aflame with rebellion; well Holland is, the French wars of religion are a bit of a let down. No forty year religious genocide in our game!

Why did France have so much trouble with the reformation Smirfy?

David assures us that all the ingredients are there.

“but the equal counterpoise of power which among foreign nations, is the source of tranquility, proves always the ground of quarrel between domestic factions; and if the animosity of religion concur with frequent occasions, which present themselves , of mutual injury, it is impossible, during anytime to preserve a firm concord in so delicate a situation.”

Trust Davy on that I live in Northern Ireland and it is as true today as it was then, and will be tomorrow :(. So France without a strong state religion backed by legislation was only going to have a whole lot of trouble.

And Spain’s attitude

“During that extreme animosity, which prevailed between the adherents of the opposite religions the civil magistrate, who found it difficult if not impossible, for the same laws to govern such enraged adversaries was naturally led, by specious rules of prudence in embracing one party, to declare war against the other, and to exterminate, by fire and sword, those bigots, who, from abhorrence of his religion, had proceeded to an opposition, of his power and to a hatred of his person.”

From a foreign policy standpoint this suited Phillip because

“By placing himself at the head of the catholic party he converted the zealots of the ancient faith into partisans of Spanish greatness; and by employing the powerful allurement of religion seduced everywhere from that allegiance which they owed their natural sovereign.”

But Elizabeth found that this was not all together bad

“The course of events, guiding and concurring with choice, had placed Elizabeth in a situation diametrically opposite; and raised her to be the glory , the bulwark, and the support of the numerous, though still persecuted protestants, throughout Europe. More moderate in her temper than Phillip, she found with pleasure, that the principles of her sect required not such extreme severity in her domestic government.”

Davy take a bow you have just explained the differing nature of religion as practiced by the three great powers of Europe during Elizabeth’s reign in four paragraphs. Look I know you are good but could for your next trick explain how this affected the Geo-political scene.

“Yet so much were these great maxims of the age over-ruled, during that age, by disputes over theology, that Phillip found advantage in supporting the established government and religion of France: and Elizabeth in protecting faction and innovation.”

Spain supporting France :eek: …… Think I can guess why :D

Within a couple of years the Dutch throw of the Spanish yolk and declare independence. Subsidies are sent and relations arranged but the response from Phillip is swift and terrible several thirty thousand strong armies disembark from ships into the Low Countries. Who says the AI can’t do invasions; that was impressive. They quickly retake the lost provinces. England is powerless to intervene directly with such a powerful continental combination of Spain, France and Portugal and must bide it’s time. The protestant princes of the Empire notably Saxony and Palatinate enter into our alliance, continental friends at last.

Now is a good time to pause and one rule update

New Rule: Manufactories are an obvious exploit so in order to limit them; naval, weapons and goods are not permitted outside the mainland and only permitted on their relevant resource. Refineries will be allowed outside the country but only on their relevant resource but may also be on grain at home.

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

X wings v Death stars
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Elizabeth I (Part II)

As Elizabeth, I have a big problem in a petit, fit frame which in my experience of the way a girl’s boiler works I’m sure did not help matters. Mary Queen of Scots has taken refuge in England having been forced from Scotland for several indiscretions to intricate to recount here.

Apart from the fact Mary is aesthetically pleasing, cultivated, and probably experienced in more than coquetry she has one other asset that makes any usurper worth his salt go weak at the knees, a viable claim of succession to the throne of England. All this despite and because of her Catholicism makes every single plot against Elizabeth revolve around her.

The Great Northern Rebellion is one such plot, and takes me somewhat by surprise, with my northern provinces aflame with rebellion I order my limited standing army north and after a seasons campaigning order is restored. Not a bad rebellion game wise which caused some delay in my continental machinations made all the better due to my domestic troop limitations. Did it cause any great stir? What happened when Elizabeth’s response was perceived David?

“They retired before him (Sussex) to Hexham: and hearing the earl of Warwic and Lord Clinton were advancing against them with a greater body, they found no other resource than to disperse themselves without striking a blow”

Yet again no more than a blip, yet continually my country is at minus three stability. There was not one single serious revolt in the last hundred years that came near to disrupting the country for any length of time in any shape or form. Stable governance, one of England’s great strengths therefore is not modeled!

Right I’m sidetracked now! Let us take a look at three other Revolts of the Elizabethan period in comparison. The wars of religious genocide in France do not exist except in name during the game. The Flemish and Dutch revolts are quite tame, these both really need souped up. Before passing judgement on the third revolt, centralization an old favourite, really has to effect multi cultural empires even ones that are given cultures just for pseudo game purposes. Here is an example of what I am talking about using my weapon of choice Davy.

“The Flemings found that the name alone of regent remained with the Dutchess; that cardinal Granville entirely possessed the kings confidence; that attempts were everyday made on their liberties; that resolution was taken never more to assemble the states; new bishoprics were arbitrarily erected, in order to enforce the execution of the persecuting edicts; and that, on the whole, they must expect to be reduced to the condition of a province under the Spanish monarchy”

Did I hallucinate or did I just seen a horse and cart just go through the gap in that slider

Thirdly,O’Niell’s Revolt! WTF! I just blinked and it was gone. The single most problematic domestic running sore of Elizabethan England and it lasts less than a second of real time!

