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Van Engel

54 Badges
Dec 21, 2003
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This is my first AAR so bare with me.

Country: Brabant
Scenerio: GC
Aims: this is my first AAR so i will keep it simple - just conquer any one who gets in the way

Intro coming soon :) :)
Jan the Duke of Brabant looked from his castle on to the fields that he 'owned' (Since he lost a war against burgondie he didnt really own it) and was disappointed what he had done in his live ( not attually that much).
He thought of all the lands he could own if he tried. he could be as powerful as... as... the... king of Engand or... France or... Castile... he could...

The door opened suddenly and a servant rushed in
"sire the baron of Breda to see you!"
"what does he want now?"
"he has very inportant information about King Henry V of England sire"
"let him in then" said the Duke

"Sire" said the baron " Henry V has just landed with 30 000 men in France, this could be our chance with have been waiting for....
1419 2nd jan
"what do you propose" said the duke
Sire if we cancelled our vassellisation with burgondie we could join the war on the English side and grab some land from the French or join on the french side and grab land from Burgondie"
Make it so, said the King, you kan leave me now.
Yes sire.
The door closed and the baron rushed of to send the ambassedor to Burgondie.

Hijnriek had been waiting outside the throne for 2 hours when he was finally called in.
The Archduke asked
Why have you come here?.... to give me another gift?
The court snigered
No my leige Lord,
The Duke of Brabant will no longer be a puppet of yours and hereby cancels the treaty of vasselisation between our to countries.
That is not possible, said the Archduke.
Who if not us will protect your backwards little Dukedom.
The ambassedor replieded,
We Will we no longer need you protection your Lordship.
And with that he left the court.

3rd of Jan 1419
Sire, it has been done. said the Baron of Breda
We are no longer vassels of the Archduke.
Good. said the duke.
What do you suggest we do Breda? You are ofcourse my new advizer.
Me Sire? I am sure there is...
Another one, no you will do.
Right sire i suggest that you send a state gift to the King of england an prepare for an invasion of France, adding a extra 7000 inf. and 3000 cav to the Brabantse Armee should do the trick.
Thankyou Breda, make it so.

22nd of may 1419 Siege of Champagne
Hey Cees, do you have any idea why we got to this Gods forsaken part of the world?
You meen France?
Well Hans, Henry V excerpted our gift and also our force of arms so we could join his alliance and fight the french.
Thats why we are here with the other 22 000 of us?
Yes Hans

15th of Feb 1420 Court of the Duke of brabant
Good news My Lord we have finally taken the city in champagne but...
But Baronet?
But the English have signed a peace treaty with the French, We are no longer at war.
My Baronet we must be at war with the french
But if we declare war we will lose 8 stabilty points.
I dont care! just bring me the keys of Champagne!
Nice AAR

but one comment: I should check my spelling if I were you.
Van Engel said:
22nd of may 1419 Siege of Champagne
Hey Cees, do you have any idea why we got to this Gods forsaken part of the world?
You meen France?
Well Hans, Henry V excerpted our gift and also our force of arms so we could join his alliance and fight the french.
Thats why we are here with the other 22 000 of us?
Yes Hans

Is it just me or does Hans not seem too particularly bright? :D

Not saying you shouldn't have done it this way, it actually works to make your AAR funnier and thus better.
Van Engel said:
But the English have signed a peace treaty with the French, We are no longer at war.
My Baronet we must be at war with the french
But if we declare war we will lose 8 stabilty points.
I dont care! just bring me the keys of Champagne!
Just wait, the French will declare war against England....
i couldnt really wait i had an army of 17 000 men and losing 8.3 gold a month
but it paided off....

1421 Castle at Charleroi.
'Baronet Breda'
'yes sire?'
'What is our position?'
'Sire we are at -3 stabilty, have two outstanding loans and have about 280 gold.'
'Good and the second war with France?'
'We are doing well, we have just taken artois (since was lost to France in the last war) and are also besiegeing champagne.'

The door opened and an orderly came in.

'My Duke, champagne has just fallen!'
'Great, send an message to the king of France asking for Artois and 75 gold'
'Yes my Lord!'

The Orderly rushed out.

'Our luck has changed my duke'
'It has ideed Breda....'
After 5 years of peace in the dukedom of Brabant terrorible news hit the Duke...

'My Lord, awful news...'
'France has declared war...'
'And? Surely we can destoy they tiny armies.'
'No my Lord'
'Our armies cannot even fight a fly.'
'Well, train more men then.'
'Quite impossible my Lord, We dont have enough gold.
'Well take out some loans then. Breda you are meant to my adviser, I not not meant to be yours! Quickly or you wont be a baron any more.'