Hold on Smirfy! Your from Ireland and a native of Ulster, your bound to say that!


“The queen expended on the wars with Spain between the years of 1589 and 1593 the sum of one million three hundred thousand pounds, beside the pittance of a double subsidy, amounting to two hundred and eighty thousand pounds granted her by parliament. In the year 1599 she spent six hundred thousand pounds in six months on the service of Ireland. Sir Robert Cecil affirmed, in ten years, Ireland cost her three million four hundred thousand pounds.”

Now consider the yearly cost for Ireland was twenty six thousand pounds a year prior to the revolt, the breakdown of this figure is interesting six thousand came from the total crown revenue for Ireland and Twenty Thousand came from England.

Needless to say the administration of Ireland was a disaster.

“Most English institutions likewise, by which that island was governed, were to the last degree absurd, and such no state before had ever thought of, for preserving dominion over its conquered provinces”

So to supplement cost of maintaining the army in Ireland they were given free quarter upon the natives which led to wide spread abuses to their detriment which I’m sure your imagination will not be deficient of supplying you with the nature of said abuses. Now add a religion which is associated with the above abusers and you can tell why Luther ain’t going to catch on in Ireland.

The original Norman lords outside the Pale found that with their diminished influence in England it was better to rule their lands in Ireland and became as Gaelic in their practices as the Irish. The lords that remain with the English way of life stay with the Catholic religion.

So to this nice little cocktail we add the resident Scotch to Ulster, yes even before the plantation, to complicate things. And the clever English give arms to the Ulster chieftains to stop the influence of the Scots. The Ulster chieftains are of course delighted to get modern arms because some of their sons and gentry have been militarily trained by Spain in Flanders

I get the impression something will go horribly wrong but its okay blink and you miss it!

You want to know what happened?

After ten years………..

Well off course sea-power saved the day again. :D

The Earls power-base in mid and the west of Ulster was too deep in the Royal Navy’s zone of control for the exterior help required for most insurgency to succeed so they had to march south to Kinsale to link up with a Spanish force. Once out of their home ground the Rebel army was no match for the English and was destroyed.

Okay that was spooky never meant to get that side-tracked.

So as the Dutch have suffered the full wrath of Alva and are reduced to the province of Amsterdam, I like Elizabeth decide to support them with subsidy and would like my light fingered thieving pirates to be up to their balls in robbing Spain blind in their X-wings, sorry race built galleons. Unfortunately I cannot harass Spain this way without a full blown DOW so no singeing of beards!:(

With attempts on my life and plots against the crown becoming more regular I take the momentous decision to become a Regicide and a couple of fumbled clicks on option A marks the end of Mary Queen of Scots.


I’ll let a Scotchman explain

“That she was but a titular queen, and at present possessed no where any right of sovereignty; much less in England, the moment she set foot in the kingdom , she voluntarily became subject to the laws, and to Elizabeth the only true sovereign: That even allowing her to be still the queen’s equal in rank and dignity, self defence was permitted by law of nature , which could never be abrogated; and every one, still more a queen, had sufficient jurisdiction over an enemy, who by open violence, and still more who, by secret treachery, threatened the utmost danger against her life: That the general combination to exterminate protestants, was no longer a secret; and as the sole resource of the latter prosecuted sect lay in Elizabeth, so the chief hope which the former entertained of final success, consisted in the person, and in the title of the queen of Scots: That this very circumstance brought matters to extremity between these princesses; and rendering the life of one the death of the other pointed out to Elizabeth the path, which either regard to self-preservation, or to the happiness of her people, should direct her to pursue: And that necessity, more powerful than policy , thus demanded of the queen that resolution, which equity would authorize, and which duty prescribed.”

That’s a bit cold Smirfy

On the contrary no! That is why in my opinion David is a consummate historian, he understands the coalface and can impart it’s nature in English with such perfection that you don’t even realize he is there, whereas our contemporaries spout distant clever editorial and attempt to add to their luster rather than inform about the subject, what dicks!

I good example of this I think is this piece by David on Mary’s character, you almost know her.

“In order to form a just idea of her character , we must set aside one part of her conduct, while she abandoned herself to the guidance of a profligate man; and must consider these faults, whether we admit them to be imprudence’s or crimes, as the result on an inexplicable, though not uncommon , inconstancy in the human mind, of the frailty of our nature, of the violence of passion, and of the influence, which situations, and sometimes momentary incidents have on persons, whose principles are not thoroughly confirmed by experience and reflection.

Enraged by the ungrateful conduct of her husband, seduced by treacherous counsels of one in whom she reposed confidence , transported by violence of her own temper, which never lay sufficiently under the guidance of discretion; she was betrayed into actions, which may with some difficulty, be accounted for , but which admit no apology nor even alleviation. An enumeration of her qualities might carry the appearance of a panegyric; an account of her conduct must, in some parts, wear the aspect of severe satire and invective.

Her numerous misfortunes, the solitude of her long and tedious captivity and persecutions, to which she had been exposed on account of her religion, had wrought her up to a degree of bigotry during her later years; and such were the prevalent spirit and principles of the age , that it is less wonder , if her zeal, her resentment, and her interest in uniting, induced her to give consent to a design , which conspirators, actuated only by the first of these motives, had formed against the life of Elizabeth.”

Sorry for the length of the quotes which are a sad indictment of my talent, but I think if I’m shamelessly going to use him for sound bites I think I should accord him the honour of some lead breaks. The two passages on Elizabeth and Mary are incredible, totally lucid and every, and I mean every angle covered.

Arrrrrrrrghh sidetracked again

Okay so this execution still has not provoked Spain to War. So staking the future of my kingdom on the fortunes of war I declare hostilities against Spain. ( Joy another minus two stab hit) Phillip must be stopped! My Allies Scotland and Palatinate honour my call to arms, Saxony overawed by their proximity to the Austrian branch of the Hapsburgs fail to honour the mutual treaty.

Spain had been preparing for this war with England for sometime assembling an Armada for invasion.

“In all the ports of Sicily, Naples, Spain and Portugal artisans were employed building vessels of uncommon size and force; naval stores were bought at great expense; provisions amassed; armies levied and quartered in maritime towns of Spain; and plans laid for the fitting out such a fleet and embarkation as had never before had its equal in Europe”

Hold on, did Davy just say that the whole resource Spanish empire was involved in putting that enterprise together including Portugal and her extensive possessions.

Surely “A small island on the outskirts of Europe’’ would have no chance!

Yes but England must have been quite exceptional, and was able to fit out a fleet based on her own resources considering she was not blessed with a significant merchant marine at the time, the latent potential must be underrated in EUII.

So where does EUII go wrong in representing this

Well, a clue can be found in the trade figures, Anglia one, Kent one, Wessex one, and Bristol one, so the richest most populous and productive area of England generates 4 trade :D Wales generates ten :D

Smirfy this is an AAR! Please God stop meandering!

Sorry :eek:o

In a bold step the greater portion of my field army is transported to Freisland and commences to siege the principle city of that province, three thousand adventurers are dispatched to the Spanish Main on board a squadron of warships while the grand fleet is split in two, one to guard my Scottish allies (in case the AI pulls off a BIB) and the other the Channel. The Palatinate backed with English subsidy immediately launches a campaign in Zeeland. A Spanish squadron attempts to force the channel with reinforcements for Flanders and is repulsed with loss.

This is just a probe the main fleet over fifty warships Strong under Sidonia appears off the Cornish coast intent on invasion, luckily a fast pinnace notifies my Western Fleet under Frobisher which lies just to the North.

“And a pinnace, like a flutter`d bird, came flying from far away; "Spanish ships of war at sea! we have sighted fifty-three!”*

*Tennyson sorry could not resist it :D

Next In "England was a small Island on the outskirts of Europe”

Shock as Smirfy succeeds on staying on topic.
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Elizabeth I (Part III)

Part three! God that’s more than I ever wrote at school :D both primary, and Secondary:D

Forgive me if my humble offering is more fractured than usual with this update but I’m a bit pissed off.

Why Smirfy?

Well, I wrote a piece on the sea battle off the coast of Cornwall that took place in my game illuminating naval tactics of the Elizabethan era based on Brian Tunstall, the naval historian writings, in order to demonstrate an argument I was intent on putting forward.

And that got you pissed off :D

Yeah kind off; because it takes away from the reader the chance to use their powers of divination, and imagination which is one the secrets of Europas success. I can visualize the nature of my country from the settings, the grandeur the squalor the persecution and sense the nature of the battle without every detail being modeled. Europa leaves me free from this clutter to pursue my role as grey eminence whereas I still can’t visualize my late granny reading the guardian, never mind turning socialist for want of regular furniture, this is why Europa remains my favourite.

Okay enough! Lets get rid of Tunstall's influence with the delete key, this is David’s show, with big broad strokes on the canvas, to feed our imagination, and to provoke us to delve deeper than normal, away from the comfort of ignorance.

My western fleet under the command of Frobisher on receipt of the sighting report sails south to engage, unworried of the appellation invincible that had been given to the Spanish ships because a significant proportion of the English command and crew had seen action against Spain in the America’s and of the Spanish ships David tells us they knew that though large……

“They were so ill framed, or so ill governed, that they were quite unwieldy, and could not sail upon a wind nor tack on occasion, nor could be managed in stormy weather by the seamen. Neither the mechanics of ship-building, nor the experience of mariners, had attained so great perfection as could serve for security and government of such bulky vessels; and the English, who had already had experience how unserviceable they commonly were beheld, without dismay despite their tremendous appearance.”

Despite this we are at the same naval tech level :D Though the Spanish army maintains an advantage over England which is welcomed.

So with the industry of action and serenity of purpose my navy closes to engage against the Spanish formation whose

“lofty masts, the swelling sails, and the towering prows of the Spanish Galleons seem impossible to be justly painted, but by assuming the colours of poetry”

This impressive fleet came with spiritual armament as well the pope Sixtus Quintus had

“Fulminated a new bull of excommunication her, had disposed her, had absolved her subjects from their oaths of allegiance had published a crusade against England and had granted plenary indulgences to everyone engaged in the present invasion.”

Despite this and despite that the Catholic religion was totally suppressed in England at this time

“by the capital punishment of priests and though the partizans of the princess asserted that they were punished for treason, not their religion, the apology must only be understood in this sense , that the law was enacted on account of treasonable views and attempts of the sect , not that every individual who suffered the penalty of the law was convicted of treason.”