The extra 200 gold was spend on training 6000 inf. to try to at least repel the armies coming from France. The english army of some 15 000 men was defeated it being small after a long war with the Scots and then the Irish. The dukedom's army was crushed by the French and artois soon fell to the frogs. Another hastily trained army was also crushed and Brabant was besieged. After 10 months of siege Brabant fell.

There was a knock at the door and 5 French soldiers walked in to the Throne room.

'I surpose you are here to take my crown and lands?'
'That is correct, we will wait here for our comander to arrive and officially take the crown.'
'Well Breda, We didnt last to long...'

It was a shame that it finished that quickly, but do expect more AARs to come which might last longer.
This game sounds like a REALLY quick game I played as Wallachia once when I was feeling suicidal. The event log was something like:

1 Jan 1419 - We cancelled our vassalization with Ottoman Empire.
1 Feb 1419 - We left the alliance with Ottoman Empire
1 Mar 1419 - We DOW Ottoman Empire
15 Mar 1419 - Our army was spanked by the heathen Turkish hordes. They have laid siege to Bucharest.
15 July 1419 - Ottoman Empire captures Bucharest and annexes Wallachia. Game over.
Ouch. Actually, this kind of reminds me of my Trebizond AAR. Got going well for a while, then the Ottomans decided that they needed a midnight snack and picked me for this rather dubious honor.

Oh, and then there's the AAR I played as the Ottomans where I triggered a BB war and got pummeled...

And the time I played as Granada in 1492... now how's that for suicidal? ;)
Judas Maccabeus said:
Ouch. Actually, this kind of reminds me of my Trebizond AAR. Got going well for a while, then the Ottomans decided that they needed a midnight snack and picked me for this rather dubious honor.

Oh, and then there's the AAR I played as the Ottomans where I triggered a BB war and got pummeled...

And the time I played as Granada in 1492... now how's that for suicidal? ;)

Your event log probably looked worse than mine:

Jan 1 1492 - Spain DOW Granada.
Apr 1 1492 - Spain captures Granada. Game over.
King Of Nines said:
Your event log probably looked worse than mine:

Jan 1 1492 - Spain DOW Granada.
Apr 1 1492 - Spain captures Granada. Game over.
I have the worse :
Jan 1 1492 - Start the game, Granada was already at war against Spain. Granada was held by Spain.
Jan 5 1492 - Spain annexed Granada -> game over :(

Anyway, Van Engel, just restart your game and wait until the French DoW England. Remember to drill many cavalry troops. Don't make a hard war by yourself :)
I have restarted another AAR again and the country is : Brabant!!
I know it sounds wierd but i am giving it another go and so far i am doing well
and further posts will be on this thread so watch out for them. :D :D

Jan IV would be the last duke of Brabant if he didnt act quickly, If he didnt he would lose his Duchy to France. Suddenly he had an idea, his grandfather's time watch!! He called a servant to bring it to him. 5 minutes later his servant came back with it also saying the french General was coming. Jan knew it would only work once, all records of the watch would be lost and the watch itself would be destroyed but, it was the only thing he could do...

The court of Duke Jan IV
The newly appointed baron and adviser to the Duke, Baron Breda, entered the room.

'Thankyou Sire for appointing me your new adviser.'
'Well it worked' mutered to duke...
1418 - 1440

1419 started with a drop in favour and rank of the new adviser Baron Breda. He was demoted to Baronet after a bad choice he made concerning the vassalization with burgundy, choseing to rip up the agreement and damaging relations with burgundy and other catholic states but not hurting our honor. In September Brabant joined a war against Eire with France, the other French states and scotland but being a land locked country didnt take part. In 1420 the Duke was pleased with what the baronet had done and repromoted him to baron. In 1421 the monarch of Provence thought it was time for a war against Bourbonnais since they had not honored the alliance in the war vs Eire. So Brabant's army of 12 000 was marched to Limousin. 1422 was a year of unhappy merchants (though i had none) and a siege of Limousin and it was just about to fall and the end of year.

1423 was in the Brabantse zodiac the year of the sucking-merchants-who-can't-even-suceed-when-there-are-5-of-them-and-there-is-only-5-other-merchants-in-the-CoT so all my 5 merchants failed in Flandern but, Limousin felland then was seeded to brabant. 1425 was also a year of unhappy merchants and in 1427 the old beloved Duke Jan IV died and his son Filips van st pol took up the crown. In 1428 a excellent minister was empolyed to help the duke with his duties.

In 1430 Filips died after 2 years of reign and Jacqeline de Baviere was the new duchess but just after 2 months the duke of Burgundy had the cheek to think he could claim the duchy of Brabant and take the duchess' lands but the duchess disagreed completely and the claim was rejected. 1431 war was declared by France on Bourbonnais (they couldnt of liked their biscuits) and Bourbonnais was annexed 8 months later. 1434 was another year of failing merchants when 6 mercahnts failed.

In 1439 war was declared on Brittany and men were soon sent...