Elizabeth, like myself refuse to believe that her catholic subjects......

“Could be so blinded as to sacrifice to bigotry their duty to their sovereign, and the liberty and independence of their native country. She rejected all violent counsels by which she was urged to seek pretences for dispatching the leaders of that party: she would not even confine any significant numbers of them: And the Catholics sensible of this good usage, generally expressed great zeal for the public service.”

If someone would like to calculate the angle of the tangent I went off on there your very welcome.

The Fleet under Frobisher closes to engage, outnumbered though not out sailed, the fight is intense, the duke of Medina is unable to counter the continuous bombardment from the English ships though not heavy enough to sink the Spanish galleons it induces Medina to abandon his invasion attempt and turn for home.

The pursuit is relentless, cumulative damage causes stragglers to fall out of formation to instantly be set upon and taken by English ships whose number swell as the engagement continues. Pursued south across the Bay of Biscay storms add to damage and account for greater loss. Seventeen in total are sent to the bottom before the remnants return to Lisbon.

A Portuguese fleet attempts to force passage to the Irish Sea but it is caught and roughly handled by the eastern fleet which covers off Cornwall in the absence of Frobisher. Several small Spanish and Portuguese squadrons are hunted down and destroyed. The severe damage done to Portuguese naval forces encourages their government to seek terms and for an indemnity they are absolved from the conflict. Spain is now alone!

Meanwhile in the Low Countries, Friesland without support falls to our forces and Zeeland with our navy in attendance surrenders to the Palatinate. The Spanish unable to reinforce their lowland possessions by sea, march units from all parts of the their European holdings to Flanders and are put under the command of Parma, who David describes as

“The most consummate general of the age”

The war in the Low Countries settles down to one of observation along the Scheldt the English forces arriving fresh from their victory to join their allies. However in the West Indies the war is far from inactive with three thousand English adventurers braving disease, climate and the Spanish to occupy several undefended islands.With their Army and Navy incapable of response Phillips sues for peace offering tribute

Our war aim of weakening Spain successful, we accept.

You could have had the Antilles Smirfy!

I know but in order to simulate to the preponderance of Spanish power in the region and the incapacity for England to support any territorial expansion there, I rule this option out for the time being, tribute is fine and has a slight historical ring.

As it was in real life and in game the Spanish were unable to account for their loss as David explains.

“Such was the miserable and dishonourable conclusion of an enterprise that had been preparing for three years, which had exhausted the revenue and force of Spain and which had long filled all Europe with the anxiety or expectation. Phillip, who was a slave to his ambition, but had an entire command of his countenance, no sooner heard news of the mortifying event which blasted all his hopes, than he fell on his knees, and rendering thanks for a gracious dispensation of providence, expressed his joy that the calamity had not been greater. The Spanish priests, who foretold its infallible success, were somewhat at a loss to account for the victory gained over the Catholic monarch by excommunicated heretics and an execrable usurper: But they at last discovered that all the calamities of the Spaniards had proceeded from their allowing the infidel moors to live among them.”

The defeat of the Armada was total, and its effects Galvanizing

“The discomfiture of the Armada had begotten in the nation a kind of enthusiastic passion for enterprises against Spain; and nothing seemed impossible to be achieved by the valour and fortune of the English”

So the

“naval enterprises which she or her subjects scarcely ever intermitted during one season”

The first is a very interesting passage; does David claim superiority of arms? Equipment, or tactics he only draws attention to Carl’s “Moral factors” and how now the initiative is with the English.

“One might say that the physical seem little more than the wooden hilt, while the moral
factors are the precious metal, the real weapon, the finely honed blade."

Excuse me Carl, don’t get carried away this is Davy’s AAR, thanks.

Rocroi, wasn’t it that battle which ended Hapsburg continental Hegemony?

What was the date again?

Not to worry not too far off :D

Meanwhile on our little island on the outskirts :D

Okay let us repair to England’s happy coasts. Now that a major event like the Spanish Armada has been defeated lets do something for the serfs, since its defeat was a national effort they deserve increased freedom.

One important observation, one that is worth putting in your top pocket to help with my continued line of argument is that the navy despite its patronage by royalty remains a toy of the plutocracy.

We now watch developments in the Low Countries closely and when an insurrection in Zeeland occurs, war with Spain is once more joined. Elizabeth’s patronage of a naval manufactory has paid off and our ships are now slightly more advanced than the Iberians.

The war is prosecuted with aggression, the Spanish and Portuguese fleets weaken by the last war are mauled again in this one. Despite heroic efforts they fail to force the channel, Portuguese losses in particular are heavy and soon sue for peace, which is accepted. Spain can’t reinforce the Low Countries with sufficient troops to mount an assault against Zeeland which after a time declares for Holland. Spain’s New World possessions are once more raided whose defense is too static against the superior flexibility of naval power. Peace is once more sought, and in exchange for tribute it is given. Our war aims once more complete.

With the hegemony in the northern seas assured, England’s coast free from threat and the Irish chieftains once more swearing allegiance to the crown I can now begin to establish colonies on the far shore of the Atlantic.

Next in “England was a small Island on the outskirts of Europe”

Incredulity as English girl dies a virgin
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe"

Elizabeth (Part IV)

Back from balancing a nineteen inch monitor on my head, a repaired computer desk and new speaker set, but sadly lacking in any angst presently, I decided to continue………Sorry.

With peace secured I begin the colonization of the New World, Raleigh founds a colony at Chesaspeake

Did you not check the base tax and decide first? You should check that so that if its 4 and it gets a modifier for a percentage bonus it means your colonist value will redeem itself over 50 years and that will save you seventeen percent of income related to inflation.

Nope, it’s a game not a spreadsheet! There is a nice picture of a pipe and pouch of tobacco representing the provinces produce so if the game is modeled correctly that should be a good cash crop. END OF FUCKING STORY!

With that leap of faith, I achieve infrastructure four and commence to increase the power of the crown by promoting legal councils to chief judges which according to P. Bobbit defines a nation.

“Until the governing institutions of society can claim for themselves the sole right to determine the legitimate use of force at home and abroad, there can be no state. Without law, strategy cannot claim to be a legitimate act of state.”

But we knew that anyway Davy didn’t we ;)

And Elizabeth had a fair idea as well

“I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful loving people. Let tyrants fear: I have always so behaved myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects"

Neat trick that the monarch identifying with the people and state and even at it keeping Britain’s mystical constitutional system intact “good will of my subjects”

The Stuarts off course forgot about the last bit………….Twice :D

Maybe someone should have written it down for them Smirfy.

Nah, not really a good idea, it just causes Off Topic forums in the 21st century to fill up with people talking absolute bollocks and thinking their lawyers, as if we don’t have enough already.

So England has now fulfilled the final criteria to be considered a state.

The question now arises as Elizabeth enters the autumnal years, who will succeed her? The queen herself had so far always managed to sidestep this question and effectively dealt with her nearest rival, Mary. Parliament continually had been particularly keen to secure the knowledge of succession. But Elizabeth sensible that plots against her rule would revolve round any legitimate claim to the throne kept everyone guessing claiming she would

“Never depart this life with satisfaction, till she had laid some solid foundation for their future security”

Now her health failing it could not be put off any longer and almost with her dying breath she requested

“That she would have a King succeed her; and who should that be but her nearest kinsman, the king of Scots?”

With that, Elizabeth passes away back to the monarch file, but not before Davy runs his eye over her reign

“There are few great personages in history, who have been more exposed to the calumny of enemies and the adulation of friends, than Queen Elizabeth; and yet there scarcely is any, whose reputation has been more certainly determined, by the unanimous consent of posterity.”

“The wise ministers and brave warriors, who flourished under her reign, share the praise of her success; but instead of lessening the applause due to her, they make addition to it. They owed all of them, their advancement to her choice; they were supported by her constancy; and with all their abilities they were never able to acquire any undue ascendant over her.”

“We might find it difficult to reconcile our fancy to her as a wife or a mistress; by her qualities as a sovereign with some considerable exceptions, are the object of undisputed applause and approbation.”

Next in “England…………………….

Hold on just a minute Smirf, what are these “considerable exceptions” David is talking about?

Things like monopoly companies, and use of prerogative in matters of state and religion to ensure parliament was subservient to her. Fine if you have defeated Armada’s as Lizzy had but with the plutocracy on the march and their attachment to a particular sect this left a whole load of problems for her successors.

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

My old mans a Scotchman
He wears a Scotchman’s hat
And when he seen old England
He said he’s having that!
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“England was a little island on the outskirts of Europe”

**********Constitutional Special***********

With the Tudors handing over the Baton to the Stuarts I will take time out now to show how the dynamic in England changes for the next hundred years. It is a hope that the method of government will be modeled in EUIII which would be very simple (ie one click once parameters are met) so Louis IVX can say “L’etat, c’est moi” without Ferdinand going no “I am the state” except in German :D

This episode will be very dull by the way

What’s the problem just go for Absolutism like the continent?

Tell us what was happening across the Channel Davy

“On the continent, where the necessity of discipline had begotten standing armies, the princes commonly established unlimited authority, and overpowered by force or intrigue, the liberties of the people”

Yes we are entering the age of absolute Monarchs whose countries were homogenous nationally, having centralized government and of course required a standing army! So some nations could not quite make the leap to this form. The Ottomans and Hapsburgs failed on the homogenous and centralized, England on the lack of a standing army although it did not stop individuals attempting unsuccessfully to override the constitution as David tells us

“If the privileges of the nation have, at any period, been overpowered by violent irruptions of foreign force or domestic usurpation: the generous spirit of the people has ever seized the first opportunity of re-establishing the ancient government and constitution”

So what happened then, when James attempted to be an Absolute monarch.

Well, I could get Simon Schama to explain it but I would rather have historians do it:D

Though I would like the BBC to explain the History of Britain :D

Dear Director General

Could you please tell me which country the documentary on BBC 2 television last night was about as I could not tell because the writer and presenter kept getting in the way of what seemed like an interesting, rich and varied history.

As for his appearance on the big read.......

Dear Director General

What Lunatic let Schama present “War and Peace” on BBC’s “The Big Read”. I would have liked to have learnt something of the novel and author, I am already aware of the character of the presenter.


Since someone mentioned Edward in another AAR thread we will bring him in as a guest along with James I of England and who cares of Scotland, and the parliamentary choir; should be some Jam!

Why Bother?

Because I can be at the minute :D

So let us compare how the Romans managed the Absolutism over a senate and if we look back to the Tudor, can we see why the Stuarts failed?

Edward if you would be so good………

“To resume in a few words the, system of the imperial government as it was instituted and maintained by those princes who understood it, their own interests and that of the people, it may be defined an absolute monarchy disguised by the forms of a commonwealth . The masters of the Roman world surrounded their throne with darkness, concealed irresistible strength, and humbly professed themselves the accountable ministers of the senate, whose supreme decrees they dictated and obeyed”

David the Tudors……..

“She (Elizabeth) believed that her subjects were entitled to no more liberty than their ancestors had enjoyed: she found that they entirely acquiesced in her arbitrary administration: and it was not natural for her to find fault with a form of government, by which she herself was invested with such unlimited authority. In particular exertions of power, the question ought never to be forgotten what is best? But in the general distribution of power among several members of a constitution, there can seldom be admitted any other question than what is established?”

Follow that Jimmy!

James I……….

“that your (parliament) privileges were derived from the grace and permission of our ancestors and us: yet we are pleased to give you royal assurance that as long as you contain yourselves within the limits of your duty we will be as careful to maintain and preserve your lawful liberties and privileges as ever any of our predecessors were nay, as to preserve our own royal prerogative."

James man you not see those italics what have the Romans and Tudors just told you, boy is parliament going to be pissed

Parliament asserts……

“That the liberties, franchises, privileges, and jurisdictions of parliament are the ancient and undoubted birth-right and inheritance of the subjects of England.”

What you should have done Jimmy was


“That artful prince (Augustus) instead of discovering the least symptom of impatience humbly submitted their suffrages for himself or his friends and scrupulously practiced all the duties of an ordinary candidate. But we may venture to ascribe to his councils of the succeeding reign, by which elections were transferred to the senate. The assemblies of the people were for ever abolished, and the emperors were delivered from the dangerous multitude”

So instead treading with caution like Augustus he committed some of the leading members to the tower and sent others on official duty as was his prerogative to Ireland, So before the Russian front there was Ireland………and after it as well as many a government minister will testify to :D

Looks like James has got a problem, tell him what kinds he’s got Davy

“The king having thus, been so rash and indiscreet a hand, torn off that sacred veil, which hitherto covered the English constitution, and which threw an obscurity upon it, so advantageous to royal prerogative, everyman began to indulge himself in political reasoning and enquiries; and the same factions, which commenced in parliament were propagated through the nation.”

So there we have the birth of British politics

But I don’t understand why did he need Parliament Smirfy?

No standing army, no ability to raise money except through the goodwill of the people, which James had now damaged beyond repair so no absolute monarch and not a personal fire arm in sight :D

Next on “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

Got a light?
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"England was a little island on the outskirts of Europe"

James I of England and who cares of Scotland

Okay, good to be back to a more relaxed frame of mind and continue with the campaign, An interesting facet of David’s volumes is that international politics weigh heavily in his narrative so much so that you almost feel a vacuum when James comes along. His pacifistic policies at odds with the previous monarchs; so as I need to develop the infrastructure of my nation this is a good a time as any to emulate this King of England and Scotland

Hold on James was King of Scotland so you would think that England would fall under the dominion of Scotland.


But even good old Henry VII knew when he arranged the marriage which eventually led to James inheriting the English throne said that in the event of a failure of issue from the Tudor dynasty

“Scotland in that event will only become an accession to England”

Hmmmmm should Scotland not really become a vassal now?

General Forum


No, because I, sorry Mel Gibson proved that Scotland was independent of England in a Holywood film and when you look at Bannockburn you have see that battle in isolation of every other Scottish defeat in history. The reformation is of no consequence in the independence of Scotland and we can totally ignore that England by request kept Scotland independent of continental influence in the affairs of her government, and yes the end of my street is the end of the world.

Wonder what the chip on Mel’s shoulder is

So your not going to appear in Jurassic Park then Mel? ……No! Pity because it’s remotely plausible in real life. At the minute we don’t have much of an English Civil War which is a bit of a misnomer because England, Ireland, Scotland were all heavily involved and “one” of the principle triggers was the imposition of worship on Scotland by English Kings :D

Hope that cleared it up. No! Hold on……

Lets take stock of who we’ve annoyed so far the Irish, easy enough :D, the Scottish, the Catholics, Americans who are a bit like Mel Gibson in that they follow arcane documents, face it, its practically Aramaic :D, the Welsh though they don’t mind, they just like a mention however bad just to let people know they exist and Simon Schama In fact let’s just lump them all together in a sack and call them stupid.

No Smirfy we’re not Stupid that’s insulting


Apart from Simon Schama……. .he’s just stupid

Now let’s add the reformed religion to that sack after all anyone who has sat through a Presbyterian sermon with half a wit can testify to this

Smirfy aged 13

“Mum you think a gulag would be any worse?”

Yeah point sorry……. James had trouble getting authority over Scottish worship to bring it to a more state orientated religion but as someone who would never fit in our sack as he has a brain tells, a minister in Scotland claimed

“that the king was possessed by the devil; and that one devil being expelled, seven worse had entered in his place to which he added, that the subjects might lawfully rise, and take the sword out of his hand. Scarcely, even during the darkest night of papal superstition , are there found such priestly encroachments as, the annals of Scotland present to us during that period”

So Presbyterians can easily fit in our sack too.

James response was to round up the ring leaders and throw them in prison until they agreed with his principles all but six agreed who were found guilty of treason and banished.

Hard to do that in a totally independent country now, is it not ;)

Now let’s continue on to a lighter note, terrorism and the 17th century variety, it was no different than today’s.

“The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any
segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives”

This is the USA definition of terrorism, always gets me a big gut laugh especially on Saint Paddy’s Day and will be especially even more amusing since it is an election year. You would honestly think Americans would read there own documents since they are so keen on them :D

Or would, one mans terrorist be another mans freedom fighter

I believe stock is somewhat down on that particular theory in the US, it was pretty nauseating over here for thirty years.

No hard feelings Lads, I’ll never put money in an Al-Quaida Box when its pasted around but then again I never have, nor never will support terrorists, not being a muppet you know!

Sorry again for being sidetracked……no I’m not:D, back to the game and a point if there is one. The Catholics who have suffered a heavy degree of persecution on the practice of their religion had expected James to lighten the burden on them but all Kings and politicians lie in their manifesto and pursue their own course once elected. And like James, I do likewise.

Robin Catesby who was quite an affluent Catholic brought together a group of conspirators to seize power by attempting to blow up the king, his heir and parliament as it sat. Thankfully if you were a Catholic it failed :D

HA! HA! HA! You are wrong! Got you this time Smirfy, if successful it would have freed the Catholics from oppression.

Shut the Fuck up moron, and listen to somebody that knows that our little band of idiots all eighty of them did not take into account if successful in destroying the King and Parliament the consequences.

“they foresaw not, that the fury of the people, now unrestrained by any authority, must have turned against them, and would probably have satiated itself , by an universal massacre of the Catholics”

Its not like England could not have got another king

It is amazing that modern historians overlook this fact! And to tie it in with today’s events, had the fourth plane been successful would American's response in general been as measured with the symbol of their very state destroyed! Draw your own conclusions, I have.


Okay now I’ve cheered everyone up lets continue, James did not punish the Catholics as a whole just the few members of the conspiracy, I follow this sagacious course.

That is not to say Heretics were still not burned as David reminds us

“It is to be remarked, that at this period all over Europe except Holland alone, the practice of burning heretics still prevailed, even in protestant countries and instances were not wanting during the reign of James”

I wonder if this had anything to do with Holland embarking on their golden age about now :D

Colonization along the eastern seaboard of America continues and I manage to keep clear of continental action as James did though I would not mind a de-stabilizing event like the loss of the Palatinate to add flavour to a dull reign as David tells us things were not that exciting outside the constitutional issues

“In all history, it would be difficult to find a reign less illustrious, yet more unspotted and unblemished than that of James in both Kingdoms”

Not before time James passes away

David a sketch of your fellow Scotchman

“While he imagined that he was only maintaining his own authority, he may perhaps be suspected, in a few of his actions, and still more of his pretensions, to have somewhat encroached on the liberties of his people: While he endeavoured, by exact neutrality to acquire the goodwill of all his neighbours, he was able to preserve fully the regard and esteem of none. His capacity was considerable; but fitter to discourse on General maxims than to conduct any intricate business: His intentions were just; but moreadapted to the conduct of private life, than to the government of Kingdoms

This post is dedicated to the “what makes …….so great” on off topic

Fucked if I know, into the sack idiots

Next in “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

You are the weakest link, goodbye
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"England was a small island on the outskirts of europe"

Charles I (Part I)

“I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.”

Rudyard Kipling, whose poem sums up the typical social attitude to standing armies in England, probably applicable in the 17th century and the 21st which is not bad for a dead guy. :D

…………….Hmmmmmmmm, Okay with fewer people talking to me than before the last episode lets continue.

Time to continue James I policy of consolidation and colonization, my nation should be in flux…….but it’s not……..pity…….God I love this period of history!

A few figures from the beginning of Charles reign, (1625) for anyone remotely interested…….

Land: 19
Navy: 20
Stab: +1
Trade: 4
Infra: 4

Monthly income: around 70

The fleet consists of ninety nine warships, whilst army rule applies.

We also fire this event for which we once again we thank Max .

#the dutch east indies#
event = {

id = 3955
random = no
country = HOL
name = "the dutch east indies"
desc = "ai cheat event"
style = 2

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1570 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1660 }

action_a ={
name = "that was easy!"
command = { type = inherit which = ATJ }
command = { type = inherit which = MTR }
command = { type = inherit which = BEI }
command = { type = stability value = 3 }
command = { type = treasury value = 5000 }
command = { type = colonists value = 6 }
command = { type = missionaries value = 6 }
Since the Dutch don’t burn heretics, we think they deserve a little help.

If you contrast this with some of the great and good of England of whom David explains

“Some of the greatest parts and most extensive knowledge that the nation, at this time produced, could not enjoy any peace of mind; because obliged to hear the prayers offered up to the Divinity, by a priest covered with a white linen vestment”

You can see why England lagged especially when you take into account David’s description of the common man.

“That race of men, who are at present both careless and ignorant on all matters of religion were at the time only ignorant”

Well it made me laugh, so we now have a Dutch East Indies.

In the colonies French has enjoined the race along the eastern seaboard for land, this is contrary to our policy and war is declared, oh joy minus two stability hit. The navy with ease clears the ocean and our armies secure Roanoke which France duly cedes after her Canadian holdings are threatened.

The war must have lasted all of……..say six months! Minus two stability for a proper colonial war! Ah well!

Smirfy you seem a bit bored, thought you liked this period?

Well I do, but sure all the fun if that word is appropriate was between the King, Parliament, Ireland, and Scotland and since the way nations are governed in EUII are arbitry this leaves me somewhat vexed

How so Smirfy?

Just feels like I’m Charles and I’m absolute monarch which has not been a terrible and evolutionary process for me and if I look across the world I see Persia is an absolute state as well!

What’s the problem Smirfy just build Troops :D

You aren’t getting this at all are you?...............Parliament would not grant myself as monarch the money to raise an army to use it as a tool to gain absolute power. I should not therefore be able to invest one hundred percent of my budget in Techs especially land and Army support

So what your saying Smirfy is your system of government should reflect how much you would be able to invest in each tech…….So say you were an Absolute monarchy like Louis “The Man” IVX you could have a higher percentage investment into infrastructure and Land tech than one tied to parliament like Charles I


And greater support limits?

Your with me

You say England could not make the criteria for absolute monarchy so it should really get left behind?

Glad you asked that’s quite an interesting story………


Only a harmless tangent, anyway! The first thing about England now, is that it is situated on an Island and it was now that it was the dominant power on that island and omnipotent on the waves around that island.

The second thing being the plutocracy’s property which now was estimated at three times greater than the aristocracy’s according to David who I have no reason to doubt because I know this from my other reading:D and basic common sense, that underrated resource, that the plutocracy in England had been doing better than alright.

The third factor was as David describes the human factor

“The house of commons, we may observe was almost entirely governed by a set of men of the most uncommon capacity and the largest views: Men who were now formed into a regular party, and united as well by fixed aims and projects, as by the hardships some of then had undergone in prosecution of them. Among these we may mention the names of Sir Edward Coke, Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir Robert Phillips, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Dudley Digges, Sir John Elliot, Sir Thomas Wentworth, Mr. Selden and Mr. Pym. Animated with a warm regard for to liberty, these generous patriots saw with regret the unbounded power exercised by the crown, and were resolved to seize the opportunity which the Kings necessities offered them, of reducing the prerogative within more reasonable compass.”

So it was secure from outside pressure to pursue its own political evolution, a bit like America before you know………

The nation being safe from international intervention the “Puritans”, the dominant political faction decided to exploit every predicament even the wars that the King found himself in.

Smirfy surely people would not manipulate events to further their own aims even when the national interest is at stake.

Of course they wouldn’t, I mean people, especially politicians and men of influence just are not like that, look it’s been proved time and time again they would not………………….Sleep tight :D

Yes it’s a dirty game politics and they did not come dirtier than the puritans which were divided thus in cognition as described by David.

"Amidst the complication of disputes, in which men were then involved, we may observe that the appellation Puritan stood for three parties, which though commonly united, were yet acutated by very different views and motives. There were the political Puritans who maintained the highest principle of civil liberty; the puritans in discipline, who were averse to the Episcopal government of the church ; and the doctrinal Puritans who rigidly defended the speculative system of the first reformers”

So when we use the word Puritan we now understand what it means?

People that use faction and ideology even within their own party to pursue their own self interest………Politics I think it’s called, whether left, right, centre or whatever. Did I say politics was a dirty game? :D (Nice couple of replies on the make love not war thread Peter)

What was that slogan written on a wall outside Berlin by a dead German? Something or other being an extension of politics………obviously no relevance today :D But two hundred years before Carl began his career as a freestyle graffiti artist it was rapidly beginning to look like that England was going to become the playground for an extension of politics by other means.

Would never happen today in politics of course

Hmmmmm Global economy, Global Media, Global.........Naw your right, sweet dreams:D

Pssst Smirfy are we still in the AAR forum?

Yes, I hope so:D...............Keeps fingers crossed, I promise birds will flutter down from the trees to the meadow at some stage, while our hero Tomlinson thinks back on a lost love on the eve of battle. But until then we are stuck with a Scotchman and me.

Could we at least loose the Ulsterman?

You think I have not tried?

Have to go out for a drink tonite, so to all Ulstermen that was a joke to everyone else ;)

So to cut a long story short England presently, though the country never had been richer should be hamstrung by its governmental system as compared with say France.

Sorry thats so fractured beginning to suffer tangents within tangents, maybe ill have better luck next time

Next on “England was a small island on the outskirts of Europe”

"I believe in justice
I believe in Vengeance
I believe in getting the Bastards"

Or the New Model Army
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Truly impressive Sir! I just read through your AAR, took me at least an hour. You really deserve more replies as this is one of the best historical AARs in this Forum. And me, as a (mad) social scientist, I´m always a sucker for historical accuracy! Keep it up there!
[end sycopanthic convulsions]

[start nitpicking]
On the more constructively-critical side: As much as I like your chatty style, it sometimes really hampers the success of (what I perceive as being) your most important intention: Getting the historical context across. So maybe you could structure those posts a little more into concise historical sections, followed up by the chatty stuff.